Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Three. Chapter Sixty-Seven. Judge, Jury, And…

Liv was anxious. She'd been given a second chance by the four and was now waiting impatiently as they determined her fate.

They had made a chair for her at least. It was a welded-together trolley with an old cushion but it was something. She had no way to move it herself and was being wheeled around by the others but why bother if they were going to kill her?

Stuck in her chair she'd prefer to remain out of the harness for now. She knew it could let her walk again. if she used two limbs as replacement legs it would be fine. But the thought of the interface, the thought of it locking her in again sent a shudder through her body.

no, never again, she thought as anxiety clawed at her.

She wished she could curl up and hold herself. She knew with the harness removal, she was lucky to be alive let alone walking. The contraption was never meant to be worn long-term. The needles that burrowed into her spine allowed her to mentally control the extra limbs but their presence had damaged the nerves and delicate spinal column. After so long their removal had severed a part of her and now she couldn't feel anything below her waist. The use of her legs was a small price to pay for freedom, she just hated the cost.

They had fed her at least. Although a bowl of plain noodles with a warm coke was hardly a fitting last meal. Gwen had given her a once over. Made sure the bandages were secure and that her wounds would heal. She had met Gwen before. At Oscorp, and if she had known she was in league with Peter, well Venom, she would have tried to ask for help.

It was all in the past though, and there was nothing to be done. What was on her mind right now was the delicious smell wafting through the warehouse. The bastards had bought pizza and she could smell it. The heavy cheese aroma was driving her insane and she heard the hiss of bottles being opened.

Were they celebrating their win? She didn't care, nope, not one bit.

Bastards, she thought to herself.

She pulled the blanket they had given her up around her shoulders and closed her eyes, trying not to cry once more.

Stupid bastards should have left me to die.

As Liv sat, awaiting her fate, the others discussed it, while eating. "So what are we going to do?" MJ asked, "I mean, it's really up to Peter right? She never really did anything to us."

They had gotten pizza, and not just crappy five-for-five pizza but the good stuff, the actual meat and cheese stuff. She lifted a slice of her pepperoni and roast chicken and it was heaven. Even if they had re-heated it, no one minded, and right now, it was needed.

"And it was mind control. Do we really want to blame someone who was under mind control at the time? The harness has a built-in neural interface. So she wasn't under her own control at the time," Gwen defended her.

She had met Liv a few times at Oscorp and she had been a pleasure to work for, funny and caring, more than anyone. Gwen felt she deserved a chance. She snagged a large slice of pepperoni. Since they'd all become symbiote hosts meat was a definite must. None of them had thought of being vegetarian.

"Nah, I say we let her be. Marko and Max were crooks. Ock was once clean, and yeah, mind control. We've all been there. Imagine what it would be like if we gave in to the symbiotes," Peter decided. "So yeah. I think we talk to her a bit more, but for now, she gets a pass." He took a slice and went to town on it, they got eight larges, two each and some for snacks after.

"I uh don't have a say really. Sure she attacked us at the diner but other than that, she's done nothing to me. So no from me as well," Gwen explained. "Plus if we blame her then a certain someone needs to shoulder some of that."

Gwen sipped her beer. She had forgiven Peter for trashing the diner and smashing her head open. She had gotten Poison out of it, who was purring as Gwen ate the pizza.

MJ looked at the pair, "I wasn't there, I have no idea what any of this means. So, you both say she gets a chance, so she gets a chance."

"We have one more issue. Felicia now knows who I am.” Peter admitted. He had needed the help, there was no way he could have managed that fight alone. With Gwen's relationship, it would only be a matter of time before she figured it out anyway.

Gwen shrugged, “it wasn’t exactly hard to figure out who that was Pete. I mean,“ and she smirked, “long silver blonde hair and a huge rack. Anyone who knows Felicia knows it was her.”

“So, what do we do?” He asked before biting into another slice,

Gwen laughed, “Well, I’m making sure she’s wearing that suit the next time we get down and dirty. Did you see how hot she looked?”

Peter raised an eyebrow and looked over at MJ as he bit into his slice, “Chewing and coughing slightly, “nope, not at all. What catsuit?”

MJ laughed, “Do you smell burning, 'cause I think your pants are on fire.”

Peter slid the half-eaten slice back onto his plate and took a drink, “fine fine. Yes, she is, and we do need to deal with her as both. Black Cat is just as bad in the press as I am. We need to make sure if she’s here she doesn't out us by accident.”

He was going to leave the fight with Sandman and Ock at her lab until he could talk to Felicia. He knew there was more going on, as she conveniently forgot to mention Max and Aleksei. He still had a nagging feeling that she was holding out on them.

MJ drank her soda, preferring it over the cider they were drinking, “I’m surprised she didn’t come back with you.”

Peter looked over at Gwen, “Yeah, that was me. I told her to give me a day to sort out the harness, and to fill you both in.”

“Are you thinking of filling her in Pete?” Gwen giggled as she smirked, “You know I wouldn’t mind a little two-on-one action.”

“Yeah,” he said, shaking his head. “Felicia doesn't seem too interested. Let's leave the poly stuff until we sort out the powered stuff okay?”

