Space Core

Chapter 20: Runes

I'm stuck.

There, I said it. I am totally and absolutely stuck. I simply cannot figure out how to make runes! I can bend space, make stuff that defies all of logic; But writing in a new language is what fucks me over? I guess I would at one point find something I couldn't do...

I guess I'll ask Lethe now.

"Hey, Lethe, can I ask you a question?"

Looking up from the paper she was drawing on, she responded to me quickly looking happier than she did a few days before. "Y-Yeah? W-What is it?" 

"Well... I'm trying to figure out how to do runes; Would you know how to do that stuff?" I asked hesitantly.

Lethe's eyes lit up, "O-Oh yeah! D-Don't worry, I k-know some! H-Here I'm drawing a cold rune!"

Lethe immediately got to work, scribbling down on a piece of paper; Then, she proudly showed me something I would've never thought to see.


Yep, those runes are written in French. Her rune was literally the word 'Froid' which means cold in English. From what I know, it's possible that the reason why those runes aren't well understood is because of the fact that they're from one of the most confusing languages on earth.

"Wow!" I said with honest surprise, "Thanks for that! I think I know what to do now! Wouldn't have done it without you!"

I quickly went back to my test room, and wrote 'flamme' on the ground, which means fire in English. Then, I passed my Mana through the first letter. But for some reason it wouldn't go to the next letter. But I had a genius idea, What if I just put a line through everything? The result was 'flamme' and when I put Mana through the first letter... yes! A small flame had formed right on top of the middle letter! I tried to change how much Mana I was putting in and managed to control the size of the flame.

I continued to write different words and sentences, and found out that what I wrote didn't need to be grammatically correct; All it had to do was convey the meaning clearly.

That's how I found myself having a rune written like this: 'Une boule de flamme recouverte d'eau qui ne repond pas a la graviter', which made a floating ball of fire covered in water appear above the rune.

I had so many ideas...


POV: 3rd person

Deep within a church's bowels, a small stone cell found itself occupied by two men. One of them looked like an old farmer, his clothes dirty and torn. The other looked like a knight, his armor gleaming in the weak light of a candle.

"Look," the knight began, "you just have to tell me what happened. I know you saw more."

The poor farmer responded as best as he could, "I swear I didn't see anything more than that! I'm telling you! I was just walking in the forest and came upon that weird camp! It looked abandoned and so I took a few things and got out of there!"

The knight smiled beneath his helmet, got you. "Oh really? You took a few things and got out of there huh? Then why did last time you say that you didn't take anything!"

The farmer was now sweating bullets, his body trembling. "Okay! Okay! I admit it! I saw what happened; I saw it! You don't want to know! You don't want to know of the horrors I saw!"

The knight's voice changed, now taking a deeper, more terrifying tone. "Tell me what happened."

The farmer began sobbing, "Look, I came upon the camp... and I heard... things. I looked inside that white archway and found men being torn to shred, blood and entrails spilling everywhere! T-That beast took them all out!"

The knight paled, now realizing that only one creature had killed all one hundred of those men's. Only a singular beast. He sighed and looked intensely into the farmer's eyes. "Alright, it's over. Your done now, you don't have to answer any questions."

The farmer brightened up with hope, he could see his family again! He could come back and go eat some of his home grown vegetables! He could- The farmer's head fell to the floor, cut from its body.

"No witnesses." The knight said, his hair now feeling just a little bit more gray. "Ah shit, this just keeps getting worse..."


POV: Jerome

I'm still falling. I just wish the end of this hole would come soon enough, I'm tired of eating Mana, I'm tired of falling, I'm just tired.

It was completely black too, so he couldn't even see his own hands to play a made up game with them. He could only wait as he continued falling. A few times, he thought he'd heard something; But it was clear it was just his mind playing tricks on him. He'd give anything to just have someone with him, any living being would do, just as long as he could be with something that he could be certain was real.

And then, suddenly, he found himself back in the white corridor; Laying on his back. The harsh white light burning into his eyes, making him close them immediately. It hurt so much to see that light again... and it hurt even more to be back here again.

Once he opened his eyes, they immediately focused on the weight pressing on his chest. A small cat with gleaming purple eyes and tentacles reaching out from its back. It was the beast.

Well... he did say he'd take any living being.


POV: Certe

That satisfying feeling in my gut intensified. The man gave up, he'll suffer for me for however long I wanted! This truly was paradise!

I wonder... how much can his mind take?


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