Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Studying under the Yaka was beneficial and yet madding. The Yaka were a near-human cyborg species that could out-think supercomputers. They were first found and experimented on by the Arkanians but unlike the Arkanians, the Yaka had a more passive side to them.

Either species was smart enough to study under but the Arkanians were more problematic. They concentrated on genetic modification but were known for creating some of the best mega projects in the galaxy. They could spend decades on a subject and even pass their work on to the next generation but they were fickle with other species. They thought they were the best and would kidnap other species to do experiments on. the slightest slur at them would cause a blood feud that they wouldn't hesitate to act upon in the most extreme of ways. They were the Karens of the galaxy.

The Yaka were just as smart as the Arkansans, they had better computing power and could think faster with their cyborg brain implants. The only problem was they lost interest quickly and their thoughts wandered in totally different directions. The only thing that held their attention for any time was their dark sense of humour where they would pull practical jokes on each other and sarcastic comments.

One species would look down on you as a lesser life form and may end up trying to kill you for an unforeseen slight. The other lost interest and would cause a little harm in a joking way.

I went with the Yaka because you can work with a joke but you can't work with a asshole.

I delved deeper into robotics and programming. The galaxy had its own holonet where you could gain information but it was slow and lame.

It was like the early years of the web, with crappy pop-ups and shitty graphics. I didn't even understand why. All of the tech was there to make an amazing piece of technology, all they had to do was bring it together. I guess the galaxy had the mindset of "if it's not broke don't fix it"

It would be a great financial project that wouldn't take the Yaka long to complete. I, on the other hand, decided that the projection screens that most of the galaxy used, needed an upgrade or a downgrade, depending on how you see it. Holograms were great but most were like a black-and-white old television set and flickered at best. It would be a nice side project and help with high-definition podracing that was hard to follow using holographic and a simple programming project that would help with my learning

Many hands make light work. With my programming and expertise and my force power of force enlightenment and droids, it was easy to create new programs and create high-definition holograms. The force whispered to me and in turn, I went into a trance, hours went by as my hands danced across my screen. An elegant story in scrip and code flowed across my page. The force offered an awesome piece of work using the knowledge I possessed in a way that caused a masterpiece. The best part was the code was written in my previous life languages. This was an added protection towards my projects, drones, and droids tech. Not only would my enemies need to crack my work, but they would also need to know the languages, slang and even memes to start unravelling my work. The force had truly given me a gift.

The code acted like a living moving maze. I took inspiration from the contract for the Senate. Any person, code, or virus would need to make its way through my code and in turn, get infected by it. It was a code that wasted people's time and effort and like an assassin stabbed it in the back with a poisoned knife. The code reflected my personality, I didn't attack from the front but used deception to win.

I decided to make my new code part of all of my projects and droids. It was a great success. When the Yaka examined the code with their attacks, they got bored with attacking my code and just dropped it. If they put their full might behind the attack they could break it, but it was purposely there to waste time and was possibly the only thing that could stop the humanoid cyborgs. The Arkanians would have a better time of it at the beginning, their patience would allow them to navigate through the code but the infectious part of the code would slowly and quietly seep into their work. Both of the smartest species had their strengths and weaknesses, but my code would fight and win by using a war of attrition. For a program, it was slow but it would win.

Creating a suitable imaging system was harder than I expected. The problem was that there were so many different species, all with different abilities to see. Humans had Trichromacy, and we were only able to convey three color information, derived from the three different types of cone cells in the eye, but other species were different. There was no way around this, I could add the complete spectrum of colours but there was always a species out in the galaxy that in the most bizarre alien-like way. My new holovision would have to be a custom job for each species.

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