Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The Eden project had taken a great turn for the better. Dead planet after dead planet was now covered with skyscraper Edens producing mega amounts of food. That wasn't all, some young man had adapted terraforming into my Edens. Where ever Eden ships were placed a slow but steady healing of the land occurred.

Slowly but surely the land around every Eden changed. Dry land became grassland, grassland became scrubland, scrubland became bushland and so on. The only place that Edens couldn't transform was planets without water.

Eden and the many families who ran each tower had created their community, they would discuss what each family was growing and plan. They swapped recipes and food stock. It became like an old-time farming community where they would support each other. For entertainment, they devised their games. Some younger members used some of the droids to reshape the grounds into a racetrack. Others introduced herd animals to take advantage of the newly grown vegetation. Cheese, milk, wool, all kinds of animal by-products.

Things were so good that I created a new blueprint, a new business, a way to cement my name in the hearts of all and make it so that they would always need me.

I had my healing halls to fix the masses, the food halls to feed the galaxy, and the Eden project to supply the food halls and now I was planning cheap, cheap, cheap energy. Project Iokath or the name I was most used to, is a Dyson sphere. I couldn't make a proper Dyson sphere because the resource needed was so vast that if I sold everything I owned it wouldn't be enough to cover a single percent of the cost. Instead, a Dyson swarm would have to do but before even that a super mega duper computer would have to be built to manage all of the designs and calculations. This was a project that would take years, maybe generations, but I will take my time and do it right. After all, it took the galaxy-wide empire twenty years to build a moon-sized super weapon.

There were always problems when dealing with business. My biggest one would be the medical droids I use to staff my healing halls. In the beginning, I would buy a new one every week but now they couldn't build them fast enough before I would snap them up. My healing halls were placed throughout the galaxy, each one making profits that went into my pocket. But because of that other places that needed a medical droid such as cruiser went without. Supply and demand caused the price to skyrocket.

The answer to that problem was simple, I just didn't buy anymore for a while. The ships would get their droids because of the excess supply the companies were making to fill my needs and the price would come down to normal when demand shrank.

I want to say that the Jedi and Brotherhood of Darkness left me alone but that was never going to happen. The nature of the Brotherhood of Darkness meant they were always trying to gain an advantage. They would send dark-side users to pressure and cause fear, they acted like a mafia trying to shake families down for protection. Each time I would have to find the individual and crush them brutally, It wasn't that they couldn't learn from my brutality but they didn't care. And so, weapons were installed in every Eden and new booklets were handed out on how to deal with force users. The answer was to hold up in your Eden, turn the anti-gravity on and gas the place until they were dead or left. The Jedi didn't visit anymore but I knew that the extra government pen pushers that would send messages because of tax or safety reseasons were because of them. The answers to that were lawyers, lots of lawyers counter sewing and just causing a massive annoyance to anyone who thought it was a good idea to mess with me.

There was a great moment when a particularly arrogant and annoying head of state increased my taxes due to profit. No counter-legal means seemed to work as they were ignored. Instead after fighting the much higher tax my healing halls and food halls left the world. It was made public why I had pulled my support. It only took a month before the head of state was removed by his party and new tax relaxing laws for my firm to be introduced.

This is what I wanted all along. The common people had stood up to protect their benefits and in turn, they had protected my interests. I rewarded them by lowering my price to reflect the new tax breaks I would get.

Life wasn't all good, the dark side users were learning and despite not knowing how I was killing their mafi-like intruders they had noticed that I would take the star ships as my own. They set a great trap for me, that I only escaped because of a lack of intelligence on my enemy's part.

I had done the usual thing of disposing of my enemy in the most efficient way I could, this time it was a simple mine blasting a hole in the side of the ship and watching the force users use their abilities to save themselves only to find a selection of grenades and pistol firing to either blast them to shreds or blast them out into the coldness of space. However, this time it was different as the dark side users had hidden and cut me off in the Corgo Bay when I was packing my winnings.

I didn't make it easy for them as I killed at least twenty of the shits. I was finally captured but they had no idea who I was. With no way to escape, I changed my identity. The Brotherhood of Darkness had been fighting the fat businessman known as Bee but they only found the considerably slimmer Ban Bailo. I had used my fat suit as a bomb to kill some unlucky punk, The dark side user had some impressive skill with a lightsaber but a grand explosion vaporised the flailing lightsaber. They assumed I was Bee's pilot and captured me, They found out I could use the force when they tried to interrogate and couldn't use the force to find answers. That was when I found out the Darkside was just a tad more brutal than the stories would suggest.

Torture was common in turning force users to the dark side and I wasn't any different. They prodded and probed using specially designed droids to find ways to break force users, Even though I had special training as a healer that I expected to block the invasive torture the droids pressed on to find ways to cause pain like an exposed nerve in a tooth. I had to cut my pain receptors to save my mind. It would take some time to fix but it was better than losing my reason to hate and pain.

At this point, I changed the colour of my eyes to emit a soft orange glow using the illusion skills I had picked up. This was the change the Brotherhood of Darkness was waiting for, From this point onwards the torture relented and I was transported to a sort of Academy for the force users of the Brotherhood of Darkness.

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