Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Forty-One. Under The Microscope

Peter was tapping a message to MJ when Gwen arrived back. She hadn't come home yet and he was worried. He knew Harrison was not the most pleasant person to be around, and he hoped she was okay.

Gwen had surprised Peter. "You actually bought it?"

She just nonchalantly shrugged. "You could help though," and she swung around showing she had more bags on her back.

She actually had gone out and bought a microscope. As Gwen disappeared into her home with her bags, he examined the outside of the box. It looked expensive.

He guessed that George had paid for it, even if he wouldn't know until he got his credit card bill at the end of the month. and waited for her to come out to help.

It then took the rest of the day to set up. There were countless settings that needed to be done. So while Gwen worked on it, Peter grabbed a small table and moved the kitchen counter in one of the empty homes. This needed to be done in private, and MJ would be kept in the dark as long as possible. 

The home next to his was currently empty but with the deck and supports bought, he had planned on adding four new homes. Two on top of his and next door, and two on the homes on the east side of the building. Until he had tenants the two above would be an ideal office and workspace.

As they waited for the machine to calibrate they decided to start with physical tests first. Examining cells could tell them what it was, but not how it was affecting them.

The first set of tests was easy. Peter brought in containers filled with varying weights of water. As one litre of water weighed one kilogram it was a simple homemade set of weights. Even without a proper weight set, they would measure just how strong they were.

As he gripped the hard plastic handle, he lifted it with ease and even Gwen surprised herself as she did the same.

Full, Peter knew it could hold 3500 litres. Gwen could lift one, and a half-full second one.

sleeping! Poison yelled, no work, eat then sleeps!

"So, not too bad huh?" she winked over at Peter, who was filling the second one full.

"Not bad at all, " he said as with one hand on each, lifted both.

Gwen huffed, "I can do that." She gripped both, and strained, barely getting them from the ground.

Peter laughed and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her and the barrels up.

“Are you saying I’m fat?” she huffed as he put her down.

“If I could find an ounce of fat on you I’d be surprised,” Peter gave her a cursory glance.

Gwen had to agree. Whatever Poison had done she had realized that she was toned. Even her stomach was now flat and if she tensed a six-pack sprang forth. She had lost fat but gained muscle, and sadly she even thought her breasts were maybe a size smaller. Even though Poison could eat a dozen or more pastries, she never got really full or felt bloated after. Sick, yes, fat, no.

Next was spatial awareness.

With his eyes closed, Gwen moved across the warehouse and Peter tracked her with his finger. Even facing the wrong way, she threw a ball at him, he felt the distortion in the air and caught it before it hit him.

“Kinda cheating though, I can hear you move,” he admitted.

Gwen found she was the same. As Peter moved, even if he was as quiet as possible, she could feel where he was in the warehouse.

"So, some kind of spatial super perception?" Gwen asked,

Peter nodded, "yeah, loud noises and strong smells will really do a number on you though. So watch out for that."

"So vision next?" she asked and began to write down a series of statements on a few cards. "Head to the main door, and tell me if you read these."

Peter stood at the doors and she walked to the office where he lived she held them up.

As he listened he could hear her,

“Repeat what is on card two, and you’ll win a prize.” Gwen held up two cards.

Without focusing or squinting he read, “Gwen is great and I,” Peter laughed, “I suck. So, what do I win?”

Gwen just smiled and grinned at him, “You’ll find out later,”

He was about to claim his prize that instant but the machine beeped.

Now that its calibrations were complete, the pair headed into the empty home and began to prepare.

They had decided on saliva, blood, and from Pete, semen while Gwen would provide her own sample.

It came with small sample bottles as well as a selection of swabs and other medical instruments. Gwen had bought a box of latex gloves and small cannulas. They were the small needles used for drawing blood, to get a selection of tissue samples from each of them.

"Don't be shy and don't be a baby," she scolded. "It's not like I'm not doing the same, Pete." Gwen was stripping out of her pants. "I mean, at least you get to enjoy yourself."

He gave her a small smile and dropped his own pants. She bit her lip and he started to stroke himself in front of her. Poison woke she felt the rush of tingle and an overabundance of wetness between her legs.


No, not right now, later.

She had seen him naked before, but this was more intimate and personal. Not that he could complain. Gwen had spread her legs, letting him see how excited she was.

The sample stick was inserted, swirled and then dropped into a bottle. She let him enjoy the view until he filled his own bottle, stroking and enjoying herself as well,

did you shave me?

we know Pete likes it that way, so we removed the fuzz for him.

