Spoiler American Multiverse: Opening Live Avengers

Chapter 092

[Image continues.] 】

[Although he was hit by the light emitted by the Eternal Spear, the thick-skinned Thor still got up from the ground. 】

[Looking at Loki, Thor shouted with a puzzled look:]

“Why? Why did you destroy Jotunheim? “】

Loki said without hesitation: “To prove to my father that I am a more capable son.] “】

“When he wakes up, he’ll know I’ve just saved his life.” I also destroyed those monsters in Jotunheim. That’s why I’m the one who deserves to sit on the throne. “】

[Thor was stunned to hear this, he couldn’t believe that his brother would do such a crazy thing for the battle for the throne.] 】

“You can’t destroy a race because of this! “】

[Looking at his shocked brother, Loki also showed a teasing smile on his face. 】

[Why not?] Have you been in love with these ice giants lately? 】

[Giggled and walked over to Thor.] Loki’s tone was full of sarcasm :]

“You can kill the ice giant with just your bare hands. “】

[In the face of Loki’s taunt, Thor’s face suddenly became serious. 】

“I’ve changed. “】

The smile on Loki’s face suddenly disappeared, and he said coldly: “I have changed too. “】

As soon as the words fell, he waved the Eternal Spear in his hand and smacked Thor with the handle of the gun. 】

“Come on, let’s have a showdown.”] “】

[Loki gave Thor another blow and knocked him away.] 】

[Although he knocked out Thor, Loki seemed to be even more angry, he gritted his teeth and roared, his voice full of anger and hurt:]

“I never wanted to be a king!”] “】

“All I want is to be your equal!”] “】

Hearing this, many people in front of the screen fell silent.

“Loki, you are…”

Then Frigga unconsciously stretched out her hand to the screen in front of her.

But only halfway up, she withdrew her hand and showed a look of struggle on her face.

Over the years, she asked herself that she had always treated her two sons equally, and had never deliberately favored either one.

But hearing Loki’s hoarse shouts on the screen, Frigga also began to suspect… Did he really ignore the feelings in Loki’s heart?

“Want to be on an equal footing with Thor? Poor fellow. ”

Odin shook his head without a trace, and there was a trace of pity in his one-eyed eyes.

Why bother?

Loki, you’re after something you’ll never get.

As a father, I can love you and Thor as equally as possible.

But as a king, I can only have one heir, and that person will definitely not be you …

The look in Odin’s one-eyed was changing, and it was obvious that thoughts were constantly changing in his heart.

“However, in order to prove to me that he is better than Thor, he did not hesitate to kill his biological father Laufi and destroy Jotunheim. Seemingly…… Loki’s loyalty to Asgard is still guaranteed. ”


[Thor: Loki, it turns out that you made so much trouble, you just want to defeat me. 】

[Thor: Why are you suffering here? Just fight me and it’s over. I can accompany you at any time. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Stupid, what do you know? Shut up. 】

Looking at his hoarse roar on the screen, Loki only felt that his heart was extremely entangled, and he unconsciously clenched his fists.

On an equal footing with Thor?

This was almost unimaginable to him in the past.

From childhood to adulthood, Asgard and everyone looked up to Thor and looked down on him Loki.

But now Loki holds “Frost Sorrow” and “Avatar World”, two rewards with endless potential. In time, even the “Future Thor” armed with a stormy tomahawk in the video can be defeated.

For him now, surpassing Thor is not an unattainable dream.

So, Loki can instead calm down and think carefully…

He…… Why are you so obsessed with being equal to Thor?

After pondering for a while, Loki’s heart moved, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

“So it is, from the beginning, what I cared about was not Thor, but…”

At the same time, the chat group can also become more and more lively discussion.

