Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Thirty-Eight. Fists And Firsts (NSFW)

Gwen screeched in rage and lunged for Peter, "What have you done to us?" she yelled, "what is this stuff attached to me?"

Peter flung himself backwards out of the home door and Gwen leapt out after him. He'd just finished fixing the place up and wasn't about to let a pissed-off monster Gwen trash it.

“Calm down Gwen. We can talk, okay,” he said raising his hands but she screeched at him,

“Talk? talk talk talk. We dont want to talk, we want to eat you. We want to know why we what it, why it tells us things.” she yelled as she dived after him.

The new Gwen was almost as fast as he was, but he had time to adjust to the powers, she had not.

After a few wield swings she spun after trying to hit him and he nudged her, making her fall over.

“Gwen, calm down.”

“Calm? You are Venom, we are, are this thing. We are not calm.” She picked herself up and laughed. “Let us punch you a few times, then we will be calm.”

“Gwen please.” he pleaded, raising his hands, “I've been doing this longer. I dont want to hurt you.”

She hissed at him and tried to spray webbing at him. Instead, it came out like thick white fluid, spurting over the warehouse floor.

He stifled a small laugh, and she looked at her wrist, and then screeched at him again.

"Hey, didn't know you were a squirter, Gwenom." Peter couldn't help himself as she huffed and started to swing at him once more.

It was freeing in a way. As they swung and fought. As she lunged for him, he would brush his hands over her, making sure she wasn't going to hurt herself. He felt calm, and strangely at peace. He had someone to share this burden with. Well, as soon as she calmed down.

It was like fighting a toddler. She was uncoordinated and clumsy. He had no doubt that eventually, she would tire herself out, and he could explain properly. All he had to do was stay out of her way, and make sure she didn’t wreck anything.

He leapt straight up onto one of the roof rafters and stuck to it.

Gwen screeched in anger at him. Even with her now-enhanced strength, she was unable to leap high enough to grab hold of him.

Her mind was fogged by the sudden rush of hormones blanking her into a pure unadulterated rage.

He was mocking her and he would pay for his insolence. Huffing the cold air, Gwen prowled beneath the girder Peter was stuck to, never taking her eyes off him.

While this was fun Peter knew that Gwen had to learn to take control. The urges he fought with daily were bad but Gwen had been injured and almost dead when he changed her. He dealt with anger and rage, she could be much worse and she might not have enough control.

The worst part was the thought that he might have to find a more permanent solution if she stayed in a rage. One he didn't want to think about.

In his musings, Peter took his eyes from Gwen and she capitalised on his daydreaming.

Launching herself at the wall of her home she springboarded from it and got high enough to swipe at his chest. She raked blackened claws across his partially armoured chest.

"uh uh uh," Peter flipped backwards and onto the top of the rafter, "nice move but you gotta try harder Gwenom."

As she swung up after him she crouched on all fours, hissing and snarling at him as they stood in a standoff.

Once more than name sent boiling rage through her veins, hissing "not Gwenom, NOT GWENOM!" The tight skin suit began to writhe and bubble. Under it, her gymnasts frame bulked into a steroid-enhanced bodybuilder.

"Fine, you wanna play, Mini-me. Then let's play." His armour shifted and became the thicker plates he had used on Rhino.

He tackled Gwen round the waist pinning her arms to her side. She snapped at him, her face mimicking his and splitting into a razor-filled maw, ready to tear and rend at his flesh.

They both thudded onto the warehouse floor as Peter threw them off the girder. The impact was absorbed by Gwen and she hissed as the air was knocked from her.

"Didn't they teach you that biting is bad?" Peter snapped his head back and smashed his forehead into the top set of teeth. Feeling them crumble against the thicker armour plate, Gwen screeched in pain.

Shit, Peter thought, idiot.

He hadn't meant to hit her that hard. He was trying to calm her down, not beat her into submission.

Struggling to free herself she thought that she had won over Venom as he released her arms. Only to be grabbed and slammed to the floor a second later. She huffed and the wind was knocked from her, and Peter sprang up and trapped both her arms under his legs.

Aiming at both hands as they tried to claw at his thighs, he webbed her hands to the ground.

"Play nice, Gwenom or daddy will spank." He said as he moved down.

Even as she bucked her hips to dislodge him, she knew it was over.

He had bested her. Even if she had felt stronger, he was stronger still.

He had been smarter to keep out of her way, he had been smarter to make her mad with his stupid quips and acid tongue. Something clicked inside her and she continued to fake struggle.

Peter gripped her with his legs, "Woohoo, ride 'em, cowboy." While this was fun, he really didn't want to hurt her.

His amusement at the situation was his undoing. Gwen hadn't learned to make web ropes yet but she knew that she could alter the chemical formula of her fluid. With Peter acting like a jackass, he failed to notice the acid eating away at the bindings holding her down.

Once they felt weak enough, Gwen roared and flipped her and Peter over. With his legs around her waist, it was his turn to be slammed down onto the concrete floor.

