Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

It feels great when your allies love you and your enemies fear you, it is how a successful life works after all.

It's been five years since the war ended but despite the galaxy becoming a more peaceful place the Jedi's reputation was at an all-time low. The way they destroyed the Brotherhood of Darkness was, in my opinion, correct but all-consuming and the Brotherhood had allies that are now in decline but still very vocal.

The Jedi have a large presence and wealth despite being a monk-like religion and even though they don't do the correct thing all the time, sometimes they do the smart thing. They have increased their falling reputation by delivering cheap food and medical assistance.

It's a good start but most of the people just roll their eyes at their help. If they are hungry then they go to Bee's food halls and if they are injured they go to Bee's healing halls, I've long ago filled their basic needs.

Peacekeeping is another thing the Jedi do but the war has shaken the people's hearts, when they see Jedi all they recognise is a type of hyper-violent police force. It's going to take time for the people to forget.

A good move by the Jedi was the notice of a public livestream interview of a Jedi master to answer any questions. They even held a poll for the public to choose who was going to do the interview. It was a smart move that I might have done for myself if I needed to boost my reputation.

The poll was going quite well, with a very beautiful female Twi'lek hoverboarder taking the lead. It was going fine until a new name was nominated by the public and heavily voted for. My name.

The public wanted me to interview the Jedi master on subjects. The truth was probably the public just wanted to see me. I was very public and famous throughout the galaxy but no one knew who I was. A couple of people realised that I might make a better interviewer but that was overshadowed by my legend. After all, there was a part of the galaxy named after me. The people wanted to know who I was and because of that, they voted for my name.

The poll was a foregone conclusion as the votes for me dwarfed all others. I wasn't going to do it but the Jedi in their infinite wisdom deleted my name from the poll. The Jedi was already wary of me and possibly through the force thought it was a bad idea to have me ask the question.

I felt disappointed and miffed by the Jedi's actions. The more I thought about it the more the disappointed feeling disappeared and the annoyance doubled. The negative emotions bubbled to the surface and the annoyance turned to anger. I didn't like my name being used and then discarded by the Jedi. Anger rolled around my mind to the point that I did something to ease my emotions. I went on a trip.


The interview was now only moments away from being broadcast and Maristela Arushi the master Jedi Consular was waiting for the hoverboard champion to arrive. A knock on the hotel's door let the Jedi know she was here, and yet, the Jedi master had an ill feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had been picked by the Jedi Council because of her abilities in court, it was a nice bonus that she was a female and seen as more gentle to the masise but that wasn't true. In court she attacked the enemy like her life was on the line, she wouldn't give her enemy any chance to escape. but she was good at her job and knew how the law worked and yet even with her many years of experience, she felt an ill omen creeping up on her, the force was trying to tell her something.

Her aide opened the door. Maristela tensed up, she half expected to be surrounded by an inescapable force, the bitter taste of worry quickly disappeared when the young female Twi'lek entered. The Twi'lek seemed to be in awe of the Jedi master. Maristela could feel the excitement roll off her mind, it surprised Maristela that the young hoverboard champion had a strong connection with the force. The aide closed the door and Maristela relaxed her mind readying herself for the interview but before the door could close completely, a jolt of worry enhanced by the force caused her eyes to snap open wide. A hand the size of a dinner plate had wedged itself between the door and frame, the aide not realising what had happened only pushed harder causing no difference.

Like a horror film, the door slowly opened pushing the aide with it. A long shadow covered the doorway. The person in front of the door was so large that the light behind was unable to find a way in.

The force was whispering to Maristela but it wasn't clear what it was saying, it was like the force couldn't make up its mind about where the potential danger was coming from

"What a wonderful day for a spot of interrogation"

The man's voice was undoubtedly at ease, the shadow across the body melted away as the hulk of flesh bent over and shimmered into the room sideways.

Before anyone could complain the fat man gave out orders.

"Set it up over there"

Droid after droid matched in pushed past the aide and set up table after table of food. Maristela was on the edge of her seat, she knew who this was, the man was infamous as much as he was famous. He had been known to kill the brotherhood of darkness without question, purposefully by death with cash, or a blaster to the face, the man went to extraordinary lengths to win.

"Ahh the famous Hazjehu Vao, winner of the Hollow Mile and world record holder on the Hoth track, let me introduce myself, please call me Bee"

If there was a person where no introductions were necessary it was for Bee. His face and name were everywhere, even if you lived on the furthest station, away from any connection there was a healing and food hall ready to be used.

Hazjehu Vao's attention which was squarely held on the Jedi was now completely on Bee. It must be said that the Jedi were famous but mostly for being Jedi. Bee was an individual and famous for his deeds and there were even small holotapes of some of the amazing things he did. He was a philanthropist with his hands in many pies, fought off the brotherhood using underhanded methods, partnered up with anyone who had a good idea and made sick amounts of cash that he shared fairly, fought and made deals with the Hutts, carved a corner of the galaxy for himself and yet, no one knew who he was and how he started it all.