Gwen was conflicted, as Poison should have asked, can you do it everywhere? like my legs and armpits? Pete would like it.

yes yes, make the Gwen more desirable so we get the sploosh and the whizz whizz more!

Once they had collected all the samples they started with the cheeks swabs.

Peter's samples were first, given he was the host of whatever the black goo was. He had saved Gwen by infecting her so he should have more to see. Gwen theorised as there were no abnormalities, no pain or weakening. It was a symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic one.

Peter’s cells, once magnified, showed a few interesting features. Every cell was dyed a strange black colour.

Gwen stared at the display, this model used a small LCD screen rather than two eyepieces. "Shit Pete, oh shit, this is, this is, wow," she leant back in her chair,

"Your cells have a double nucleus and what looks like a lot of extra mitochondria. I can actually see the layer of black around the cell walls." Gwen leant back and shook her head. "This is amazing Pete. I mean, I know you've got stamina but this, I wish I could take organ and muscle biopsies, I bet they're just as infected."

She stared at the screen again, pointing at it with a pen. "Wow."

The black cell wall suddenly flowed into the cell. Devouring the inside, dyed it black then the outer wall burst and the cell shrivelled.

Gwen frowned. "I bet the black is trying to survive outside your body. Without a living host, it cannibalises the cell and then dies. This is amazing Pete. With one problem. If that's this sample, the rest are probably the same." Peter shrugged and she eyed his crotch, "so uh, I need another sample"

Pete rolled his eyes, "you can work for this one though," he said as he unzipped again. Gwen winked at him and stretched over, the heat filling her palm as she began to gently stroke him.

Once she had collected her sample, Gwen examined the sperm cells under the microscope. They were the same black colour and were more vigorous and mobile than normal.

"Well, that's different," Gwen said as she watched. The same decay happened to these as with the cheek swab. The cell eventually devoured its centre and then died.

Peter laughed, "good different or bad different?"

Gwen could only shrug. When he had finished inside her it was like a bomb going off. Pleasure pulsed through her and she wondered if it was Poison or his cum.

both, Big woosh, big tasty, yummy yummy, makes us whizz whizz splat

Gwen just shook her head.

not helping! she thought back.

If she was honest, she didn't care. There was no pain or discomfort after sex. No itching or inflamtion. If his semen was harmful she would have known by now.

"Right, blood next." Gwen frowned, looking at the black dust in the bottom of the sample bottles. "Sorry Pete, these need to be redone as well."

Wrapping his arm with the rubber tube, Gwen inserted the cannula and let the blood drip into the vial. Opening the back of the machine she slid out the tube with the now black sample and slotted in the blood sample.

"Okay and done." Gwen waited patiently as the machine began to whirr and slowly the screen filled with the sample.

"Damn Pete. look at that," she said in amazement. Amongst the normal blood cells was a selection of black single cells and no white blood cells at all. "The black stuff seems to have taken over your immune system completely. I bet if we introduced a bacteria or virus those little bugs would get gobbled right up."

Gwen was stunned. This was the kind of thing she wanted to research at Oscorp. Not the scut work and report filing that her asshole boss had her doing.

She'd never do anything Peter didn't want to but this was amazing.  His abilities blew everything she knew about bioengineering out of the water.

"Okay, me next." Gwen swapped out the samples with her own, cheek first and was disappointed.

The same cells she had seen in Peter were missing. Her own sample had the same circle of fluid around the outside but no extracellular features. She was a degradation of Peter’s powers, not a copy.

Is that me? I'm so tiny! Poison giggled, I can do more, watch this.

Gwen frowned and the white circle swamped the internals of the cell then it swarmed over to another cell.

you can still control parts that have been cut off?

yes yes, until I can't, but we are still whole until we're not.

The cell integrated itself into that one and continued the cycle. As they watched it hunted, searching the sample bottle for more food to devour.

We can merge again, become even more better!

Gwen scratched her head and took the bottle out. She opened it and let the white drip onto her finger where it absorbed itself back into her skin.

See, now we know that the machine is buzzy and yucky!

"So, not a clone of your powers Pete, like a different organism altogether." She scratched the side of her head, but Peter had definitely infected her, so why was it so different?

"Pete. I, " Gwen sighed, "my powers can talk to me."

Peter laughed but when he saw the look on her face he stopped, "seriously?"

"Yeah, she makes me eat stuff, and really likes you."

"So, it's like a parasite?" he asked

Gwen shook her head, "No. More like a symbiotic relationship. She gives me power but," Gwen sighed, "she can be a bit intense sometimes."