Gwen shrugged, “yeah. Gonna go see if she’ll talk to me. Arrange a playdate.”

MJ and Peter nodded as Gwen grabbed a pizza box and a few bottles, and headed into her home.

“You okay?” Peter asked. He was more concerned about MJ. He knew this wasn't her thing, and that the half-dead Ock had probably freaked her out.

“Muse and I are coping, but I am annoyed at you.” MJ slid over the pad and Peter groaned when he saw the message.

“MJ, shit. Sorry. I got caught up,” but she raised a hand.

“I forgive you. Venom was needed and sometimes we’ll have to cover for you. Just dont do it too often Pete. She loves you and will worry.”

MJ leaned over and kissed him before handing Peter his phone, “and don’t forget this.”

Peter’s shoulders slumped as he took the phone and dialled.

He could hear the disappointment in her voice, even as she answered,

“Yes, Parker residence.”

“Uh Hi Aunt May, it’s uh Peter,”

“Peter? No, I don't think I know anyone called Peter. Certainly not a Peter who was supposed to be here several hours ago. And certainly not someone who forgot his own celebratory dinner.”

Peter winced, he hadn't forgotten but he really couldn’t tell Aunt May exactly what happened,

“Sorry, Aunt May. I got a job interview and had to rush, I forgot my phone and when I realised it was too late.”

“Really?” while it was plausible, May didn't really sound convinced.

“Of course Aunt May. I got Hammer to reconsider my internship but they called on short notice, I just need to wait to hear back.”

“And schooling?”

“Oh uh, they’ll work around it. Being part-time does have advantages. Plus, as part of my work, the internship will count towards a degree as well.” Peter shrugged and grimaced at MJ who was covering her mouth trying not to laugh,

“That's wonderful dear, when will you hear back?”

Peter sighed. “I don't know Aunt May. I mean, it was last minute. they said the person that should have got it was hurt in that flood and everyone else already had places.”

“I'm still very proud of you dear, and congratulations. Even if it is a little late, can you still come around or shall I put this in the fridge for you?”

Peter let out a quiet breath “Aww, thanks May, uh, tomorrow, today’s been a rollercoaster and I'm beat. I think MJ’s got something planned though. She’s been hinting since I got home.”

MJ glared at him and shook her head, mouthing, “you’re dead meat,” as he stuck his tongue out at her.

“Okay then, Peter, Phone this time please, I’m at work till five.”

“I will Aunt May, love you,”

“Love you too,” and Aunt May hung up on him,

Peter sighed in relief.

“Oh don't think you can shove this on me, Mr Parker. Lying to your aunt is not part of our relationship. But this time you get a pass as you saved the city." MJ stated. "But, Please. She could be dangerous. Even in that chair. Who knows how she can control that thing." MJ stood and ran her hand over Peter’s head shaking her head.

MJ had a point. They had no idea if the harness could be controlled remotely. While Ock might be paralysed, that might change if the harness was reattached. While it was webbed, it was still better to be safe than sorry.

For now, he had to go and tell their prisoner her stay of execution had been granted. Today she would be free if she wanted but he had a better idea.

They would judge her reaction and test her out to see if it was all Norman behind her actions, or if she was dangerous.

"Ock," he said as he entered the temporary bedroom they had set up for her. She sat in the wheelchair they had scavenged for her, sullen and downcast. She looked at him, her hands fidgeted on her lap

"So Mr Parker, come to give the prisoner her last request? And please, Liv, not Ock,"

Peter smirked."If I did what would it be? A last meal, maybe your harness, or a parked car. I hear those are the latest fashion for up-and-coming heroes to wrap themselves in.” Even if he wouldn't kill her she did try to blow up New York and had a lot of explaining to do before she was off the hook.

She looked unamused. "Mr Parker, I know." She stopped and took a breath. "I know what I was made to do to you changed your life, ruined it maybe but please, I'm begging you, don't do this, please, don't." She signed though, she knew Venom wasn't to be reasoned with, the deaths of Max and Marko were testaments to that. “Harry and Norman both had an interest in me. The harness uses a neural control chip and yes, the reactor was my idea, I won’t deny that but please, if you’d lived under them. If you’d done the things they made me do you would want it all to end as well.”

Liv sniffed and wiped away tears that were starting to form in her eyes.

Peter, sadly, recognised that look. He’d seen it in the mirror often enough. On MJ’s face as she talked about her father. Worst of all, he’d seen it on Aunt May's face when she thought Peter wasn’t paying attention.

The look of desperation. The look of someone right at the bottom and with nowhere else to go but straight to a bottle or worse. The look of pain with no way to cope.

Peter sighed. He couldn’t do what had to be done. She needed to be taken care of, not ‘taken care of’ and with the blessing of the girls and a firm heart he made the choice.

Liv was not a villain. She was desperate and made a stupid mistake. She didn't need to be punished, she needed to be saved.

"So, what'll it be Doc, ask me for anything." Peter knelt at the chair, his hand on her thighs,

"Anything?” She whispered. Using the jumper Gwen had given her to dry and wipe her face.


Liv had a million different things flash through her head but right now,

"Pizza, oh and beer, do you know how long it's been since I had carbs."

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