Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Four Hundred Ninety-Five. Scortched Earth

Elektra had been stunned by the sheer size and beauty of the Golden City. She was with Nakia and Bucky, as they prepared to repel the forces of the Kree.

She had composed herself when she saw the assembling army. The Kree had begun to bombard the city's shield, but when that failed, they sent in transports of troops. It would be a battle on the ground and in the air, with the cruisers taking no part.

Bucky had shown Shuri his assault rifle and as she shook his head, she instructed Nakia to take him to the armoury. A weapon like that was effective, but not effective enough. The remote sensors had shown the Kree dropping gun emplacements.

“Uh, Why are they here?” Elektra asked as warriors wrapped in white pelts began to muster on the grounds outside the city. Elektra had heard about Peter's fight with M’Baku and then Shuri's.

Shuri looked up, as she walked past another Dora Milaje, “They are here to bring honour back to their tribe. They will advance first and will die first.”

“Still, seems kinda, I dunno, stupid. What if they betray us?”

Shuri laughed, “Then they would still be first to die. They will lead the charge, and have the Kree in front and us behind. They will fight to be victorious, even if it means their death.” Shuri paused, “but, you do not understand. You must know that to some, honour is everything, and M’Baku did not speak for the whole tribe. They are proud warriors, and he did them an injustice. To shed blood to reclaim that honour means everything.”

Elektra shrugged, as Stick had tried to teach her the same lesson. Honour was nothing, and it meant even less if you were dead.

“Barnes seems happy,” she said in passing. He had a small grin as he lifted a plasma rifle. For him, that was shouting with joy, but after having Hydra run his brain through a blender, it was to be expected. He was checking each part before he ran a cable from it to his arm. It would now be powered by an arcstar reactor and never run out of ammo.

“We also have some weapons for you, if you would like?” Shuri motioned at the weapons rack, but Elektra shook her head.

Hades covered her in thick armour and the harness that Liv had designed spread out, covering her in the Mark Two. A long sword slid out of her arm. “I'm good, thanks.”

Shuri laughed, letting Jahlia cover her in the same. She opted for a pair of pulse pistols, and they hooked into the reactor of her harness.

The pair made their way to the command tent, set in front of the great plains surrounding the city. Soldiers were lining up, and they could hear the fighters as they flew overhead.

“Are you sure they will attack here?” Elektra asked and Shuri nodded.

“While I am not happy to admit this. Wakanda is an old abandoned Kree technology. This is the one place on Earth we are guaranteed they will attack. They will want the city, and the resources it holds.”

Elektra nodded, knowing that wasn't the whole truth, but it was as much as she was going to get. The capital needed to be defended at all costs.

Shuri called up a map of the area outside the capital's energy shield. It had been taken by drones, scouting for survivors. Elektra got her first good look at the devastation the initial bombardment had made. 

There were blackened scorch marks everywhere. She could see the sun glinting off shards of glass, monuments to the impact of the initial blast. The explosions had fused the sand into beautiful spires of destruction. 

It was a shock as she read the report flashing across the screen.

Of the one billion people that lived in Africa, there were no more than three or four million survivors. Without aid, they wouldn't last. All major roadways had been obliterated, and only Wakanda could supply aid.

Shuri swept away the casualty reports, “Unless we defend Wakanda, there is nothing we can do for them.” but Elektra could see the hatred and pain on her face.

“They might not know about our defences, but they do know that we are keeping a watchful eye on them. Our satellites may have been scanned but so far, our defences have not been breached.” Shuri pointed to the positions the Kree soldiers were taking.

Elektra frowned, “You have satellites capable of defending themselves?”

Shuri laughed, “We have had satellites in the sky since the beginning of the last century. Right now, they are keeping communications around the globe open.” Shuri touched a holographic display. “Here, here and here. But, as you can see, they have triangulated that we are monitoring them. Only New York is also under attack. We are much more formidable than the rest of the planet, and we are paying for it." Shuri swiped the map. New York wasn't as bad, but a few troop carriers were making their way to the surface. "We have shared access with Stark, and allowed him to piggyback our signals onto his own network.”

