Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Sixteen. Chapter Four Hundred Fifty-Three. Marriage Affairs

Peter put down the last scroll in the box. Now the birthday was over it was time to get back to work. With his approval from the Council of Elders, he was back to reading scroll after scroll. It was tough going but no harder than reading any other dry boring thousand-year-old book on laws. But tradition was tradition, and if Shuri needed him to read hundreds of these, then he would. While he was not a native, he was still going to be King of a country.

There were a few pressing matters he needed to attend to. Friday and Jocasta had taken two of the studio Homes, and Jocasta was looking to spend more time with him.

Sighing as he ran a hand through his hair, he dialled and Shuri appeared back on the screen.

“I do not mean to be rude, but you do not have to tell me when you finish,” she said with a grin. "It is good to see you my Heart, is everything okay?"

Peter laughed and shook his head. “Are we okay? I mean I didn't expect Jocasta to be a part of this,” was all he said and Shuri nodded.

“I am aware. Liv does keep me up to date with your life when you are too busy to, and we are still committed to what we said. Jean is acceptable, but are you okay? I understand if you cannot support everyone, and I don't mean financially Peter. There is still a toll if someone is feeling left out, still a question of time, even if the feelings run deep.”

Peter nodded, “I know. Jo is different though, she uh,” he took a breath and sighed. “I put a stop to Friday as I think they're too young, not physically but mentally, but, can I make that call? She's proven to be responsible. So, do we?”

Shuri leaned back, “And yet you refuse my Dora? I thought Peter Parker was over such casual flings. A mistress, we might as well call it what it is, she wants to be your mistress and to be pampered. How do the others feel?”

Peter sat back on his couch, "Jocasta wants to learn to be part of a family, and sure, everyone is fine with that.

“Then we have no issue with mistresses Peter, as long as they are aware that is all they shall be. And do I expect more?“ Shuri asked him.

Peter shook his head. “Honestly, I don't know any more women. So uh, no. I don't plan these things. Maybe." He shrugged, "If there were, are you going to get mad?"

Shuri shook her head and laughed. “As long as you allow me the same respect.”

Peter frowned, “Can I be selfish and say no men?”

Shuri laughed, “Such hypocrisy, but yes. We are satisfied with just one man, and his many smaller substitutes.”

Peter smiled and shook his head. “Yeah, I had no idea what Gwen was up to. I mean, Hey Pete, we want to examine you seemed like she was just horny, not you know, taking notes."

Shuri laughed, "Then it shall please me immensely to know that my mother has an order in. Gwen's business intrigued her, and she left with several catalogues."

Peter paled, "You mean?"

Shuri covered her mouth with her hand as she shook with laughter, "Oh no my Heart please, no more. I cannot take it."

Peter sighed with exasperation, "That's not funny. T'Challa is already on the warpath as he thinks I'm spying on your mom."

Shuri waved a hand, "T'Challa is a bore, and Mother is fine with sharing your bath. I would however appreciate it if you did not sleep with her. There are limits."

"Yeah, and I can see your grin. Sisters and moms are off limits because you and Nat are right."

"I will still tease you about it. It is one of the many burdens of dating me, something I am sure you lament and suffer for."

Peter chuckled and shook his head, “Definitely the luckiest man alive.”

As Shuri leant forward she smiled at him. “And I shall make sure you never forget it. Take care, my Heart and I will talk to you later.” She blew him a kiss and he smiled and returned it.

“Love you.” and the call ended. Now Shuri was appraised of the situation, he needed to let the others know.

With that out of the way, he headed down to the bathhouse. At the party, Ororo and Nakia both were present but neither joined in. While it seemed blunt, it was time to find out exactly where he stood with the pair. Nakia was at the Parker Building, training with Nat, but Ororo was down in the bathhouse.

“Good timing. Grab a bottle of wine would you dear, we drank all the bottles in here,” Liv shouted.

He smiled and grabbed a bottle from the storage as he entered. "Just the one, Business talk."

