Spoiler American Multiverse: Opening Live Avengers

Chapter 094

“That’s rude. “】

[In the face of the female Loki’s provocation, Loki frowned. 】

“Are you sure you’re Loki?”] 】

[The female Loki sneered: “You’re in my way. “】

Loki didn’t flinch and shouted, “I’m blocking you.” “】

[Without saying a word, the two Loki suddenly started fighting, and for a while the sword light and shadow resounded throughout the corridor. ] 】

“I used to think we could work together, but now I think you lack vision. “】

“Shut up! “】

[The two Loki fought while fighting at the golden elevator door. ] For a while, no one can take anyone. 】

“Hey! “】

[Just as the two of them were confronting, the black female judge with two time guards suddenly rushed over. 】

[Loki was stunned, and the female Loki seized the opportunity to restrain him and put the knife on Loki’s neck. 】

[Female Loki yelled at the black female judge:]

“If you dare to come, I will kill him.”] “】


[The black female judge sneered, raised her weapon with a glowing yellow light and rushed forward. 】

[Loki’s eyes flashed, and he directly snatched her time controller from the female Loki, and casually opened a golden portal, teleporting him and the female Loki out. ] 】

Seeing this messy scene, don’t say that people like the brine who don’t understand the previous plot at all, even Peter Parker and others are also confused.

[Peter Parker: Huh? Why did Mr. Loki fight that female Loki? Aren’t their goals the same? It’s all about overthrowing the Time Authority. 】

[Wanda Maximov: Yes, and that female Loki, why threaten the Time Authority with Loki’s life? This looks so strange. 】

[Master Mordo: You guys are too unserious to watch the video, but I remember the previous plot very well. 】

[Mage Mordo: What the female Loki wants is to enter that golden elevator and kill the Time Guardian. 】

[Mage Mordo: But what Loki wants is to join forces with this female version of himself and rule the Time Authority in turn. 】

[Nick Fury: I don’t quite understand, but the woman wants to destroy the organization, and Loki wants to control the organization. That’s right? 】

[Master Mordo: That’s it, so the goals of these two people conflict. 】

[Tony Stark: Haha, Peter. As for why the woman put the knife on Loki’s neck, of course, it was because he regarded this kid as a lackey of the Time Authority! 】

[Loki Oddinson: Mortal, watch your words, I am a god. 】

[Wanda Maximov: But looking at it now, even I think that those time managers may have made it up. 】

[Wanda Maximov: If these guys are really so powerful that they can casually fuse the multiverse, why do you need these time guards… So desperately trying to protect them? Isn’t this asking a group of ants to protect the dragon? 】

[Natasha Romanoff: Not necessarily, as far as I know, many big people just like to watch, and the ants under their hands are directed by them to spin around, and they take pleasure in it. 】

[Nick Fury: Natasha, I want you to refer to previous experiences, not the present. 】

[Natasha Romanoff: Director, you’re thinking too much. 】

[Image continues.] 】

[The two Loki fell into an unknown place, and soon, they fought again for the time controller. 】

[The female Loki grabbed the controller first, but he found that the power was exhausted. 】

[Next, Loki used his best illusion to snatch the portal controller back.] 】

[Female Loki said angrily:]

“Give it back to me, you don’t know how to charge it.”] “】

Loki responded with a proud look: “Of course I know, you are not the only technology mad Loki. “】

[Upon hearing this, the expression on the female Loki’s face immediately changed. 】

“Never call me that name again?”] “】

[“Tech freak? Loki asked, tilting his head. 】

“It’s Loki! “The female Loki seems to have been provoked a little crazy. 】

[Faced with the fight of the female Loki, as soon as Loki stretched out his hand, he changed the time controller in his hand. ] 】

[Thor: Ah, I remember, Loki, you used this trick to hide that ancient winter coffin, and then used it to freeze Heimdall, right? 】

[Rocky Odinson: Hmph, I attacked the guardians of Asgard and wanted to destroy a planet. As Thor, aren’t you angry at all? 】

[Thor: Well, anyway, you are my brother, even if you poke out a big Louzi, then I have to clean up for you,]