The map zoomed out and showed a stylised Earth. Two cruisers split off from the group and stationed themselves over Africa. “That was an hour ago, and they began to mass ground troops. The attack let them know our shields are as good as theirs. Which means they also know that a sustained attack will eventually collapse them.”

“Uh, yeah,” Elektra said, staring at the display, “but what does that actually mean.”

Bucky finished examining his rifle. “That we should actively overload one grid. Once we let about, maybe half their forces through we close it. Then, we crush them and let whoever is taking out those cruisers go to work.” He hoisted the pulse rifle on his shoulder, “Do I know you?” he said, to the pair of men approaching

“Nah, but you will. Kilmonger.” Erik held out his hand for Bucky to shake.

“Yeah. Erik Stevens. Confirmed kills One-Two-Four. Alleged kills Two-Four-Five. Priority, lethal, approach with caution. Optimal method of execution using subterfuge and lethal traps.”

Elecktra stared at him, “Well, that wasn't creepy at all.”

Bucky rubbed the back of his head, “Yeah sorry. The programming kicks in sometimes when I meet a known hostile. So uh, sorry.”

Erik just laughed, “Nah, I'm good, nice to know Hydra kept tabs on me. Oh, and it's two hundred fifty-seven kills. You know,”

Shuri rolled her eyes. “Brother, are the tribes and the Dora Milaje Ready?”

T’Challa nodded. “You however are Queen and unsuited to be here. I want you to return to the palace, and coordinate from there.”

Shuri huffed, “And you are to lead our forces to victory?”

T’Challa shrugged, “You cannot argue Sister. Only you can control the city defences unless you wish Elektra to do it,”

Shuri looked over at Elektra, and frowned, “No offence Miss Nachios, but my brother is right. While you possess the means, I cannot allow an outsider to access our systems. Even if Peter gifted her a Symbiote. You have,” Shuri paused, "dubious allies."

Elektra wasn't offended, as most people hated Stick. He was a grade-A asshole who rubbed people the wrong way. “I am here to fight, not sit around. Show me to your close-quarter fighters, and the people I am to fight next to. You can stay here.”

Shuri nodded, “Brother, do not die, or I will kill you myself.”

T’Challa laughed and crossed his arms over his chest, “Wakanda forever.”

Shuri nodded, and under escort made her way back to the Royal chambers. On her throne, Jhalia spread from her and allowed her to connect to the city.

Once Shuri had left, the white gorilla elder approached. “M’Baku is willing to lead the charge, but he wishes his banishment reversed.”

T’Challa looked over at Nakia, who was talking with Bucky and Elektra. Erik was keeping watch on the White Gorilla tribe. As T’Challa caught his eye, Erik sneered and shrugged almost imperceptibly.

“If M’Baku can hold his line then we shall see about receding Shuri’s order. If he proves himself worthy of bearing the White Gorilla mantle.” T’Challa pulled the elder closer, “but remind him that he has no claim on Shuri or her throne. Next time, I will make sure the break is clean and that his head is on a pike outside the palace.”

The Elder barely hid his disdain but nodded, and crossed his arms. "Wakanda forever,” before heading to the gathering of Tribes.

“All citizens, this is a final warning. Wakanda is under attack. Report immediately to the nearest shelter and remain there until the all clear is given. We will prevail. We will stand against all invaders. Wakanda has weathered the storms of the past, and these foes shall break against our iron spirit. Wakanda Forever!” Shuri announced over the PA. She watched as the remaining few citizens hurried to the underground bunkers. Once they were sealed, there were only Soldiers left in the city, and the standing order was to defend it at all costs. Kill on sight, and give no quarter to the invader.

The battle plan was set, and the armies of the Kree and the Wakandan approached each other.

