Spider-Man. House Of Venom (First Draft)

Epilogue. Stop The Press!

The Origin of The Super Species.

Editorial, Betty Brant


We all think that superhumans are a new phenomenon, and without actual proof, we have to accept they are, but in researching this paper I discovered that not only are superheroes older than you think but that they may actually date back centuries if not longer.

The first recorded above human, or Enhanced would of course be Steven Rogers. A simple American boy, he was accepted into the Super Soldier program and eventually was the recipient of the Super Soldier Serum, also known as the Erskine Formula. It was that single act that some thought began the super-powered race, but we know, from files declassified by the Germans, that Steve was not Doctor Erskine's first test subject, he was his first successful one.

A young doctor, taking a sabbatical in Africa discovered a species of plant, an unknown species, and after a fateful attack involving a mountain lion, discovered that the local flora and fauna were beyond what should have been possible, We only have his guide's handwritten account, which may not be accurate,

The lion, normally only 4 feet in length, was almost as long as the jeep we arrived in. Its fur, a tawny brown colour, was so thick my knife had trouble penetrating it, and it was only pure luck. A hit through the mouth of the animal that I believe we survived. I have no idea why God allowed such a monster to exist but I must thank him, for without his help I doubt we would have survived.

The creature in question, carefully dissected and preserved in a nazi laboratory was the first example we have of an alter being. Erskine took blood, bone and samples of all the local plant life, the lion had obviously eaten something that mutated it beyond normality.

Records show it took Erskine almost ten years to figure out a synthetic compound that replicated what he had discovered. There are countless slides of mice, rats, and then larger animals although the doctor was sensible enough to stop when a large german shepherd bit the arm clean off of one of his researchers.

What we know is that his formula heightens aggression, mutates the mitochondria of the cell and strengthens DNA replication, allowing for faster healing and cellular regeneration (see Appendix 01).

It was then the Nazis began to rise to power, seized his experiments, and by his own journals accounts, forced him to complete his trials on human subjects.

As with the Oscorp formula, early experiments were disastrous. Severe mental degradation, effects similar to Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and motor neuron disease would manifest, as the formula destroyed nerve tissue, ate holes in grey and white brain matter and altered the subject's immune tissue, making them allergic to their own tissues.

We have no accurate measure of how many died during the early experiments. Bodies were cremated, hidden amongst other war crimes committed by the Nazia, and the only known recipient of the formula was one man. A leading Nazi scientist. Johan Schmitt, Or as the media portrays him, The Red Skull.

Ther battles would be the subject of much propaganda, and it was not until recently when Captain America was seen fighting not only Hydra but the Chiatri forces that people began to separate the truth from the legend.

In investigating, it is believed that the powers of these two men were not exaggerated by the press, but in fact, played down. Captain's strength, stamina and intelligence to complete the mission he is credited with are now believable, as were Schmitt's own accomplishments, no matter how negatively we now view them.

So, why did they suddenly vanish into obscurity? It was very simple. The US government lost the formula. There was to be no glorious second wave of Super Soldier. Steve Rogers was it, and once he was lost making him a myth was easier and less embarrassing.

It was not until the ‘60s that we find evidence of not just Enhanced but this time Augmented interference in the world. I was put in contact with the Augment known as Charles Xavier, a dashing and charming man, even without his powers and he was generous enough to grant me an interview.

During the cold war, an Augment, Sebastion Shaw (see appendix 07) engineered what he hoped would encourage the birth of more Augments. We now know that direct exposure to nuclear energy is fatal if done in high enough doses but at the time, the theory was sound. It was a joint Augment US government task force that put a stop to his scheme. Charles used his powers to remove all evidence of the Augments, at the time the term ‘mutant’ was still in use, although now it is considered a slur.

The next time we find evidence was during the early years of Nixon, where once more Charles interfered in the development of the Augment hunting machine, the Sentinel (see appendix 10), and once more Charles used his powers to remove their presence from the collective minds of the populace. Charles admitted that the death of his adopted sister and the subsequent rift with his closest friend drove him to hide. He began a systematic hunt and retrieval of any Augment, to protect them from what was at the time an uncaring and hostile America.

Files newly unlocked show the government continuing Doctor Erskine's work, with what is now known as the Space Stone, one of six mystical gemstones, currently on display in central park. (see appendix 13). Our knowledge of these stones comes from Peter Parker, who declined an interview and instead sent an information packet. Including files on Project Phoenix.

Project Phoenix was the government's attempt to empower alien technology using the Space Stone and created a singular individual. Carol Danvers (see appendix 04) Her powers utilised Special effects, and her successor, Monica Rambeau, using the code name Captain Marvel was successful but without the Space Stone, her powers were less than perfect.

