Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Eighteen. Chapter Five Hundred Fourteen. Watches

“I think it's broken,” Marcus grabbed the top, which seemed to at least spin. As he did, a small holo display lit up, and several figures were lit up in bright green holograms. “Woah, that's new.”

As he flicked the dial, there seemed to be seven in total. All different.

“Well, my powers aren't going nuts, so pick one and press the face down,” Domino suggested.

“If you're sure?” Marcus said, and Domino shrugged.

As he turned the dial he spotted a large muscular man, with a long flowing cape behind him. “You’ll do.” As he pushed down the watch clicked, and a green glow surrounded him.

As he came back into view, he was now floating, covered in bright red and blue body armour. Mimicking the watch face, his chest had a large triangular symbol across the front. Split in two, it was adorned with a pair of red triangles over a yellow background. A large red cape flowed down his back and seemed to flap as if an invisible wind gently blew over it.

Domino had to admit that damn he was handsome. The new Marcus was at least seven feet tall, with bulging muscles under a skin-tight bodysuit. His hair was black and perfectly styled, hanging a single curl down over baby-blue eyes. She swallowed. If this was her luck, then trying to be as inconspicuous as possible she let her eyes trail down to his...

“Holy shit. Are you Amazon? ‘cause that's one massive package.” Deadpool shouted, and Marcus looked down at his now very skin-tight pants.

“Uh, yeah,” he said, pulling the cloak around him, trying to cover what was a fairly large bulge. “I feel weird though, like, I can hear everything, heartbeats, the traffic outside, and HOLY SHIT. I'm floating, I’M FLOATING!” He yelled as he struggled to gain traction in the air, “help!”

As he floated forward he grabbed Dealpools shoulder. With a sickening crunch, he felt it crumble under his grip. Deadpool screamed but was unable to dislodge himself.

Marcus stammered, “Sorry, sorry. I'm strong. I didn't know. I was panicking.” As he released his grip on Deadpool he floated backwards. “Uh, maybe get a broom and push me towards the couch?” 

As Deadpool gripped and reset his shoulder he looked over. “I ain't touching him, not unless you've got another twenty.”

Domino sighed, “Marcus, focus, calm your breathing and focus. Listen to my voice, hear only my voice, and just breathe, okay.”

As he closed his eyes and listened to Domino's calming voice he felt himself float down, and touch the carpet.

“Thanks, uh, how did you know that would work?”

Domino smiled, “the professor helped me when my powers were a bit more unpredictable. Luck isn't always good, and sometimes bad luck hurts people.”

“Uh, thanks anyway,” Marcus said as he smiled. There was a beeping noise from his chest and with a flash, he was back to being human. “I guess the transformation only lasts a few minutes.” As he looked down he could see the watch face was back to being yellow once more. “Wonder how long it takes to recharge?”

As he asked, the watch face beeped once more and was back to green.

“Oh, right, timer anyone? The oven has one, or a phone,” Marcus asked as he turned the watch dial once more. This time he picked a smaller man, with green lightning arcing all over his body. As long as he didn't touch anyone the lightning should stay put. “Right, ready?”

Domino indeed, and the timer function on her phone started as Marcus pushed the watch face down once more.

The flash left a smaller man, in full body armour dyed a deep scarlet red standing in his place. As with his other form, the armour had a smaller symbol in the centre of its chest. A yellow circle with two red triangles. “Hey, this isn't so bad, no super hearing this time.” He lifted his hands to stare at them. “I don't feel any different though. The watch figure had lighting, so if that's my power, unless I do something consciously, it won't do anything?”

Domino shrugged. “Lightning is still handy.“ She wouldn't admit it, but she preferred the other more muscular form. This one was a bit lame. “Try lifting something, if you’re still super-strong.”

Marcus nodded. As he leant to pick up the side of the table he darted, unseen by the other two and sped forward. He shot past the table and ended up tangling himself up in a throw rug he had on the back of the sofa. Picking himself up off the floor he stepped to balance himself and shot forward once more. This time into the arms of Domino, who to him, in slow motion stared in shock at his burst of speed.

As he tried to correct his path, he tripped and spun, landing on the chair on the other side of the room. Unwilling to move in case he hurt her Marcus did his best to slow his movement. It wasn't enough and he stopped with one hand under Domino's ass, and the other gently cupping one of her breasts.

“Uh, I did not mean to do that,” Marcus quickly stammered but left his hands where they were. “I don't want to move, in case I go hyper again.”

Domino laughed and moved his hand away gently before she lifted herself up. “I don't know if that was your good luck or my bad luck there, but, thanks. I've met Quicksilver and high-velocity impacts are not pretty.”

Marcus imagined running at high speed into the thin apartment's walls. Would the wall or his flesh give out first? He shuddered to think that he could move fast enough to tear off his own skin.

“Yeah, I’m just going to sit and wait for the watch to time out,” he said, standing as still as he could.

“Look, you've got the dial face thing on your chest again. Maybe it's the off switch?” Domino suggested.

“Can’t hurt to try.” Bringing a hand up Marcus gently touched the circle and as he pressed it, there was a beeping noise. A glow enveloped him and in a flash, he reverted back to his normal self. “Oh thank God for that.” He looked at the torn rug and furled carpet where he had sped across the room.

“So, how many are we testing, 'cause I’m thinking, we could maybe go somewhere you won't kill yourself,” Domino asked.

