Spider-Man. House Of Venom (First Draft)

Final Authors Note.

Writer-man, Writer-man

Does whatever a writer can,

See him spell, those words wrong

Where the hell has the plotline gone?

Look Out,

Here comes the Writer-man!

And that, as they say, is all folks!

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Spider-Man. House Of Venom

Number 99 of 13,244

(As of 8:00 pm, Sunday 10th July.)

It's been a year and a half, 365 chapters and 10 short stories, and generally an incredible experience.

I want to thank everyone who comments, liked, and well, just read the novel. It wouldn't have been as rewarding without you, so, to repeat myself.

Thank You.

I suppose now though the burning question is, what's next?

First and foremost I am taking a break, relaxing my schedule and catching up on a few things I've been meaning to do (coughvideogamescough). But that's a general thing, what's next for my writing.

Well, first

A complete Re-Edit / Re-Write of House Of Venom, to tidy up mistakes, grammar and various plots that either didn’t go anywhere or were left with an unsatisfactory conclusion.

Will I repost the whole thing?


I have already started to re-organise the chapters and added in a few markers where something needs to be expanded upon.

The story goes from 365 chapters and 10 side stories to 600 chapters, each book now consisting of five arcs. 

No side stories this time, they are now part of the main story and are within the chapters they take place alongside. This means some chapters will be multiple POV (but not POV of the same scenes)

I have proper maps of locations, as well as layouts for the plot of land, the warehouse and the homes. (I added them to the bottom of this chapter to test embedding images). (edit at 8:30, HA! I got it to work!)

For shits and giggles, I also uploaded the original MS Paint House of Venom cover (and yes, it was pointed out the spider only had 6 legs, which is what prompted me to change it)

On a more serious note. If you have Paint 3D, you should check out their library of 3D shapes for making a cover.

The Spider is a tarantula model and to be honest unless I paid someone, I doubt I could do a better job (in fact I know I can’t. See my first attempt.)

Or if you don’t feel your paint skills are good enough, I started to test out Dream by Wombo. 

It’s one of those AI art generators and so far, I’ve grabbed a few decent covers for other projects.

During the re-write, I am going to attempt to do the last three arcs properly. It wasn’t supposed to be as short or as brutal. There was to be a gradual build-up of conflicts, not just between the Asgardian forces, but in the aftermath as well. with human agencies like the Ravagers and Humanity First, all led by JJ.

There were supposed to be 15 arcs in total, but my brain went phffff and hit a brick wall when writing them. Some events from Arc 12 and the finale were supposed to be full arcs in their own right, but, it just didn’t work.

And, if I get some inspiration, there will be five more arcs. Surprisingly enough there has been five movie version of Peter. 

Nicholas Hammond (1977)

Toby Maguire (2002)

Andrew Garfield (2012)

Tom Holland (2016)

Chris Pine (The one that dies) / Jake Johnson (Peter B. Parker) (2018)

Five versions, Five arcs, Five Multi-Verses.

It is still a maybe though.

I will be honest before I move on, 375 chapters to re-write and re-edit will take a while. I am thinking of one arc a month, so I can continue other projects. Unfortunately, that is still a year and doesn’t include writing the final three arcs properly. 

The only silver lining I can admit to is that I am thinking of finishing and arc and uploading it over two weeks at three chapters a day. It won't be wildly different from the original, just cleaner.

So. What were the last arcs supposed to be?

Arc Eleven

The Xandarian invasion, where everyone resists and surprise! It was Skrulls all along. A few more Skrull replacements, and not just Thor and Coulson. (Steve, Ivan, and May were planned.)

A more human-centric arc, with J.J riling up the masses and more riots, and protests against Powered.

The human element would take on a more violent tone. In X-Men Days of Future Past. Human Majority (Humanity First in the novel) got so bad they killed Beast after attacking him at home. That level bad.)

Arc Twelve

Loki and her quest for the stones to resurrect Veranke.

Veranke would have destroyed her own ship rather than letting Peter take it, fearing the humans would enslave her people

A longer more detailed version of the finale and the five chapters that followed.

The wish was originally 

“Return to life everyone killed in Loki’s quest for the Stones.”

Loki uses the Space Stone to travel to Xandar for the Power Stone. 

When she gains its power she creates a black hole and destroys Xandar.

Loki uses the Power Stone but can’t locate the others.

Loki travels to Hala and uses the Supreme Intelligence to find them (damaging it)

Loki travels to Cybertron and kills everyone

Loki travels to Earth and kills Steven

Kree follow Loki

The rest would follow as the original ending.

