Space Core

Chapter 46: Fate? It’s just an act!

I was once again bored. And when I'm bored I'm dangerous.

You see, I didn't know what to do. I had so much Mental-stress and Mana available to me, that I could do whatever I wanted; But the problem was that there wasn't anything I wanted to do.

Being able to do so much, and yet do so little... it was discouraging to say the least.

And so here I was alone with my thoughts. I thought about how Lethe already had her thing, her castle. Lethe always had something to do, something she could always improve. Oh sure, I had my dungeon; But it wasn't exactly good was it? I was simply too strong and so I didn't have a meaning.

But then, out of nowhere, an idea struck me with the might of a thunderbolt; Fate

Fate was an abstract idea; It was something that, under any circumstances, wasn't controllable. You couldn't control Fate, You couldn't control it as you would be part of it. But nobody ever said that Fate couldn't have a Fate itself.

I had my system, and it was spreading; I had my system, and I could control it. It didn't matter if I myself had a Fate because I could create my own. It would be a Fate within Fate.

I went to work.

I needed multiple things for me to create my own Fate; First of all, it was a way to simply interact with what I would make, and then I had to create the way it would do anything.

I started with the interface, and it truly was simple. I needed a way to interact with the Fate of things without being overwhelmed myself; For that, I took the easy way out, I made a tapestry using 'wool'. The whole thing was currently white, but once I put everything in place, it would shift and morph into beautiful swirls of colors. Of course, I couldn't just use any wool and be done with it; No, I made the 'wool' out of pure strands of Mana that would represent everything.

I then placed the tapestry inside a 'False-Core' as I did with Lethe's Castle, the only difference being that the surface of the Core would show the tapestry itself. Hopefully, it would make it better protected.

Now, onto the actual making of Fate itself.

I started out the whole thing by modifying my system to also infect any kind of animals or plants but not give anything to them if they weren't sentient. Then, I added another part to my system that would communicate with the 'Fate-system' in order for it to enforce certain actions and thoughts, and to also monitor everything in there.

Once all of that was done, I went to create the heart of everything. I knew that I couldn't use normal Runes, as they would be too rigid to work correctly; so I went the dangerous route and made three 'Living-Runes', each would be in charge of a different part and would regulate one another.

The first part was pretty much straightforward, the collector of information; This part would be in charge of getting information from the system and with it deciding on three possible Fates for everything.

The second part would be the most important, it would look at the three Fates chosen and enforce them; It would do all of the work making sure that the three possible paths were always equally possible to happen.

Then, finally, the third part; would be the one that would use my will to change everything needed to get to my desired outcome.

The three 'Living-Runes' were made easily, but I knew that as soon as they were connected to each other and the main system, they would become more and more intelligent. Those Runes would truly be alive, after all, they would be deciding on the Fate of everything; I couldn't just put in a mindless machine.

Everything was ready, I was ready. I prepared myself and let the system 'update' itself.


It was then that something rather unexpected happened, I didn't really take into consideration the fact that my system would now affect every living thing. I had failed to remember that bacteria's were living things. And now, I was infecting the very air itself.

This was all perfect, I now knew what I would do! I would create a story, a story about everything.


Yep, freaking Fate. To be honest, this idea had come to me quite some time ago and wouldn't let me go. And so, I decide to just go with it and see where it would take me. Of course, if you have any suggestions don't hesitate to tell me!

Here's the Discord by the way:


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