Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 180: Everyone Has Skeletons in Their Closet

TL: FoodieMonster007

Scowling, Seonwoo Jin and his followers marched away.

"Phew…" Wiji Cheon let out the breath he had been holding in. The duel with Yoo Yiran had been tough, but the events that followed rattled his timid heart even more.

"Why the slumped shoulders? You won the match," Hyonwon Kang congratulated, grinning broadly as he draped an arm around Wiji Cheon's shoulders.

Wiji Cheon, still shaken, replied anxiously, "But… because of me, a big fight almost broke out."

Hyonwon Kang scoffed and glanced at Yoo Yiran, who was sternly reprimanding her rabid fans. "How is that your fault? Those fish-eyed idiots over there are the ones who caused the ruckus."

Just then, Yoo Yiran's sharp warning cut through the air, "If you pull something like that again, I'll treat you as if you don't exist in this world."

Her fans' faces turned ashen.

"W-We're sorry!"

"We didn't mean to disrespect you!"

"Please, Senior, anything but that…"

For Yoo Yiran's fans, nothing stung more than her cold indifference, so when she warned them that she would start ignoring them, they looked like they were on the verge of tears.

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Normally, Yoo Yiran would have let it go at this point. Although she didn't like being called the Sword Flower, she wasn't so coldhearted that she would push away those who liked her.

However, today was different.

"Do you think just apologizing to me is enough? You treated the rightful winner of our duel like a cheater. You slandered and mocked him at the very moment we should have been celebrating his victory," she seethed, fire seeming to burst from her eyes. "If you ever want to speak to me again, go and apologize to Wiji Cheon properly."

In no time, her fans shuffled over to Wiji Cheon, bowing their heads deeply.

"We're really sorry. We just got so angry…"

"We weren't thinking."

"Please forgive us."

Flustered by their sudden change, Wiji Cheon waved his hands awkwardly, unsure of what to do. "I-It's okay, these things happen…" he stuttered.

"Sigh, you're too kind…" Hyonwon Kang muttered, shaking his head. His gaze drifted to Yoo Yiran, who stood nearby, arms folded coolly.

She's not your average swordswoman. Not only does she wield her blade with skill, she also knows how to discipline her fans.

He finally felt he understood why Yoo Yiran was the president of the SRS, a large and influential organization.

After a while, the fans who had apologized to Wiji Cheon withdrew, leaving only Hyonwon Kang, Wiji Cheon, Yoo Yiran, and a few SRS executives around the duel area.

"I've given them enough warning. Something like today won't happen again," Yoo Yiran said with an apologetic expression.

Wiji Cheon replied brightly, "I'm really fine. Don't worry about it."

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Yoo Yiran let out a small sigh, unconsciously muttering, "Being too kind can be a problem. Well, I don't mind, though…"


"Oh, it's nothing. Anyway…" Yoo Yiran quickly turned away to look at Hyonwon Kang. Compared to when she looked at Wiji Cheon, the difference in her expression was stark. "Should we move somewhere else? Now that we're on the same boat, we should discuss the election," she said matter-of-factly.

Hyonwon Kang nodded. "Sounds good. Let's go."

After moving to the SRS meeting room, Yoo Yiran wasted no time kicking off the meeting.

"If you're going to be President, that means Wiji Cheon will be on your team, right?" she asked.

"Of course," Hyonwon Kang replied without hesitation, wrapping an arm around Wiji Cheon's shoulders again. "He's my right-hand man, so he'll be Vice-President."

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Wiji Cheon widened his eyes in surprise. "Senior Wonkang, this is the first time I'm hearing about this."

"Of course it is, since I just decided that."

"…You guys are even more disorganized than I thought."

Hyonwon Kang shrugged. "I only decided to run a few days ago, so a lot is still up in the air."

"Is that something you should say so confidently?" Yoo Yiran rubbed her temples, wondering if she had made the right choice in supporting Hyonwon Kang. She was a bit worried, but having already publicly declared their support, she couldn't backing out was no longer an option.

Letting out a small sigh, she continued in a serious tone, "By endorsing you, we've completely severed ties with the BRS. Since it's come to this, we'll definitely make sure you get elected."

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"Just hearing that is reassuring."

"…Don't get the wrong idea. We're just helping you for our own benefit."

Hyonwon Kang grinned at Yoo Yiran's cautious attitude. "I understand," he said.

