Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc One. Chapter Twenty-Eight. Trials And Tribulations

Peter had been in a quiet mood since his meeting with Spider-Man.

He bought several mid-range wireless motion detectors. Then spent the night as Venom, placing them on buildings around the warehouse. He picked what he thought were good hiding spots on nearby buildings. He couldn't cover the entire area, but there were enough that he would get some warning if he had a snooper.

Next was a set of reinforced metal rods with copper wire placed around the interior and painted. Once it was installed it created a large faraday cage to block any other signals.

He found some broken transmitters online and wired them up next, creating a signal jammer. Tuning it so it only affected the warehouse. It stopped anything from being broadcast in or out. 

Spider-Man had film footage, but no sound but a white noise generator would be too loud to cover the large roof. So that idea was scrapped.

Instead, Peter bought strips of infrared lights and wired them to the edge of the warehouse roof.

Invisible to the human eye, they would light up anyone trying to film using a low light or infrared camera.

If anyone complained. He would simply tell them they shouldn't be filming his warehouse in the dark anyway.

Looking around, Peter figured he could do more. Lacking the money for anything else he was also worried about doing too much. More would do the opposite of what he wanted and draw more attention to the place.

People would question the high amount of security and could investigate why it was there.

It was all tied to an app on his phone to let him know if anyone was skulking on the rooftops nearby.

He now had decent control over anything and everything going in and out of the warehouse. Gwen and anyone else living there would be safe. A little inconvenience but safe if some idiot decided to try and film again.

Matt had been right, and Peter received a letter from the school district, calling him in for a hearing.

It was scheduled for the end of May. The week before the school closed for summer.

The day slowly rolled in and Peter and his aunt were at a different high school for the meeting. It was deemed inappropriate to host it at Midtown High. So one of the small district schools was playing host to the hearing.

As they sat, A man, tall with short blonde hair and a goatee, came in and sat at the other table. Peter noticed his aunt stiffen as she saw him, and she leant over,

“That’s Flash's father. Harrison Thompson. What the hell is he doing here?” she whispered, but Peter caught Harrison as he looked over and smirked at him.

While it wasn't necessary, as the board arrived, both his aunt, Harrison and Peter all stood. while they sat at a row of tables in front of them.

“Good Evening. I am School Commissioner Antony Sullivan. We are here to decide on the case of Peter Parker and Eugene Thompson. I see that Eugene is not here today, do we have a reason?” Mr Sullivan asked.

He was an elderly black gentleman, with white hair and a well-trimmed beard and moustache. Peter had seen him before on television. He was being handed a large cheque by Harrison Thompson.

“Mr Commisioner. My son is injured, and given his sports career, the doctor advised he stayed off his leg until it is healed. I am here in his place and have evidence he would have submitted. As well as a doctor's letter asking that he not suffer any further trauma at the hands of Peter Parker.” Harrison said as he stood. As the commissioner motioned, he handed a letter to a court clerk, who handed it to the commissioner.

“The evidence is notarized. We accept this evidence. Mr Parker, do you have anything to submit?”

Peter looked at his aunt, who nodded, and squeezed his hand.

“I have some recordings, taken at the time of my,“

But the commissioner raised a hand,

“We have those recordings, Mr Parker. We petitioned the NYPD, and obtained copies, as well as your arrest report. Do you have anything else to add?” he asked taking off his glasses

Peter frowned and shook his head, he hadn't been asked to bring anything. “No sir.”

The commissioner slid his glasses back on. “Very well. Then with the evidence presented by both parties. And in light of the evidence submitted today. I see no reason why Peter Parker should be allowed to remain at Midtown High School. His actions have scarred an upcoming football star, and have severely traumatised him. On this day, May the 29th. It is our judgement that Peter Parker is expelled from the New York School District.”

Peter sat back down, stunned. “Aunt May?” He looked at her confused but she patted his hand.

“It's fine. Dont worry,” she said smiling,

“But, they.” 

She shook her head. “It’s fine.”

“Do you have any words of sympathy Mr Parker, anything at all that could show this board that you are repentant in any way?”

A cough was heard and a well-dressed man stood, “Uh I do. Mister commissioner.” The commissioner took his glasses off again and glared angrily at the man who spoke.

“This room was sealed to the public. Clerk, please remove this man.” as the clerk moved he held up a hand

“I am Mattew Murdock, Of Nelson and Murdock and I represent Peter. Oh and here, uh.” Matthew was in his usual suit, but he had straightened his tie and brushed his hair. He had his cane in one hand and a pile of envelopes in the other. “Peter. Can you make sure everyone gets one please?” he handed him the stack, and Peter saw they all had names on them.

As Peter walked around the room, he handed everyone who was named an envelope. “These are for you.”

“This is highly irregular." Mr Sulivvan said as he and the rest opened the letter.

Matt smiled, “Congratulations, You've all been served. I am representing the Parkers and a few other students in a class-action lawsuit. In which Harrison Thompson conspired with yourselves and the vice principal. The purpose of which was to promote Flash at the expense of others. That my client was mercilessly bullied and assaulted. That you falsified a police report to place the blame on my client."

Harrison Thompson glared, threw the letter on the desk, and stormed from the room.

"This was a sham, we have proof it was a sham, and I have already submitted the paperwork. I’ll be seeing you gentlemen, and ma’am, in court,” Matt said with a huge smile. “Mrs Parker,” he said nodding at her.

