Space Core

Chapter 17: The start of the insanity.

About a week after I discovered how to interact with souls, some people finally found me! Though they are a bit odd... On other matters, I need to figure out how that cat managed to walk through walls like the fish's...

POV: 3rd Person

Relt was feeling lost, in fact, everyone in his little group was feeling lost. They had gone into the forest to find some monsters to hunt them and sell the good parts. But oddly enough, no monsters seemed to be around for some reason. At least he, Tyel, and Rob are able to hunt animals easily enough to procure food. 

"Look... Tyel," Relt began. But Tyel cut him off rapidly.

"No! WE. ARE. NOT. LOST." Tyel said with anger in her voice, and maybe a bit of fear. "I know this place like the back of my hand! I've been in here countless times before!"

Rob seemingly hesitated on whether to give his opinion on the matter, but eventually, the half-orc decided against it.

Relt remained silent after that, he knew that nothing he'd say now would convince Tyel to change her mind.

They walked for a few more hours before deciding to stop and make camp, they were just taking off their bags when Rob noticed something quite peculiar. Tyel was still angry though, didn't know they made elves with such capability for anger around these parts...

"Hum, guys?" Rob started, "Why does it look like there's light coming from over there?"

"What do you mean Rob? I don't see anything special?" I asked with caution, Rob was good at spotting stuff, unusually so.

Rob took a bit of time to respond, "Well, right there," he pointed towards a direction that made no sense to me, "you can see the light through the foliage."

Tyel narrowed her eyes, "Let's check it out, better to make sure we don't get mauled by something while we sleep."

They got through the leaves and branches easily enough and were presented with a sight beyond sight. What they had found looked like the old remains of some ancient city, the air just had a mystical feeling to it. Right there, embedded into the rock of the mountain, was a grand archway made out of a pristine white rock. In front of it, a small garden surrounded by fences made out of the same white material stood to protect the strange flowers inside. A pond was also in the middle of it all, looking so perfectly circular that it was kind of unnerving.

Tyel, Rob, and Relt looked at one another and nodded. They made their way into the garden, and careful not to step onto any of the strangest flowers they had ever seen, walked through the archway.

Tyel said what they were all thinking, "What the fuck." (Lor burst out laughing- though only Lethe and a certain cat heard him.)

What they were seeing was something one would only see in the tales of old, stairs and doorways at nonsensical angles and positions filled a room that was obviously way too big for where it was. The doorways showed perspectives not possible through any means and the stairs simply hurt my eyes while looking at them. Even more concerning was the lack of shadows, that just didn't make sense.

Rob walked up to a wall, and at some arbitrary distance from it, somehow fell onto it! Rob took some time to shake off the dizziness and stood up, on the wall.

Rob screamed.

POV: Lor

I watched as the elf, half-orc, and human turned tail and ran out of my dungeon at a speed that would impress any turtles.

Really, I didn't understand what they were so scared of. I mean, maybe they were not used to gravity not working properly, but still! I sighed and got back to work, I wanted to find a way to write proper runes; I didn't ask Lethe just yet, as I wanted to try and come up with something myself.

Who knows, maybe I'll make something better than what already exists?

POV: 3rd Person

Antier was finally done with work for the day, he had everything signed and ready to go! He allowed himself a rare smile and got up from his chair. He walked out of his office with a purpose he never knew he had, and resolutely made his way to the front door. He couldn't wait to try out one of those new pastries he had learned about recently,  something called a croissant; Apparently, they're pretty good.

He gave a small smile at his favorite subordinate -a rare thing mind you-, and put his hand onto the final door to his freedom.

A panicked voice made itself known to him at exactly the same time, filling him with dread. He turned around and internally considered a vacation to the afterlife.

There was Herald, looking even more panicked than usual, "Sir! Sir! We got a report just now that the dungeon has been found! The head of the army needs your approval to go and destroy it!" In Harold's hands stood a rather large stack of papers, all waiting to be signed.

Antier sighed, took the papers, glared at his favorite subordinate -a common occurrence mind you-, and made his way back into his office, onto his chair.

He once again considered the possibility of death being more merciful than whatever hellish existence he had right now.

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