Star Eater

Chapter 50 - 50

Chapter 50: Chapter 50

Arthur's Point of View

Lestrania Thousands of Years Ago

Upon exiting the portal, I ended up in a place that looked nothing like a study, and Aydan was nowhere to be found. Instead, I appeared in some manner of void of magic. Swirling energies of different colors surrounded me as I walked through the area.

"Aydan?" I called out but received no reply. "What kind of weird-ass study is this?" After a moment of nothing happening, I called out randomly to anyone who might be able to help me. "Is anybody there?" Still, no response as I turned to look in each direction. "Where the fuck am I?"

"In one of the realms outside of the world as you know it." A woman's voice said from around me.

While I did look for her, I found nothing. "Thanks for the answer. Is there any way you might be able to show me how to get outta here?" I inquired as I kept my guard up.

"..." There was no reply.

"Okay..." I trailed off as I tried to find anything that might help me in this situation. "Do you know where Aydan is?"

All the magic in the area began to swirl and gather into one spot, unsure as to whether I was being attacked I took a defensive stance. It was unnatural compared to everything else I had witnessed up till this point... But as all the of energies reached and began to form into a singular, large, and condensed mass, it started taking shape. And that mass formed into a female High Elf, but also not a High Elf. She was something different. Something new and that meant I had to deal with some new shit, and I really didn't want to.

The giant woman looked down at me and I saw more magic gather behind her. One wing took shape behind her on the right before it followed the same process on the left. Large, radiant, beautiful, majestic wings flapped a few times as she seemed to adjust herself. Spreading her wings as she stepped before me, she took a regal pose as she stared at me expectantly.

"Am..." Looking around at the now dull void, I replied unsurely. "Am I supposed to do something here?"

As I turned back to the woman, I saw a look of surprise on her face. "You do not kneel for me?"

"Lady, I don't even know who you are." Was my unimpressed response.

Gesturing to herself, she answered. "I am the Goddess Davost. Creator of many of the races that still live on Crevalis to this day."

Davost was a large woman that would fit the definition Amazonian if they had wings and looked more angelic than warriors. While the term Goddess did fit, I wasn't impressed. An overly tall woman meant nothing to me, and even if her blood was 'gold' it didn't matter. Her dress shimmered in a multitude of colors that reminded me of a shimmering white opal in the sun. White hair and white wings that had rows of colors emitting from them gave her an overly odd appearance.

Raising my middle and pointer finger, I replied. "Name's Mordred." Then I shrugged and added, "Kind of. I'm actually from the future and go by Arthur, but since you're a Goddess, you should've known that already."

The Goddess seemed stumped at how to respond. "You do not show fealty in the presence of a Goddess?" She inquired.

"Will you show me the door if I do?" I asked back, and that stumped her. "Look, I'm sure you're some big shot, and the people love you, but I've been through a lot in the time span of a few weeks. I don't really want to be here, so no offense to you, but I'd like to speed this along."

"You are very brazen to speak to me in such a tone. None have ever had the gumption to."

Groaning, I rolled my eyes. "And you have no idea how many times I've heard that line, or something similar, since I've gotten here."

While the 'Goddess' studied me, I did the same in turn. Something about her seemed familiar to me though. Almost as if I had seen her likeness before but couldn't place where. It was almost haunting in a way. However, before I could continue to ponder, my body was wrapped in several different energy signatures and lifted from the... Void...

"Strange..." She mumbled and levitated me closer to her as she began a closer inspection. "You are clearly human but possess no magic."

"Isn't that about average for most humans?" I asked back in a bored and uncaring tone.

"Every living being on Crevalis has magic. Humans, Elves, Dragons, animals, and plants. Everything... But you." Davost hummed out in wonder and then touched my chest. "Yet, you hold tremendous power inside of you."

Looking off to the side for a moment in an unsure manner, I replied as I looked her in the eye. "Are... Are you flirting with me?" Davost looked at me, unamused. "Just saying, you're touching my chest and saying I have power inside me."

Pulling her hand back, she frowned. "You are a vexing little creature. What are you?"

Snorting at that, I answered. "Human. I think..." Trailing off, Davost turned me upside down in her magic.

"You think?" I shrugged in response. "Would you be something else?"

"It's up in the air at the moment. Both figuratively and literally."

"I suppose no 'regular human' would be able to make their way to this realm." Then she tilted her head slightly as she continued to examine me. "However, even those of great power should not be able to come here. So, how did you?"

"I'd kind of like to know the same thing," I replied dryly. "Aydan opened a portal and said we were going to a study. We walk through, he disappears, and I ended up here."

Davost seemed to consider my words as she tried to reason what could have happened. "What has happened to your eyes?"

Groaning, I answered. "Look, as much as I love talking to giant women while floating upside down, I'm going to have to ask you to put me down."

Her magic almost seemed to tighten around my body threateningly. "I could just kill you." Davost stated.

"Would you? That'd save me a lot of headaches to continue with this nonsense."

"You desire death?" She inquired.

"I mean, I'm not going to complain if it happens, but I don't exactly go and seek it out." She set me down carefully, and I gestured to her after rolling my joints. "Besides, in this type of situation, there's not much I can do." Nodding with my head to the void, I explained. "With how much magic-filled this place, the chances of me escaping your clutches would be almost nonexistent."

