Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Forty-Eight. Reconciliation

Peter and MJ didn't bother to dress, and while Peter helped Gwen free herself, MJ made coffee.

The trio sat at the breakfast table in the courtyard and Peter handed out sugar and milk. There was an uncomfortable silence surrounding them. While they had all wanted it, it still left a strange atmosphere in the air.

"So, uh, what's the deal with the three of us?" Peter had to broach the subject. It was a little weird sitting naked with both Gwen and MJ, but Gwen had looked MJ over, nodded and then ignored their lack of clothing.

He and Gwen were dating and while MJ had admitted she liked him that was meant to be it. Poison spawning and Muse being created was an accident. It had been discussed but the sex was definitely not supposed to have happened.

"I think that's pretty clear Pete. Unless MJ doesn't want to?" Gwen tilted her head as if Peter had just asked the most idiotic thing ever.

She had made her mind clear, and with Muse's outburst, she was a willing accomplice in this as well.

"I uh," MJ tapped the handle of her coffee cup, "I kinda didn't think it would go like that, but yeah. it's fine."

You okay with sharing, Muse?

We love our sister, and we are happy to share.

"So, are we all okay with me seeing Fel as well?" Gwen asked as she stirred her coffee, "’cause, I really liked watching you too, but I still like her."

Peter looked over at MJ, who sipped her coffee. "I think as long as we all agree, and Felicia is okay with it." Peter shrugged, "one more isn't going to make a difference is it."

He was tired of being beaten and being the victim. he had been wronged but it was now time to take back what was rightfully his, not Peter Puker, not Pussy Parker.

He took MJ while Gwen watched and it made him feel good. He took out muggers and the scum that plagued Midtown and New York and it felt good. He was tired of being the underdog, he was strong, and he was smart. He was Peter Parker, the indomitable Venom!

"I want both, you and MJ," he replied and Gwen pulled a serious face and sat back in her chair.

"I dunno Pete, you got the stamina for both?" Gwen stood and removed her top and she shimmied out of her pants. "Do you want us both?" and she climbed onto his lap, "I want you to have both,"

MJ watched as she slid herself onto Peter's manhood. MJ had watched porn before, who hadn't, but to see it, to watch it live was intense. MJ admitted to herself that while she didn't want to join in she did want to stay and watch. As her hand dipped between her legs, she also thought that sharing wouldn't be so bad after all.

The next morning the atmosphere was refreshing. Peter had left the pair sleeping and had slipped out to make breakfast. The afterglow was still wrapped around him, a warm comforting smell of sex, of Gwen and now MJ, and Peter felt happy.

Once he started to make breakfast, MJ dragged a very frazzled-looking Gwen from his home. They both sat nursing cups of very sweet coffee while he finished. He smiled as he set down a platter of eggs, bacon and toast on the hotplate.

"Just this? The maid service here is terrible." Gwen winked at MJ, "Must be slacking off or something." She hid a smile behind her coffee cup. She was teasing him as several times last night he had proved that he had more than enough stamina.

MJ watched as he pounded Gwen into unconsciousness and then went for rounds three and four with her. MJ was amazed he had still woken up before them and managed to make breakfast

He shrugged. "I didn't fall asleep last night, that was you," he quipped back.

She knew she couldn't retort to that, so she cheated instead. "You're just too good." Leaning over, she let her nightdress slip down and lent in for a kiss.

He laughed and pulled her into his lap. Kissing the side of her neck, "but are we okay? I mean, with last night?"

"I'm fine with that. I like MJ so I'm good but MJ, break up with Flash. He can't know about us, and he'll bitch about it." Gwen paused, "but let's make it clear, this isn't high school anymore if he causes shit he can expect an ass-kicking."

MJ smiled at that. Since the accident Flash had been at odds with everyone. Even if last night hadn't happened she was going to break up with him.  It might be bad timing but with the yelling and the abuse, it was the right thing to do.

Gwen was right, she finally got to tell Peter how she felt. She finally had a chance to explain and he forgave her. Turning into a symbiote host and screwing him in front of Gwen maybe went a bit too far.  She'd already made up her mind. All last night did was give her the means and the resolve to go through with it.

She was just glad that Peter had her first time. Flash was becoming insistent, and even Harrison was creepily dropping hints. After their last prom, MJ had sworn off the idea completely. Not with Flash, not with anyone.

Flash got drunk after a party and puked over himself. When she helped him clean up and avoid the cops, a stupid rumour started. It was around the whole school within a few days, that she'd slept with him at a motel, and she never lived it down.

It even made it to her father and he asked if she got pregnant, because he'd make sure Flash took responsibility. What he meant was financially responsible.

In the end, he'd just used it as an excuse to yell at her more in the end. Just like her mother, pregnant at seventeen. Even though he was the one who got her pregnant, even as MJ tried to explain nothing happened. It didn't matter.

That was in the past now, she was here and with Muse she was happy with Peter.

It was still just the most messed up way of this happening and MJ still couldn't get her head around it. Both Peter and Gwen promised to explain it to her and could even show her some slides.

All she knew was that last night she and Peter had had sex while Gwen watched. Then they swapped and a very submissive and very apologetic Gwen let Peter have her as well. It had been bizarre to watch but it wasn't the strangest thing to happen and she was okay with it.

MJ snorted, “I uh, Flash isn’t even in the picture now. I wouldn't not that and then, no,“ she shook her head, ”no.”

