Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Ninety-Two. Miss Chief And Mayhem

Now the portal was open, the group moved through. Natasha let Widow slip over her and she stabbed the Kree through the neck.

Peter paled, “Well, that was unpleasant.” 

Natasha shrugged, “we can't leave them alive.”

Peter shook his head, “I still had a grip on him. So, can we please wait until I say clear before stabbing anyone?”

Widow shrugged, “uh, sorry, make it up to you?”

Yelena rolled her eyes, “kissy faces later, we need a plan.”

“Engines and control room, so one team goes up, and the other kinda east a little bit. Team one will have the harder job though, as we’re pretty much at the bottom of the ship. The security they send to take the engines back will hit the first team as they move up.”

Widow nodded, “Or we don't, and we take the control room. The ship isn't going anywhere, so why disable the engines? This is an invasion, and it's not like we have anything that can fight a big spaceship.”

“Split up, first to the control room gets a prize?” Yelena asked, as her own armour slid over her.

“As long as it's not dirty, sure.”

“Good." Yelena turned, "Sorry Captain, but I am lead on this. You might be a big war hero but in urban combat, you suck. And handsome here. You look like you’re twelve, so I guess you probably suck as well. Follow me, use your Symbiote to call out bad guys, or you know, kill them and move on, that works too.”

Flash shook his head as Webb slid over him, “We fought on the ground before, we did defend the triskelion you know.”

Yelena waved a hand. “oh one op, how impressive. Let me make you a badge that says I'm a big tough guy. No arguing, listen and follow orders.”

Cap didn’t look happy, but as this was Peter’s operation he declined to say anything. 

Widow looked at Peter and Laura, “We don't need to do that do we?”

Laura let Talon slide over her. “We don’t, we can work as a team already.”

Peter laughed, “Plus the mind-reading thing is a lot easier.” As his own armour slid over him, he stayed with the black and white. Nobody knew they were there, and even now he still preferred his Venom suit over any of the others.

“We go left, you go right. The main control room is twelve decks above us, just go up. Once you hit floor twelve, contact me and we can meet up to assault the command centre. It's heavily guarded but I caught the thoughts of a guard. Saron is heading to the surface.”

“That reminds me.” Venom paused for a second to warn Wrath they were now onboard. Scott, take out the smaller craft, but the flagship is ours. I don't want you to blow it up while we’re on it, okay?

Sure sure, but if they start firing again it's open season.

“Right, we have our targets, stay alert, and stay alive.”

Yelena pouted, “Aww, no kiss for good luck?”

Widow shook her head, and pushed Yelena out the door, “Behave, or I tell mom you were hitting on her son-in-law.”

Yelena pulled a face. “And I let Mom know what you were doing with him while he was a target.”

Natasha shrugged. “Mom knows. That's why he’s her son-in-law.”

“Uh, can we be slightly professional here?” Flash asked but Yelena shrugged.

“Nope, it eases the tension. Joking and laughing raises endorphins and relaxes tense trigger fingers. See? No badge for you.” As Vonya slid over her, “Now we hunt though,” she shimmered and vanished.

“Stay off comms until we meet up, if we’re not there, use Vonya or Webb to contact us. If you get no reply, then uh, we didn't make it, and take out the command crew.” Venom looked over the two groups, “Good luck.”

The two teams went their separate ways.

The trio of Symbiotes shimmered and vanished before taking to the ceiling. Walking along the corridors meant avoiding crew, and potentially being discovered. Hardly anyone looked up and the trio made their way to the elevators effortlessly.

Webb, Cap, and Vonya were having a harder time. Without a Symbiote, Cap had to stealth his way along the long corridors. As most doors were locked due to the attack protocols, it was dealing with and then hiding any bodies they left. Not looking up was a saving grace. Bodies, with webbed closed wounds, were hoisted and webbed to the ceiling. They were still noticeable, but it was that or eat them, and both Webb and Vonya declined.

Vonya paused, “You know, this is slow and pointless. These are all technicians, not even a sidearm or boot knife. For a military ship, we are just killing the janitorial staff. So, Webb, Cap, I want you to head to the engines, and well, make a mess. You don’t need me to help with that, just you know, blow a lot of stuff up, well, not the engines. I’ll start making my way to the barracks, and whatever other soldiers they have and maybe say hello.”

Cap shook his head, “We shouldn't split up. On your own, you make an easy target.”

Her mask peeled back, “Yeah, see, I wasn't asking. And sorry but I am a spy, assassin, sexy badass bitch, who works better alone, and you two stick out like big giant thumbs. So go be thumbs. Squash stuff and make lots of noise. You find somewhere defensible and stay there. I make sure nothing too big comes to interfere with either team.”

“I don't like it. Webb?” Cap asked, and in reply, Webb lifted the two heavy cannons and clipped them to his shoulder armour. “Yeah, that's what I figured.” Cap unclipped his shield and drew a heavier machine pistol from his holster.

“Stay safe Yelena.” As her mask slid back, she grinned. “See you later crocodiles.” She shimmered and vanished.

Captain America just shook his head. “It’s alligators.” He sighed in annoyance. "I will be speaking to Venom about his choice of Symbiote hosts. Come on, the engine rooms this way." Webb followed and the pair made their way, not as stealthily, to the engine rooms.

The trek to the top floor was easy enough. Yelena had been right, and whatever troops they had on the ship were in more sensitive areas. During a combat situation, the only ones moving about the ship were technicians. While still military, they were unarmed and Venom felt a small twinge at killing them. Space Nazis ranked pretty low on his 'give a shit' metre, but if they were reported missing, it could be disastrous.

