Star Eater

Chapter 39 - 39

Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Arthur's Point of View

Unknown Location

"Your eyes have been hidden with magic. As have most of your features." Kandma informed me.

"Now I see why those assholes wear these. Convenient." Then I looked at my arms as I held them in front of me. "The black and red accents aren't great, but it works, I guess." Then I turned back to the giant stone bear. "Can you see my lips?"


"I thought so." Touching my chin as if I would see my hand disappear, I sighed. "I don't understand how this works."

Kandma snorted in amusement. "It's magic, Arthur. Not many know how it works other than the Elves."

Rolling my eyes, I adjusted the cloak slightly. "You're right, but still..." Trailing off with a sigh, it took a bit to adjust to the cloak. "Not used to not having my armor anymore." Focusing across the grass fields in front of us, I spoke. "You smelled blood flowing through the wind, correct?"

"I still do." Kandma replied more seriously.

"Which means there is a Ghoul in the area or was not too long ago. Stay on guard." Then I gestured to the hill in front of us. "Let's get up that rise. Perhaps we'll be able to see where this cloak came from." Low growls and the sound of weapons clashing carried over the fields.

There was a small rise across the fields that only took us a few minutes to reach. "Arthur," Kandma began as we walked. "I can hear the sounds of a battle."

Nodding, I replied. "So do I." At the top of the hill, we were able to see a camp of sorts in the distance. "How much you want to bet that some Demons invaded that camp down there?"

"Bet?" Kandma asked back, confused.

Rolling my eyes and sighing, I waved a dismissive hand. "Never mind." My eyes were able to see large amounts of red and black energies, giving away that there were indeed Demons present, but there were also other regular energy sources present as well. "Well, it would appear some people are surrounded down there and are about to die." Some of the smaller energies were blue, others were green, but there was one that was also white, which made me pause.

The stone bear looked at me. "Are we helping them?"

Scratching the side of my neck as I stretched slightly, I shrugged in response. "I mean... We probably should, but at the same time, this isn't my problem." While I doubted that it would be either of the Priestesses, I was curious if it was perhaps the mysterious cloaked High Elf that I ran into on Helmsforth.

"You'd leave those people down there to die?" Kandma seemed surprised.

"Look, I don't know where we are or who we'd be helping. I don't know if you noticed or not, but I'm not big on jumping into another fight so soon." Then I gestured to the encampment. "Besides, that's clearly a war camp. We don't want to get mixed up in that."

"What if there are kids down there?!" Kandma exclaimed as she gestured to the grouping of tents with her head.

Crossing my arms, I looked up at her. "How do you propose we sneak down there?" I asked back and then gestured to her. "You are literally the size of a house, and you're still recovering." Then I put my hands on my chest with my knuckles facing outwards. "I've been concerned about that Ancient Demon you mentioned and am more on edge because of that than some Ghouls."

"We should still help them!" The stone bear insisted as it stomped one of its paws. "You could sneak down there easily enough." 𝐟𝗿𝗲𝗲𝐰𝗲𝐛𝗻𝗼𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "Look, if we do that, we're pulled into that confrontation for good. There will be no running. The stragglers down there are barely surviving, and we'd have to face several dozen Demons, which is more than I'd care to try my hand at for the moment."

Kandma leaned down towards me even closer and nudged me. "What if neither of us helped each other?" She then pushed me lightly towards the tents. "This could be a similar situation. We don't know where we are, but if we help them, we could find out." fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

Putting my hands on her snout, I replied. "We? What do you mean 'we'? You're not going to be able to sneak down there. Not unless I distract all of them, and even then, I'm not convinced."

"Are you not a powerful being sent here from the stars? Do you mean to tell me the mighty Arthur Pendragon is afraid of mere Demons?"

"It's called being cautious." Was my retort.

"I'm going. With or without you." Kandma stated.

Groaning as I rolled my neck, I patted her nose with one hand. "Fine! I'll do it, but you stay up here where they won't see the massive stone bear coming for them."

Kandma growled slightly. "I am not a stone bear! I am-"

Walking forward, I interrupted her. "A being of the Old World. Yes, I know."