[Stephen Strange: I’ve always found it a little strange, this Loki in the image, his personality changes a little too fast. 】

[Stephen Strange: At the beginning of the video, he introduces three frost giants to Asgard, so you can say… He just wanted to mess with his brother’s coronation out of jealousy. 】

[Stephen Strange: At this point, Loki’s behavior was only at the level of mischief and troublemaker. 】

[Stephen Strange: But what do you think he’s doing now? He wants to blow up a planet! Kill all the creatures on that planet! 】

[Stephen Strange: This, this… Is this still the same person? This is simply depraved into … Uh, sorry. 】

[Rocky Odinson: You might as well say that I fell into a monster! ] 】

[Peter Parker: Mr. Loki, I don’t think Dr. Strange meant that. 】

[Thor: I also think it’s a little strange, Loki usually likes to play pranks, but he kills less than a fraction of me on the battlefield, how did he suddenly come up with such a thing as destroying planets? ] 】

[Thor: Or do you say… Loki on the screen is just playing pranks on us. 】

[Nick Fury: What kind of prank is this, it is clear from the image that Jotunheim is about to be blown up! ] 】

[Nick Fury: This weapon is really terrifying, how good it would be if our planet could master it…]

[Tony Stark: Earth mastery, it’s nice to say, I think you S.H.I.E.L.D. wants it, right? 】

[Nick Fury: Stark, as one of the best weapon designers on Earth, aren’t you at all interested in the ultimate weapon of this level? 】

[Tony Stark: Without further ado, Uncle Ben has long since quit the weapons manufacturing business! ] 】

[Wanda Maximov: The guy named Nick Fury. Why do you have to ask that Stark to help you make weapons? 】

[Wanda Maksimov: Don’t you know how many innocent people have been killed by the weapons he invented? 】

[Nick Fury: Ahem, that’s two different things from what I’m talking about. 】

[Wanda Maksimov: Now, Stark has finally abandoned evil and changed from good to evil, and you want to lure him back to that path of sin, what is your intention? 】

[Tony Stark: ……… ヽ(ー_ー)ノI still have business, you guys talk, leave. 】

[Stephen Strange: Don’t go far, my question has always been one, why did Loki change so much before and after? 】

[Natasha Romanoff: Well… I think I can answer you. 】

[Natasha Romanoff: Loki’s personality began to have problems, which should have started when his life history was exposed by Odin. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: …………]

[Master Mordo: That’s right! Odin says that he is his adopted son from Jotunheim, but he is actually an ice giant! 】

[Thor: Shut up! ] Mage, you are not qualified to talk about my brother! 】

[Master Mordo: Haha, this is what your father said. If you have an opinion, go to Odin! ^_^】

[Thor: Abominable…]

[Stephen Strange: So, I see, no wonder Loki made that choice. 】

[Peter Parker: What Dr. Strange, what are you talking about? How I don’t understand at all. 】

[Stephen Strange: Don’t you think it’s strange? When Thor came to Asgard via the Rainbow Bridge, he became the number one threat to Loki’s throne! 】

[Stephen Strange: Well, it’s fair to say that if Loki wants to keep his throne, the first thing he needs to do is kill Thor! 】

[Thor: Hey, what are you talking nonsense? How could my brother kill me? Besides, Loki wants the throne, I’ll just give it to him. 】

[Stephen Strange: How could it be that simple? Even if you agree, the rest of Asgard will not agree. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Hehe, that’s right, look at me in the image, nominally a king, but actually… There are all traitors under the hand! 】

[Stephen Strange: So… As long as Thor appears in Asgard alive, Loki’s throne will not be secure. 】

[Stephen Strange: But faced with such a situation, Loki threw Thor aside and rushed to the Rainbow Bridge to destroy Jotunheim! ] 】

[Stephen Strange: Why was the destruction of Jotunheim so important to him? Even more important than the throne, than Thor? 】

[Peter Parker: This place… Should it be his hometown? 】

[Rocky Odinson: Shut up, human, don’t piss me off! 】

[Natasha Romanoff: I think… I also understood. 】

[Natasha Romanoff: This poor guy wants to prove his loyalty. 】

[Stephen Strange: Yes! You’re not wrong at all! That’s why… Loki would do such a terrible thing! 】

[Rocky Odinson: ………………]

[Natasha Romanoff: This kind of thing is very common in the spy organization I used to work for. Members have to do something very difficult and extremely dangerous to prove their loyalty to the organization. 】

[Natasha Romanoff: But I’ve never seen anything as extreme as Loki. 】

[Peter Parker: Ah, proof? Prove what? 】

[Natasha Romanoff: He wants to destroy the ice giant’s hometown of Jotunheim. This proves that he Loki is a true Asgardian. And not monsters like ice giants! 】

[Wanda Maximov: This! It’s crazy, how can the bloodline change. 】

[Natasha Romanoff: yes, it’s crazy. But it’s also sad…]

[Natasha Romanov: For this, he even killed his biological father! ] 】

[Master Mordo: What a terrible guy! ] 】

[Thor: No! No way! Loki, he actually …”

A small town in New Mexico.