"Also, we have no interest in controlling the Club Union, so you don't have to worry about that," Yoo Yiran added.

Had she wanted to, Yoo Yiran could have run for Club Union President herself. However, neither she nor the SRS cared for authority, so they hadn't bothered. The only reason they were getting involved in the election at all was because they had thrown in their lot with Hyonwon Kang.

Looking at Yoo Yiran, Hyonwon Kang steeled his resolve. Previously, he had already spoken with Tang Soso about their next step, and now was the time to act on it.

"The SRS is the only big club that has no interest in seizing authority, so ask them to provide you with personnel support."

He needed approximately twenty people to manage the Club Union's daily operations, but there were only five members in the Medicinal Cooking Research Society. Therefore, Tang Soso's advice to Hyonwon Kang was to ask Yoo Yiran to provide him with manpower.

Taking the initiative, Hyonwon Kang asked, "We need more people for the Club Union management team. Can the SRS help us out?"

Yoo Yiran nodded, relieved at the simple request. "That's not a problem. Also, there are seven other swordsmanship-related clubs in the Union. If we tell them to, they'll back you as well."

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"Woah," Hyonwon Kang remarked, impressed. "Tang Soso said that with the SRS's support, our chances of winning would increase to 40%. I see now that she wasn't joking."

Yoo Yiran picked up the teacup in front of her, took a sip, and grinned. "Don't get too excited yet. Even with that, you're still 20% behind Seonwoo Jin. Closing that gap won't be easy. And… Actually, I have a personal favor to ask."

Did she just hesitate? Observing Yoo Yiran carefully, Hyonwon Kang noticed her glancing discreetly at Wiji Cheon. "The one you want to ask a favor from is Jicheon, not me, right?"

Yoo Yiran nodded and turned to Wiji Cheon, her tone instantly softening as she asked, "I lost the duel, so this is a bit much to ask, but… would you mind becoming an honorary member of the SRS?"

"Huh?" Wiji Cheon blinked, puzzled.

Yoo Yiran hastily clarified, "I'm only asking you to be an honorary member, not a full one. There won't be any obligations on your part, and you're not required to join our activities—though I wouldn't mind if you did—but I'd completely understand if you have other commitments."

To her surprise, Wiji Cheon agreed unhesitatingly, "Sure, I'm okay with that."

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"Yes!" Wiji Cheon nodded eagerly. His interest in SRS was genuine. He had never cared much about club activities before, but his perception changed after sparring with Yoo Yiran.

Moreover, the SRS was full of people who shared his passion for the sword, and the thought of crossing blades and discussing swordsmanship with them made him smile. Compared to practicing swordsmanship alone, it was a different kind of joy.

And so, Wiji Cheon became an honorary member of the SRS.

"Please take care of me, President."

"…Just call me Senior."

"Alright, Senior-nim!"

"Drop the 'nim'."


Finally satisfied, Yoo Yiran's lips curled into a dazzling smile that would melt the hearts of countless Azure Dragon Academy male students. Shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she asked coyly, "So… as of today, we're in a relationship, right?"


Yoo Yiran chuckled, "Haha, I was just joking. I meant 'relationship' as in fellow swordsmen."

"Oh, yes! Of course!"

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The SRS executives exchanged curious glances. This was not the Sword Flower they knew. Yoo Yiran would never tease any man like that.

Could it be…?

Is the President…?

They couldn't be sure, but one thing was certain: the way Yoo Yiran treated Wiji Cheon was totally different from how she treated other men.

That rascal…

Damn it, he's got it all!

The SRS executives turned green with envy.

The next day, Hyonwon Kang, still glowing from obtaining the SRS's support, walked to the Azure Dragon Academy with Baek Suryong for the first time in a while.

Noticing his student's unusually good mood, Baek Suryong chuckled, "Do you know you're grinning like an idiot? And why are you humming to yourself so early in the morning?"

"Hehehe, please call me the next Club Union President," Hyonwon Kang boasted.

Since securing SRS's backing yesterday, he had felt like nothing could wipe the smile off his face. After all, this was the first time he glimpsed a chance of victory in what had seemed like a lost cause.

Every time he made eye contact with students who had come early to train, Hyonwon Kang greeted loudly, "I'm Club Union President Candidate Hyon! Won! Kang! I humbly ask for your precious vote!"