Deadpool, on the other hand, stuffed a sandwich into his mouth. “No, let him do it here, I have renters insurance. If he trashes my place I get a free hotel stay, oh, and you're out of bread.”

Marcus looked over at the disaster area that had been his kitchen. The fresh loaf he bought the day before was piled high, filled with everything he had in his cupboards. Half-empty cans, packets ripped open, and food was spilled everywhere.

“Hey ass, that was my lunch.”

Deadpool shrugged, “the crime in this neighbourhood is terrible. I mean, I woke up one morning and there was a perfectly good TV just sitting on my coffee table. Someone broke in and framed me by planting it there.”

Marus shook his head, Hell's Kitchen was bad enough without knowing he was living next to this idiot as well. “Look, we have five more transformations to go through. Do you know anywhere we can try them out without hurting anyone or trashing my place?”

Deadpool lifted a tuna fish and peanut butter jelly sandwich. “Sure. Parker fought Liv in an abandoned warehouse in Chapter Fifty-Seven, we can use that.”

“I understood half of that sentence. But if it's abandoned, who says there aren't criminals or some other...” but Marcus could see the smile on Deadpool's face. “You killed them didn't you?”

Deadpool gasped. “As if I would. I don't waste good bullets on people I don't get paid to kill. They just left of their own accord, and I had nothing to do with it. And I can positively say that my sword was not involved in any way and that any blood there is purely coincidental.”

Marcus rubbed his forehead. “Are all superheroes like this? I mean, I’ve seen Spider-man on TV, and that Venom guy, but uh,”

Domino grimaced and shook her head, “There are no superheroes like Deadpool. There is nobody like Deadpool.”

Olivia Octavius ArcStar Project Experiment Warehouse.

“Ta-Da,” Deadpool shouted as they broke into the rusty and abandoned building. It had been years since anyone had been in here and the remains of police tape drifted listlessly in the breeze. “Now, I know it's not much, but still, it's better than nothing.”

“No, nothing would be better. If I slam into a wall at high speed I’ll probably bring the building down,“ Marcus complained. “I mean, look at the hole.” He pointed to the giant cutaway section at the back of the building,

“Just ignore it, the giant hole,” Deadpool said. “Only whiners point out giant holes in things, like walls, floors, plots. You know who I mean, uh huh yes you do, don’tcha.”

“Who are you talking to?” Domino asked. She regretted even considering following Deadpools advice. The place was filled with pigeon droppings and the two camp beds in the corner stank and were covered in mould.

“Oh, nobody,” Deadpool said with a wink. “So, whadda ya think?”

“It's a shitheap, and that's insulting to heaps of shit. We should leave before a stiff breeze knocks it over,” Marcus said, and as he turned Deadpool grabbed the switches.

“But it's got power and everything,” he explained as the lights came on. A low humming could be heard coming from the smashed and rusted equipment. “I mean, a little dust, a little spit and polish, and we have our own secret base.”

“Uh, yeah, no,” Domino said, but as she turned to leave she felt a tug and instead headed towards the pile in the corner. Nudging it with a toe, it crumbled and underneath was a pile of various metals, shiny and unrusted metals. “Is that what I think it is?”

Marcus shrugged, if it was gold or silver he had no clue. “Secret hideout of who, Deadpool? Is this some kind of drug den?”

“Nah, Pete got the drug den for his little sex cave in Chapter Five. This is more like a secret boss room, he just didn't loot it properly.”

Marcus shook his head, maybe the longer they spent together the more sense he made. “Fine Domino, take it and see if anyone will buy it. If this is a hideout it's probably stolen and we don't need Deadpool fucking things up.”

“It's Wade. You can call me Wade. I like you.” Deadpool said, pulling off his mask, “See, I even revealed my civilian identity to you.”

Marcus resisted the urge to gag. Not only did his face look like herpes growing on mouldy feet but the smell was horrendous. It was like being downwind of a skunk orgy during summer in a pit made entirely of liquid farts.

“Fine, fine, Wade. We split the money three ways though.“ Marcus might not be a crook but he wasn’t about to let free money walk out the door. He had only turned down Domino as he didn't want anything to do with Reed Richards. A black mark with a supergroup made job hunting much much harder. Since Parker Inc set itself up, and Stark Teck got taken over, jobs were thin on the ground. Everyone wanted references, and Marcus had none. All he had was his G.E.D., but it wasn’t enough for anything more than waiter jobs.

Domino sighed, “Fine, I've got a few contacts I can run it through, but the cut will be hefty. Oh and it’s Domino, I don't have a secret identity, unlike Wade here, I just go by that name.”

“Uh, but what do dominos have to do with being lucky? Shouldn't it be Rabbit or I dunno, the Gambler?” Deadpool said, grinning.

“Shut up Wade,” was all she said back. “I’ll get this fenced, and why is there still power? The grid should have been shut down years ago. If this Liv abandoned the place. You two, get some tarp at least. If this is our new testing area, I don't want anyone to watch us.”

“So uh, you're staying?” Marcus asked,

“My powers go crazy around you, so yeah, I'm staying. I'm dying to see what happens next.” Domino hoisted the rucksack over her shoulder, “Plus, it hasn't been this fun in ages, toodles.” She blew Marcus a kiss while Deadpool huffed.

“I don't see my kiss?” He complained.

Domino just shrugged. “When you don't look like a ballsack with eczema covered in barf, I might think about it.”

“That's just mean.”

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