Liv, Gwen, Ororo, and Jean were all sitting in the pool, Jean and Gwen on each side of a very red and happy-looking Liv. None were clothed and Peter took a moment to appreciate their figures. Popping the cork he poured the sparkling sweet white into each glass but wasn’t in the mood and left himself out.

“So, how was homework?” Liv asked as she sipped at her glass.

Peter shrugged. “One down, a few hundred more to go, but that's not why I'm here.”

Gwen leant forwards. “Oh? We weren't joking, pants back on.”

He laughed and shook his head as his clothing disappeared. "I am allowed to take breaks though," he slid into the pool gently floating on his back in front of them. “And I’ll have them done. No, I called Shuri again about Jocasta.”

Jean looked at the other two, “Jocasta?”

Liv patted her thigh. “A Synthezoid. You may have thought it was Pepper Potts. An evil robot made her and Friday to divide Tony Stark and Peter. He failed but we have an MJ and Pepper look-a-like."

"So, MJ doesn't have a sister?" Jean was confused. She knew there were new faces in the warehouse but even her powers couldn't tell they weren't human.

"Nope, Ultron used their features. Both are synthetic lifeforms. Digital Sentience as we're calling them," Liv explained.

"Not AI?" Ororo asked. She would have to hold off telling Forge, as he would probably be here in a flash to ask a lot of rude questions.

"Their minds aren't artificial. They are both completely aware, have dreams, goals, and as you saw last night, fully functional."

Ororo smiled, The woman she now knew as Jocasta was very enthusiastic. She moved from person to person kissing and touching before moving on. Her bluntness was a bit grating but "You are desirable, I wish to fornicate with you," had a certain charm. It was certainly not the worst pickup line she had ever heard.

"Jocasta aside. Ororo? Not that I'm going to complain but," Peter asked as he swan to sit beside her.

"I am the new liaison for Augments on Earth. Hank has...retired after his incident and is taking time to adjust." Hank was not happy with the increased mutation of his powers. The combination of Epicure and his own biology meant he was stuck as the more aggressive Beast. "I have also contacted Shuri, and am now asking. May I take her Home while I am in New York? The mansion is," She tilted her head, "disturbing when you are the only one there."

"Plus I can't imagine Charles turning the heating on for one person. It's got what, a hundred rooms," Liv added.

"And no pool," said Jean. The mansion did have a pool, but it was Olympic-sized and for training, not relaxing.

"And no Pete," Gwen added with a small smirk.

Ororo laughed, "Those are all very valid reasons. I am still on the fence. There is too much going on for me to commit Peter. I was a royal consort for T'Challa, and there would be those who would use that against you if I switched to Shuri. Polygamy is acceptable, cheating is not."

"So, you know that last night was rare but we still..."

"I am well aware of the effect you have Peter. I would not ask to live here if I did not accept the consequences of my actions." She patted him on the thigh, "Or where they may lead."

"You know as well that it will only be for a Consort. Shuri put her foot down after Jean," he said sadly.

Jean leaned forward “Consort? Like a Mistress? But I thought it was just the women in the warehouse?”

Liv shook her head. “Felicia is just as bad as he is, well not quite, but she has a little group of her own. As long as we are all aware of who and when, we are still very open.”

"I am also aware of what my position would be," Ororo shook her head as Gwen snorted, "In both respects. For now, I am happy to accept things as they are, and accept what may or may not happen. But, the Home?"

Peter looked at the others, "Sure, I mean, Shuri doesn't get a lot of time to visit, and when she does," he grinned, "Well, you know."

"I do, I was watching as she thoughtfully debased herself. It was most enlightening." Ororo hid a small smile behind her glass of wine. She had never imagined that watching Shuri being intimate with a man would turn her on so much. If there was one factor in her acceptance of Peter it was Shuri.

"So," Jean interrupted, "Sorry but, can we, you know, sleep with anyone we want? Or are their rules?"

"No one night stands, no hiding it, and we need to know who and when. There are a lot of important people here, and we are well aware of the threats we can encounter," Liv spelt out for Jean.

