Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Fifty-Eight. Arachnophobia

Across the city, Spider-Man was having less luck with his tail.

The drones had been buzzing and hazing him. They were keeping their distance, testing the limits of his powers. Even after coating an area with webs, he found it difficult to catch the fast-moving nuisances.

Not just that, but his webbing was having little to no effect on gumming up the rotors or the vents on the drones.

As they tailed and buzzed around him they suddenly stopped.

“Second pilot online Sir.”

The first pilot had slaved to the second. It wasn’t great, and Norman was curing Venom in his mind but he needed this to work. He needed to let everyone see the power of the Goblin Glider.

George wasn’t impressed. He watched silently as Norman scowled and barked orders at the two pilots. With the ease Venom had won, George knew that the second test was going to be just as disastrous.

Venom might be getting bad press but he had calmed down. He was still leaving his victims injured but was starting to learn to leave the evidence behind. He was still dangerous and needed to be taken off the streets, but Osborn's little project wouldn't cut it.

Spider-Man, on the other hand, was learning as well. They had clean evidence collection and high-definition videos from his fights. Whoever he was was clever, clever enough to beat three drones. George could see he was not as powerful as Venom, but sometimes power wasn’t enough.

"I'm a good guy," Spider-Man yelled at the drone, but if anyone heard him they ignored him.

The three drones were now working as a team. One would buzz and force him into an area, where the other two would be waiting to catch him in a crossfire.

Spider-Man winced in pain as the rubber bullets thudded against his chest and black.

Crap, if any of those hit my arms, I’m a dead man.

Taking to the air would be bad. His webs had been severed as soon as he tried to escape. His next worry was the fall. Even if he snagged a building if his arms were numb could he catch himself in time? Or would he just dislocate his arm or worse, snap his neck.

He decided to go for a different approach. Down.

Leaping from the building, he stretched his arms. He had added thin gossamer wings between his arms to help him control a fall. That was now his plan. To get down to the ground where they couldn't manoeuvre as well.

It turned into a game of cat and mouse. Spider-Man hastily swooped and barreled through the high skyscrapers of New York. Unable to corral him, they gave up and began to attack.

Several gel balls impacted him, sending him tumbling on more than one occasion. All he could do was stick to a building, leaping and dive away. By the time they had locked back on, he was at another building and was gone before the bullets could do any damage.

Thankful he headed down into central Park. There was always a large group there, even if the weather was cold. As he glided overhead he could already hear the cat calls and shouts. He landed as gracefully as he could, wincing in pain as his calf cramped. He had avoided most of the supposedly non-lethal ammo but almost wasn't good enough. His left leg was already beginning to scream pain at him where he had caught an impact.

Now, into the crowd.

He bolted out into the Park, heading for the nearest set of food carts. At this time of year, they were always busy.

"Sir, target one has moved into a no-fire zone, orders?"

"Warnings, give the drone space."

George raised an eyebrow, “Osborn, if you hurt any civilians this test is over.”

Norman scoffed, “I know what I’m doing Stacy.” and he waved a hand dismissively at him. “Nobody will get hurt except the target.”

Spider-Man had already drawn a crowd without even announcing himself. Simple well-wishers to the more touchie feelie fans soon swarmed him. Normally he could complain as his ass had been grabbed several times. Not today though, the selfie snappers were now his shield against those damn drones.

“All right people. Just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Here to let the people of New York know that I’m always patrolling.”

He lifted one hand and made a heart shape as a young woman cuddled closer to him, grabbed his ass and snapped her pic.

She grinned and handed him a hastily written note. It was another phone number to add to the growing collection.

He could feel the drones hovering over at the tree line. So far they had behaved, but their presence worried him.

The crowd was growing larger and he’d expected them to depart, but they were just hovering.

Of course, it’s waiting for orders. Dammit.

His plan had almost worked, but he scanned the park for an escape route when the drones darted up and overhead.

"WOOOP WOOOP," the drones let out a piercing alarm.

"The NYPD is conducting an exercise. Please vacate the area."

The siren sounded again and the crowd split apart.

“I appreciate the help fella’s but there are families here,” Spider-Man shouted at them. He frowned under his mask as they continued to hover overhead.

Some people moved from the noise of the drone but it wasn't enough of a deterrent. It was Spider-Man. New York's first and only Super-Hero. He was enough to encourage bravery and soon another crowd had formed around him. Once more people were taking selfies or asking for his autograph.

He was safe in the crowd, he thought but the drone circled overhead. The three formed a triangle around him and again their sirens blared with the same message.

"Please Disperse. Non-violent methods will be deployed to capture the criminal known as Spider-Man."

Oh suck it, thought Spider-Man as a young Asian girl hugged close to him and snapped a picture.

"Citizens of New York. Please disperse." Blasted from the drones and ominously they opened their weapon hatches.

The young woman handed him a note which he added to the others,

I should give my mask some way to smile, she is kinda cute though.

"Please clear the area. This is the first of three warnings. Countermeasures will be deployed."

"WOOOP WOOOP," went the siren.

"Please clear the area. This is the second of three warnings. Countermeasures will be deployed."


"Please clear the area. This is the third and final warning. Countermeasures will be deployed."


Of course, the crowd ignored it. Fire into the crowd? The NYPD must be crazy or it was a publicity stunt, but the drone continued to circle.

"Countermeasures deployed."