Arc Thirteen

Peter deals with a whole lot of bad guys suddenly coming back

Blackmail/Intrigue plot as most of them know who he is.

Arc Fourteen

Thanos, Grandmaster, and the Collector all turn up on Earth at the same time. With the same goal. To collect the Infinity Stones and be giant pains in everyone's ass. 

Secret Wars style elimination game held by the Grandmaster. 

Events based on each Stone, 

Final ‘cheat’ so that Thanos got the stones regardless

Hulk goes nuclear to fight Thanos, has Peter Gamma him up with Extremis, and ends up too radioactive to stay on Earth. Betty becomes a permanent Hulk as well, and the pair head off to Sakar, to smack the Grandmaster about for a bit.

(followed by a short story, where he finds Thor is the Grandmasters hostage along with the Guardians of the Galaxy)

The Collector kidnaps one of the girls but as Peter goes to make his daring rescue, finds her beating the crap out of him, (it is probably going to be Felicia)

Arc Fifteen

Where the original prophecy Stephen read comes in, and why the Totems were creating new Avatars during Spider-Man. In The Blood. 

Peter's little snap and placing all the stones next to each other was not a great idea, and the Eternals are created (in this they are a failsafe if anything happens to the Celestials but the damage Null did in the short story ‘Gods and Monsters’ was too great and it took a lot longer for it to kick in.)

They plan to resurrect the Celestials properly using the power of the Earth's sun. (yeah, no giant baby Celestial living in the Earth's core…)

Peter, Hela and Jean all die, as they are avatars of the three greater forces. Infinity Stones are split into twelve smaller Pebbles (Peter’s final joke before he crumbles (as Hela saw). (electromagnetism, gravity, friction, ego, intellect, id, dreams, inertia, distance, and uh, that was as far as I got.)

I am currently debating changing this end as it’s depressing.

End (I often write out small paragraphs, so I can plan accordingly)

“In Central Park, where the statue of Peter Parker stood, a young woman pushed a stroller. She often stopped here, as the ice cream cart sold her, and her charges favourite treat. She turned her back for a second, and before she knew it, he was out of the stroller and running across the grass. 

“Shit,” she swore and waved a hand at the man holding up two soft scoop cones,

“Miles Morales, you get that nasty ass thing outta your mouth right now,” she yelled at him, as he picked something out of the grass and stuck it in his mouth.

“I swear, your mom is  gonna whip my ass if you get sick and I need this job.”

As she paid for the two cones, she made sure his straps were tight before handing one to him, and he giggled as he stuck a hand into it and licked the ice cream from his fingers,

Icecream gooood a voice whispered in his ear, and his eyes flashed black for a second,”

There would then be a time skip (14 years), and while Miles would play a part, the main character would actually be Kate (Loki and Peter's daughter) and her time at Aegis. 

This would add characters from the Defenders Netflix shows, and the current run of MCU shows, as well as add in more of the MCU Marvel movies.

Peter’s severely weakened form would be Mile’s symbiote, becoming the new Venom, (and fulfilling the Mind Stone vision of him becoming a single cell)

But brain goes durrr and it didn't go anywhere. I have five one-thousand-word chapter outlines, (House of Venom - Childs Play) but I hit a wall and it refused to go further. 

If I can get some coherent thoughts together I will continue it as a sequel novel. But I’m not going to even start thinking about it until I do the re-edit. It may be two-three years.

Until then, cheers to you all, and see you on my next novel.

  • Mal

This post will remain until 1st August when I move on to another project and take it down.

Maps (to test embedding images, as I have never tried this on Scribblehub)


(Oh, and as a thank you for reading, a super-secret non-House of Venom bonus chapter.)

How Spider-Man got his swing going 

or how MCU Peter got his powers.

Peter Parker, Age 9.

Peter was bouncing in the back of the car as Aunt May and Uncle Ben drove to the Stark Expo. He had his favourite toys. His Iron Man Mask and Repulsor with actual light and noise. If anyone had asked the nine-year-old what his life's dream was, this would be it.

Not only was there going to be a show from Justin Hammer, and Peter had read on the internet that it was a version of the Iron Man suit, but Tony Stark himself would be there. His hero.

Peter had seen Iron Man before. There were images of videos all over viewtube of his exploit, when he wasn't in the news and as soon as he saw that red and gold armoured suit, he was in awe. 

If anyone could explain to the child what love was, it was the way Peter looked at Iron Man.

The Expo, so far, had been boring. While the displays were all great, Peter was too excited waiting for Iron Man to show up to care about anything else. 

Even the fireworks and booming voice of Justin Hammer as he made his big speech on stage. 