"All the snacks and the fainting during sex?" Gwen nodded, "So, you need to teach her to reign it in. It was kinda funny the first time, but I was really worried."

"I can try Pete," but Gwen wasn't convinced. If Poison could affect her biology to that degree, what else could she do?

Peter stared at her, "I'm being serious. I won't let anything, not even some alien creature hurt you. You hear that. Stop it or I find a way to remove you." he added sternly

nooooooo! we love Gwen, and Pete, we'll behave, for cookies, yes, more cookies and we behave?

Gwen couldn't help but laugh, "She says as long as she gets cookies and love from you, then she'll behave."

yes yes, more Pete more Pete.

"But then why don't I have something that talks?" he asked,

Uh, hello, he thought but there was just silence.

"Maybe you're the mommy bug?" Gwen joked, nudging him in the side.

"I was sick remember, at Oscorp. Maybe the infection didn't work out right. I," he swore. He hadn't told anyone because of the NDA. "I was taken somewhere after I got sick. I don't remember but I didn't get home until three. Aunt May was really mad."

"Hmm. If you'd been exposed to a mutagenic compound and then the symbiote. That could explain the difference. You're not a human anymore. More a blending of human and symbiote whereas I'm an infected host for the organism."

Gwen wished she had access to some of the equipment at her lab. A more powerful microscope would let her see the difference between their cells. She might even be able to see what exactly Poison was.

But there was no way in hell she taking any of these samples to Oscorp. They'd both end up in test tubes, even if it wasn't Oscorp that infected him in the first place.

The symbiotic creature, if it was a natural creature, wasn't anything she'd ever heard of on Earth. Unless Oscorp was in cahoots with aliens, then the creature was artificial. Made in a lab somewhere and accidentally released.

"We need to check the other samples."

Slotting in the next vial, they saw her blood work still had normal white blood cells. Dotted between them were a few extra white and black-tinged cells. "So, boosted immune system as well. Okay, don't freak out,"

Peter shrugged but Gwen stuck herself in the thigh with a needle, hissing as she pulled it back out.

"What the hell Gwen?" he shouted,

"Muscle sample Pete, sorry, wasn't going to ask." Smearing the bloody sample on a slide, she slid it into the machine.

"I would have if you'd asked," Peter said guiltily.

"I know, but you know, physician do no harm," Gwen replied,

"That's the Hippocratic oath and while you're an intern, no doctorate just yet."

"Yes, Pete, yet," she reminded him.

The sample soon was on the screen and Gwen focused on the muscle fibres.

Her muscle cells were the same as the cheek swab. They could see microscopic tendrils extending into the muscle tissue. The symbiote cell invaded and was wrapped around each part of the cell. Its tiny tendrils jabbed into them.

"Not as efficient but still supplying extra energy to my muscles, probably organs too."

Peter put his hand on hers, "no stabbing yourself for a sample though,"

Gwen patted the back of his hand, "Nah, not this time, okay, now for the last one, Gwen goo!"

When it appeared on the screen, they were both surprised at what they saw.

"well, that's, uh, different," Gwen said as she watched. In the sample, the cells of her symbiote attacked and devoured the black cells of Peter's semen.

It normally took two days for it to be naturally cleansed, and given they had sex a few hours ago, there was a lot.

Tasty tasty, we love when he goes splat and we get a yummy treat.

"Uh, guess protection isn't really necessary is it?" Peter said and Gwen chuckled.

They had been lax in that department. Now she knew why Poison complained when he wore one and insisted he finished inside her. She hadn't complained and now wondered if it was Poison making her overly sensitive to the latex.

no, we protect the Gwen, and the wrapping is nasty to us, making us sore.

So, I'm allergic to latex or the spermicide?

The wrapping yes, nasty bleugh

"Uh, yeah, I really don't know how to deal with that," Gwen said, shaking her head at what was happening on the screen. Not only was Poison making sure she didn't get pregnant, but would she even have a period?

"I mean, I know you said you wanted to eat me but, you know, I didn't think you meant literally," he laughed.

Gwen could only cuff him with the back of her hand. Symbiotes were good, she felt strong but Peter was becoming insufferable. She loved him though, but still, smug asshole.

"Yeah, thanks, Pete. You get super strength, and super sexy muscles and I get super birth control. Way to show me how the super-powered patriarchy works huh?"

She was joking. But she wasn't going to admit that being able to have sex without a condom was amazing.

As he looked guilty she knew now she finally had something worthy to tease him about. Stupid powers.

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