Winded by the sudden reversal, Peter found himself held to the floor by Gwen. She scurried away and then ran back at him. Going into a slide, she kicked him in the side of the head, sending him tumbling.

Leaping and pouncing on him once more she landed her full weight into his. She drove her knees into his chest, winding him before flipping back. It might be useless as rope, but she knew she could make it dry fast, and dry solid. So copying him she sprayed webs over his hands, and now he was stuck.

Hugging him closely, she pinned him to the ground and ran her hands over him. She was now rubbing the side of her head against his.

"Peetaaah," she growled at him, letting her tongue slide over the side of his face. She had him now, she had won.

She froze, something long and hard was poking her between her legs, its heat felt though even both of their suits. What was worse was her armour responded by making itself thinner and pressing down.

Peter had an erection. She had felt it too. A burning desire, not to fight but to fuck. She wanted to prove herself an adequate mate for him, and for him to prove his worthiness to her as well.

take him, a voice echoed in her head.

Looking down she could see his manhood, standing proudly between her legs. She could feel its heat, and taste this scent in the air, enticing her to taste it. To take it deep within her until she was one with him.

No, no, she thought to herself, I won, this was cheating, this isn't fair

he is our tasty prize, eat him up, make us full

She pushed herself down onto him more. It was right, he was her prize, and she had waited long enough for this. She won, she should claim her prize as the victor.

Make him ours, and in a rush of hormones, she agreed. A warm flush spread through her and she felt herself become slick as she rubbed herself against him.

As she began to rub her crotch against his erection Peter felt a connection between them.

Her frustration at his teasing. Her anger at his stupid name. Her desire as he hardened between her legs. She wanted this, and as she moaned and nipped at his neck, he knew he did as well.

It wasn’t the romantic evening he had planned, but right now Gwen needed something to distract her from the rage.

Something other than violence and as she stroked him with herself, he knew she wanted this too. His armour slid away, and he was naked on the cold floor.

She had positioned herself, and wet lips stroked against his now wet cock. As she moved forwards he moved down as far as she could and as he lifted, he felt himself slide into her.

The white mask slid back, and Gwen panted as he slid deeper into her,

"Pete, oh god Pete, I want it. Fuck me, Pete, fuck me."

She bent down and kissed him, sliding her hands over her chest. Her own armour disappeared and she squeezed her breasts.

Peter had no choice. He was still webbed to the ground and she ground against him at first but then began to buck her hips. "so good, so good."

As she spoke she dipped her head and kissed him. Running her hands through her hair her hips movements changed and she was bouncing up and down on him. Letting him almost escape before slamming it back deep into her,

yes yes, more more, she heard the voice again, fill us, make us woosh and whizz.

She didn't care about their stupid fight. She didn't care about that stupid name. She wanted his cock. She wanted him deep inside her and she found the rage subside into wanting the same thing.

She pressed herself against him licking and rubbing herself against him. Repeating, "please," over and over again.

He strained against the webbing holding him to the ground. It soon splintered and crumbled as he wriggled his arms free. He pulled Gwen towards him, running his fingers down her spine and running his own tongue over hers.

Their armour slid back and now were both naked and they embraced.

Finding himself hugging a very naked Gwen only made him harder. The feeling echoed as she tightened around him.

He groaned as Gwen's slick folds rubbed up and down against him. Her pussy was warm and tight, and as she slid up and down on him, he felt his orgasm build.

The lust bubbled up within him, and he lifted himself up, sitting up and sucking on her breasts. His tongue found her nipples and he sucked and teased her as he held her. She rubbed him inside her and squealed and moaned as her head rolled back.

"Cum Pete, cum." She was already at the edge and as he teased her nipples, she came over and over.

Each time she lowered her hips and the tip of his manhood touch the velvet-smooth end of her pussy he wanted to cum. She moved faster and faster.

"Oh shit Gwen, no. I oh shit no, I-" she sealed his mouth with hers and felt his cock getting hotter and ached for him to cum inside her.

She wanted it, no she needed it. She didn't care they weren't safe, she didn't care at all. It burned as an ache inside her, she wanted him to fill her with his power.

With a final drop, Gwen rubbed him deep into her, arching her back as she felt the cum spurting out of him like a hose. She moaned and arched her back

yes yes! the voice yelled, more more!

Peter himself was taut as the orgasm started in his cock and worked its way into his brain. It sent fireworks of pleasure through each nerve in his body. His cock twitched as each wave sent another spurt of his seed deep within her.

Naked and exhausted, Gwen lay on top of Peter until he slid from her.

She kissed him, "I love you, but you are so fucking dead." As he kissed the side of his face, she leant and bit his earlobe, "tomorrow. you are dead tomorrow." She stood and stretched, uncaring she was naked. "Tonight, you are making up for lost time." Gwen turned and her hips and ass swayed as she walked to her home.

Peter looked confused as she giggled and beckoned him and a smile and a finger. realising that was one of many, he quickly leapt to his feet, and as she laughed, dived into her home.

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