Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Five Hundred Six. The Good

In Central Park, on a white stone dais sat six crystal pillars. Each one held a different Infinity Stone and they sparkled, even in the dark.

“So, that was the wish huh?” Peter nodded at Felicia’s question.

Create an indestructible prison, one for each Stone, that can only be opened by the power of all six stones together, and place it on Earth in Central Park.

“Yup, the Stones can only be released by someone who has all six Stones, so the Infinity Stones are no longer a problem.”

“You mean, the Stones aren’t a problem, but every jackass thinking they can get the Stones will be.”

Peter stopped and sighed, “I didn’t think of that.”

As Felicia grabbed onto him and hugged him close she just laughed.

"It's not fair!" Jean screamed as the wish came true. Everywhere, people celebrated as they were reunited with long-lost loved ones. Everywhere except Wakanda.

"Of course, it isn't. The Stones aren't us. Life and Death," she cast an eye over at Peter, "We came first. They cannot return what we take."

Jean curled her legs up against her chest, "Then how? We don't have the Stones, How can I fix it," she sobbed into her knees.

Hela rolled her eyes. Death was quiet and liked fluffy things. Life was a stupid bimbo with overly large breasts and a flair for the over-dramatic.

"You are Life. Life is yours to command. You took them, you can bring them back. They have not touched my domain yet."

Hela was terrible at comforting people. She preferred just to yell, "Stop being stupid," and let them deal with it.

Jean looked at her with puffy red eyes. "Just...just like that?" She uncurled herself and slid over to where Hela was sitting. Hela huffed but opened her arms, allowing the young woman to curl into the crook of her side.

"Yes, just like I have to control my powers so I don't kill everything around me. Whichever idiot thought locking your powers away was a good idea should be shot into space."

Jean snorted a small laugh, "He was killed on Genosha, and Pete brought him back."

Hela tilted her head, "want me to go kill him again?"

Jean laughed again, "It would be more menacing if you weren't in a onesie."

Hela shrugged, "There are no fluffy things in Hel...or on Asgard. You Midgardians may be bizarre, but you do make the most fantastic clothing." Hela loved her onesie. It was black, and so very very fluffy. After four thousand years in a desolate freezing-cold hellhole, she indulged in every pleasure she could find. Her favourite was the onesie she was wearing.

"Hold me," Jean asked and Hela tutted. She would never admit that the young woman was her sister, in power if not in blood. She may have expected duplicity but she was slowly coming to care for her. All because of that damn man. She opened her arms and Jean slid onto her lap, curling up in the arms of the stoic woman.

Jean closed her eyes and focused. She felt for Nakia, she felt for Shuri and felt for the connections between them. She travelled astrally to the plains of Wakanda where the battle took place.

Dust swirled, and screamed as it reformed into the life that was taken. Kree stood with Dora Milaje and a blob of red slime hurled itself at Nakia.

Jean Gray. What the hell did you do? She shouted across the world.

Gwen excitedly stared at the centrifuge, as Peter hovered over her shoulder. “Ta-da.”

As it opened he saw a vial of formula, a pale yellow colour, and if he was going to be honest, it looked like a urine sample.

“Yeah, know that look, and no it’s not.” Gwen huffed. “I took the purple heart flower, the Stacy formula, some of Carol’s DNA, and the modified Parker Extremis virus. Did some Gwen magic, added a splash of Vibranium, and made this.”

As she reached into the centrifuge and picked up the vial she gently swirled it. For a moment it burst into bright golden light. As Gwen swirled the vial, it filled the lab with a spectacular light show of multicoloured rays.

“I call it my Golden Sentry formula, and, you’ll love this, it makes you a superman.”

“A superman?”

She excitedly nodded. “The strength of Hulk. Carol’s flight. Extremis heat powers, super invulnerability, plus your regeneration and healing powers. You are literally an ubermensch, but it sounds kinda lame, so I went with Golden Sentry.”

But Peter wasn’t as overjoyed as she thought he would be.

“So, go on, tell me.” She slid the vial back into the machine and closed the lid, “what I do wrong now.”

He shrugged, “Nothing, it’s amazing, but, what was it you said, how far do I want my powers to go? Until I can’t hold you, well, that’s kinda what that is. I mean, Hulk all the time but normal-sized? Gwen, I can’t have a relationship with a human woman cause my super strength could hurt them. And while it is amazing, it is also a nightmare in bottle form. How much did you make?”

Gwen huffed, “Just one vial. With the purple heart flower gone, and Shuri refusing to re-grow the flower there was only the one you gave me.”

Peter shook his head, but pulled her into his arms, “Gwen Stacy, you are too brilliant for your own good. Lock that away, destroy your notes and promise, you’ll never be that brilliant again. That’s Liv’s making a star level brilliance.”

She settled into his embrace. While she was mad he wasn’t happy, she couldn’t be mad at his praise. It was brilliant, much better than a lame star.

“Hello, Peter dear,” Liv said, as she moved in for a quick hug and kiss, “Well, I do have some news. You might want to speak to the girls about who exactly is on the team, as well.”

Peter frowned but nodded. Now they were situated in Wakanda, they had to finalise their teams for deployment. The US was happy to have them back, but the paperwork to make it happen was horrendous.

“Yeah, I know about Felicia and Gwen already. MJ was always a no, and I guess Carol too.” To admit it, he was disappointed. He had fun with everyone but he did want a close-knit team to train and work together. The world had calmed down after the click. Yes, there was a huge mess as everyone who had been killed suddenly appeared, whole and alive. It was just a pity that meant everyone, and there were already problems creating out of the woodwork. Super teams were needed more than ever now that some villains had been resurrected.