[Thor: No way, isn’t my brother like this?] Hahaha]

[Rocky Oddinson: …………]

[Image continues.] 】

[Just when the two Loki fought again, a small meteorite suddenly fell from the sky and smashed between the two of them. ] 】

[The two went out to take a look, only to find that they were taken to a purple planet by the portal, and large and small meteor showers kept falling in the sky! ] 】

[It turns out that this is one of the backup doomsday bases of the female Loki. ] 】

In the future of 2077, this satellite colony will soon collide with another planet and be completely destroyed.] 】

“Idiot, you’re going to kill us all. “】

[The female Loki cursed angrily while frantically dodging the meteorite falling from the sky:]

“Of all the apocalypse stored in my time controller, this is the worst. “】

[Suddenly, the female Loki reached out and pulled Loki and helped him dodge a meteorite that fell from the sky. ] 】

[Hiding under a huge truck, Loki gasped and asked:]

[“I thought you wanted me to die”]

The female Loki said hatefully: “I don’t know where you hid the time controller, if you die, I have to die.] “】

Seeing this, Tony touched his chin in the live broadcast room and laughed playfully:

“Aha, this is what I call the “perfect drawbridge effect enhanced”. ”

“Facing this desperate situation where they will die anytime and anywhere, and this man and woman must also rely on each other, in this case, their relationship will definitely heat up sharply and finally come together!”

Seeing that everyone in the live broadcast room was looking at him, Tony raised his head and said with a smug look.

“Believe me, my attainment in chasing women is only a little bit worse than my attainment in science.”

[Image continues.] 】

[The two Loki finally rushed into a relatively strong building. 】

[Just breathed a sigh of relief, the female Loki slowly leaned over, put her hand on Loki’s neck, and made a somewhat ambiguous gesture. ] 】

“What are you doing?” “】

[Just spoke, Loki suddenly woke up:] 】

“Do you want to use your magic to possess me?”] “】

“It’s useless. “】

“Why? Because you are a magician? The female Loki shouted furiously. 】

[Loki spread his hands: “No? Because my mind is too strong. “】

“Alright! “】

[Seeing that the possession magic was ineffective, the female Loki pulled out her knife and seemed to be about to fight again.] 】

Seeing this, Loki sighed a little distressed. 】

[“No, do we have to keep fighting? “】

[Looking at the female version of herself, Loki said:]

“Let’s just say that if we can’t fix that time controller, none of us can leave this place.] “】

[“Where did you hide it?”] The female Loki shouted. 】

[“In my heart! Interrupted repeatedly, Loki seemed angry too. 】

[The female Loki raised the knife and pointed at Loki and said sharply:]

[“Okay, then I’ll dig it out!”] “】

[Thor: Brother, this woman is really too fierce. It seems that you have to beat her hard, otherwise you can’t subdue her. 】

[Master Mordo: Just kidding, Thor, you guy, actually began to guide other people’s love lives. 】

[Thor: Hahaha, what is this?] I have lived for 1,500 years, and in the nine realms, no matter how strong a female warrior is, she can only fall under my Mjolnir hammer in the end! 】

[Rocky Odinson: Oh, that’s amazing, but now… What about your hammer? 】

[Thor: Uh-uh-uh… Brother, you are too much, I also care about you.” (T_T)】

[Tony Stark: Where does it take to be so violent to chase women, in my opinion, these two guys are now trapped in a desperate situation, and they have the common goal of “fixing the time controller”, so they must cooperate to survive. 】

[Stephen Strange: So… In this case, will the opposite sex naturally come together? 】

[Tony Stark: Bingo! That’s what I meant. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Nonsense, how can I fall in love with the female version of myself, besides, this woman is so violent, it is almost like a female version of Thor! ] 】

[Rocky Odinson: Look, I’ll fix that time controller and leave, leaving this woman here to die. Hahaha! 】

[Tony Stark: If you don’t believe me, then we’ll wait and see. Hey, hey…]

[Image continues.] 】

[The two Loki trek through the wilderness, ready to leave for a nearby town to find power and charge the time controller.] 】

