Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Reincarnation is hella boring. If by some unknown miracle, you can retain your memory you still have many years of growing and learning as a child. But in some even rarer miracles, reincarnation can happen a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

My name is Ban Bailo, or Bee Bee according to my new mother. In my two years of a new life, I've witnessed that this world and by extension this galaxy has a weird contradiction in its technology

It's both extremely advanced than what was in my previous life and yet looks cheap and simple. I had to get my hands on some and take a closer look. And with a giant chunk of luck, a harvest droid unexpectedly crashed and landed beside me

These floating droids scanned the fields looking for weeds and vermin. That wasn't important, the important thing was the droid didn't have propellers or thrusters for lift. The droid just seemed to ignore gravity

The brief look at the droid interior before I was pulled away by my mother showed just how simple the design was and only the power source integration stumped me

There was very little to do. The entertainment meant for children didn't grab my attention and the 3D projection that showed daily news while very impressive looked cheap with low definition. It amazed me that we had 3D holograms and yet very low-quality image projectors and collectors.

Then the answers came all at once. A visiting robed man came and persuaded my family that I was special and needed training. Now I knew the kind of world and galaxy I was in. The weirdly clunky advanced technology, the holograms and the very good luck that allowed things that I wanted to land in my lap. This was a galaxy with the force, Jedi and probably the Sith.

It didn't take long for the Jedi to take custody of me. Possibly through bribes or forced persuasion or appealing to my parent's hopes, the Jedi had a lot of pull and respect, so much so that something like this was quickly resolved.

It turns out I'd been using the force in small unintentional ways that had rippled throughout and this was how they had found me. And while the immense power of the force greatly interested me, it wasn't the only thing.

I left with the Jedi recruiter. The galaxy was a big place with many dangers, Something that I wasn't keen on, and yet, I needed a starting point, a place to protect me.

There was another problem, the date. When I witnessed Star Wars in my original galaxy the date in the story was always classified as ABY and BBY or to put it in words "After the Battle of Yavin" and "Before the Battle of Yavin". This was a huge problem because until the battle happened the calendar was completely different to what I knew. I couldn't plan for events when I didn't know when those events happened.

I could wait for notable Jedi to turn up like Yoda but until that happened I was in the dark just like everyone else. There were three different calendar dates, possibly more, it was damn confusing and ultimately pointless without a reference point.

Travelling to new worlds greatly excited me. Back in my first life, the furthest man had gotten was the moon and now I was going to eclipse that by a few thousand light years. My excitement was somewhat dulled when the transport ship that would carry me through the void was just a stripped-down old Shuttle refurbished many times. It looked like a Lego-made DeLorean.

I wasn't alone as I entered. Apart from the Jedi recruiter, there were three other children. Each one sniffing and holding back tears. Those poor blasters, this was a new adventure for all the children, including me but it was also the end of one family and the embrace of the Jedi institution. I was under no illusion that this whole transition wasn't going to be a cakewalk.

Travelling to Coruscant was dull, there was a lot of space and nothing to fill it. Even Hyperspace lost its attraction after watching it for hours on end. Only entering the Coruscant atmosphere broke my dozing mind with the amazing view of floating highways and buildings among the clouds. The technology used for the most mundane events was inspiring, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

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