Huffing, the bear tree thing replied. "You are insufferable."

I shrugged. "I'm not good with people, and I don't like them getting close, so this is usually how most of my conversations go."

Before I could head down, Kandma spoke once more. "Why?" Stopping and looking back at her, she explained. "Why don't you like letting people get close to you?"

"People die all the time, Kandma. This is something that is just nature, but when people get mixed up with me, they end up dying a lot sooner than they should." Then in a bitter tone, I continued as I walked off. "Or they end up dead because of me. Once you hear the fighting begin, approach cautiously." Was the last thing I told her.

Kandma didn't have a reply for that, and if she did, I didn't hear it because I was running down to the rather impressive encampment. Demons were everywhere. Weaved in-between the tents, standing over destroyed ones, and other areas were all manner of creatures. All demonic in nature and in the middle was a group of Elves with a magic barrier surrounding them. I snuck in and hid behind a few crates that weren't being watched.

Ignoring the Elves for the moment, I counted over thirty Demons present. A few more might've been hidden from my sight, but a few extra wouldn't likely change much. However, only one of them stuck out amongst their numbers. A Ghoul stood in front of the barrier surrounded by the same Demons from the forest not even a day ago. Why this group of Demons was so focused on these Elves, I was unsure, but I figured they were likely Lestranian. That meant I had to intervene.

However, that didn't mean I couldn't listen in first. "Surrender the girl, and the rest of you will be spared." The Ghoul ordered.

My gaze drifted over the barrier where two Elves seemed to be holding it by themselves. One was a pink-haired girl that looked a little older than Typhon. Maybe fifteen to sixteen years of age, but who knows for sure with Elves. She had reddish eyes that reminded me of Arceana, but she was much too young. Although, when she turned and shuffled through the barrier, wings poked out of her back. This gave me pause.

Not long after, my eyes drifted over the other Elf in question. "Do not fear the Demons, my friends! My master will be here soon with reinforcements!" The male Elf declared.

He was a blond with short hair and had green eyes, but no wings. However, he didn't look much older than the female, which led me to believe he was also around the same age. Much like the female, they both wore elegant robes that had been dirtied from the fighting. It seemed to me they were making their last stand or trying to anyway.

"Guh!" The pink-haired Elf cried out from the strain of being forced to maintain the magical barrier for so long.

Two Elves were protecting other Elves and even some Humans that were injured. "Lestranian's alright." I mumbled to myself.

The Ghoul frowned, as his human form raised an arm towards the barrier. "Break the shield and bring me the girl!" He commanded and then grinned darkly. "Do what you want to the spares!"

Naturally, the surrounding Demons moved to follow their orders. Nuckelavees and the other strange four-legged and armed Demon moved forward as well. Both types of creatures were massive and towered over the Elves. Mighty weapons in their hands that ranged from hammers to spears.

Rolling my neck, I stepped forward to aid the Elves and Humans down on their luck. "Now, this is quite the interesting sight." I stated, and Demons stopped to turn their attention on me. "Two children seem to be giving you lot so much trouble." My words caught the attention of the Elves inside the barrier as well.

My mocking tone, smirk, and overall appearance seemed to give the Demons present pause. "Who ar-" The Ghoul began, but I cut him off.

"I suggest you leave." My gaze focused on the Ghoul as the other Demons in question started to encircle me.

"Amusing." Said the Ghoul as it motioned for the Demon to wait. "I'm curious as to why you would assume that we would listen to you." He stated and then gestured to me. "You think I don't recognize my own cloak? Perhaps you thought you'd be able to trick us into leaving. Sadly, it has not succeeded."

The female Elf from the barrier then shouted urgently. "Sir, I beg you, leave before you become a target! Run!"

Wishing she could see the confuddle look on my face, I spoke as I shook my head in an exasperated tone. "I am surrounded and quite obviously a target. So, that ship has sailed." I motioned with my hand and then looked back to the Ghoul. "Why're you after the Elf?" I asked the Demon leader.

