Star Railway: The First Commander of Joy

Chapter 75

The cold wind howled, ruthlessly ravaging every inch of land.

Looking at the place in front of her that was exactly the same as Beloberg, Bronya knew very well.

She was no longer in Beloberg at the moment.

Beloberg had the earth marrow for heating and the power of [Preservation] for protection, so it was impossible for it to be invaded by the cold wave.

Unless all of this was gone, without the earth veins and the blessing of [Preservation], perhaps Beloberg would be like the scenery in front of her, turning into a white dead city covered with ice and snow.

Su Yun put his hand on the cold brick wall and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was feeling its temperature.

It was so real, just like the feeling in memory.

He closed his eyes and asked:

"Don't you think it's strange? Why is the scenery in the Rift exactly the same as the outside world?"

"Rift scholars say that the Rift will copy the surrounding environment, but the principle is unknown."

Bronya expressed her understanding.

"If it is a copy, how to explain the difference in time?"

Su Yun slowly turned around and pointed the cane in his hand at the poster on the wall casually.

"The promotional poster of the Golden Opera House, which has been more than 30 years ago, and the latest performance poster from more than 10 days ago appeared at the same time. Do you think the Rift is just copying the current environment?"

Hearing Su Yun's words, Bronya looked up at the wall in disbelief.

As Su Yun said, the poster from more than 30 years ago and the latest poster from more than 10 days ago appeared on the wall at the same time.

Bronya had an impression of this latest poster. It was the latest opera rehearsed by the Golden Opera House, and it also set off a wave in the upper area of ​​​​Beloberg.

"Do you remember the records of the incident in this rift?"

"Ten days ago, an old man and a young girl, a grandmother and her granddaughter were going to the Golden Opera House to watch the opera that was to start that afternoon."

"In order to save time, they chose to go through this alley."

"But something unexpected happened. A rift suddenly appeared here. In just a moment, the two were swallowed into the rift."

"After that, there was a report of the death of the two. I think, as the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, you should know about it."

Bronya nodded solemnly. She didn't even have time to ask Su Yun where he knew such detailed details.

She already had a terrible guess in her heart.

Why are there two posters from different periods in the rift at the same time?

And the most coincidental thing is that the two who died happened to go to the opera house to watch the performance...

Is the rift preserving Beloberg in people's memory in this way? !

"Is it obtaining people's memories? To build this place?" She felt her throat was a little hoarse.

If that's what she thought, how many living beings are there in this Rift Beloberg, which is so real and realistic?

"Oh, not bad." Su Yun nodded with satisfaction. It's comfortable to communicate with smart people.

Bronya is indeed well-read. If Su Chang was here, I guess I would have guided her to the answer, and she would probably have given the wrong answer because she couldn't read.

I don't know if she has read more books in Yaoqing Xianzhou recently. Oh, by the way, she sent a message saying that she has been selected to be sent to Luofu Xianzhou, and asked me to remember to find her when I come to Luofu Xianzhou.

Su Yun retracted his scattered thoughts and continued:

"Everything here is made up of people's memories, so the timeline here is also extremely chaotic, which also causes you to see things from different time periods appearing here at the same time."

"And the easiest way for it to obtain these memories is to kill humans, directly extract the corresponding memories from them, and add them into this world as bricks and tiles."

"This is also why Beloberg in the Rift is similar to the real Beloberg."

Hearing Su Yun's answer, Bronya's heart was particularly depressed.

All of this in front of her was forged by bloody lives. When she thought of this, she felt a sense of suffocation.

"By the way, I'll give you a little hint. If the scenery in the Rift is all constructed by memories, then what are those Rift creatures made of?"

Su Yun

with a smile on his face, asking Bronya questions as if he was asking a little baby.

"The Rift Creatures... The Rift... Could it be that it is also through the extraction of memories?"


Su Yun applauded Bronya very friendly.

"That's right, then, what are the prerequisites for extracting memories?"

The prerequisites for extracting memories?

Bronya was slightly stunned at first, and then realized what Su Yun meant.

Isn't the way for the Rift to extract memories just to kill people and then obtain the corresponding memories from them? !

And if the Rift Creatures extract memories in the same way...

All the Rift Creatures were once members of Beloberg? !

"How is it possible, how is this possible."