It let out a spray of white gas into the air. The crown immediately felt the burning as the tear gas permeated the area. Spider-Man cursed. His mask had a filter for such an event but that didn't help anyone else. The people around him, including children, scrambled to get away from the fine mist, and he had no choice but to act.

“Everyone get to safety. They’ve gone nuts,“ Spider-Man yelled.

Even in the park, there were fire hydrants. He whipped out several web lines to the two closest, pulling the hydrants out of the ground. A plume of water shot into the air soaking everyone but pulling the gas down and neutralising it.

As the drone skittered and flew to avoid the water gushing out Spider-Man whipped out two lines. The first missed but he caught the wing of the drone with the second and smashed it down to the ground.

Surveying the wreckage, he glared at it. "Get the emergency services here," he said, hoping the thing had a camera. “Now!”

While he was dealing with the gas he failed to notice the young Asian woman he had taken a selfie with. She moved a small boy out of the way, leapt and grabbed the second drone, spun it and sent it flying into its partner.

"Sir, Done one is down."

“Sir, Drones two and three are now also down. We have a second target in the crowd but they attacked from our blind spot.”

Norman cursed, “Is it Venom?”

“Negative sir. We have Venom tracked still carrying the downed glider.”

A screen, showing a map of the city, had the six drones locations on it. Three were red, noting they were destroyed. One was immobile, where the Venom fight had taken place. The last one blipped across the city until it vanished in Brooklyn. Venom knew about the tracker and had disabled it.

There was no choice then. If anyone got their hands on the glider he could lose millions, especially if it made its way to Stark or Hammer.

"Active the-" Norman began but Captain Stacy interrupted him,

"Wait a goddamn minute Osborn, there are people there," George shouted. "Get the EMTs en route and a couple of squads out to help with the cleanup."

George advanced on Norman, poking him in the chest with a finger,

"Your little drone test failed. All you did was spray a civilian crowd with tear gas. The Mayor'll be pissing in my coffee for months over this. Clean your shit up and get the hell out of my precinct." George stormed off, getting ready to do damage control over the mess.

Norman watched through the drone camera as Spider-Man helped those worse off from the gas. He clenched his fists in anger at the failure.

Spider-Man stayed with the people giving as much aid as he could. He made several web bowls so people could wash out their eyes and faces. Of course, the next day at the Daily Bugle, Eddie Brock had some really great pictures to sell to Jameson.

She had done it. Spider-Man hadn’t noticed the two drones sneaking up behind him, or the small hatches that opened.

She had no idea what those would fire, but she recognised a gun barrel when she was one. It was bad enough that they fired tear gas into the crown, bullets would make this a million times worse. Covering her face with a thin silk scarf she attacked, catching them both off guard.

After Oscorp she had been sick, sick enough that her mother had wanted her to go into hospital. She had feebly argued against it. A visit to the hospital would mean time off school while they ran tests. With that asshole Parker already fucking up her grades, she couldn't afford it.

What was strange though, was once it was over, she was strong, fast and tough. She was jealous that Spider-Man got those webs though, she didn’t have webs. Getting powers was good enough though. Maybe she just needed training, and for that, she needed to speak to him.

She’d been hunting for Spider-Man ever since then. Venom might be stronger, faster, and if she was honest, sexier but he was also a headcase. She had no illusion he was not a hero. She would never hurt people like that so she passed a note to Spider-Man while she grabbed a selfie.

My name is Cindy Moon, and I have powers like you.

Call me at xxx-xxxx-xxx so we can talk,


Back at the warehouse, Peter was having a different kind of battle,

"So, let me get this straight. You didn't stop a mugging, instead, you fought a drone that exploded and you still think that counts?" Gwen sat cross-armed at the meeting table, while MJ made coffee for Peter.

"Uh, maybe?" Peter said. "I mean, who knows what damage a drone could do? it did explode, which wasn't my fault by the way."

Gwen flicked on the TV. Every channel was featuring Spider-Man saving a crowd from evil drones. Peter frowned and shook his head. Gwen laughed but MJ moved over and sat on his lap.

MJ ran her fingers through his hair, "Sorry Gwen but I agree, those things are dangerous, but um, are you okay? I mean, it did explode right?"

Peter sighed. "Yeah I'm fine, but it just proves my point, you two need to learn self-defence. If it was after me, well Venom and not just some moron with a toy then I don't like the idea of you two being in danger."

Peter decided to leave the involvement of Oscorp from them. He knew MJ would panic and that Gwen would take offence. She loved her job at Oscorp but would probably try to find out why Venom was being hunted. Norman had too much backing for that to ever work and the risk was too high.

"Fine, Fine." Gwen threw up her hands, "But no training those nights Pete, I've got enough crap to do without adding more."

Peter shrugged and nodded but it was MJ who spoke, "oh, then I guess I can give Peter his reward then huh?" and with a grin swiped the paper from off the table, "you know, if you're too busy."

"Them's fightin' words Sistah," and Gwen sprang up and put up her fists. As MJ flinched back from Gwen's fake fighting stance, she rushed over, "shit MJ sorry, sorry." and pulled her into a hug.

"It's fine, honest," MJ said, muffled as he held Gwen close, "just a bit, on edge."

"How about we just call this one hugs?" Peter came over and wrapped his arms around the pair. The three enjoyed the quiet closeness of each other's warmth.

"Yeah, but, I really wanted to have sex," MJ admitted, as Gwen laughed and Peter just shook his head.


Here to let the people of New York that I’m always patrolling.

'Here to let the people of New York (know) that I'm always patrolling.'


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