At this distance, they could see the energy pulses impacting one section of the shield. but they would wait. The main army would hold back, giving the impression they were still preparing.

M’Baku stood at the front, and his massive spear was the size of a normal man. He raised it above his head, “WAKANDA! WAKANDA!” he yelled and his troops began to chant with him.

Over his earpiece, he heard the signal being given. On cue, a generator sparked and failed, right where the bulk of the Kree army was trying to break through.

“FOR THE WHITE GORILLA!” He yelled. With a ‘WHOOO-AHHH’ he and his men charged forward.

It was brute against brute. The Kree were heavily armoured and larger and stronger than a human. But the White Gorilla tribe, with their thick Vibranium spears, were evenly matched.

Overhead, fighters engaged with each other. The Kree ships were fast, but the Wakandan fighters were tougher. Craft whizzed by as neither side could dominate the skies.

Bucky wasn't about to get into close combat with someone almost twice his size. Instead, he set up a Wakandan energy barrier and took shots at individuals. If one position was looking like it would be overrun, he would lay down fire to allow the White Gorilla to regroup.

Elektra was in the thick of it. Even with their superior strength, they were nothing to the Enhanced and Host. A thick double-handed blade made short work of armour, and Hades took care of the flesh underneath. She danced and spun, following the White Gorilla warriors. The Kree were strong and fast, but she trained with Matt, and for a while Peter. Ordinary soldiers were nothing to her.

Bucky had a laptop open and was keeping track of the battle. He saw the Kree pull back, trying to separate the fighters. “Nope, gonna have to pull back. You are almost back to the shield.”

M’Baku roared, “A coward flees when they are winning. We shall slaughter them to the last”

Bucky shook his head, “Yeah, good luck once you get in range of those turrets. That's a fortified defensive line.” He raised his rifle and took a shot, sending a Kree soldier spinning. Elektra finished him off with a decapitation.

“Ain’t no arguing with a desperate man, Barnes,” Erik said as she slid down behind the shield. “He’s got too much to prove.”

Bucky nodded, “Elektra, pull back. You are ten metres away from being within range,” he paused. “Maybe, from the size they might,” he was rewarded with an explosion.

The cannons were now firing on the White Gorilla warriors. Huge blasts of energy that dissolved flesh into ash with a single shot.

“All units fall back. You won’t last against those cannons,” he ordered over the comms channel but still they charged on.

Elektra bounded back over and ducked behind the barrier with the others, “They won’t listen. It’s an ancient warrior honour code.” Bucky shrugged. He guessed they were taking all the stupid with them.

The cannons were to defend against aircraft. So, while they could fire down, they were designed to lock on and track targets in the sky. As the White Gorilla tribe took heavy casualties, enough still broke through. Emboldened, the Wakandan fighters began to overpower the Kree. Once the crew were dead, the White Gorilla warriors smashed the turret controls. With no ground support, the Wakandan fighters slowly gained the upper hand.

“Yup, We’re winning. Most of the. One Second.” Bucky paused and looked up. He lifted binoculars and his face paled. “Take cover. Take cover now!” He yelled.

On a direct path to the gap in the shield was a large ship. It wasn't one of the cruisers from orbit, and looked smaller but boxier, like a supply ship. ”Shuri, it's a bomber. Get that section of shield up.”

Shuri looked over her screen. “We can’t. The failure was not a pretence. We had to destroy one of the grids to make it believable.” 

She covered her eyes as there was a flash and the shield outside the city was obscured by smoke and flames. As her sensors came back online, she saw the devastation. Her heart broke at the loss. Inside the Capitol were only a hundred or so Dora Milaje. They were now vulnerable to a full assault, and her drones picked up more Kree soldiers gathering. Of all the tactics she had expected, this was not one any normal sane general would use.

Jean, this is Shuri, please. I need help.

They hadn’t bombed the city. They had sent a suicide ship, and everything and everyone outside the shield was gone.

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