Looking at the constantly scrolling barrage below the screen, Thor’s eyes were glazed, his breathing was completely stagnant, and his mind was in chaos.

Exposed to such a bunch of shocking news in a short period of time, Thor, who was not very smart, only felt that his head was no longer enough, and the psychological shadow was even greater than imagined.


Prove what Loki is a brother who grew up and himself. Does this need to be proven?


At the same time as the heated discussion in the chat group, the battle between Loki and Thor on the screen also went into white heat.

[The two fought all the way outside from the center of the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[One accidentally, Loki slipped off the Rainbow Bridge, and could only grasp the edge with both hands, so as not to fall into the starry vortex below. ] 】

[“Thor, brother! Save me! “】

[Grabbing Loki on the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, looking at Thor on the bridge, he made a pitiful cry for help. ] 】

[Look at my brother’s appearance.] Thor sighed softly, still crouching down to reach for help. 】

[But as soon as he grabbed Thor’s hand, Loki’s body actually disappeared! ] 】

[Thor was startled, looked back, and saw Loki appear behind him with a sinister smile, raise the Eternal Spear and stab him. ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[With an exclamation, Thor’s abdomen was poked out of a hole by the Eternal Spear. 】

[The injury did not seem light, and Thor fell weakly on the Rainbow Bridge. 】

“Hahaha. “】

[With arrogant laughter, Loki’s body suddenly transformed into dozens, surrounding Thor from all directions. ] 】


In the otherworldly live broadcast room. Little Wanda involuntarily exclaimed in a low voice.

Is that big man going to lose like this?

At this time, Loki, who was standing on the side, sighed softly in his heart.

He saw clearly that the self on the screen could not fully exert the power of the Eternal Spear at all, and when he faced Thor, he even intentionally or unintentionally kept his hand.

Originally the strength is not as good, how can this be won?


[Image continues.] 】

[After transforming into an avatar, dozens of Loki simultaneously raised their Eternal Spears and stabbed at Thor who fell to the ground.] 】

[At this moment, just listen to a roar:]

“Enough. “】

[Thor didn’t even stand up, just lay on the ground and raised Mjolnir, and the terrifying thunder and lightning rushed in all directions like a sea of mountains. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[Countless Loki’s illusions were suddenly swept away by the thunder that swept in all directions. ] 】

[The only surviving body was also struck by lightning and flew out, and landed on the Rainbow Bridge in embarrassment. ] 】

[Thor stood up, holding Mjolnir in his hand, and walked towards Loki without caring. 】

[The wound that was stabbed by the Eternal Spear before did not seem to have any effect on him at all. 】

Seeing this, Loki’s eyes darkened.

This is the divine body of the God of Thunder.

Even the Eternal Spear couldn’t fatally wound him.

It’s really terrifying!

How can there be such a strong body in the world?

[Image continues.] 】

[In order to prevent Loki from escaping, Thor put Mjolnir into Loki’s murderous mouth. 】

[Unable to lift the hammer at all, Loki had to lie on the Rainbow Bridge and laugh :]

[“Look at you! Great Thor, you have that much power, but what can you do now? “】

[“Did you hear that, brother, now you can’t do anything”]

[Hearing Loki’s ridicule, Thor’s face showed determination. 】

[With his right hand extended, Mjolnir automatically flew out of Loki’s body and fell into his hand. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Thor lifted Mjolnir with all his strength and smashed it on the Rainbow Bridge! ] 】

[He has no way to stop the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[In order to save Jotunheim from the complete destruction of the colorful brilliance of the Rainbow Bridge, the only way is to destroy the entire Rainbow Bridge! ] 】

[Seeing this, Loki exclaimed loudly, and even rushed up with the Eternal Spear. 】