The bloody facts were placed in front of Bronya, her fists clenched, her nails dug into the flesh, and she didn't even realize that the blood had begun to flow down through her fingers.

If the Rift Creatures are the humans devoured by the Rift, then why don't they keep the memories they should have?

"I know what you want to ask. Why do creatures in the Rift have no memories? Why do they attack humans?"

"Hehe, don't worry. Follow me. I will break your short-sighted cognition."

Su Yun, who seemed to have seen through Bronya's thoughts, walked along the road very purposefully.

Bronya didn't say much and followed Su Yun closely.

Since entering the Rift, one thing after another that could subvert her imagination has been constantly impacting her.

This also made Su Yun's words more and more important to her. She began to be glad that she chose to go to the Goethe Hotel to listen to Su Yun's speech, so that she had the opportunity to get in touch with the truth of the Rift.

Crossing the alley, the Golden Opera House is not far away.

Looking at the Rift Beloberg, which is almost exactly the same as the Beloberg in her impression, Bronya's expression is a little tense.

"Oh~ Found it, next we need to wait."

Su Yun's voice sounded in front, and Bronya also looked in that direction.

I saw two human-shaped creatures of the Rift holding hands and wandering unconsciously on the street.

I could vaguely tell that the crooked creature was wearing a floral coat that the older generation of Beloberg liked the most.

The tall girl next to him, who looked like a teenage girl, was wearing the most popular clothing in Beloberg.

Bronya looked down at her clothes. The clothes worn by the creature of the Rift were almost the same as my clothes.

The monster's hoarse roar stimulated her eardrums, but she didn't make any sound and stayed quietly beside Su Yun.

As Su Yun said, we need to wait.

After waiting for several minutes, the two creatures of the Rift not far away suddenly moved.

But they were not moving normally, but moving backwards strangely like rewinding.

Everything in front of me seemed to have been pressed on the rewind button.

Strange sounds came from their throats, as if they were the language of the creatures of the Rift.

Soon, they passed by Bronya.

And Bronya also saw their faces.

Those were the faces of the two victims she had seen ten days ago.

Like a broken mirror, they were put together again.

They waved their arms as if they were set. They were clearly moving forward, but they kept retreating.

A sense of weirdness occupied Bronya's heart.

They retreated step by step, and finally retreated to the alley where the rift occurred at the corner.

The next moment, the voices of an old man and a young man suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility of this dead place.

"Grandma, I heard that the script of this opera was written by your classmate. Is it true?!"

The girl's voice could clearly be heard, she was very excited.

"Haha, yes~ Who would have thought that she could become a screenwriter for the opera house." The kind old man said.

"Then you must help me get her autograph! I haven't missed any of her previous dramas!"

"Okay, okay~ How can grandma not agree to my good granddaughter's request?"

The warm conversation made people smile a little.

However, the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

"Grandma! It's bad! It seems to be a rift!"

"Run, run."


The conversation ended abruptly.

Only the strange footsteps were left in the alley.

After a while, the rift creatures that retreated into the alley reappeared.

Unlike before, the cracks on their faces seemed to be much less, and their faces became clearer and more visible.


They did not attack Bronya and Su Yun on their way forward like other Rift Creatures.

Instead, they walked forward again on their own.

They returned to the place where they stopped at the beginning and roared again.

Everything was like a recorded tape, playing and rewinding continuously.

It was very strange.

Bronya's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

She could not imagine that the so-called Rift Creatures were actually made up of the memories of the dead.

Then the struggle between their Silver Mane Iron Guards and the Rift Creatures was just a constant internal consumption from beginning to end.

Why do the Rift Creatures appear continuously? It is because people keep dying tragically under the Rift!

"It's a very sad truth, isn't it? The people you protect, your former comrades, have turned into evil spirits to fight with you after death."

Su Yun sighed slightly, as if he was sighing, and as if he was mocking.

"The Great Guardian's protection is a scam from beginning to end."

As the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard and the next successor to the Great Guardian, Bronya should have sternly refuted the slander of the Great Guardian.

But this time, she was silent, and the cruel truth was in front of her.

The meaningless orders issued by her mother, the Great Guardian of Beloberg, were secretly nourishing the spread of the Rift.

Even if it is impossible to resist, we will still resist. This is the way of [preservation] and the program of the city builders.

But the bloody facts told Bronya the truth she didn't want to face.

Cocolia has betrayed Beloberg.

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