Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Seventeen. Chapter Five Hundred Four. Opposites Attract

The pair stared as a new portal opened, and Peter shrugged as they both walked through it.

As they found themselves back at the warehouse, Hela summoned her armour and lunged at Jean. She conjured a huge black sword and swung for Jean's head.

Jean deflected the blade with her powers and lifted Hela into the air. "What the hell Pete?" She had just gotten back from Wakanda. She would be moving there permanently and wanted to gather her things. Genosha was gone, and with the unrest against Augments rising, she felt she was too dangerous to live in New York.

Hela struggled in the air, and screamed, “Now I see. You brought me here to kill me!” She threw darts of necrotic energy at them, staining the carpet with black ichor.

“Nobody is trying to kill you,” Peter roared. As he pulsed at her the Mind Stone wrapped itself around her and she fell to her knees gasping for air.

“Do it then, fulfil my father's wish, just kill me,” she hung her head, ready for the final blow.

“Pete, what is going on? Who is she?” Jean said as she floated down from where she was capturing and deflecting bolts. Jean choked and gagged, recoiling. “What the hell is that? She’s foul.”

Hela realised no blow was coming, and she stood and shifted back into the plain dress she had been wearing. “Not so wonderful yourself.” She glared at Peter. “You didn't know?”

Peter shook his head. “No. And would someone please explain what the hell is going on?"

“Goddess of Death. All death. Plants, bugs, planets, galaxies and eventually the universe. I'm a true immortal, as is she. Well not in that fatsuit anyway.”

Jean snorted, “At least I dont smell like a dead skunk, and my powers Pete, I guess Phoenix isn't just a name?”

Hela snorted. “And it seems all the fat stayed at the front and none made it into your skull. You are an avatar of life, and it's disgusting. You taste like sunshine and ice on a summer's day. I want to be sick just being in the same room as you.”

Peter rubbed his forehead, “Like the Stones yeah?”

Hela nodded and kept a wary eye on Jean, raised an eye at the table, but pulled out a comfortable chair and sat. “There were more primordial forces in play than those six rocks. And things older than you can imagine. Your girlfriend here is one of them, but not her, just her core. I bet she glows like a star, yes? Unimaginable rage, and uncontrollable power?”

Peter nodded, “uh?”

“Birth is pain, you idiot. Death is quiet and sad, life is vibrant and violent, it grabs hold and takes root, it spreads.“ Hela snorted. “Like a disease, and you can never get rid of it.”

Jean crossed her arms, as the group began to clean up the mess they had made. “Better happy and full of life than a miserable old sadsack. So now we’ve got Drusilla, queen of the vampires as well?”

Peter rubbed his forehead, “Jean, not helping, and Hela, not helping either. The pair of you can behave or you can go sit in the corner.”

Hela snorted “I hardly think you are powerful enough to stop me from snuffing out this little candle. I might have let you win me over, but I won't bend over for,” she waved a hand at Jean, “for this.”

The warehouse door creaked open. Peter wanted answers and had no issue with anyone else hearing. He paused as Gwen, Liv, Wanda, and Felicia entered.

“He might not be able to, but I'm sure that I can,” sounded a voice.

Hela threw her hands up “And here was me thinking you had the decency to die, but now my day can't get any worse.”

“Uh, anyone?” Peter asked as the group started to sit at the table.

A portal spun into existence and out walked an older couple. An elderly gentleman, dressed in a tan suit, with a gaudy Hawaiian shirt and topped off by a tan fedora entered. He was followed by, who Peter could only imagine was, his wife. She was a blonde rather attractive older woman, wearing a pale blue sundress. As they stepped into the warehouse, the portal closed behind them.

“Father, this is Peter. Your new son-in-law and no you don't get to argue.” As Hela looked over at Peter, “And neither do you.”

Odin smiled. “I am aware of Mr Parker, and as Midgardians go, he is acceptable.”

Freya batted him on the arm. “Behave you incorrigible old fool. Mr Parker, unlike my husband, I am Freya, Queen of Asgard, and this grumpy old sod is my husband, Odin.”

“Thor's mom and dad?” Gwen asked and Freya smiled at her.

“Yes, and Hela as well. It is so nice to see you, dear.”

Hela rolled her eyes. “Then you should have visited. Hel was so nice at this time of year. I could have wiped my chains down, made them really sparkle.”

Freya crossed her arms, “and I will have none of your lip either. I am more than capable of sending you to your room young lady,”

Hela huffed and threw up her hands, “Fine, so what do you want? I don't imagine I was allowed out to simply chat and have tea.”

“Loki,” was all Odin said.

“I have no idea who that is, father. You locked me in Hel for the past four thousand years,” Hela said. She gave Peter a pointed look as she glanced at the coffee machine and the kitchen. “And I am hungry and thirsty,” she said at him, raising an eyebrow.

Gwen stifled a laugh, “yeah Pete, some of us actually did some work and we’re all hungry. So get to it,” she said with a smirk. He just rolled his eyes before pouring Hela a coffee and checking in the fridge to see what was easy and quick to make.

Jean stood at the end of the table, “I don't want her here. She is wrong, and...”

