Star Eater

Chapter 34 - 34

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Family Farmstead

After Arceana and Elincia had no choice but to accept their gobbling, the day moved on. Alwin and Kheri left with the Priestesses, as did Ayda and Typhon. Probably to brief them in some manner. However, the two High Elves did give everyone a quick briefing on how I saved their lives from a sudden assassination attempt. Of course, Tor was after me, but the Priestesses didn't know that. I felt no need to correct them either.

Two days had passed since my fight with Tor and the misunderstanding with the Lestranian Rulers. Cassidy, Austin, and Augustus all checked in on me multiple times as I slept. Offering food, water, and anything else they could think of to help me. They didn't know why I was so tired, and they tried to get me out of bed a few times, but I just gave them a look before returning to my slumber.

Now, a new day had arrived, and I was feeling much better after all the rest. "Glad ta see yer awake." Augustus greeted me in the kitchen as I took a seat. "Ya hungry?"

"Starved." Was my reply as I leaned back in the wooden chair.

The elderly man moved about the counters and cupboards as slow as usual. "Ah can imagine. Slept for two days straight! Glad yer feelin better. We're ya sick?"

"Just tired." Tapping my fingers on the table, I yawned. "Dealing with the Priestesses and the attempt on their lives wasn't easy."

Of course, I knew Typhon would likely inform Arceana and Elincia that the creature was after me and not them. He was present when Camoa said that I was being hunted. This would no doubt result in another round of questions from the two Priestesses, but after letting them live, I was hoping both would stop acting like bitches.

"Saving the Priestesses lives only a few days after bein Knighted... It's almost as if it was fate." Grandpa Reed pointed out.

"Don't look to fate for answers, Augustus. You'll just be disappointed." Was my dull reply.

He stopped for a moment to look at me. "Good ta see that savin the Priestesses didn't get ta yer head. Looks like ya still got that same pessimistic attitude as ever."

Giving him two thumbs up with a fake smile, I replied. "It's my winning personality!"

Picking up his cane, he pointed it at me. "If that's winning, Ah'm concerned."

Chuckling at that, I replied. "No need to be."

"Mmh. Cassidy and Austin were both worried about ya too. Ya should let them know that yer up and about." He gestured outside. "They'd like ta see ya."

"Can it wait?" I asked back as I closed my eye. "I'd like to just sit here for a minute."

"Ah'm not one ta force others into doin things, but ya could at least let them know yer okay. Food won't be done for a bit, so ya got time."

Rolling my neck until it hung limply above my chest and stood begrudgingly. "I supposed I should go let them know I'm awake." Stepping outside, where I assumed the younger Reeds' were, I immediately saw Austin over by the barn. "Austin!" I called out to him with a muted wave.

Upon hearing my shout, he whipped his head towards me and soon came running. "Arthur!" His excitement was clear as he wrapped his arms around me to give me a hug. "Ah'm so glad yer okay!"

Patting his head, I replied. "It takes more than some silly, uh, assassins, to get the better of me." It took me a moment to remember that it was an assassination attempt.

"Ah knew that!" He pulled away and beamed up at me. "Ain't no one gonna get the drop on our new Knight!"

Maybe it was from how honest he was, but from the way he looked at me, I knew he believed it. It was at that moment that I knew people had hope for me. Place their trust and belief in me. Sure, it seemed silly to only realize that now, but it was an odd feeling. Having people who barely knew me to trust me to such a degree. Especially after the incident at my Knighting Ceremony.

Taking a knee in front of Austin, I looked up at him as adjusted his scarf to look at me. "You better believe it." I said with a smirk. "I've chased away a Manticore, Ghouls, and now assassins, Austin. Any time you get into trouble, feel free to ask me for help, and I'll do what I can."

"Thanks, Arthur!" He hugged me again, which surprised me for a moment, but I gave him a quick one in return. "Ah gotta get back ta ma chores before breakfast!"

"Then you better hurry!" I told him, and he ran off with a wide smile.

"Well, Ah'll be..." Cassidy's voice came in from the side, and I turned to look at her. "Ah think that might just be the first real smile Ah've seen from ya."

If I was smiling, I didn't realize it. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The freckled face girl chuckled heartily. "Uh huh. Keep tellin yourself that." Then she examined me a little more closely. "Ya certainly look better."

"That happens when you get some decent rest."

"For two days?" She shot back.

I shrugged. "I was tired. Dealing with bullshit and whatnot. You know how it goes."

She didn't seem convinced. "Ah suppose. Still, Ah'm glad Ah didn't piss ya off when we first met. If ya could deal with one of the Priestesses and save em from an Assassin, it just tells me how lucky Ah am. Ya could've been a lot rougher."

"Some girls like that." I mumbled a reply.

Cassidy didn't hear me. "What'd ya say?"

"Nothing." Was my innocent reply.