May and Ben had gotten the obligatory hotdogs and Peter even lifted his mask to eat. 

A feat barely managed without a lot of arguing and a huffy child, sulking at the dinner table, but as the drones lifted off and the screaming started, Peter dropped his food and snapped the mask back down.

May and Ben took one look at each other, saw the mess slowly unfolding and grabbed the young boy, dragging him through the crowd to the exits. They had to get him safe, they had to.

Ben looked up and as May watched horrified he pushed her and Peter to one side, the drone raised its hand and the blast lifted Ben from his feet and threw him across the crowded parking lot. May screamed and in a moment of panic let go of the young boy's hand.

Seeing his uncle Peter knew what he had to do, and standing he raised his repulsor.

 He would be Iron Man for his uncle, he would save them both and as the repulsor made its pew pew noises and the light flashed the drone's limited targeting systems locked onto the boy and it prepared to fire.

Iron Man landed in front of him, took the missile blast in the back and in one fluid motion turned and blasted it with his own missiles, “Hey Kid, leave the hero stuff till you're a bit bigger okay?” and as he fired several times more, clearing the drones away from the panicking crowd Tony looked over and saw the screaming May crying over the broken body of Ben. 

Tony swore in the armour. There were many casualties. He had to make sure this never happened again.

As Iron Man flew off Peter stood staring, that was who he wanted to be, so he could protect everyone, so he could be a hero.

5 years later.

Fury stared at his desk, the report detailing Starks taunting and then aggravating a terrorist group had reached Shield's ears, as has the destruction of his suits and the Extremis virus Killian had used.

“Pack it up. Take everything and move it to storage. Put the pieces of Killian on ice, standard containment.” he wrote out and the agents began to work.

Along the way, the van carrying not just the remains of Aldrich but the unstable vials of Extremis was deposited in a small warehouse storage unit in Queens. 

Out of the way, there was no way anyone looking at the single shuttered entrance would know Shield hid a facility there, no one except the spider who made its home in the rafters. 

As it hunted a fly, it dropped down and scuttled its way across a shelf, running through an improperly sealed vial. While the spider felt nothing, its offspring was a strange hue, and each generation became more and more colourful.

Peter Parker, Age 13 and a half.

He had just finished at the library. It was close enough that he could walk home after and save on bus fare. He couldn't believe the news again. Tony’s latest meltdown had made the press and vocally taunting the terrorist group, the Ten Rings, had resulted in not just an attack on his home but the president as well.

Peter couldn't understand what had gone wrong. Tony was his hero, but now he was acting like a moron. As he read the latest headline on his phone, a flash of colour caught his eye.

On the outside of the building, down a side alley in Queens, Peter spotted a bright blue insect, moving along the wall. 

Oh damn, Ned’ll love this, he moved towards it.

A spider, not his favourite, but its colour was amazing. It was a bright sky blue with red markings all down its back, and Peter figured if he could capture it, he might be able to sell it to a local museum or maybe even win a prize to help out his aunt.

Reaching into his bag, all he had was a water bottle, and he hoped it would be enough. As he unscrewed and dumped the water, making sure he didn't crush the spider he moved, 

“Come on little guy, this won't hurt,” he gently spoke and as he moved the bottle and its lid towards the spider it suddenly jumped and landed on his hand, 

Damn Damn Damn, No!

Peter swore to himself and he winced in pain as the spider bit him. Swiping it from his hand, what shocked him more though was as it scuttled on the ground, rather than running it curled up, its legs wriggling and then burst into flames.

Shaking his head, Peter looked around and with no witnesses sighed, nobody would believe him. And screwing the cap back on his water bottle, checked the two bumps on the back of his hand and dejectedly made his way back home.

The next day, Peter woke up and the back of his hand was itching like crazy. His head was pounding and everything seemed to have been dialled to eleven. 

He could hear Aunt May cooking and the smell of her coffee and his toast made him, Peter held his breath and dived for the door, uncaring he was barely dressed and in the toilet, he emptied his stomach.

“Peter? You okay?” Aunt May had heard him rush to the bathroom and now could hear him being sick,

She shook her head and lifted the phone, “Midtown High? This is May Parker. Peter won't be at school today, he must have caught a bug.”

Even after calling the school, she could see Peter’s pale complexion. As he slowly plodded from the bathroom holding his stomach he was drenched in sweat and sickly pale,

“Go back to bed, I’ll bring chicken soup home later” 

All he could do was nod, but the thought of chicken soup made his stomach churn and he really hoped he would be better by then.

Over the next few days, his complexion and stomach settled. He was still sick most of the time, as soon as anything hit his tongue the rich taste overwhelmed him and he had no choice but to spit it out. Even milk tasted overly sour and he couldn't bring himself to eat anything. 

