Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Being stranded on an enemy battleship with no hope of rescue gave me a cold head chill. My blood felt like it had drained from my head and pooled at my feet, I felt sluggish and weak. I had plans to escape but all of my equipment was on the transport shuttle, now my fate was in the hands of luck. Something I despise.

I walk with purpose, not going in any particular direction. I need to give the illusion I belong here and am not a stowaway. As I walk around I see people rushing to do their jobs, Whenever I see a pack of tropers coming my way, I pretend to do some maintenance.

As I work to be unseen my mind thinks back to a couple of moments ago when the Jedi stole something that the brotherhood of darkness was protecting, or were they worshipping it?

Whatever it was I flicked back to the security image, perhaps there were clues. The room that held the artefact was still very active. The injured Jedi that were left behind had fortified their position and the battleship troopers had amassed outside ready to attack.

An idea popped into my head. It was so stupid that it might work.

I run to the room while changing, I toss the engineering uniform and belt and pull out a lightsaber. As I approached the troopers who were ready to attack, they turned on the spot ready to attack me. The dark side allies are jumpy and ready to kill at the drop of a hat.

I make sure they know I mean business by activating my new stolen lightsaber. A beam of red light flashes out ready to slice and dice. Here's the thing about red kyber crystals, no one questions if you are a dark side user or if you have a red lightsaber but anyone can use them. On this battleship that the Brotherhood of Darkness and their allies own, the red lightsaber becomes an all-purpose multipass. But just in case anyone thinks otherwise I violently force push everyone away, gave them the order to stay out and entered the room.

While a red lightsaber can give you unlimited access on a battleship like this, it also can get you killed by an over-anxious Jedi who only sees the red of the sabre. I was fortunate that my lightside attacker was a padawan, if it was a Jedi they would have followed up the first strike with a flurry of attacks, Lucky for me I was able to block the first hit with my energy shield causing the padawan to be stunned that his attack didn't work and, I followed up by force pushing the padawan away.

The padawan was shocked but not as much as the Jedi. They knew who I was but said nothing, I was the healer but now I had a red lightsaber. I could sense what they were thinking, they thought I had fallen to the dark side. I quickly dropped the red lightsaber before another trigger-happy Jedi attacked and used my orange lightsaber.

The following plan had to be quick and so with a brief outline, I persuaded the Jedi to follow my lead. I left the room followed by Jedi who wielded the dead dark side user sabre. It was so simple to fool the troopers, all it took was a lot of noise and the Jedi to swap clothes.

The troopers left us alone and with a single order, they flushed the dead brotherhood of darkness members out into space thinking that they were Jedi. If I had enough time I would have liked to use the battleship's healing facilities but I didn't know how long the dark side users that went after the artefact would stay away. The time to strike was now.

We freed the other padawans, captured the bridge and sealed off the docking bay. It was too easy. That was the beauty of a chain of command, I ordered, and they obeyed.

I had essentially taken over a battleship with very little life lost. The added icing to the cake was if any of the brotherhood of darkness returned, they would find empty space where the battleship used to be. It was very likely that they would be left adrift in the cold deadness of space. I destroyed a pack of dark-side users without firing a single shot. Whatever that artefact was had cost them their lives.

I and the Jedi managed to enter allied space, and with some special codes, we were able to hand over the battleship. I personally executed the officers on the bridge to stop any of my secrets from escaping, this got me a one-way visit to prison. It didn't matter that I had saved many padawans, Jedi and even one of the masters from the brotherhood of darkness interrogation, which meant immense torture and physical pain until they fell to the dark side or death, they chose to imprison me.

The Jedi can suck it. Even the Jedi I saved didn't stand up for me. I could sense that they were wary of me, they were afraid of the dark side and that I would fall into it. They might have executed me if not for the teachings of the light side, and yet I knew that wouldn't always save me from a particular zealot or tired Jedi council. I've seen what the Jedi will do when backed into a corner, and I've read the stories and history of the Jedi. When it comes to doing the best they can do, they usually do what they think is the best for themselves.

I might have been angry at imprisonment but it meant no more fighting or abandonment on enemy battleships. I could take over the prison and have my way, the prisoners would fight me on this but what were they going to do to a force user?

That was my thought on it but I was wrong, I didn't go to a normal prison like the Jedi Temple detention centre but to the most hardcore prison called The Prism. I had never heard of the place before, it was a secret from most Jedi. Only the master knew about it. I, who had my droids to search the Jedi library for interesting and useful things didn't even get a hint of it. I only knew about it because I was going there.

And this was the end of my trust in the Jedi. Wouldn't it be enough to hold me in the detention centre? and yet here I was going to the most hardcore maximum security, hidden prison that any force user has ever known. The Jedi master didn't know about my abilities or that I had upgraded my body. They just had a knee-jerk reaction to me, a healer, killing enemy officers. This was completely unfair as I had seen the Jedi kill defenceless dark-side users when they refused to give up.

My actions were brutal but they saved lives by keeping my tactics secret. Imagine that I hadn't taken over the enemy battleship, it would have been used to attack others. Loss of life was certain, battleships were made to kill.

My tactics could be used over and over again to save lives by taking a few. The holier-than-thou Jedi weren't willing to use those tactics, instead, they would send fighters out to destroy a piece of the battleship, weakening the ship and then boarding, cutting down any resistance before being repelled or succeeding. My way protected the fighters, the boarding party, the padawan and Jedi and all of the enemy. Their way caused death on all sides with no certainty that any of it would mean anything. My way was better. My way was much better

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