"Mmh, not sure Ah believe that." The redhead hummed out, but I didn't reply. "Alrighty then..." After a moment, she looked towards the town and spoke. "Ya might not have heard, but Ayda's been hopin ta speak with ya about somethin."

"Any clue what it is? I can only deal with so much crazy." Then I gestured up the mountain to the upper rungs. "Her brother is also something else! Whole family is probably a bunch of nut cases."

She frowned at that. "Ayda is certainly strange when she is curious about something, but Alwin has to take a standard approach to everything. He is a general after all and leading the Elven forces in Lestrania."

Then I pointed at her. "Which is super racist." I said nonchalantly, but I didn't notice her look as I continued. "They put me in charge of the humans mostly, but I also oversee the Elves and Zugal too. Segregation at its finest. Should've mixed all the races instead of separating them."

"What're ya talkin about!?" Cassidy finally asked.

Giving her a look, I gestured all around. "Uh, in case you haven't noticed, you live in a very racist and classist society. I barely saw any humans in the upper rungs, and even the Zugal were far and few between. Magic seems to be the main factor to determine if you're somebody or nobody." Then I nudged her. "With a few exceptions here and there. Regardless, I probably won't take a huge role in this nonsense."

The farm girl was clearly surprised to hear this. "If what ya said is true, and ya believe it, how could ya just stand by and do nothin?"

"Easy. You see me just standing here?" I asked her as if it was obvious, and she gave me a disapproving look in return. "Look, I just got here, and getting into a political shit storm is not what I had in mind. I've barely been here for, what, two weeks?" My rhetorical question got a small nod from the redhead. "And how much have I already had to deal with?"

"So, yer just gonna let this go on, even when ya could do something about it?" Cassidy inquired.

"For now, yes. Maybe in the future I'll address it, but there are more pressing matters that I need to take care of first." Was my reply.

Putting her hands on her hips, the farm girl looked annoyed. "Like what???

Gesturing to the Hollow Forest, I spoke. "Maybe making sure the forest is clear of Ghouls and assassins?" Mostly train and learn about my new powers and body, though. "Not only that, but I'm supposed to be getting a new house to live in, and I'd like to get settled before making any waves."

"Ah suppose that's fair." Her hands slipped down as her anger seemed to disappear at my reasoning.

"Yeah, not only that, but I'd like to become more familiar with the surrounding area and the shit storm that'll be waiting for me if I do attempt to switch things up." Then I shrugged. "I've got a lot to do, but not enough time to do it for the moment. So, I prioritize."

Cassidy was quiet for a moment before speaking. "Ya done somethin like this before?" She inquired, and I glanced at her. "Seems ya been through somethin similar or have experience in this regard." Then she gestured to me. "Kinda like how ya fight. Yer clearly trained and from somewhere else."

Moving towards the door, I replied. "Something like that." Was the only response I gave and Cassidy knew better than to push me with more questions.

Unfortunately, the day went by far fast than I hoped as I relaxed and tried to get my feet back under me after my fight with Tor. My body might've healed, and the energy I used during the encounter had recovered, but I still wasn't used to that level of strain, or at least, my new body wasn't.

My memories of the fight were fresh, as I was back at the scene and I stared at my handiwork. "I still can't believe it." Looking at the crevice, I shook my head as I turned away from it. "Let's see if there is anything else lurking in the forest."

It was still the same day, but I left before anyone could hear that I was awake, and they'd come find me. Specifically, the Priestesses, the Town's Guard... Ayda Farro... Or someone else. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. My eye was still wrapped, but I could feel people getting closer through the forest. Annoyed that I was likely once again followed or tracked, I went to meet them.

To my surprise, Cassidy and quite a few others appeared through the underbrush. "There he is! I told you we were going the right way!" Ayda shouted victoriously.

Groaning internally, I whispered to myself in no small amount of hate. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Looking up as they entered the recently made clearing, I sighed. "Why did I think I could run?" I asked myself. freew(e)bnove(l)


Some of you might be wondering why this random chapter has been released. After all, it's not a bonus chapter or apart of the regularly scheduled releases. To be honest, this is a thank you and for Thanksgiving. While some of you might not celebrate it, I hope each of you have a great holiday and enjoy the extra chapter! 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙬𝙚𝒃𝒏𝓸𝒗𝙚𝓵.𝙘𝓸𝒎


Happy Thanksgiving guys and gals! This is just an extra chapter as a Holiday Bonus! Hope everyone has a great day and is looking forward to the weekend!

This weeks goal is going to be the same as last week! 800 Power Stones for the first Bonus Chapter and 850 for the second! I think we should be able to get it easily this week! Fingers crossed it happens! As usual, hope everyone is still enjoying the story! We're almost to the next arc! Look forward to it or read it now on my patre-on! Up to you! Later!

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