Space Core

Chapter 28: Status.

While I was happy to be done with the first part of the system, I still had a problem; I needed to be able to handle billions of people using the system all at once, or else all of it would become utterly useless. I had to find a way to make a machine that could handle so many different things all at the same time.

I tried thousands of things, from redesigning everything that I had already done to making the singular worst possible combination of runes possible. In the end, I figured out that I was being incredibly stupid; All I had to do was put all of the information coming into the system on wait lists for every person using the system, it would first check if it could send its information through and if it couldn't wait inside the waiting list until it could. Now, even with the naturally fast nature of runes, I had to find a way to speed them up to almost impossible levels.

I spent some time on it until I figured out that I could use my special 'space Mana' that affected energy to make it go incredibly fast; It went to such a speed that I estimated that it would take about a hundred billion people to actually slow down everything by about one millisecond. I then made sure that the 'client' part of the system could correctly send information back to the system and did a general cleanup of useless things I'd left inside my runes during the creation process.

What I now had was the equivalent of a super-fast electric cable; In other words, it was useless. I now had to make the actual system itself, and for that, I would need to make a way to translate raw data into commands. That whole part took me less than a week, quite impressive considering the fact that it had taken me a whole month to get the data transfer part; All it did was take in the raw data and then depending on differing factors choose which action to take and what information to pass along at the same time.

With all of that ready, I started the work for the GUI(Graphical User Interface) of my system; I started by hardcoding into the 'server-side' of the system a few premade graphics that I would be able to change the size of by changing a few different values. One of the premade graphics was a simple set of letters as being able to show text is incredibly important. I also threw in some mind-runes to make sure that the 'client' would be able to understand the letters and the words they formed together.

I then created a simple GUI that would use mind-runes to get the name of the user and show them as well as a simple health bar that would represent the overall damage to the body(taking into account the severity of the injuries.) Once I realized that the GUI wouldn't open because it had no way to open, I added another part into the system to listen to commands given by the user and then do what was linked to them. I then got Stan to test that everything worked correctly before starting work on bribing a cat.

I knew that the 'reincarnation-cat' was really aggressive and that it would probably not hesitate to kill me if given a reason to do so; That's why I quickly threw together a little peace offering to it by exploiting its apparent obsession with that man in my mirror room.


POV: Certe

I was watching as the man -whom I had recently learned was named Jerome- cut himself on yet another invisible blade. The whole thing felt incredibly satisfying, especially since I also made sure to always keep Jerome alive using my time affinity and mending any flesh. Of course that didn't mean it made the cuts any less painful for him. The number of scars that the man had accumulated truly impressed me too.

I quickly made my way over to Jerome and put his flesh back together. I was about to leave and go back into the ceiling to observe Jerome when I suddenly felt the need to sleep; From the way that my pet dropped and the heavy presence of magic in the air, I could tell that it was the dungeons doing. I let myself fall asleep, hopefully, the dungeon will not kill me during that time.


When I woke up, I was still in the mirror room with Jerome asleep next to me; It took me a few moments to fully wake up and notice something else though. A tiny bit of knowledge had been put into my mind, it told me to think 'status' very clearly and with the purpose of issuing a 'command'; I hesitated for a few seconds before trying it, after all the dungeon hadn't killed me yet.


{Welcome <Certe> to the System! Be sure to not judge too harshly as what you'll be able to see right now is only the first version of it.}

I took my time reading the message that had appeared in my vision, wasn't the one who made the system? Why did I have it when dungeon cores were the only ones supposed to?! As soon as I finished reading the message disappeared and a simple blue square appeared in its stead.

Name: Certe
Health: 100/100
Beings owned: [Jerome]

This looked... different from what I had made. Though I wasn't sure about why it was the color it was right now. Maybe it would change at some point. Whatever, I quickly looked through the content and found it pretty much empty apart from my name -How did the dungeon find that?- and my overall health; The most important part to me was the 'Beings owned' section, and the fact that it was accurate.

I quickly focused on Jerome's name and my 'status' closed before something new appeared at the edge of my vision. It was a simple green bar with 'Jerome' written next to it. From what I understood, it showed me how close to death Jerome was at all times; I then realized that this told me pretty much just how much I could hurt him before killing him.

I promised myself to repay the dungeon one day for this incredible tool -what else would've given him this system?- and started preparing the newest torture session for Jerome.


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