Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Five Hundred One. Soul Destroying

"The treaty is sound. Withdraw from Earth." Freya had thrown the scroll away in disgust. "We are being forced. Earth is our ally. Earth was to be a new jewel in the crown of Asgard, and these fools twist laws to forbid it." Freya stood. "Cleanse the galaxy of this filth. Make sure that no Kree remains alive on Earth. Purge the galaxy of everything Kree."

She had the reports from Earth now that the fighting had stopped. The Kree that surrendered had been executed. It was a start, but it was not enough. It would be an adequate distraction while she searched for the Stones. Once she had them, she could bring Vernake back, and deal with the Kree once and for all.

It had been ironic that when the Kree attacked the Earth, they had failed to kill a single Skrull. When 'Helen' had been revealed the Skrulls scattered. They knew Peter had been to the moon base, so it was abandoned, and the majority of the Skrulls were in the Midwest. Having a large open area to settle down meant less chance of discovery. Los Angeles had been hit, but nowhere else. It pained Loki to know that only the Skrulls onboard the flagship had been killed.

“Guard, bring a survival suit, and a small craft for transport. I must survey the grounds of Asgard. I feel something is wrong.”

She didn't have to lie, it was just in her nature. Veranke had tolerated her little tricks, but they were both as bad as each other. Their bedroom antics would make anyone blush as they shifted not just gender but species as well. Loki finally found someone she could be herself with. Someone who understood what it was to be different. It was that understanding that spilt over into their bedroom.

They would play hide and seek. More often than not Loki found herself being impaled by a stranger, only for it to be Vernake, teasing her once more. But Loki gave as good as she got. Male, female, and even some more inhuman species tested Verankes limits as they played. It never went too far though and both were well aware of their boundaries. 

The sudden memory, of laughter and love, stabbed Loki in the heart. Her mask almost cracked as the guard marched from the throne room and she almost broke down. 

No, she thought, I will not let this overcome me, I will get her back.

The craft was small, a skimmer, with simple steering, and no weapons. Loki had said a survey craft and they had taken her literally. It would do though. The environmental suit was a harness, covering the body with an energy field. One of royal issue, it supplied oxygen and was capable of lasting for days. Loki was no fool, as much as she acted like one, and the skimmer also contained several day's worth of water and food.

She checked again, and none of the Stones had moved. It was just a matter of finding them.

It was no easy task scouring an alien world. She had no army behind her, and she knew that any disaster could befall her, and prevent her from returning home.

As the guard saluted, Freya stood and opened a portal. Once inside the ship, she opened another and she quickly flew through it.

The world was dark, with a blue giant sun burning in the sky casting an eerie glow over everything. Huge metal skyscrapers lined the sky, clear as crystal, and Loki could see the galaxy above her. It was a cold and desolate world, and she felt no signs of life around her.

Tapping into the Power stone, she felt for anything nearby. The Stone was just raw power, but once contained, it could also act as a magnet. It could seek out and point towards anything with even the tiniest hint of energy. The only source of power on the entire planet was in the core. As she began her journey to find her way down, she knew she would need more supplies.

Using the Space Stone would have been easier, but she could just as easily open a portal to a vat of acid or lava. With no guide, all she could do was travel by foot and seek a path down into the planet.

Whatever planet this was, in Loki's opinion, was a shit pile. It was covered in scorch marks from energy weapons, Huge holes were blown in buildings, and left to burn out. Everywhere there were signs of war and death. Her first encounter with an inhabitant was an arm. It was burned and blackened at the end, and whoever it belonged to was nowhere to be found.

Using the Stone as a compass, and simply destroying obstacles in her way, soon enough she found her way down.

She found her, it, whatever it was, suspended in a beam of pure energy. Balls of light, small, purple and orange, floated around her. They would zip in and out of the creature and then fly off once more.

It was humanoid, a strange mix of robotic and organic, a species Loki had never heard of. As Loki reached out a hand to touch it, she felt a familiar presence. A Symbiote.

It coiled itself around the creature's arm, and tendrils snaked out to slap at Loki. Puck instantly covered her and the pair hissed at each other.

We are Loki of Asgard, and we shall not be stopped by a creature such as yourself.

We are Reboot, and our host is rebuilding the planet. You risk killing them, and us.

I do not have time for this. Where is the Stone? Loki hissed at the creature.

We need it, you cannot...

Loki cared nothing for what the creature wanted, and a blast of green energy flew from her hand. Reboot curled into a shield, and then sprung forward, to deal with the attacker. As Reboot struck out, a portal opened and the tendril was sucked through, allowing Puck to grab onto it. Loki pulled, and screeching the younger Symbiote came away, revealing the robot underneath. Loki had no idea what the creature was, but she recognised the Soul Stone underneath. Puck growled and hundreds of tiny maws stuck out, devouring the helpless Symbiote. Loki relived the memories of the devoured Symbiote, and smiling, reached for the Stone.

So, Peter Parker has the Mind Stone, and Stephen Strange has the others. A fine haul indeed.