Hela snorted, “We are just opposite, so calm yourself or I shall do it for you.” Hela looked at the assembled group, and Midnight changed into a different dress. one that matched her mother's, but in black. “Oh, that is boring.” Concentrating, she looked around the room and paused at what Felicia was wearing. A pair of tight jeans and a black t-shirt with Venom’s face on it, “Yes, you.” Midnight changed to match.

“You gave her a Symbiote?” Jean asked, “What happened to making sure it was okay?” she huffed and crossed her arms.

Peter had taken a mix of fresh vegetables out and was chopping cold meat into slices to mix into it. “She didn't ask. Like you, she took one.”

Jean huffed and pouted. “I still don't like it.”

Odin stared at her, lifting his eye patch and Peter felt the energy seep from him. “Almost a goddess, how interesting. It seems I have been on Asgard too long,” he said. Ignoring Peter he grabbed two cups, a large bowl of sugar, and two cartons of cream.

Sitting the cups in front of himself and Freya, he poured coffee into both and opened a carton of cream, adding it to his.

“Which one”? Freya asked as she took her cup and added sugar but no cream.

“Life,” Hela replied, adding heaps of sugar and cream to her own cup. 

Freya laughed, “No wonder you hate her, come here dear.” Freya motioned to Jean who looked at her confused. “Oh come on. Do you think we could have a daughter embodying death without some countermeasures? I mean Thor electrocuted half a dozen nannies before we got the wards right.”

Giving Hela a fearful look, Jean moved and stood next to her. Her hand glowed blue for a moment and as an aura washed over her, Jean felt the incredible pressure melt away. 

Gwen stared. “Was that Asgardian magic?”

Freya nodded. “It is my domain, I am Freya, Goddess of magic and sorcery. Are you?”

Gwen lifted her palm, and a yellow circle arose from it, before spinning, “I am, but uh. Stephen will want to meet you.”

Freya looked sadly at her cup, “I am afraid that is why we are here. Your Sorcerer Supreme was murdered by Loki, to get the stones he possessed.”

Gwen looked over at her, “What?” As she circled her hand, she found her access to the Sanctum was blocked.

Stephen had told her that in the event of the Sanctum leader's death, access would be blocked to everyone. Only the Sorcerer Supreme or another Sanctum leader could undo the wards. As Stephen was both in New York, that meant Freya was right.

“Shit. Wanda.” Gwen grabbed her phone and called Wanda. She was relieved when she answered. “Wanda, get to the sanctum. It's Stephen.” Her voice cracked, “Please, check on Stephen.”

Gwen sat up straight, “Loki is going to die for that.” 

Odin shook his head, “I am afraid not. Loki searches for the Infinity Stones to right a pain, but we must stop her.”

Gwen clenched her fist, “If she’s dead, she’s stopped.”

“No!” I will not allow you to kill my child, no matter what she has done, she is still Asgardian, and she will answer for her crimes. On Asgard.”

Gwen stood, pushing back her chair, “so? She kills Stephen and you stride in spouting some bullshit about authority. This isn't your planet, you old bastard, and if you stop us. Then you can join her.”

Odin stood, and as lightning crackled around him he bellowed “I WILL NOT BE THREATENED TO BY A MERE MORTAL!” but he paused, as a blade lifted his chin.

“Odin of Asgard, She is right, and Earth is not part of your Empire. You are not a god, you are merely more powerful, and I am willing to test that,” Peter said calmly as his armour slid over him. “Now, we can discuss this like adults, or we can fight. I am willing to die to protect my loved ones, are you?”

Hela snorted, and stood, “and, even if he is a mere mortal, I am willing to stand with him. He is so charming when he’s angry, don't you think?”

“Oh sit down you four, all this posturing is tiresome. Odin, Loki needs to be punished, and by Earth and us, I told you this little game of hers would end badly, and you Peter. I am aware of your power, but please. We both know that Asgard and Earth are not enemies, and there is no need to make it so.” Freya said, pouring herself another cup of coffee and stirred in cream this time. “Now, behave, or I will show you, just how angry a mother can get when unruly children misbehave.”

Peter huffed, “Queen Freya, I agree, as long as you keep Odin in check.”

Odin rubbed his beard, “Dear, it was fine, I wouldn't have done it,” but he sat back down as Freya glared at him, “A nag I tell you. A nag. I don’t understand why you would pick eleven. One can be a handful.”

“I remember Aunt Frigga has seven, and what was it, fourteen children?”

Odin paled, “Yes, poor woman, I would not like to be the Goddess of Fertility on any world.”

Freya smiled and patted Odin's hand. “You are still recovering from the Odinsleep, and are becoming belligerent. Once this is over I shall rule while you rest properly. And it was up to twelve men, with fourteen women.”

Odin huffed, “I want to visit Hawaii, and then I shall sleep.”

“There is still the issue of Loki,” Peter said as Gwen moved around the table to sit next to him, glaring at Odin.

“If we can capture her, we shall make sure she pays for her crimes. On Asgard we have the means to collect and safely store the stones as well,” Odin said, smiling.

Peter had difficulty reading alien minds, but as the Stone pulsed within his chest, he knew Odin was lying. There was more to the stones than he was letting on, and Peter knew if he didn't find out, they would all regret it.

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