So they snuck along the corridors, using ceilings and walls to pass unsuspecting crew. It was easy to sneak through the easily navigated ships and into the alien elevators. Ships needed to be traversable under fire, and a maze would distract crew just as much as an enemy border.

Nearing the top, the crew became more military in nature. As they exited the last elevator to the eleventh floor, Venom contacted Vonya for a status update.

Yeah I split off from those other two, they were such a bore you know.

Yelena, Venom scolded her, this is not the time for jokes nor for heroics. We’re not here to run solo. If you get caught, they will kill you.

Yes yes, now you sound like my mother. I am fine, and they won't catch me, you should be thanking me.

Venom shook his head, Webb, look, I’m sorry okay, you should have said no, and gone with her.

Webb laughed, yeah, that wasn't happening. She left before we could, and yeah, Steve is pissed. We’re getting close to the engine now though, give us five and I’ll send an update.

One moment, bunker down and I’ll get right back to you.

Venom took Widow's hand, I might know what I’m doing, but was that stupid or just idiotic?

Splitting off was definitely dumb, but she did have a point. If she took out the soldiers stationed on the ship, we’ll have an easier job knowing there is no backup coming.

So yell but give her some slack?

Threaten to make her move back over to the second warehouse. She was grandstanding, doing her job, but still grandstanding.

I think that's banned under the Geneva Convention, nobody should be forced to live with Alexei.

Venom nodded at Widow, who just shrugged. He felt for his connection to Vonya.

What the fuck do you think you are doing? You are in so much shit, Yelena. You split the party, and sent them to the engine, while you are doing god knows what. You get back with your team, and you pray they are fine, or so help me

What, they’re fine, I got this, and you should trust your team more.

I did, which is why I let you take charge. Unstable, glory seekers who risk their team for their own benefit are not allowed. He lifted his head, If Cap and Webb go into trouble we needed someone who was trained, and that was you.

Natasha has some words as well, so going to let her chew you out for a bit, maybe you’ll listen to her.

Venom let go of Widow's hand, and Talon came over, did the right thing.

No, now we have three teams and no concentrated force. Cap and Flash can't take the engine room themselves and they have no technical backup in case it goes south. Yelena is off doing god knows what and also has no backup. We’re stuck, on an alien ship, just the three of us, and if it goes south everyone on Earth suffers. We don't have a giant spaceship to stop this one, we don't have anyone capable of spaceflight,

So steal it, Peter is a big bad tech wiz. Just a bigger suit of armour, Talon suggested

Venom stopped and looked over at Talon, uh, I didn't think of that. Dammit.

Talon patted his head, That's okay. Talon smartest one there is as well.

Wanna hijack a spaceship? And she laughed, and the trio shimmered and vanished.

Okay, find somewhere to hole up, plans have changed. Yelena, meet up with Cap and Webb and take the engine room. We’re going to take the command deck, and we’re going to be loud this time. Maximum casualties and we need to get everyone away from the control centre as fast as possible.

Steve must have grabbed Webb's arm, as he cut into the chatter, can I ask why? Seems awfully risky for something we can't control,

That's the idea. Because we can. I have the ability to take over machines, and with enough time, I should be able to take over the whole ship. Three symbiotes. If Vonya and Webb take over the engines, and I take over the command deck, we can control the entire ship.

He heard Cap laugh, seriously? And I thought having a red face or becoming a giant green monster was bizarre. Okay, it's your show, Pete. Cap and Webb out.

Yelena, meet them there, and this time, no detours., Venom looked at Widow. Can she be trusted? Widow nodded.

Fury had a little side project, but it's taken care of.

Venom shook his head. Always the master spy, and being cut free from Shield hadn’t mellowed him any. In fact, Venom thought he was worse.

They made their way back to the starting room, and as they approached Vonya dropped from the ceiling. Venom motioned for the others to go ahead and took her by the arm.

We don't go in mad. I'm disappointed in you, and in Fury for giving you orders you felt you couldn't refuse. In future, if you're with me, then it's my orders, as you’re on my team. If that's an issue then say and leave. There are second and third chances, but we need to trust each other, and I need to know you won't disappear on me.

Fury wanted intel on their armaments, as we think the Kree have been on Earth before. There are several Shield containers with the remains of aliens and their technology. We already have plans to hit them, as Hydra marked them as destroyed.

Venom shrugged, I know, and if he’d asked, we might have shared that with him. But he's so damn paranoid he endangered everyone, not just up here but on Earth as well.

AIM gave Wrath a lot of leeway, but if Fury was running secret ops, and not reporting them, then it put them in a tight spot. He knew there were missions that needed to be done. He knew some villains needed to be put down, and not saved and he trusted Fury to take care of it. He didn't trust Fury to have his own agenda that took precedence over that.

Wait, you know, about the Kree?

Venom shook his head. The corridor of a hostile alien ship is not the place to be having this conversation. We get everyone ready, and we take this ship. All I want right now is a guarantee that you are on my side.

Yelena grinned, and she leaned forward, running her hands down his front. I could split my suit, I know you can control it, and so can I, maybe Natasha doesn't need to know. Show you just how much I trust you.

Natasha can hear you dumbass, and if you touch him I will end you.

Yelena shrugged, so butch, so mother hen, I get it, very sexy. She blew Venom a kiss, but I guess it's not to be.

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