As she held up the Soul Stone, it was sucked into the necklace. Loki screamed as orange lines criss crossed her body. She could feel her own soul, a pale pitiful thing, ravaged by loss and misery. Her power was fading as she tried to contain the might of three Infinity Stones.

No, no, NO! she yelled and reaching out a hand, she pulled. Energy flew from the robot creature and was drawn into Loki. The small balls of energy were sucked back, strengthening her soul. Loki panted in pain as she drained all energy from the planet. It was enough, but she still watched as another finger withered and flaked into nothing.

The pink and grey robot female shuddered and turned an ashen grey colour, hanging like a statue. Loki stood and watched, uncaring of the scene. She knew she would need the power to reverse time, she knew that one race to save her love was nothing.

As the final spark faded in Arcee’s chest, a portal behind Loki opened to a familiar street. It was damaged and burned, but empty. Spying the diner where she and Thor had landed, Loki stepped through, and into the streets of New York.

Closing her eyes, she felt for power and was almost overwhelmed. To the east, she could feel Peter and the inhabitants of the warehouse. To the north, there was a giant reactor of some kind, churning with exotic energies. She ignored both of them. It was the pool of mystical energy she felt for, and she found it on the same island as the reactor. It was hidden, but her presence alone should be incentive to draw out the sorcerer.

The Sanctum on Earth was warded. Loki had felt them as she crossed into what she knew was Manhattan Island. They extended out, protecting more than just one building. As Loki stood outside she cursed both Peter and whoever designed the wards. She had no way to bypass them unless she used the Stone, advertising to anyone she had it.

Steven stood in the Sanctum doorway, sipping a coffee. "I felt you as you tripped my wards, Princess Loki. May I enquire if you are here about the invasion or your mother?"

“I have other business, Sorcerer. May I enter so we may discuss it further?” She asked.

“Of course. I am aware Queen Freya is on Earth. She has been using magic all over New York. And while I would have preferred to speak to her, I assume you can negotiate on her behalf?” 

Loki nodded and Stephen stepped to one side to allow her to pass. “May I ask you to relinquish any weapons you may have? This is a peaceful place, and I would hate to have it damaged.”

Loki nodded and lifted two daggers from her side. “You may use any spells you feel are necessary to ensure your safety, Sorcerer. I am not here with malicious intentions.”

Stephen nodded, and a bright yellow circle materialised over his hand. “You have three stones?” He said in surprise.

In a flash, Loki summoned more daggers and attacked.

As Stephen conjured shield after shield, Loki’s enchanted daggers slashed through them. He retaliated with whips of yellow energy. They sliced through the woman, but her illusions shimmered and vanished.

“I assume you are here for the others. I cannot allow you to...” He was interrupted as Loki placed a hand on his back, pushing his astral form out into the stairway.

“And I don't have time for this,” Loki said, and her own astral form shimmered and entered his body.

“Well, this is Strange isn't it,” she said. Grasping the necklace at her neck, opened the eye and pulled the green crystal from within. “Now, where is the other one?”

Stephen laughed, “As if I would answer. You may have the eye, but the Reality Stone will never be yours.”

Loki growled, “I said I don't have time for this.” She stretched out a hand, summoning a dagger, and as it flew through the air, she plunged it into Stephen's chest. Her astral form flew back to her own body and pulled Stephen’s soul back into his.

“Tell me and I’ll save you,” Loki whispered as Stephen gasped for air, holding the dagger stuck into his heart. “Tell me!” she yelled.

As he coughed and a thin line of blood bubbled from his lips he wheezed “Never.” With one last push, a circle of yellow turned before flashing and the Sanctum began to shift and change.

Loki screamed at him, and she grabbed the Time Stone and held it to the necklace. As it took its place, Loki once more screamed as she was ravaged by its power. Holding a hand, she pulled the remaining life from Stephen's soul, adding it to her own. His body slumped back, pale and grey.

The third stone sat on the right, next to the Space Stone. Loki was tempted to rewind time, to interrogate Stephen more. It would be pointless, however. The Sorcerer Supreme was used to torture. She snorted, “I don't need to.”

As she sat and closed her eyes the Space, Time, Soul, and Power stones all began to glow. Loki gritted her teeth, feeling the third stone’s pull on her, and the burning pain that followed. As she flickered, looking forward in time to when she searched the Sanctum. She waved her hands, and a circle appeared in front of her. Another incantation and the circle became a swirling vortex of energy. A mystical safety deposit box. Laughing she stuck a hand in, burning away the wards that surrounded it, and grabbed the Reality stone.

It shuddered and flew into the necklace. As the pain followed through her she cried out and collapsed on the floor of the Sanctum. Power radiated from her in waves and she felt the wards around the building shudder. She held up a hand and watched as another finger withered and crumbled.

“One more, just one more and it's worth it,” she whispered as she fell backwards, lying panting on the ground.

With one final trip to the warehouse, soon she would have all six, and she would be reunited with Veranke.

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