Maristela had subconsciously placed her hand on her lightsaber. The force had calmed down but it was still nudging her that there was still danger. Maristela felt cold, she had tried to read Bee with the force to gain a nugget of information but she couldn't feel a single flowing emotion. Maristela had helped to prosecute mass murderers who had an appearance of ice but in their mind rolled conflicting emotions, Bee felt like a wall of ice.

A cluster of droids broke Maristela's thoughts as they created an extensive sofa out of a collection of pillows that Bee laid on like an Emporer

Maristela gracefully flipped her robe and got to her feet "This is a private interview Mr......what is your real name"

Bee waved over a droid and picked up a crystal goblet of purple liquids "Ms. Arushi you can call me Bee" he gave a small wink "And it is hardly private when the whole galaxy is watching" he nodded over to one of his many droids that was holding a camera.

Maristela wanted to use some force power and destroy the droid. There was something that upset her about a camera pointing at her that she was powerless to control, it surprised her just how much it disturbed her and she choked down her first knee-jerk reaction and by using her teachings she let the annoyance go.

"This is an interview for the Jedi and not one for Mr. Bee, you will have to leave" spoke Marrristela in her calm courtroom voice.

"Hmmmmm that's a great idea, why don't we make this a double interview? One for the Jedi and the other for Mr Bee" said the female Twi'lek.

A loud slap echoed through the room as Bee slapped his hand against his ample thigh. "That's a great idea, how about a little question for a question"

The Jedi's face was as still as pooled water but inside she felt a mixture of foreboding and opportunity. It was an opportunity to get answers to questions long overdue that the Jedi council had been wondering for years about Bee but it could be risky to answer any question that came out of a well-informed individual like Bee.

"Fine but I ask the first question" Maristela said as she took her seat across from the lounging Bee.

The camera crew and droids took their place and started to broadcast. The female Twi'lek became the host instead of the interviewer, introductions were made and the first question was asked.

"What is your true name" asked the Jedi prosecutor

"I call myself Bee, I'm known as Bee and legally, in tax and corporation I'm called Bee"

"No, you misunderstand my question, what is the name you were called before Bee" asked Maristela

"I've been called many things, for -instance the brotherhood of darkness calls me killer whale because of my vast size. Not to my face though, well, not the alive ones" replied Bee

Maristela huffed, she was used to non-answers that lawyers gave and was ready with a hyper-personalised reduction of the question to get an answer that she could use.

"What name did your parents give you"

"She called me Bee Bee" answered Bee without a hint of shame.

"That's not what.." Maristela was interrupted by Bee's fat hand

Bee put down his cup and shuffled himself into a sitting position "That's three questions, I think it's my turn to ask a question or two"

Maristela paused and looked at the surrounding cameras. She of course didn't feel fulfilled by the answers that were given but a deal was a deal. especially when it had been agreed upon in front of the galaxy.

"I wonder, I wonder......" the lengthy pause was only disturbed by Bee's rubbing his hands together, causing sounds like sandpaper rubbing against a stone.

"Ahh, my first question is..... what question should I ask you that the galaxy would find enjoyable" said Bee

Maristela didn't understand immediately, the question was open-ended but it quickly dawned on her that Bee was fishing for information that he could use, just like how the officers of the republic did when apprehending a suspect. She, herself had used this technique many times to corner a defendant.

"I'm not sure what you mean" Maristela deflected.

"You are telling me and extension the galaxy, that with the long history of the Jedi and the amazing adventures they have had, not one thing would interest the people of the republic," Asked Bee, "It's not good to lie"

"The Jedi don't lie" sputtered Maristela

Maristela's inner feelings turned as she witnessed Bee look directly at the camera with a look on his face that suggested that wasn't true.

Before she could collect herself she asked another question "I suppose you don't lie or even break the law"

The fat fellow chuckled into a napkin before tossing the bit of cloth over his lap "I lie all the time and there are very few laws I haven't broken, but I might be lying right now"

"Are you guilty of murder" demanded Maristela.

Maristela looked at Bee for any body language that might tell her what he was thinking. The force was telling her to be careful but that was it, even the mind prob she had used turned up empty. The fat man looked up and then waved to a droid that was holding a platter of sweet bread.

A roll landed on Bee's lap as he broke open the crust of the bread and took a long deep breath in.

"Delicious, this bread was made on the one hundred and forty-first level of Corcant in the grog sector by master baker Dunta Seer. Go visit them for a free loaf, only for the first one hundred thousand customers, it's on me"

Bee had advertised some bread on the Holonet. Maristela didn't understand why he did this but was glad when the fat man continued to talk.

"To answer you're question. Yes, I'm guilty of killing, and not just one but many whom I've shown no mercy" spoke Bee

"I've got you now," thought Maristela.

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