He smirked back at me and put his hands on his hips. "That's my business. Now, I will applaud your audacity and give you a chance to leave." Then he gestured with his head toward the magic barrier. "The girl was kind enough to implore you to listen. I'd give you similar advice." He then pointed off to the side where the Demons made a path. "Leave now, or you will die."

I looked over at the young Elf again and shook my head at the kindness she was displaying. Even surrounded and the clear target of the Demons, she didn't even think about using me. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was impressed or disappointed.

Since I didn't move, the Ghoul frowned as his arms returned to his sides. "You've made your decision then?"

"I have."

"So, still you stay... Why?" The Ghoul inquired, clearly confused by this development. "Why show such kindness to people you don't know?" Then he glanced at them. "Or perhaps... You do know them?"

I scoffed in reply. "Kindness is for the weak. The girl is young and doesn't speak for me." Spreading out my arms slightly as I raised them, I spoke in a firmer tone. "Now, I will only tell you one more time... Leave." The dark clouds that hung overhead seemed to rumble at my words.

Obviously, the Ghoul found this amusing and chuckled along with his Demon cohorts. "Is that so? What could possibly happen if we don't leave?" I didn't reply immediately. "Well, I relish telling you this, but we're staying." Rain began to trickle down and, in that moment, the Ghoul's arm transformed. "And your lucks just run out."

Frost erupted from the Ghoul's arm as it shot an ice spike at me from the rainwater. Not moving to dodge the attack, it pierced my chest, and the Demons laughed, while the Elves in the barrier shook their heads in disgust. Disgust that another life had been claimed by the Demons.

"No!!!" The young female Elf cried out.

However, their laughs and cheers soon came to a halt when I just stood there. I made no motion to fall, nor did I show any signs of discomfort. However, I felt something build up within me as I reached up and yanked the spike from my chest. A familiarity of sorts as I examined the ice in question. Like the fire that built up earlier and was released when it destroyed the demons in the forest after the portal brought me here. Now, I felt something similar happening again, but with ice instead. My body grew cold, and a chilliness flowed through my veins. The wound was closing, but I didn't focus on it too heavily.

Crushing the ice spike, it fell to the ground in shards, and the Demons paused once more. My eyes seemed to hone in on the surrounding water, and I felt it as if it were connected to my body. Another wave of murderous intent seemed to wash over the area as many of the Demons backed away, horrified. It wasn't until the rain froze and shot into the Demons like bullets. Tearing through their flesh and leaving holes in their bodies.

At least, this was the case for the Demons closest to me. "Or I'll kill every last one of you..." I said as I felt my lust for battle rising just like the fear in my opponents was.

??Kill him!!!" Pointing at me, the Ghoul commanded the others to attack.

I felt greater control using my eyes as the Demons all slammed into the ground below, including the Ghoul. My powers were more precise, and after using them a few times, my control was getting better, as was my understanding. Slowly, the Demon sank into the ground as they writhed and wiggled to break free of the invisible force keeping them in place.

"You're clearly not a Human." Standing, the Ghoul glared at me as it struggled to find its feet.

"Very observant."

"Do not think for one-" Again, I cut the Ghoul off as it looked down in horror at my arm.

Now standing before the Demon, I pulled my arm back from the Ghoul's chest as it fell limply to the ground. The other Demons in question went silent as they watched helplessly. Soon, my gaze started to focus on each one individually. It didn't take long for their bodies to give out. Some had their bones and internal organs crushed, while others turned to mush and left a divot of blood in a hole.

With all the Demons dead, I turned my gaze to the magic barrier where the people inside looked at me with mixed emotions. "All of you are now safe." I informed the group as I moved towards the barrier. "Please lower your barrier so we may speak more freely." Since I was a Knight of Lestrania, I figured I'd act the part if I needed to reveal myself, but I was hesitant to do so because of my eyes.


Our new goals for the coming week are going to be hitting 850 Power Stones again! Should be an easy first goal since we've done it already and had a rather clean margin! Our second goal is going to 900 Power Stones! We were only 27 Power Stones away from hitting this, so I think it should be very doable! Hope everyone is as excited as I am! Thank you for your continual support!

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