Watching Hyonwon Kang's enthusiastic campaigning, Baek Suryong groaned, feeling embarrassed for his student. "You didn't even want to run, and now look at you. Drunk on ambition."

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"The honest and diligent worker of our times, Hyon! Won! Kang! Please vote for me!"

Baek Suryong quickened his pace. "…Good luck, Wonkang. I'm going ahead."

"Hey, wait? Use that handsome face to help me campaign!" Hyonwon Kang shouted, chasing after Baek Suryong.

"What the hell, you brat?! Do I look like a student to you, huh? Does it make any sense for me to help you campaign?"

It was a day just like any other. Teacher and student bickered as usual on their way to the Azure Dragon Academy… until they saw the large poster pasted on the academy's front gate.

<Allegations Against Hyonwon Kang, Third-Year Student at the Azure Dragon Academy>

Taken aback, the two stopped and quickly scanned the contents of the poster.

"This is…"


The poster detailed a series of incidents and accidents caused by Hyonwon Kang during his time at the academy, ranging from assault and underage drinking to disorderly conduct and vandalism. It emphasized his past misdeeds, calling out his hypocrisy for pretending to be virtuous now.

Additionally, it even listed fabricated offenses that, while untrue, were crafted to appear believable.

Hyonwon Kang blood ran cold as he read one of them. What the fuck? They're accusing me of getting a student hooked on drugs?

Anyone who knew Hyonwon Kang would find this hard to believe, but for those who didn't know him well, such unfounded and malicious rumors could easily lead to misconceptions about him.

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It's so obvious who put up the poster, he thought, gritting his teeth. After all, the poster ended with the question: To the students of the Club Union, we ask: Will you still vote for Hyonwon Kang?

Noticing the turmoil in his student's eyes, Baek Suryong's expression grew grim. "Wonkang."

"…Ah, I'm fine," Hyonwon Kang replied, trying his best to sound calm. Despite his words, however, the tremor in his voice, the sparkle in his eyes, and the blank expression on his face betrayed him. "It's Seonwoo Jin. That motherfucker's hitting me where it hurts."

Hyonwon Kang scratched his head in frustration, then clenched his fist tightly, forcing it to stop trembling. "I won't make cowardly excuses. If I have to apologize, I'll do it. If I must bow my head and beg for forgiveness, I won't hesitate."

Baek Suryong watched him for a moment, then sighed softly, "Right. You need to take responsibility for what you did."

Hyonwon Kang nodded, his expression downcast. "I will."

"Only for what you did, though."

"…Eh?" Hyonwon Kang blinked, sensing a chilling killing intent in his teacher's tone. Slowly turning his head, he glanced at Baek Suryong, but what he saw sent shivers down his spine.

Baek Suryong's eyes burned with ire, his expression twisted with malice as a sinister chuckle escaped his lips. "Responsibility? Oh, you definitely need to answer for what you've done—but to apologize for crimes you didn't commit? Hah! Absolutely not. I never taught my student to be a fucking doormat."

"S-Sir?" Hyonwon Kang shivered. Should this man really be allowed to teach at an orthodox school? he wondered, but Baek Suryong didn't give him time to think about it.

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"Wonkang, they made the first move, right?"


"In the murim, it's customary to repay kindness twofold and grudges a hundredfold, right?"

Hyonwon Kang fidgeted uneasily. "Isn't that a bit stingy on the kindness side…? A-Anyway, what are you planning now?"

Baek Suryong let out a long sigh. "You know, I was going to stay out of this, and just observe the beautiful camaraderie and rivalry among you students from afar."

"Don't lie. I know you're receiving regular reports from Tang Soso," Hyonwon Kang jabbed.

Baek Suryong ignored him, continuing, "Even though our Wonkang has no money or family backing, seeing you do your very best was so worthwhile. However, just when you were becoming a worthy opponent, that despicable brat dredges up your past? Even making up lies? Hey… Wonkang, how should we respond in this situation?"


A wicked grin crept across Baek Suryong's face. Answering his own question, he said, "What else? We have to give them a taste of their own medicine, right?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, everyone has skeletons in their closet," Baek Suryong replied. Anticipating this might happen someday, he had already commissioned the Rogues' Guild.

"A mudslinging contest, huh? This will be fun," he muttered gleefully.

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