Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Sixty. Kings Of The Castle

"Fucking Venom." Norman raged, throwing the expensive glass of scotch he’d been nursing against the wall of his office.

He shook his head, if a brute could overpower his drones then he had no choice but to send them back to R&D for rework. He thought they were perfect. He thought they would take down both the costumed clowns with ease, and he'd been proven wrong.

He needed to make sure he was at the top of his game, and eyeing the case on his desk, he flipped it open. Inside were ten vials filled with a pale blue liquid. He lifted one and smiled as he held it up to the light.

Oscorp never abandoned a project completely. Instead, they were moved to a secure location. The Archive. Ready to be restarted if a breakthrough proved them viable once more.

Years ago, Parker, Conners, and himself all worked on perfecting the Super-Soldier formula the military was so hungry for. They had an ongoing wager with Howard Stark as to who could finish it first. He had won, but the Oscorp formula was so much more.

Blending in non-human DNA, they could give a man more than just super strength and endurance. Senses, special abilities, and other powers were all carefully crafted. All in one single bottle of pale blue liquid.

It was one of the experimental formulas. It was a mix of different hyper-intelligent species. It was designed for analysts and it boosted brain capacity and cognitive reasoning.

He slotted it into an injection gun and pressed it against his neck. As the air in the gun hissed and the liquid worked its way into his brain, he saw the problem. If both men were bitten by the escaped subjects, then they were Enhanced. If they were enhanced then their senses could be heightened. The drones needed extra bafflers to filter and dampen any noise.

Norman let out a long slow breath as the formal worked its way around his system. He took a breath and with a serious look on his face, called up his CAD program. Now was not the time for mistakes. Nothing could go wrong this time. He focused and began to work furiously on the new Slayer Mark Two.

While his father worked in his office, Harry had taken a car ride out to Manhattan. He stared in disgust at the food stall across from him. The processed meat was foul to his nose, and once he was in charge, stalls like this would be banned. As Aleksei stuffed a sauerkraut-covered hotdog into his mouth he regretted coming here.

"Do you have it?" he asked as he watched the man eat, and Aleksei nodded, waving the half hotdog at the suitcase by his feet.

"And you?" he at least had the decency to swallow before he spoke. Harry took out the smaller case and slid it over the Aleksei.

"Pleasure." He stuffed the rest of the hotdog in his mouth, grabbed the smaller case and left.

Harry waited until he was back in the car before he opened the case. His mistrust in Aleksei was unfounded, the man knew if he failed he would be floating in the river by morning. Inside was a small and unimpressive microchip, held in an antistatic case. It was a top-of-the-line Oscorp processor and could run the world if used correctly.

Harry had hired Aleksei and his crew to steal it. He could have simply requisitioned one from his father but then he would be leaving a trail. This way his work could continue unimpeded.

As he drove along the streets of New York he curled his lip.

Small petty-minded people doing small petty-minded things. he thought to himself with disdain, pathetic.

With this chip, with the work at the lab he would change the world, he would recreate it in his own image and rule as a god. The thought brought a smile to his face.

In the front seat, his driver, the scientist he liked to order around, stared at him in the rearview mirror. As he caught her eye, he smirked at her. "Oh don't worry Liv, I'm sure there's a place for you too," and then he laughed. The pain in her eyes was all too familiar to someone like him.

As Harry sneered at the world, he drove past a respected therapist's office.

Right now though, it was hosting a different type of therapy.

The young but highly ambitious therapist had just gotten up off her knees. Her client was young, full of rage but very cute, not to mention, very rich. She didn't mind giving him some extra service, as long as his father was paying the bills.  Which was why, after letting him vent, she had proposed a very different session.

It might have started as a little stroking, but soon became more. She didn't even mind his hands as he held her head, graciously swallowing what he had just shot into her mouth

As he zipped up his pants, he smiled at her, the first genuine smile she had seen from him in a while, "Same time next week doc?" he asked as she straightened out her skirt and blouse.

"I'm sure I can fit you in Flash, maybe continue where we left off?" She gave him the same smile she just saw back.

Oh yes, this is my ticket out of this place, screw the crazies and drug addicts. She kept her eyes on the huge cock she had just finished servicing. Maybe next time, I'll let him fuck me. Once I get a few more guarantees.

Flash felt relief for the first time. Not just the normal kind but a new sense of purpose filled him. Sure, getting sucked off in a doctor's office was great. Not just great but freeing. It made him realise that MJ and Parker could really go fuck themselves. So what if he saved her and the ungrateful bitch dumped him a week after he had surgery? So what if she was banging him?

The therapist made him realise more about himself. He was young and handsome, and he could get any woman he wanted. Why should he settle for one?

His father was right. His name and money made him a pussy magnet, and if nobody complained when Stark did it, why couldn't he? He snorted. Saving MJ made him a hero, and that made the girls go crazy. He'd had more numbers and hook-ups in the past week than he ever got at school.

He knew what he wanted to do. He now knew nothing could stop him. He had money, fame, and all the women he wanted. There was just one more thing he needed to do.

He would take revenge against Parker and against Venom, he would hunt him down and take back his life from him.

As MJ  walked to work from the audition she walked past Midtown General. She stared up at the building and felt a small pang of guilt over Flash. It was quickly squashed by memories of their time together.

No, he deserved it, blaming you for being hurt. Being good doesn't mean getting a reward. You need to live for yourself.

Ha, that's good coming from you, we had to pry ourselves away from Peter this morning so we didn't miss this audition.

hehe, but Peter tastes so good and makes us feel so wonderful.

MJ nodded to herself, yes, yes he does.

We liked the lights, the at her.

Theatre Muse, theatre,

Yes yes, that. We like the dress up and the makeup and the lights, very bright but everyone looks at us. Do that.