“We will be setting up two teams. The international Venom squad, with yourself leading. And a second, one that will stay stateside and deal with any threats to the company. I was thinking of asking."

It was Peter's turn to interrupt her. “Liv, I trust you more than anyone else. You run my company, who you want on the team is entirely up to you. In fact, I’ll give you first pick. Your safety is more important than mine,”

Liv reached over and kissed him, ”and we finalised the teams. I have a team, just no sleeping with any of them,”

As Peter saw the list, he laughed. “No promises.”

Head Of AIM Security

Natasha Romanov, War Widow.

Nakia, No code name as yet.

Someone, probably Nat, still mad at being beaten, had scribbled ‘Dora the Destroyer’ next to it.

Spider Inc.

Eddie Brock, Scarlet Spider.

Cindy Moon, Ghost Spider.

Friday Stark, Iron Spider.

Venom Inc.

Peter Parker, Spider-Man.

Someone had written ‘No bitching, you need a new name’ next to it.

Felicia Hardy, Black Cat.

And she had scribbled a note next to her name ‘damn right.’

Laura Kinney, Talon.

Laura, after seeing Felicia’s note, had left one of her own ‘MINE!’

“Spider-Man?” Peter asked her and she nodded. “Seriously? You want me to take over Eddie's persona? You don't think people will notice?”

Liv shook her head. “Once you get your harness over the bodysuit only the most scrutinous would realise. And while Eddie is more muscular than you without your armour, with it you can adjust your size. I do remember Venom being much more impressive physique-wise. You just need to practise.”

“But we’re still calling the team Venom Inc, I mean, it's not exactly subtle.”

Liv shrugged. “You were the one who was supposed to name his team and then forgot. So either change it or it goes to the registration office as is.” 

Peter sighed and rubbed his forehead, “Fine.” As he leaned back, he thought about it, “Hmm, W.E.B, Worldwide Emergency Brigade?”

“You are getting as bad as Fury.” But Liv still noted it on her tablet. “And you will need to change the colours of your outfit to match an improved Spider-man design.

“Red and blue, easy enough, make the harness match though.” Liv nodded, she had already sent it to be resprayed in the new colours. “You know what, no. Keep it black to match my Venom outfit, and let Eddie keep the red and blue. I still kinda like the black.”

Liv rolled her eyes and cancelled the respray.

Carol looked apprehensively at Peter as he came in and sat a cup of coffee in front of her.

“Come on, my coffee’s not that bad,” he joked and she had to snort and smile.

“It’s not that, it’s-”

He nodded, “Military, Coulson already called me to gloat.”

She sneered. “That ass. I wanted to break it to you.”

He just shrugged and took a drink. “It’s not a big thing. Everyone has their own life Carol, and well, if you like the military, then you’re a military gal.”

“You’re taking this better than I hoped, but yeah. I’m in charge of Sword.” 

Peter frowned and raised an eyebrow, “Wait, Sword? Giant spaceships Sword, and you’re in charge?” He had given two of the smaller cruisers to the US to smooth over any legal issues with AIM. The US didn't know they had stripped out most of the armaments and all of the missiles. It was still capable of defending the planet, just not as well as the one Peter gave Shuri.

She batted his shoulder, “What’s that supposed to mean, and damn right I’m in charge. Well, technically I’m the only one who can run the ships. My reinstatement and promotion were part of that deal but yeah. I’m a general now, I think." She waved a hand. “But uh, I thought you’d be mad” She narrowed her eyes as Peter gave her a small grin. “You’re thinking of having sex with me in uniform aren’t you?”

Peter nodded his head. “As a general, don't you need to inspect your privates?”

After some persuasion, Peter had been allowed into the Sanctum. Normally Stephen would have preferred to keep things like this secret. But with Wanda’s obvious talents, and her studious nature it was only a matter of time. He snorted as he thought that to himself. Still annoyed at Peter for his removal and containment of the Time Stone. The Eye of Agamotto had been handed down to every Sorcerer Supreme and now, he would be the first without it.

“So uh, I get the big event, but what exactly is going on?” Peter asked. The Sanctum had been lavishly decorated with ribbons and red roses. It looked to Peter like a wedding and even the buffet was a surprise, but Wanda had told him to simply turn up and behave.

“While Miss Maximov insists you be here, it is highly irregular. The Sanctum was prepared for Miss, to Wanda’s tastes, as was the food.” 

“Yeah, but why?” Peter asked again.

“Wanda Maximov, by the power of the Sorcerer Supreme, I hereby name you as my successor. With all the power, duties and responsibilities that entails.” 

As Stephen waved his hands, an eldritch sigil formed and made its way over to Wanda. She made her own and the two merged. She gasped as the knowledge and power of a fledgling Sorcerer Supreme became hers.

As Stephen looked over at Peter, “Important enough for you?”

Peter just smiled and moved to hug Wanda.

Shuri and Hela sat in the Wakandan throne room, each staring at the other, each refusing to give in.

“Together?” Shuri asked, wishing to end this stalemate. When Jean brought back her Dora Milaje, she also brought back the Kree. It was only sheer luck the Skrulls got there in time. No one had weapons but fistfights had started to break out.

Hela refused. “As an Asgardian, he should marry me first, then you. Wakanda might be top of the food chain here, but its mere toys can’t be compared to Asgard.” 

Shuri growled, “But, I am Queen. I hold a higher position. Your father still rules, does he not? I outrank you, so I am first.”

And neither woman would back down.

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