Peter stared at his aunt, “you planned this, and that's why.” 

She patted his hand again and smiled. “That's why you came here unprepared. We both knew what was happening, and well, we can discuss this later”

“In light of this, we feel.” Mr Sullivan began but May shook her head.

“I have been advised by my lawyer that this board has no jurisdiction over my son. Until the matter is settled in a real court we will not be held to its ruling. Good Day, Mr Sullivan.” Aunt May said as she stood.

Taking Peter by the hand, led him out of the school. Matt had already coached her on how to deal with the board. It was the only reason she had let Peter face them.

Matt was waiting outside, standing next to a car, “Mrs Parker. So, how did they look?”

May moved and hugged Matt, “very angry,“

Matt snorted and laughed. “Good,”

Peter shook his head, he wanted to be mad they had set him up, but he knew it wasn’t mean. It was to get the result they wanted, and it had been amusing to see the look on all their smug faces when Matt walked in. “so?”

“Oh they’re screwed, but dont expect to see anything for months. They’ll be injunctions and delays. They're always are with civil suits like that, to be honest, I’d expect a settlement and a hush order. The government doesn't like people airing their laundry.” Matt opened the back door, “come on. We can talk in the car.”

As they drove through the streets, “Peter, I’ll be honest here. If they want to settle, and it's not insulting, then take it. I can do this pro bono but only for you. A lot of the other kids dont have the money to fight, and they’ll probably want the settlement.” Matt said as Foggy drove them home.

“Others?” he asked

“Yeah, you, a couple of others that got cut from the football team because of the vice-principal. One boy Flash physically assaulted well before you came along. About seven in total,” Matt said. “I will have the file sent over, with the smallest figure you should accept. It might take years though Peter. It really depends on how embarrassed this gets for them."

But then he sighed.

“To be honest, you’re not going back to school. I wouldn't recommend you fight the expulsion. Instead, fight the mark it leaves on your record. Get it cleared, get some money and walk away. The press will take care of the rest once the paperwork’s done.”

Peter nodded, “Aunt May?” he asked and sitting in the back with him she patted and took his hand

“I’d trust Matt, he knows what he’s doing, but it's up to you.” She smiled reassuringly at him, “as I said, I dont have to do anything, you're the one that has to bear this burden.”

Peter nodded. Being expelled as a black mark and getting it erased was all he could ask for. Even without the settlement, his aunt had enough money that he could attend college to take his exams.

A settlement would be a great addition, but he didn't need it. He had a job and an idea. “Take the deal, No mark on my record, exams, and a settlement if they offer,” Peter said resolutely,

Matt looked once more at him, “You're the boss.”

At home, Peter made them both coffee, and May sat holding onto the cup as if it was the last one on Earth.

Peter could see the worry and concern on her face, and she gave him a small smile as he sat across from her.

“I’m sorry Peter.” was all she said as she raised her head and caught his eyes.

Peter smiled though, “I get it. I had to look weak so they went overboard. I, uh.” He laughed and snorted, “I heard you and Matt talking about not telling me anything. So I wasn’t stressed.”

Aunt May stretched over the table and took his hand, “I’m sorry Peter. I really am.”

He curled his fingers around hers, “Why? It was worth it. To see that smug look disappear.” He leaned forwards and rubbed her fingers with his hand, “I’ve never been happier Aunt May, you don’t have to say sorry.”

“I know, but I promised your parents I would look after you, and I haven't done a very good job.”

Peter patted the back of her hand. “I dunno Aunt May. A warehouse, two tenets and a really awesome girlfriend. I think I’m doing pretty good.”

“Gwen?” she asked, smirking behind her coffee cup as she lifted it to drink,

“Uh-huh, Gwen.”

“Good for you Peter.” May said as she patted his hand and she drew it back to take her cup, “but. Please be careful.”

“I will. Flash doesn't know where the warehouse house is, and MJ won’t tell him,” he said with a small cheeky smile,

“That's not what I meant Peter, and you know it.”

He laughed, “I know I know. But uh.” He looked down at his cup, and spun it slowly in his hand, “Gwen is moving in on the fifteenth and I'll be round to grab the last of my things then.”

“Well, then, “ Aunt May said, “I should make your last two weeks here special.”

Peter smiled, “You don’t have to Aunt May, You know I’ll visit.”

“Yes. I'm sure, but before you leave. I asked you a month ago to fix the shelf in the bathroom. You have a pile of dirty laundry, and you still need to vacuum under the bed in your room. I have a list of chores you haven't done Peter.”

The day slowly rolled in. rolled in, and Peter and his mom were at a different high school for the meeting.

First) 'rolled in' is repeated twice

second) It happens quite a bit in this chapter that aunt is replaced with mom. There was one time in the legal meeting were I understood it, but as you pointed out in your first draft. In most cannon May is not his mom, despite raising him. But i leave that to you.

Matt said Foggy drove them home.

add "said(, as) Foggy drove them home."


“We are moving on the fifteenth.”

might be better to have it be, "(their) moving [in] on the fifteenth." as technically Peter could legally already be/is living in his office.


Made it clearer Peter had half moved out but was still officially living with May. MJ at that point is still a maybe until Arc Two, so changed it to just Gwen.

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