Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Eighteen. Chapter Five Hundred Seventeen. In Over My Head

An alarm was going off in the Time Variance Authority headquarters.

"What the hell is going on," Head Agent Mobius shouted but was met with blank faces.

"Uh, Sir. We have multiple incursions, all leading from a single source. It went straight upstairs and well...we were waiting for you."

He ran a hand over his face before standing with his hands on his hips, "Right, mobilise squads six and seven. Full timeline rewrite. Find the source, and send it straight to the Void. Anything stupid enough to cause this much of a mess, I don't want it here."

An orange door slid into existence next to him and out walked an unfamiliar face. The man, if he could be called that, was tall, and thick with muscles but had a metal arm. One eye glowed briefly, "Mobius. Good. Nathan Summers, but you can call me Cable. We got your message. I'm from upstairs."

"I still need to see an ID," Mobius stated and stared confused, "this says AEGIS, not."

Cable shook his head, "Yeah, different upstairs, here." He handed another ID over, one that said Illuminati on it. Different spheres dealt with different departments. He didn't care though.

"Right, so, I've sent out..."

"Sir, we have a problem. We have a positive ID on Deadpool."

"Aww crap," Mobius whined, but Cable just snorted.

"Yeah, let me deal with him. You found the incursion event?" One of the TVA agents looked at Mobius who nodded.

"No sir. Our instruments aren't," Cable interrupted him by unhooking his belt and throwing it at him.

"Hook that up, scan for similar signals and send it to my pad." Cable ordered and the agent obliged.

"We have one in, no, both are in New York. The Baxter Building, and a warehouse. Where we are tracking the incursion there." The Agent paused. "Sir, it's the Deadpool."

Mobius sighed and ran a hand over his face, "Can I leave you to deal with it? I don't want my men to die."

Cable snorted, "You buy the beer and I'll kill anyone you want."

"Then Agent Summers. As the head of the TVA in this Sphere, I hereby authorise you to use any means necessary to stop the inversion. Upto and including loss of life on a planetary scale. But uh, try not to, okay?"

Cable checked his gun, "No promises. Body slide by one."

Cable wasn't surprised that he materialised in a lab. Richards had it and was trying to figure out how it worked. He was a high brain as Cable called them. Too wrapped up in figuring out how it worked he never thought to check for an easy solution.

The machine transmitted a message and contained information. Want to know how it works, ask it. The belts had a rudimentary tutorial and help guide.

Reed was a high brain, he would rather take the long complicated route to get the answer. Being super smart sometimes meant you were the biggest dumbass on the planet.

"Yeah, so, you got alarms in here or should I just shoot something until you appear?" Cable asked the room and the intercom hissed.

"I would rather you didn't. Want to explain how you got in, or should I just activate the security systems."

He would know that smug sanctimonious voice anywhere.

"Sure, Richards." He tapped a hand on the belt he was wearing, "You got my message?"

He could hear a mad scramble, as Reed forgot to switch off the intercom and the door hissed open. "You're from another dimension?"

"Sure, we call them Spheres. Dimensions are local. A Sphere can have hundreds, a couple even have thousands of dimensions, but it's always just one Sphere."

"Fascinating, and you are here because of a Klyntar?" Reed asked, he sat down at his workbench and pulled over a touchpad, "Oh don't mind this, I'll record so I can analyse it later."

Cable didn't care. "You know where they are?"

Reed snorted, "Johnny has a better idea, I took this from him after he tried to use it to print a model." Reed opened several drawers until he found what he was looking for. Johnny's Playdude.

"Yeah, I've met Storm. So what's that..." he stopped as Reed flicked to one article. It was a woman, attractive enough and she was definitely a host.

"Not just her." Reed flicked again, and it was another article with another woman. "Two confirmed. I have tried to find out if AIM has more, but Peter Parker doesn't like me."

"What a shock," Cable deadpanned. "I'll deal with them after. Keep the belt. Oh and, Authorisation Sigma Sigma Nine Nine."

The belt in front of Reed beeped and he stared at his tablet as it began to scroll through a help guide.

Cable looked at him, "You can thank me later. Body Slide by One."

Reed huffed. "That just takes all the fun out of it." He did pick up his tablet, and scroll, pausing once he found what he was looking for.

'Breaking The Dimensional Barrier'

Cable never made complicated plans. They tended to screw up the moment you got to your target.

Finding his target was easy. The TVA had scanners capable of detecting fluctuations in reality. It was used to track Augments whose powers could seriously screw with things if they got out of control. Unless they could be brought back, it was his job to deal with them. Even if it was someone's son or daughter.

"Hey," Cable waved at the man, "yeah you."

Marcus turned and spotted the strange man as he waved. He pointed to himself and the man nodded.

"Yeah, got a minute? I need to speak to you."

Marcus paused. He never noticed the orange door slip into existence behind him. He never had time to react as the man pushed him through.

Cable never liked complicated plans. Distract dumbass, open door. Push dumbass through the door. It was easy, simple, and as the door to the Void closed, it worked.

Marcus stared at the barren desert surrounding him. The wind whipped at his face, blowing horrible grit over him.

