Star Dome Railway: Starting from Becoming the Luofu Swordshead

Chapter 61

Gotta get it.

It was Bai Nan who told you, and I believed it.

Chen Qingshan didn't tell Jingliu that the divine thoughts of the early monks of the Five Elements Realm were enough to cover most of Luofu, and if someone deliberately took a detour to his small courtyard before going to work every day, then he would definitely be able to detect it.

However, Chen Qingshan saw through it and did not say anything, and did not pierce the mirror flow in person.

The history exams went on for several days.

Thanks to the general, Chen Qingshan finally figured out which era of immortal boat he was currently in.

Since the beginning of the Qixian Boat, he has sailed in the long sea of stars, looking for an ethereal way of immortality.

At that time, the Xianzhou people were still short-lived, and in order to prolong the service time of each generation, they adopted the method of dormancy in rotation by the method of sleeping system.

During the voyage of Xianzhou, the Xianzhou people encountered many unheard of things. There are galactic wonders such as the Void Whale and the Cripper Star Wall, as well as invading foreign enemies, such as the Flesh and the Sun, both of which are immortal species, which are the so-called Fertile People in later generations.

Dai Yu, one of the nine immortal boats, unfortunately fell in a battle with Shirou.

After that, the Xianzhou people came into contact with the Interstellar Peace Company, which believed in the Star God Cripper (Mending Heaven Si Ming), and the Bozhi Society, which believed in the Star God of Wisdom (Universal Wisdom Heavenly Monarch), and conducted civilization exchanges and formed allies with them.

As of now, it is the solitary era of Xianzhou, about the first year of the ephemeris - the year 2605 of the ephemeris.

And Chen Qingshan's time is even further backward.

After the era of solitary voyage, it was the "golden age" of Xianzhou. The time is about 2605 ephemeris - 3061 ephemeris.

Xianzhou Luofu was the first to receive the abundant gifts, and then, the other Xianzhou also received abundant blessings, and all the Xianzhou people became immortal.

After the Xianzhou people gained immortality, they conducted many studies and created many miracles based on the miracle of Jianmu.

In the field of biology, techniques such as Mu Wuwu, Rest Soil, Elixir and Freedom Avatar have been created, and the Xingcha that Chen Qingshan often sees in the fairy boat is cultivated using the Rest Soil technology.

In terms of science and technology, he invented the spar computer, Yuzhao, which has unparalleled computing power and is able to deduce everything.

Of course, this jade omen and the one that Jingliu gave her were two completely different things.

In addition to this, the Xianzhou people were even able to make animals have intelligence and language that were sufficient to imitate humans.

During this period, Xianzhou, not only the life span of people has been extended, the soul has been liberated, science and technology have also experienced a huge explosion, many products have been used to later generations, constantly updated and iterative, the gift of the pharmacist seems to have given the Xianzhou people endless prosperity.

These histories are not recorded in detail in a single book, but are summarized by Chen Qingshan himself in the pages of many fragmentary classics.

These include "Investigation of Luofu Ancient Texts", "Annotations on the Emperor's Bow Traces", "List of Great Enemies" and many other documents.

There are more than 20 books in total, large and small.

Even in the "Xianzhou Tongjian", which specializes in recording the history of Xianzhou, the records of various periods are also very fragmented.

I really don't know what Luofu's historians are doing, is it so difficult to record history? Could it be that the Diheng Division has raised rice worms that go to eat dry rice, and the historians are fishing every day?

Chen Qingshan felt annoyed when he thought of the big head he had when he was looking through the fragmented classics.

If later generations also read this kind of fragment after studying history, wouldn't it be very detrimental to the development

of Xianzhou? Chen Qingshan had already lived on Xianzhou for more than ten thoughts, and he already had a very heavy sense of belonging to this place.

The so-called sword cultivation should open the way for latecomers to hold salaries, and they are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles.

The way to open the way here is to be put into martial arts, and it can also be put into writing.

In line with the theory of "Xianzhou is good and I am good", Chen Qingshan temporarily stopped the study of flying swords and began to sort out these fragmented historical materials.

Fang just talked about the golden age, and after this gold came the three tribulations.

In the era of the Three Tribulations (about 3000 years of the ephemeris - 4000 years of the ephemeris),

the good times brought by the demon were not long-lasting, and the disadvantages brought by immortality only appeared after more than 400 years.

After the Golden Age, Xianzhou ushered in the darkest period in history. "Nostalgia for the Fire Prohibition Festival" is described like this: "The three calamities are blazing, the heavens and the earth are like scorching, Rao is a hundred male masters, but all kinds are like Yi." "

The first contradiction that arises is a huge social problem –

the old does not go, and the new comes.

While humans have achieved immortality, they have also retained their original reproductive ability, resulting in a surge in the population of Xianzhou.

Immortality seems like a beautiful thing. But with that comes a swelling population and a lack of resources.

In order to compete for the hope of survival, the immortal celestial man wanted to be a man but could not, and even degenerated into a beast.

The oversaturation of the population has led to a shortage of resources, and at the same time has intensified social tensions.

The powerful occupy high positions without thinking about the people's suffering, and the elderly do not give way to the new youth, the class is solidified, and the gap between the rich and the poor is huge.

So the brown man (i.e., the commoner) rose up and raised the sword of rebellion against the nobles (i.e., the magnates).

This is the famous Battle of the Wall.

In the year 3287 of the ephemeris, Yuanqiao Xianzhou was so badly damaged in this civil strife that it lost control, and finally slipped to the red giant star and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, in order to stop the civil strife and maintain the Xianzhou, the Jin people carried out an indiscriminate massacre of brown husbands and nobles.

At this point, Xianzhou stopped the civil war, and the brown man and the nobles negotiated peace, and the two sides gathered troops to fight against the Jin, and finally quelled the rebellion of the Jinren in the year 3292 of the Ephemeris.

After this battle, Xianzhou's vitality was greatly injured and continued to recuperate.

In the year 3300 of the ephemeris, the immortal boats proposed the "Harmony and Harmony", rectified the discipline and calmed the disputes.

and develop a migration plan to allow the Xianzhou people to migrate to a planet where there are no short-lived species to solve the population problem.

This is the tribulation of life among the three tribulations, and after the tribulation there is an even more terrible fire tribulation.

After the Battle of the Wall, the Jin rebellion, and the migration plan, the scarred Xianzhou had not had time to heal the wound, and the invasion of the wing-makers and the flesh stabbed Xianzhou with a fatal blow.

As usual, Zhu Ming Xianzhou scanned the visible star fields around the channel, this time they observed the gravitational pull of a massive celestial body, but they could not pick up any light signals, until they got close enough, they realized that it was a tree-like world that sucked stars, and its name was - Qiongsang!

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