Everything was bright and loud. Every fibre of his clothes scratched and itched like steel wool on his skin and even lying still he was in agony most of the time, and the medicine Aunt May gave him did nothing.

After a few days of suffering, he woke one morning and everything was fine. The light coming in from his bedroom window didn't hurt his eyes and while he could hear the neighbours arguing the noise wasn't overbearing. 

In fact, as he stood in his room he felt like everything around him was affected in some way. 

His senses were sensitive but not so much. He could smell the coffee in the pot, brewing and the hint of burnt toast Aunt May always made. The toaster was one of Peter's first victims and while it still worked, one element was slightly damaged and always left an unbrowned spot in the corner of the bread.

His stomach growled, and as he rubbed his hand over it he frowned and looked down. He had abs and not the normal ones he had from training. He had a six-pack and tight pecs and as he turned and twisted he could see the muscle definition all over his body. Shaking his head he stretched and then sat at his desk. 

Grabbing his phone he started to snap pictures of himself and uploaded them on his computer. Stating he could see the gymnast's physique and smiling he leaned back in his chair.

It creaked and with the extra weight the back support snapped and Peter tumbled backwards. 

Throwing out a hand to steady himself he found himself flipping over perfectly on one hand and landing on his feet. 

Frowning and looking at both hands, he moved the broken chair out of the way and listening to make sure Aunt May wasn't home he crouched and placing both hands on the floor lifted himself into a handstand.

Pressing down he started doing push-ups, lifting one hand and laughing as he not only held himself perfectly upright but could feel no strain on his arms.

“I gotta tell Ned about this,” he said but as he righted himself he paused, and shook his head, lifting the broken back from the chair and sitting down, he deleted all the pictures on his computer and made sure there were no cloud saves. 

No, I can't. Super spider giving me powers, and he grinned to himself, I can be an Avenger, I can be Iron Man. But he snorted, not Iron Man, uh, and he nodded. It was a spider bite that gave him powers, so.


As he rummaged through his wardrobe he found an old tracksuit, it was a rescue from a thrift store but he never wore it, it's bright scarlet red making him stand out, as he flicked through the hangers he found a baby blue hoodie. 

Yeah, he nodded to himself and crouched, rummaging through his art and crafts supplies. 

He found a pot of black spray paint, leftover from when he and Ned had done a science project together and after searching online he drew and printed out a chest-sized spider motif, carefully taping it to the front of the hoodie and spraying the design in black.

Coughing as paint fumes stung his nose he didn't care, damn, a mask. And as he found a matching balaclava, he cut the white Christmas-themed bobble from the top and as he changed he stood. 

The only problem was his eyes. 

Huffing he searched through the box of junk he kept under his bed and found an old pair of safety goggles. Spraying them black and leaving a slit to see from he slid them over his head and pulled the elastic strap tight. He would need to sew some kind of loop into the balaclava to make sure they didn't fall off but for now, his Spider-Man costume was complete.

Tidying away the boxes he had pulled out he looked around his room. He would need somewhere Aunt May didn't look, and he knew she was always too tired to climb into the attic crawlspace. 

Pulling the cord he jumped straight up and laughed as he made it all the way into the attic. Tying some loose cord around the rafter he left the outfit on its hanger and out of sight. Now, if handstands are fine, what else?

Peter looked around his room and as he saw his weight set he nodded. Lifting one after the other his smile faded, They weren’t heavy. Even adding all of them together on one bar was effortless to lift. “No, oh no,” he muttered to himself. 

If he had super strength and agility he needed to keep it hidden. Sports were out. Even working out at the gym would have to be done after everyone had left for the night. A thirteen-year-old lifting hundreds of kilograms effortlessly would attract attention, and remembering Tony’s antics he swore to himself that nobody would ever know who he was, as visions of Aunt May being attacked began to fill his mind.

He would keep Spider-Man a secret from everyone. It would be safer for them.


Peter's birthday (taken from his passport in Far From Home)

August 10, 2001

Iron Man 2 (Stark Expo 2010)

Peter would be 9

This fits with the kid in the Iron Man mask they retconned to be Peter.

If Peter was there, then so would Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Peter would be 12

Civil War (2016)

Peter would be 14/15 (He was supposed to be older but they changed it)

House spiders can live up to two years, giving them a generation or more to make the Extremis stable.

There is my headcanon as to how and when Uncle Ben died, why they never mention it, how Peter got his powers, and why Tony takes a sudden interest, I mean, he didn’t spend millions of dollars making suits for anyone else.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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