The next major incident, over ten years later, is also the most widely known. Bruce Banner, the brilliant scientist, who after dosing himself with a pale imitation of Erskine's formula was accidentally exposed to a large amount of gamma radiation, and created the gamma being known as the Hulk.

I attempted to reach Doctor Banner, who now enjoys married life with his fellow gamma enhanced, Betty Ross, but several irate army captains made it clear that Doctor Banner was off-limits.

General Ross, at first, was glad to answer my question about his latest unit, The Gamma Troopers, but as I asked a question about Bruce and his initial reaction and hunting, and then about A-Bomb, a known associate of both Bruce and General Ross he cut my interview short, stating National Security. The true extent of human experimentation performed by our own government, and the extent to which it was covered up will probably never be known, locked away under the Offical Secrets Act.

The human race was not without its own upgrades. Hurt in a terrorist attack, Tony Stark, created Iron Man, and then War Machine, and now it is a common sight for cities to host his indomitable Iron Legion, even after several disastrous drone launches.

The real test, however, was not what came next, reading the new, current history book will tell you what happened next.

Robots fighting aliens called superheroes, multi-limbed assailants assaulting criminals, flying suits of armour defending us against the enemies of democracy. The birth of not quite a golden age, a bronze age. None stood out as perfect, there was no golden age of superheroes. Each one hid their dark pasts, each one hid the flaws behind the smiles.

It wasn't until Ultron’s announcement that the world truly changed.

Anyone with an understanding of chemistry can make a formula. Radio Shack, once on the brink of bankruptcy, suddenly found itself swamped as the schematic to build an armoured suit was made public. Each and every piece of technology that the heroes of the world hoarded suddenly began the playthings of the knowledgeable.

Now the police fight with giant robots, piloted by mobsters. Gangs that once wore tattoos as a sign of pride mutate themselves and we see the Four Arms, and the Gnashers, all fighting the Redeemers, and human purity groups. The streets are filled with villains and freaks clawing their way into the heart of America using stolen and barely functioning technology. 

All because of one machine, who in its final desperate act, decided that we would do a better job of destroying ourselves.

Pandora's box was opened, and with it came the darkness, came the worst of us. Politicians argue that we need tighter laws, and businesses argue we need more insurance and better home defences. And the ones making the money argue that all it did was open up new avenues for profit.

And the normal, law-abiding citizens? All we can do is look into that box and see if we can find hope,

Hope that inside the beating heart of America is the fabled heart of gold, and with that gold, ushers in the new golden age of superheroes.


Eddie read over her work, “nice, is JJ going to publish it?” and Betty snorted.

“Since John came back he’s been trying to stick to the old ways, fewer villains and more news. But, He might, I could persuade him if s ceratin someone let me take pictures of him in his uniform.” Betty ran a hand down Eddie's front, giving him bedroom eyes, to which he rolled his back at her.

“You know I can’t. I'm under NDA not to let anyone know my identity.” and Betty huffed and sat back on their couch.

“I know you work for Parker, I know you are Enhanced, so I can limit it down to two. Spider-Man or Scarlet Spider,” but Eddie remained stoically stone-faced. 

“And, you know I can’t tell you, not if I want to keep my job.” and Betty huffed and crossed her arms, lifting her glass up onto the couch and shaking her head

“Liz knows, so you can tell her but not your wife?” and Eddie sighed and moved over to kneel in front of her,

“Liz is the press officer for AIM, and if she tells anyone she goes to prison for a very very long time” as he sat at her feet he looked up at the home they had built. “I can tell you, but only if I get permission.” and he knew Peter would refuse.

Telling a reporter anything secret was an invitation to have it accidentally leaked, and after everything Peter had done to protect himself and his loved ones, Eddie knew it would be a hard no.

If she narrowed it down to two then it was obvious who the other was, and the head of Parker Inc being a superhero was newsworthy, even if it was breaking the law to publish it. Once his secret was out it wouldn't matter if Betty and the Bugle received a fine. He rubbed his forehead with two fingers, and he knew he would have to call on Peter to act once more.

When the battle of New York had been fought, Peter and a lot of the others had been outed, causing massive public outcry and a lot of problems. Charles and Peter had worked together, souring the internet and removing all mention of their identities. Spider-Man went back to being anonymous, and everyone was protected.

Betty pushing to know his secret was bad enough, but actually being told was a disaster. He loved her, more than enough to tell her but Peter had once said to him,

With great power comes great responsibility,

And to keep everyone at Parker Inc safe, to keep Betty safe was his responsibility.

As I don't really like info dumps in chapters, here's an info dump in an author note instead.

The Powered Individual Control and Containment Act (PICCA)


Oh, and I’m not a lawyer, and I suck at Pheonix Wright, so take the PICCA with a grain of salt.

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