"Right, asshole," he turned the watch dial.


"Uh," he tried again.


"no, no, no, no."

He tried one last time.


He was too busy turning the dial and pushing down to see the black cloud as it approached.

Alioth finally had a meal.

Cable walked away after dealing with the cause of the incursion. Now he had two problems. Deadpool was always a problem, and Parker had powers but was a bleeding heart. One of them was the cause of the inversion but to his pad, they both registered as a nexus of dimensional energy.

Deadpool was always a problem, so Cable decided to deal with Parker first. With his powers, Spider-Man would be a cakewalk.

He tapped on the digital information kiosk and checked Peter Parker's public address. It was strange as he found no listing for him. Parker was a New York citizen in most if not all realities. Cable let his technorganic eye connect to the device and scanned for the last known address. Sunset Park, warehouse district.

Cable huffed. A warehouse? This Parker must be poorer than most. Setting the coordinates, "Body slide By One" teleported to the address.

As he materialised he was not expecting this. Next door was a huge sign with Tony Stark's face on it, grinning like an idiot. The warehouse itself was huge and well-maintained.

Not poor then, Cable thought and moved to do a quick recon of the building.

Inside, an alarm had sounded, and those who still lived there went on alert. Only Peter had moved, and he really only moved his holdings. He still lived there most of the time, with Wanda or Gwen providing a portal back each day. Today, he was overseeing the final construction of the Space Bridge. It was complete and only needed to be tested before they would begin the mission to Cybertron.

"He does know we can see him right?" Laura asked Jean as they spied the strange man through a camera.

Jean shrugged, "Don't think so. Shuri upgraded the cameras with Liv. They only activate if we get an energy spike."

They watched as the man walked calmly around the building. He never once glanced up at the fibre optic cameras that followed his every movement.

What the hell is this? Cable swore. The building was shielded. He couldn't get any kind of reading at all. Even stretching out his very limited telepathic powers he got nothing but static.

"I felt that. He's an Augment," Jean stood and Helios covered her. "Call Peter and tell him we have an Augment attempting to breach security."

Talon huffed, "You call Peter, I'll deal with the Augment."

"Rock, paper, scissors?"

Helios won much to Talon's annoyance.

Cable was about to body slide away when he felt her. There was never mistaking a Gray, not here, not in any universe.

"So, want to explain why you're skulking around my home?" She asked him.

"Your home?" Cable grit his teeth. "I need Parker, not you, or any of the X-Men. I'm on a mission."

"Then you can explain to me, and if I don't think you're lying, then I'll tell Peter."

Cable could feel the chance of this not going sideways slowly ticking down to zero. "I can't. But I can say the multiverse is in danger. Only Spider-Man can help."

Jean laughed, "Spider-Man? X-Men?" Jean floated down off the roof and landed next to him, "Your information is wrong, and I think you're lying."

Sideways it was. If pushed Jean Gray would smear him across the multiverse without breaking a sweat. He was powerful, but she was on a different level completely.

"In my universe, you're an X-Man. Peter is Spider-Man. But the threat is real." Cable lifted his arm, "It's a display." she nodded and he tapped the device. A globe spun into view, the Earth, and then receded as the view zoomed out. "Multiverse." The sphere sat in a sea of different coloured spheres. "Your Sphere is attacking and destroying those around it. We call them Inversions. They warp and twist reality until it breaks down." It changed colour and Jean could see branches connecting several spheres.

Jean looked at him while scanning with her powers. He was enough of a telepath that she could sense him, but not his thoughts. "We just had one idiot claiming to be from another dimension. And he did a lot of damage. Go home and if I see you again."

Cable felt his limbs stiffen and he was lifted from the ground.

"I won't be as accommodating."

Cable hated it when things got complicated. Give him a gun and a target and he was golden. His initial scan of Peter Parker hadn't thrown up anything interesting. It wasn't until he hit the military and government databases he wanted to rip the stupid kiosk out of the ground.

Head of AIM

Owner of a warehouse. Whose residents included some of the most powerful Mutants...Augments on Earth

Engaged to Shuri, Queen of Wakanda. Which was bad enough but it got worse.

Engaged to Jean Gray, Wanda Maximov, Laura Kinney, Olivia Octavious, Natasha Romanov, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy, and Mary Jane Watson.

Suspected host to a Klyntar.

Suspected alias of Venom.

Cable resisted the urge to bash his own head in. This simple elimination mission read like a horror story. Parker was some kind of sex-mad super-asshole wrapped in some of the biggest bullshit Cable had ever seen. It was as if there was some conspiracy centred on making Parker the ultimate power in the Sphere. Even Doom wasn't as bad. Hell, Cable had visited the dimension where Stark was the Sorcerer Supreme, and it wasn't this bad.

Cable had been on some weird dimensional trips. A realm of living Paint. A realm of living machines. He'd even been sent to a Sphere where men were one per cent of the population and spent six months as a slave of Emma Frost. The last one wasn't so bad, Jean had bid on him, and he was thankful that didn't happen.

Parker was a menace, and worse, he needed a better plan. Or well, a bigger gun.

And he knew just where to find one.

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