MJ tried to deflect the tension that mentioning Flash brought up, "Uh, Muse says hi by the way."

"You can talk to your symbiote? Mine never says a word," Peter asked.

"Uh yeah, Muse talks to me all the time but uh, she thinks Poison is damaged somehow and yours is dead. I kinda know things from Gwen. It’s definitely not acting as it should be. It’s like fragments of a symbiote rather than a living one."

Peter was stunned, was that why he couldn't talk to his like MJ or Gwen? Why he seemingly had more control over his powers than Gwen did. Poison seemed to fight her at every turn whereas Peter just willed Venom and it obeyed.

"Thing is, from what Muse thinks, Poisons like a moron of symbiotes. Nah wrong word, oh and definitely not that one. no one says retard unless it's an insult. oh, it is, uh okay, developmentally challenged is better." MJ paused, and furrowed her brow as Peter watched her have a conversation with her symbiote. "Yeah. Muse says Poison is damaged. Probably cause Gwen was dying and you didn't have complete control of your powers at the time. That's why she can't control her and her powers are screwy"

"We Are Not Retarded!" A fully suited Poison flew across the warehouse at MJ. She laughed and caught Poison in midair, her own symbskin flowing over her.

She fell back, lifted Poison up and pushed her up with both her feet. As Poison sailed up and hit the bottom of the rafters, Muse webbed her there.

The sight of the Poison stuck to a rafter made Peter chuckle among other things. "Hey. No roughhousing in the warehouse. Go outside if you two whippersnappers are gonna play."

Both Muse and Poison stopped and looked at Peter, "Whippersnappers? And seriously, no one says roughhousing Pete," Gwen quipped.

"Aww come on, it was a joke."

Both girls devolved into a fit of giggles at the defeated Peter. It became obvious that they weren't seriously fighting. Muse and Poison were both testing their limits against each other.

Poison dissolved the webbing and landed perfectly on the floor.

"Superhero landing," she said and they all shared a laugh.

It was obvious that Peter had the most control over his powers. It seemed his symbiote was fully integrated into his body with a better variety of powers. However, that came with a drawback. His power set was limited to what he could already do.

There was no evolving, no learning, and no upgrade. They decided that his powers were fixed, finite. If he couldn't do it now, he probably wouldn't be able to do it in the future either. There was no communication. It was either dead, which was creepy, or mute, which wasn't better.

Gwen could control and create new combinations of liquids, poisons and other drugs. Poison allowed her to manufacture and store them with no harm to herself. She learned to make storage points and biochemical factories within Gwen's cells themselves.

Peter had no method to replicate this. He could feel the webbing chamber in his arm but as to how to change its formula? He either couldn't or wasn't able to figure out how to.

MJ it seemed had the best of both worlds. Her symbiote was smarter than Gwen’s. Muse knew how to do what both Poison and Venom could but she lacked the relevant power. It also seemed more agreeable and wasn't demanding candy all the time.

What she could do however was change into various sets of clothing, altering MJ's skin and even makeup. Muse had apparently taken MJ's love of stage and theatre. Naming herself after the Greek goddesses of inspiration.

She had taken a long look at herself as well. Gwen took her to one side and explained a few of the more feminine side of things.

Gwen had been right. MJ was never one to exercise but now the taut lines of her new physique were obvious as she posed and flexed.

She tried on an old bra but unlike Gwen, she found she was still the same Thirty-Six C she always was. Peering closely saw that her skin was now blemish-free, even some of her old acne marks were faded. Her hair had taken on a lustrous sheen and now curled at the ends as if freshly washed and cut. Thankfully she was still the same height, and all of her clothes still fit her, she was now just, better.

Did you do this?

Yes yes, we make Mary Jane perfect, to attract Peter,

I don’t think that’ll ever be an issue Muse, MJ laughed in her head and as she looked at herself. I don't think that’ll ever be an issue.

now try on the skin coverings, we wish to sample them, so we can make the ourselves.

Can you, uh, always? MJ asked. Walking around naked was not an attractive prospect if Muse was hurt.

We can, but we see. We can only copy what you have worn. Skin is easy, this strange material is harder.

MJ smiled. She knew she would love being bonded with Muse.

She was a stronger, faster version of Poison with the adaptability of Venom.

They all agreed though. While MJ was adapting to her new powers she would be joining Gwen and Peter in their training routine.

Work was not an issue as she had quit anyway. Job hunting was a priority but she could wait. The last thing any of them needed was an angry Muse smashing plates on belligerent customers.

"But I'm fine," MJ whined as they banned her from work. "No emotional outbursts, Muse and I are fine." MJ was pouting, since she'd bonded with Muse she'd never felt better.

"No, Muse can keep you happy but it’s not healthy, you need to learn to cope," Peter explained but she still pouted.

We will keep you safe Mary Jane, we love you.

"Muse protects me, Peter, she wouldn't do anything like that."

Peter rolled his eyes, "uh-huh. So uh, want to screw? like, bend you over the table right now?"

MJ was out of her pants and was pulling off her top before she stopped. "Asshole. So okay, okay, I get it. Muse is affecting my mood. Uh about that then,'' MJ's eyes sparkled. "Do I get a rebate on my rent for the, uh, you know, dirty landlord who promised no funny stuff?"

Peter sighed, "MJ. With this," and he motioned to himself, "you should be paying more," and grinned.

MJ and Gwen just stared at him before bursting out laughing.

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