[But just as Loki rushed behind Thor, he threw his last hammer. 】

【Boom!!!!! 】

[The deafening roar turned the heavens and the earth into brilliant silver, ]

[A bright light pierced the sky, shining so brightly that people couldn’t see directly. 】

[Where the Rainbow Bridge shattered, countless violent energies condensed together, turning into a huge silver ball of light, expanding wildly in an instant, and powerful shock waves swept away. ]

[Under the sweep of the silver ball of light, the center of the entire Rainbow Bridge instantly collapsed and turned into a mass of ruins. ] 】

[And the colorful light that was enough to destroy a planet finally stopped. ] 】

[Blown out from a distance by the shock wave of the Rainbow Bridge explosion, Loki and Thor are about to fall into the endless void below the Rainbow Bridge. ] 】

[But at this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed Thor’s leg. 】

[And Thor grabbed the Eternal Spear in Loki’s hand, and the two were instantly connected. ] 】

[This person who happened to appear was none other than God King Odin. 】

[Looking at Odin standing on the edge of the broken bridge.] Loki shouted with tears on his face in his face:]

“I could have done it, Father! “】

“I can!”] “】

“I’m for you!”] For all of us! “】

[Looking at his own appearance, Odin’s expression was complicated to the extreme, but finally he whispered. 】

“Nope! Loki! “】

[This sentence is equivalent to denying everything Loki has done. 】

[He did not hesitate to kill his biological father Laufi and tried to destroy the whole of Jotunheim, all in order to prove his loyalty to Asgard.] 】

[And what he ultimately wants is Odin’s approval.] 】

[But now with Odin’s denial, everything has lost its meaning. 】

[Loki’s expression was momentarily sluggish, his eyes changed from sadness to despair, and he gradually released his right hand holding the Eternal Spear. ] 】

[Seeing this, Thor shouted: “Loki! Don’t! “】

[But Loki finally let go of his hand, his body fell under the rainbow bridge, was sucked into it by the starry river vortex, and disappeared completely. ] 】

[Immediately after, the screen went black.] 】

“No, the self in that universe, the way to die is so stupid?”

Loki’s eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly. The mind shook to the extreme for a while.

Even seeing himself being twisted off by Thanos before did not cause him such a big shock.

Killed by Thanos, at least died a vigorous death.

And this suicide-like death method in front of him can only make Loki feel an extreme fear.

Sure enough, everything this self in the other universe did was just to seek the approval of his father Odin!

He wants to prove to Odin that he is a good son who is as good as Thor, if not better!

Therefore, this Loki simply chose death after being denied by Odin.

“This is my life?”

“Living to seek the approval of others? And die? ”

“That’s too sad!”

Just when Loki was about to doubt his life, the picture on the screen suddenly lit up again.

[Professor Eric Schawig, Jane Foster’s mentor, entered an underground passage. 】

[There, he met a bald, one-eyed black man. 】

Seeing this scene, the halogen egg in the office of S.H.I.E.L.D., Huo Ran sat up straight from the chair.

“This is me?”

At this moment, the brine egg suddenly felt a hint of foreboding.

It’s as if this image will bring him something bad!

[“You’re behind it?” 】

[Professor Eric walked towards the brine egg and said with a self-deprecating smile. 】

“I thought you brought me here to kill me.] “】

[The brine egg said calmly:]

[“I heard about the situation in New Mexico”]

“The results of your work have made many people who are much smarter than me praise. “】

[Professor Eric spread his hands: “I still have a lot of work to do”]

[“Foster’s theory can open the door to another dimension, which is unprecedented”]

[Suddenly, I found that the expression of the brine egg in front of me changed a little. Professor Eric asked suspiciously: ]

“Is there a precedent for this theory? “】

[The egg turned around and walked to a suitcase, saying nonsense as he walked:]

“There are always differences between legends and history, but sometimes we find that the two are actually the same. “】

[Looking at Professor Eric, the egg gently opened the suitcase. 】

[It contains a blue Rubik’s cube, and there is a constant flicker of strange light inside.] 】

Seeing this, several people in the otherworldly live broadcast room exclaimed:

“This is not … Cosmic Cube? ”

PS: Thor 1 ends, and the next chapter is the Loki TV series!

PS2: Thank you for all kinds of votes and tips!

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