She shifted her head sideways but kept her eyes focused on me. "You can see magic?"

Pointing at my eyes, I gave her a dull look. "My eyes aren't exactly normal."

"How do they work?" I shrugged, and she looked at me in disbelief. "You are unaware of how your own eyes function?"

"It's been a long few weeks.??? I confirmed.

Backing away from me, she gave me a look I didn't quite recognize. "No one should've been able to make their way to this realm unless they possessed incredibly powerful magic."

"Like you? From what I've seen, no one compares to you. The amount of magic you possess is far greater than anyone I've encountered so far on Crevalis or in Lestrania."

In a bitter tone, she responded. "This isn't my magic." Gesturing to herself, Davost explained. "I am merely an echo of what I once was. What you see before you is a gathering of excess magic coming together to form thoughts. My thoughts." Looking into the black void, she sighed. "The only reason I was able to do this was because all magic originates from the same source. If you know the source, you can control it if you are experienced and powerful enough."

Not sure what to do here, I pointed over my shoulder. "Well, I'm not a collection of thoughts, and I'd like to get out of here. Got some shit to do if you don't mind."

'Davost' looked at me. "Do you care nothing for my plight?"

Quirking a brow at that, I shrugged. "Maybe? Not sure what you want me to do. Sounds like you're stuck, and I can't use magic." The Goddess wasn't happy with me. "Life sucks, and then you die, but you seem like you're already dead, so either help me get out of this place, or kill me and get it over with."

While I wasn't supposed to be able to die, I had a feeling a creature like this could pull it off. The sheer magnitude and pressure of the magic that had gathered in her body was almost suffocating. Truthfully, it was a lot harder to keep my nonchalant attitude going than I cared to admit. While death wasn't the worst thing in the world, magic could change the game, and given that it sent me to the past, who knows what tortures it could be used to commit.

"I have never wanted to kill anyone. Others did so in my name and continue to do so."

"Then why drop off the kids to Aydan if you didn't want people to die? I mean, I get they might've been a gift, but surely you've been watching. They're at war, and Rudnurth is more of a tyrant than a king. If you wanted no one to die, why not intervene?" Then I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at her. "Or are you like every other useless god that has ever been worshipped."

"You are a blasphemous being."

I nodded. "Thank you. I try."

Magic began to circulate around the realm once more. "I do not blame you. False gods and goddesses have done more to wreck this world than anyone else... Besides one other..." Cryptic! "If you do not care anything about this world, why try to return to your friend?"

"Friend is a strong word. Companion... No... Co-worker is closer to what we have, and my business is my own."

"A being such as you should not be able to exist in this world, and without magic, you will never escape this place. Give me the answers I seek, and I shall free you of an eternity of being trapped here."

"So, basically, I'm an alien. Some mysterious space creature dropped me on this world and told me I had to-" fr eeweb novel

Davost teleported before me and looked down at me as she towered above. "You are not of this world?" She asked me with an unnerving stare.

I nodded slowly. "Nope. I was forced to come here as punishment for being a tortured soul. Pretty sure she went through my memories and found my life amusing." Then I gestured to all around us. "Thus, here I am."

A small smile started to appear on her lips. "Here you are." She confirmed. "You may very well be the champion this world needs."

Holding up my hands, I interrupted her. "Woah. No need to say all that. I'm just here to solve the mystery of this world, so I can pass on in peace. Otherwise, I'm going to have to start looking towards the endgame and find someone to kill me."

"While there are some who could possibly meet your requirements, they are out of your reach. Should you choose to aid this world, you will eventually find the mystery that dwells at the heart of Crevalis." Sticking her arm out, she created a doorway of sorts. "If you do not want to be this world's champion, then do not get to know its people, for you will be forced to act if you do."

"Why? Because I'm going to make friends?" I asked with mocking finger quotations. "Lost enough of those to know better. Don't worry. I keep my distance well enough."

"With how you conduct yourself, I have no doubt." Davost replied instantly. "Given the amount of energy contained inside you, I doubt death will find you easily, and dying of old age doesn't seem likely either."

Closing my eyes in annoyance at the news, I crossed my arms, annoyed. "Swell."

"If death is what you seek, then heed my advice. Aid this world in every way you can. There are those who will rise to challenge you, and that will gain their attention."

"Why do I feel like I'm being played right now?"

Reaching out gently, she caressed my cheek. "I envy you. Truly, I do. I've given up everything to protect this world because I loved the creatures that live here. Life is truly amazing, and you only seek to end it. It is infuriating meeting you here like this, but perhaps destiny allowed us to meet."

"Or an Elf with portal magic." Was my sarcastic reply.

Lifting me in her magic, I started to float towards the door. "Magic will guide your way, Arthur Pendragon. I pray for your sake that we never meet again, but if you want to succeed, we'll have to."

That wasn't threatening at all. "May I ask why?"

"... Goodbye, Arthur Pendragon. Should you save the world, you will find the freedom you seek." Davost ignored my question and cast me through the door as her magical body dispersed.


Merry Christmas!!!

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