[In the process of rushing, the female Loki said her pseudonym, Sylvie.] 】

[Sylvie accuses Loki of working for the Time Authority. 】

[And Loki questioned Sylvie’s killing of the Time Keepers.] 】

[I think that she is just creating a pure power vacuum by doing this, and she will never do such a stupid thing.] 】

[Nick Fury: Oh, so what the real Loki wants is to replace the Time Guardian and become the evil dragon after slaying the dragon? 】

[Rocky Odinson: Human, I’m not a dragon, I’m a god. 】

[Loki Odinson: As for that woman… It’s really stupid, I don’t see any long-term plans and visions in her behavior, some are just short-sighted revenge. 】

[Nick Fury: Haha, ironically, this is said by a man who would not hesitate to destroy a planet in order to prove himself in front of his father. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: …………]

[Image continues.] 】

[The two Loki, walked to the door of a house, Loki whispered to Sylvie:]

“Brute force is not a substitute for strategy and trickery. “】

[Sylvie nodded, and then took a long knife and directly kicked open the door savagely. 】

[As a result, she was hit by a shockwave and flew away.] 】

[It turned out that there was a middle-aged woman sitting in the room, holding a high-tech weapon, right opposite the door. 】

[Loki looked at the shaking head and chuckled, then peeked at the photos in the room, and changed himself into the husband of a middle-aged woman, wanting to deceive her.] 】

[As a result, he was also bombarded. 】

The middle-aged woman shouted: “That dead ghost has never said a good word to me in the past 30 years! “】

[Seeing Loki lying on the ground, embarrassed, turned into the original form. ] Sylvie laughed out loud too. 】

[Tony Stark: Uh-huh, nice job, it’s called “She smiled!” She has me in her heart! “】

[Tony Stark: It seems that it won’t be long before we see a pair of Loki newcomers. ^_^】

[Loki Oddinson: Stop, shameless mortals, gods are not something you can make fun of. 】

[From the middle-aged woman’s mouth, I learned that there was an Ark spaceship nearby. The two Loki then travel a long way to board the spaceship and escape the planet. 】

[Finally, Loki transforms himself into a guard and leads Sylvie to board the high-speed train to where the ship is. 】

[On the train, the two Loki can finally relax and chat relaxed. 】

[Loki tells Sylvie that his magic was taught by his mother, and also tells him that he is actually an adopted son.] 】

Sylvie said bluntly: I already knew I was adopted. 】

[Loki was shocked to hear this, “They actually told you the truth? “】

“yes? Didn’t they tell you? Sylvie asked curiously. 】

Seeing this, Loki secretly clenched his teeth.

Sometimes he wondered if Odin had told him honestly about his life from the beginning, would he still grow up like this now?

[The two Loki continue to chat,]

[Speaking of magic, Loki simply raised his hand and cast a small illusion spell on Sylvie. 】

[Watching the fireworks bloom in Loki’s hand, Sylvie’s expression changed a little. 】

[Next, Sylvie asks Loki if he has a love affair?] 】

“You’re a prince. The other party may be a princess. “】

The smile on Sylvie’s face suddenly became a little strange: “Or is it another prince?” “】

Loki looked flat, and said leisurely: “I think it’s both.” “】


Seeing this, almost everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked.

To say that the prince next to Loki, it seems… Possible…… Seem…… That’s the only one.

“Hey! No way? ”

Tony looked at Loki in disbelief and almost exclaimed:

“You won’t really… What about that stupid big one? ”


Peter Parker swallowed his spit and involuntarily took a step back.

Even Natasha’s eyes widened, her eyes filled with consternation.

Although she had also ridiculed Loki and Thor before, it was just a joke.

I didn’t expect that… This guy turned out to be playing for real.

Feeling the strange gazes of everyone around him, Loki’s face turned red. Suddenly, he clenched his fists and drank:

“Bastard, I’m just perfunctory, no! Confuse the woman. ”

“You actually believe it, I see that your intelligence is not even as good as a frog!”

PS: The Loki TV series has begun!

PS2: Thank you for all kinds of votes and tips!

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