MJ sighed. As if it was that easy, she thought, you don't get to pick if they let you on the stage.

She'd bundled a dress and makeup into a bag and after the audition had quickly cleaned up and changed. Auditioning in a waitress uniform wouldn't have given a good impression. She knew Muse could change into any outfit she wanted but not in a public place. 

They all agreed that using their powers outside the warehouse was dangerous. There should be nothing that could give them all away.  Turning up without a makeup bag or spare clothes would have looked weird. So she carried them with her.

We may be able to help if you want.

Help how?

Hehe. Buy the cinnamon rolls and take Peter and we'll let you see, yes we will.

MJ shook her head. The symbiotes were amazing. She'd never felt better but sometimes she felt it was like babysitting a child.

A child who remembers her phone, Muse replied.

Checking her pockets MJ swore. She'd left it in the warehouse and as she promised to text Peter how the audition went, she was mad at herself.

Peter had been distracted at work all day. He was waiting for the call from MJ but it never came. Slightly annoyed he packed up and headed home.

As Peter left the junkyard, Max watched him leave before he walked into the office, "You sure about the kid?" He asked.

"He's not dumb Max. If he's working here then he might be willing to work elsewhere."

"Sure, but what about the rest?" Max nodded at the container by the side of Aleksei's desk.

"Ah, no, not him, not yet anyway. How about you, got anyone we can trust?" Peter was proving to be a model employee, and so far hadn't said anything about the more dubious repairs. But it was just repairs. Until he proved himself with something that could send him to jail, Aleksei wouldn't trust him.

"Maybe, how about Toombes, Gargan or uh, Davis?"

"Those three? Toombes is older than my gram, and uh Gargan is a wack job. Davis? I heard good things about him, maybe. Let me think about it okay?"

"Sure boss sure. You mind if I make sure the kid is gonna work out though. You don't, you don't find him, I dunno, off."

"Off? Nah, he's just a kid Max."

"Yeah but, he ain't right. You know, since I got these powers I can feel things and him, he feels like a." Max shook his head, "maybe I'm wrong, yeah he's just a kid."

Sometimes when Max sensed Peter in the junkyard he was like a massive dynamo. He was bursting with power but today he just seemed like an ordinary kid again.

Max shook his head and once outside lit a cigarette.

My powers must have just been screwy, yeah.

He tapped on his phone, arranging a meeting with Aaron. He had been his friend almost as long as Aleksei and there was no doubt he would make a great addition to the team. As he hit send, his phone rang. Huffing and shaking his head, he answered,

“Though it was over Doc?”

‘Find Dillon and Marko and deal with this fucking mess. No evidence, do what you have to but get it done.’

It was simple, and anyone knew Harry meant ‘find Max and Flint and deal with Venom’. But there was another way she could interpret those orders.

Liv waved and smiled as Max approached.

“So, what's up Doc? I thought the last one was it?” he asked her.

It wasn’t unusual for her to contact him. After he heard Venom had raided one of her safe houses, he figured she would have been laying low for a while.

She smiled, “I have new orders. Venom is a problem and our employer wants me to take care of it. But I need your help.”

Max leant back against the wall, “Oh yeah, and what’s the pay?”

Liv smiled, “Oh, much more than you could imagine.”

An arm snaked out and slammed Max against the wall, sending a shower of sparks, “so much more.”

He struggled and a hand arced with electricity over the mechanical arm. Liv just laughed, “If it was that easy to short them out, I’d have done that years ago.” Two more snaked out, grabbing both his arms and pinning him against the wall.

“Now, Maxwell dear. I'm afraid you have to take a little nap. But dont worry. It won't hurt and it’ll be over soon. I promise.”

He groaned as the last arm snaked out and a dose of yellow liquid was injected into his neck. Liv had been working on the Oscorp formula for years before it was shut down.

If anyone knew how to render it inert, even if it was temporarily, it was her. Liv lifted Max and grunted as she hoisted him over one shoulder, and carried him down into the alleyway.

In an office, across town in one of the new developments, a man struggled and gurgled as the life was choked out of him. The body twitched one last time. The man who had just finished strangling him, some would call him a giant, wiped his hands clean with a cloth.

"Sir?" A well-dressed man came in. He was a tall African American, handsome with a goatee and moustache. As he stared at the dead body he made no comment or expression. He carried with him a folder. Photos, police reports, and eyewitness accounts of the attack on the diner.

"What is it Aaron?" the giant's voice rumbled.

"I just got contacted by Max Dillon. Aleksei Sytsevich is interested in a new crew and he's invited me to join him."

"Hmm," was the only reply he got. "Do you think he was responsible?"

"Small crew. Enhanced individuals. The footage shows someone matching Flint Markos description was with them. It's a possibility. Although, it would lead to questions about where he got his hands on the three enhanced that were with him."

"Do you think Aleksei was in the suit?"

"No, no one knows who the multi-limbed assailant was, nor the black-suited man who was fighting them. However." Aaron pulled out a photo from the folder. It showed a man digging through the rubble after everyone else had left. "Oscorp."

"Do you think Oscorp stole their own chip? That's a stretch, even for you." The man sprayed his hands with sanitiser and donned a pristine white jacket. "But you know Aaron, you've worked for me for fifteen years now and one thing I know is to trust your instincts. Take the offer, find out if they took my chip."

"And if they did?"

"Leave no survivors."

Wilson Fisk a.k.a Kingpin

John Rhys-Davies in The Trial of The Incredible Hulk (1989)

Michael Clarke Duncan in Daredevil (2003)

Liev Schreiber in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Aaron Davis a.k.a Prowler

Donald Glover in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Mahershala Ali in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

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