Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Seventy-Nine. Lights, Camera, Traction

Quentin, still disguised as Zander, stood before the assembled Reavers.

"You know what you have to do," he told them. "The plan is simple. Create a distraction while Mysterio fights an Augment, and save as many people as you can. We will cement ourselves as heroes of this city."

Donald rubbed the back of his head, "I dunno boss. It seems like a mighty fine line between what we're doing and those Humanity First jerks."

"I know, which is why you'll be in disguise. Here." Zander handed each of them an armband. "I asked Beck to design a disguise, it's a mobile transmitter. I have faith in you, and your men Donald. Don't fail me now." He clapped the man on the shoulder.

Donald looked at the band, "Alright, you're the boss. Okay, men, we got bands for everyone. Suit up and let's go save the city."

None of them noticed the small smug grin on Zander's face as they did up the clip-on armbands. Once on, it was a simple thing to tie them to the CLS interface, and directly manipulate their brains.

Parker was brilliant, but Beck knew he was better. Everyone underestimated his brilliance. Stark scoffed at the cost of his Holographic system, gave it a dumb name and mocked him. So what if a single transmitter was fifty million dollars? So what if the broadcast unit needed that special metal? It was worth it! Those rich assholes could afford fifty billion for the ultimate home entertainment system. But no, it was too hard, it was too expensive. It was his life's work and it was brilliant! Beck rubbed his forehead, wishing away the headache that had begun to plague him. It didn't matter, and he adjusted the output on his own system, its white noise masking the pain.

No amount of pain could compare to just how famous he was going to be.

He hated using Central Park, but it was the easiest spot to deploy his camouflaged drones. A nice big crowd could gather, and he could control the entire narrative from a single spot. It was just cliche and he'd used it before. He needed this to be perfect though, and Central Park was the go-to spot of supervillain activity.

Now, lights.

He closed the helmet on his armour, and it shone as his optics connected. He blinked out of existence as he bent the light around himself. He needed to make a good entrance, and strolling through trees wouldn't do it.


Through his interface, he could see the red dots of his drones. Each one was invisible, but would soon be called into action. The display also showed the Reavers, ten dots on their way to the lake in the centre. Moving a single drone, it slipped into the trees before dropping its camouflage. In its place stood a dishevelled nondescript young man. He stumbled into the main pathway, covered in blood, "help...help me."

And Action.

As passersby tried to avoid him, he reached out. "please," he pathetically begged for aid but no one approached. "Fine," he growled, and hell broke loose. He stretched and grew. His skin turned a dark shade of purple and he roared as the walkers scattered. "Hulk need help, Hulk angry at being ignored." The Hulk smashed a tree, and nobody noticed it exploded as if shot rather than punched. It creaked, and collapsed, "Hulk SMASH!"

The Reavers, who had handily protesting nearby, heard their cue.

Donald looked at the giant purple Hulk, "Alright men. Let's show 'em what we can do!

"Yeah!" he got back in excited shouts. The group split into teams. Those with minor enhancements moved to create a cordon. They were shouting a warning to anyone coming close to spectate. Those like Donald, with a full limb, were moving to help people who were in the Hulk's path.

Donald paused though. Brian, the large muscular dock worker with two arms, got too close. The Hulk roared at him and in a single bound, planted a huge fist in the man's stomach.

Brian was as soft as they came. He once saw him break down at a news report of a drowned kitten. He was built for working, not fighting and he folded and flew. "Uh no, Rice promised this would be noncom," he growled. These were protesters. His normal hitting crew, the ones that actually went out to not-so-peacefully protest, had been told to stay away.

"Alright, stay back, get the effers on the horn, we can't take a Hulk." He shouted the slang for the ETF soldiers. This was now a job for them.

Above the battlefield, Beck hovered on the back of a drone, "Good, and now for the cliffhanger." He touched a control, and the Hulk drone moved to attack.

Donald watched in horror as the Hulk waded into his guys. Rice had promised, he was a dirty lying bastard as he watched another group of guys go flying. Whoever this Hulk was, he was angry, and not taking prisoners.

"Don't worry," he heard from above him, "We can take care of him."

She was recognisable, even with her clothes on. The Augment Yukio was here. She smiled and as electricity crackled around her, she floated off.

"Dammit. Get those people away from them." Electricity would probably be a bad mix with the implants they had, "And where the hell is the ETF?"

Unknown to him, the calls were being masked by Beck's transmission field. He wanted the ETF, but not right now. First, there was a show to put on.

"Hulk, " Yukio called, "Stop this rampage, or I will stop you."

"Hulk Smash Stupid Woman!" Hulk yelled back, and the Hulk picked up a trash can and threw it at the floating Yukio.

An arc of electricity shot out and the can exploded, "Littering is against the law. Please, stop this madness, or I will have no." Her request was cut short at the Hulk, seeing his attack fail, leapt for her.

A thick purple meaty hand wrapped around her waist, "HAHA! Hulk got you now!"

Yukio struggled and then screamed as the Hulk squeezed. "Pretty lady like taking off her clothes, so Hulk take off everything." He grabbed at her trousers with his other hand and ripped them off, "Everything!"

In the mansion, Yukio and Ellie were having another argument.

"It's not what you did, it's that you didn't ask," Ellie said again, for the tenth time.

"And I shouldn't have to. It is my body, my breasts, and nothing that I am ashamed of."