"coughhoneytrapcough," Gwen teased.

"Yeah yeah, I don't see you complaining when Nat uses those super skills on you."

Gwen sighed happily, "Yeah, the Room has a lot to answer for but damn is she talented with her tongue."

Jean blushed, "what about guys?"

Liv raised an eyebrow and looked over at Peter, "I believe this one is for you to answer."

Peter sighed. "I would prefer no, but I can't logically say no. I mean." He waved a hand at the four sat with him, "I have no complaints when you all get together, or when MJ does her party trick. So really, the big brain says sure but the little brain says no."

Liv patted his thigh, "I will admit that I actually agree. The thought of another man was appealing at one point, but." Liv slid her hand down Peter's thigh and slowly ran her hand up it. "Who else can compare?"

"I have a thing for Logan," Jean admitted, "But really, only him."

"Oh well, I can tell you right now, he'll say no," Liv said bluntly, As the others looked at her. "What? Oh," Liv laughed, "sorry dear, not me. Your mother asked. And before you start, this was before Curt."

Peter opened his mouth to complain but stopped himself. "You know what. Don't care, but he said no?"

"He did. He is dating Selene and she said no, which he agreed with." Liv looked sadly at her glass. She was not about to admit Logan confided in her the real reason. When he regained his memories he realised he was centuries old. The thought of losing someone who would age while he remained young was too painful. A sentiment Selene shared.

Jean looked downcast, "It's okay. It's just a stupid crush." Logan was always there for her, even when Scott was being an asshole. "Uh, is this a normal thing? I mean, I get the poly, I can accept that but do you just ask if someone can be added?” She was surprised when Liv and Gwen nodded.

"We do discuss our lives dear. If we all feel the same way about someone, why not?" She smiled as she looked over at Ororo, "And there are some we definitely agree upon."

"If you wish to discuss my inclusion, then I should not be privy to this. I am going into the City. I know the rules for the fridge and the laundry, but I am in need of furnishing." Ororo stood and even Gwen bit her bottom lip as she took in her full figure.

Once she was out of the pool a small wind picked up and dried her. Peter chuckled as she dressed, and once she was out of earshot, "Damn, I can see why you crushed hard on her. I would not have said no," Gwen said wistfully. "But, Jo? I mean, We all got used to Felicia being a grump, and Cindy still swears her ass off when she's mad. Do we need another grumpy but really sweet under it all living here?"

Peter ran his hands through his hair, “I think she’s just tired of being alone. Tony was overbearing and Maya is apparently a bitch to her.”

"Does she know why or is she just a bitch in general?" Liv asked.

"She looks like Pepper and for a while, Tony could do no wrong. Maya was jealous plus being pregnant. Tony left her for Pepper, she was worried he'd do the same," Peter explained.

Liv shrugged, "It is a valid reason, even if Jocasta suffered for it. So I agree. She isn't bad, she just doesn't realise what she says is not socially acceptable. Tony did admit to me her personality matrix wasn't finished when he uploaded her."

"Or, you know. I am just so awesome she realised Tony couldn't compare."

Gwen snorted, “Yeah, Pete. Behind every great man is a great woman, and you’re so lame you need ten to make up for it.” Jean laughed, while Liv bit her lip to stop herself,

Peter laughed. “So lame I remember you begging to be my girlfriend.” He made his voice squeaky and high pitched but failed to sound anything like Gwen, “Oh Pete, please love me. I want you forever and ever, look at my chest,” he teased her, “You can do anything you-” but she splashed him in frustration.

“Don't remember you complaining. Don't remember you saying anything. Lame Pete, lame enough I had to drag your ass into bed and get you MJ,” Liv raised an eyebrow. “Oh, Pete was a shy boy.” She let her gaze drift down to his groin. “Not so shy now, I unleashed a monster, but you should thank me.”

Peter swan up beside her and lifting her onto his lap moved closer to Liv, “I do, I am thankful every day.”

Gwen made gagging noises. “Still lame.”

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