Ellie threw up her hands in frustration, "That's not the point, I know, but it affects me too. I have to deal with the questions, and the glares, and the..."

"Uh," Bobby rapped his knuckles on the door to their rooms. "While this is great and all, turn on channel five."

Yukio snapped her fingers, and the TV sparked into life.

"We take you live to a horrifying scene, where a Hulk we do not know if it is the Hulk, is attacking Central Park."

The camera panned, and they could see a Hulk attacking Yukio. He had her in one hand and was ripping away clothing while laughing.

"That's not you," Ellie said, and Yukio rolled her eyes.

"Of course not. They airbrushed the mole I have on my left boob out, look."

Hitting the pan and scan on the remote, she moved the block over her supposedly prone figure. Her breasts were clear of any blemish.

"Yeah, or you know, we know because you're right here" Ellie grabbed the remote, "and stop staring asshole."

Bobby cleared his throat but just shrugged. The pair had been too busy arguing to know that the Professor had banned the magazine in the mansion. A stack of them, as Logan refused to destroy them, sat in his office. Bobby knew for a fact, as he had been asked to smuggle them in, that most of the guys and a few of the girls had one. "Well, we still need to deal with it, and we can't use the X-Jet, as we're all grounded."

Ellie groaned, "Drive? To Central Park? It'll be over before we get there."

If Quentin hadn't been wanting to make a point. If he hadn't been trying to prove just how brilliant he was, then Eliie would have been correct. In true villain style, Quentin Beck was 'hamming' it up for an audience. He had spotted the Bugle News copter circling overhead. Now they were in a good position, he was going to make his grand entrance.

Hulk was still playing with Yukio. He had her down to her underwear and, at Mysterio's command, ripped off the last of her clothing. "Hulk show. Heros stupid. Only good for taking off clothes." In a show of force, Hulk smashed Yukio into the concrete over and over, as Mysterio watched. Once more would do it, as the fake drone displayed the young woman being brutalised.

The air cracked with energy. A few arcs of lightning sparked and hissed in the air, and slowly became a straight line. As the yellow energy filled the sky, a tear formed. The arcs separated and Mysterio floated through. "Halt monster. I cannot let you hurt that young woman."

Hulk snorted, "Puny girl." He lifted the now unconscious Yukio and pointed her at Mysterio. "You want? Play fetch." Hulk leant back, lifted Yukio and threw her straight at Mysterio.

Mysterio's laugh echoed around the park. "Your attempts to hurt this innocent woman are for nothing." A beam of light shot out from his gauntlet and encapsulated Yukio. She floated slowly towards Mysterio, "I shall keep her safe, in my home dimension. Never fear good people. I will return her, safe and healed. In my dimension, women are cherished, nurtured and protected. But they do not fight." Another tear opened and the prone form of Yukio floated through. "There will be no sullying of your purity today young lady."

"Hulk no like glowy man, Hulk smash!" Hulk clapped his hands together, and buffeted Mysterio. He spun slightly, bracing his arms across his chest, but was unfazed by the attack.

"Now now Creature. Whatever you are, the young lady was right. These fine people deserve to enjoy their park, and not have a purple brute spoil it." A beam shot out from Mysterio's gauntlet, catching Hulk who screamed in pain.

Now, to let the ETF know. His phone quick dialed, "Uh yeah, Hulk in Central Park, running now, bye," before he cut the call. They posted the response times on a website, so everyone could see they were actually doing their job. Central Park was a two-minute ETA, as the squad were always ready and on call. Two minutes of theatre was easy.

And it was. Hulk would throw things, or leap for Mysterio, who would swoop out of the way, and return fire with a blast. Hulk would yell and attack the innocents, and Mysterio would yell orders at the Reavers to keep them safe. The stage was set, and now all he needed was an audience.

"What do you mean the roads closed?" Ellie yelled as she tried to find parking nearby.

"The ETF close the roads, it's standard," Bobby started but the glare from Ellie shut him up.

"We can just run," Yukio said with a smile as she undid her seatbelt, "It is why Logan always makes us keep fit."

Ellie rolled her eyes. It was superhero one-oh-one. Even if your power wasn't physical, you needed to be fit.

The trio saw a small gap in the cordon, and Yukio made a car's siren spark and wail into life. They slipped past the barriers as the officers investigated.

Officer Jack Maclean watched as the goldfish-bowled idiot took on the Gamma idiot. He joined the ETF after his mom was hurt by a random powered taking potshots in a bank. He hated these freaks with a passion and took the opportunity to do something about it.

"Right, get those idiots out of here. Anyone complaints, fine them, anyone fights back, arrest them," he barked at his men. He was the officer on call today of the rapid response unit. Sure, most of the time it was boring, but it meant they could get to anywhere in New York within ten minutes. They had right of way, even ambulances needed to move. Powered being assholes meant property damage. It meant lives lost and the city took notice. They were in uniform, and the vans were already packed and ready to leave. All they needed to do was clip on the armour, and grab a sidearm.

"We have a Hulk, so weapons free. If you hit that other moron, I don't care, it's your paperwork." Some of the men snorted. They were in similar situations as MacLean. If one of them 'accidentally' hit Mysterio, nobody would care. He'd already declared he wasn't American, so it was all just nice and legal. Maclean surveyed the damage the pair were doing, "You know what, go get one of those cannons." He hadn't had an excuse to use it, and that Hulk looked like a really good target.

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