Souls Unlimited Online: A Free Unique Skill For Everyone!!

Chapter 20: I Am Poor. I Cannot Buy Things. Cry.

I and Valkjure chatted for a while longer, until she got on this tangent with a chatter about builds on toxic legends or whatever, which... Please don't remind me of that godforsaken game. I'll create a god just so they can forsake Toxic Legends!

"Yo, I'll be going now. Gotta run some errands. My 4 children at home are waiting for me!" I said, packing up my metaphorical things.

I was going to wait for Fira, but man he's taking long, so I'd go and cash out my quests first, and maybe look around the stores... And I really just mean look around!

I'm... not broke. We got a huge haul when we last played, I could even sell the corpses. However, remember the gun, do not fall to temptation. And the corpses are far too essential for my abilities.

"Hmm? Oh, wait a sec, Gothra. I'll come with you!"

[What kind of come?]

And another person banned. Haahahahaha. Being a streamer is kinda like being a god, holy shit. I just noticed.

All Streakers have a god complex.

"You are?"

"Yeah, I wanna play together. If that's fine with you?"

"Eh well... I already made plans with someone else."

"Oh..." She looked dejected, and her chat is spamming crying frogs... "Where are they though?"

"Ah, not here yet?"

"Umm... We've been here for a while. Maybe you were stood up?"

"Hmmmm? Nah. Fira wouldn't do that. Rather, he did tell me he was busy and he'd log on later. So I just went ahead."

"I see... Why didn't you just wait for him outside, then? Like the real world?"

"Ah, well... you can play music and watch shit in-game here, so I just went ahead by myself. It's not that big of a deal. Though I do wonder what he's doing taking that long. Gehehe..."

"Right... Uh, then how about we form a party? I wanna play with you guys! The more the merrier!"

"Ohh... okay, I guess. Though I'm not sure if he'd want that." Fira is a bit shy, isn't he? Though he does open up fast, I guess.

"Eeehh? But what if you want to? How bout we ditch him? Just kidding! Hahahahaha!"


Uuuhhhhhhhhh... Hmmmm...

"Valkjure. I want to just enjoy the game. But I also don't want to just cancel on people. We can hang out some other time if you really want to, okay?"

"...Oh, okay. I'll convince him then! I think it'll make for a really fun stream!"



Good luck, Fira! If you're turning her down, that's on you! I don't really mind having her around myself.


We walked around as I tried to remember where the quest people were at.

"They always stay in the same spot. Do they not have anything better to do?" I asked Valkjure as she seemed to be reading something, like from her stream chat.

"Ah! Who knows?"

"Who knows indeed. But I do have a theory."

"A theory?"

"Yes. They are evil gods that are scheming something with us mortals! They look at our struggles and laugh! They laugh at us! You don't see it in their faces, but I can just feel their derision! The humiliation!"

"Eeeeehhhh...? Really!? Someone needs to do something about them!"

"Right? Right?" Then I spotted the man that gave me a task for slaying skeletons. He was a man wearing clothes torn up all around, dirty and muddy. He was clearly meant as a poor and destitute fellow, one with a burning hatred for skeletons it seems... but there is one problem!

"Where the fuck is he getting the money and experience to give as rewards!?"

Valkjure gasped in shock at my sudden revelation!

"Y-you're right! He's clearly pretending to be poor. Even us players can't just grant experience points, so what's up with him!? Rather, why are so many quest givers just some random normal people? Why do they bother? What's their goal? And where the fuck do they get the rewards they give!?"

"You're finally getting it Valkjure! Now help me expose them for what they are!"

"Right behind you!"

She took out her sword as I did my mace. Slashes and smashes rained down on the poor and destitute fellow as he just stood there, not even staggering a single step from our barrage onslaught!

"H-hey..." I called out.

"He really is a god..." Valkjure panted, "An evil god we cannot possibly overlook as paragons of love and justice..."

"But it's pointless, I've already tried it with Fira. I just wanted to get the word out. Someone has to do something..."

"So... So noble!"

"Yes, yes! I deserve to be knighted! A seat at the round table!" Valkjure clapped at my remark, "Also, I haven't yet taken out my quest rewards. Ooopps."

I turned back to the man still staring at me with his hollow and lifeless eyes, like an abyss. "Uhh, listen. That earlier... It was just a really cool kind of exercise we were trying out! We didn't mean anything by it! Right, Valkjure?"

"Eh...? You're giving up!? But what about their evil plan? Or the destruction and chaos they are bound to spread?"

"Shut up! I already spread the word through your stream. Right now, I need gold more than justice!"


"So, about my rewards from the quests you gave me... Hehehe... Can I get them now? Pretty please?" At my urging, a window appeared and I was able to cash in the quests, which I promptly took again as they were repeatable and there isn't a limit.

I looked at my gold count with a satisfied smirk. "Valkjure, I just learned something new, and realized a mistake that I've made."


"Yes, they are not evil gods at all! They are benevolent gods! How can you even suggest we kill them!?"

"...But that was you!"

"I told you... I told you that we must not be rash and judge people by their looks. No matter how ugly, no matter how hideous, no matter how disgusting...!"

"Oi, oi! They're not that bad! And you're the one who claimed all quest givers were evil gods!"

"...I meant the cool kind of evil gods! You misinterpreted it!"


Leaving Valkjure in a daze, I went around collecting more of my quests.

"Hmmm... Fira's still not here."

"Yeah... What's he like?"

"Oh, an idiot. A total dumbass."

"Hahaha! I can see why you're in his company!"




"Hahaha! Hey, I'm not mad. Come on. I can totally see why you'd want to hang around us too!"

"Hahaha... I guess. So what do we do now? Wait for him?"

"Right... Well, we'll wait for him, probably jacking off to tentacles or something.


"But," I said, sensing her distress, "in the meantime, let's check out some stores."

"Oh! Shopping! I'm down!"

We walked around the starting village, finding that most of the shops were NPC run, and only offers basic things, although the skill shop was nice.

Valkjure just unhesitatingly grabbed some grimoires and used them on the spot! Gah!

"What? You not buying anything Gothra?"

"Eat the rich!"

"Eh? You're the one who suggested to go shopping..."

"I meant window shopping!"

"Eeeehhh?? Fine then, let me take out the skills...!" She tried to grab them out of her status...

"Pfft! That's not what I meant!"

"Grrr! It's not working!" She struggled but to no avail, the skills were fully learnt, "Jokes aside, want me to buy you something?"

"Oh..." I thought it over, my eyes sparkling at the free skills... "N-Nah I'm good. I do have the gold anyway if I really wanted to."

"So you don't want skills?"

"I do! But I want a gun more! I'm saving up for that."

"A gun? Doesn't your System Avatar already have one?"

"He does! That makes me not having one worse, and it's attached to him so I can't even borrow it! Unfair! I wanna shoot my load too!"

"I-I see..." She seemed to get flustered as she took a glance at her chat, before promptly swaying her arms around as if in a tantrum. Ah, so many people just got banned. I wonder how she even has viewers. Hahahaha!

We continued going through some of the shops when the topic of player-run stores came up.

"I actually know someone with a store of their own."


"Yeah. Hammertina's one of them, and then there's Kuronomi."

"Oh? Isn't it too soon? I thought it cost a lot of gold to open up a store."

"Ah yeah, it does. But well, there are ways. I helped them out a little too. So, you wanna go meet them?"

"I do! I do!" I got all excited, only to remember my gold problem.

It's still interesting though, so I followed Valkjure as she led the way.

We arrived in a building a bit close to the outskirts of town, but still deep enough into the village to get some foot traffic from players. There was a simple sign out front that had the carving of a dress.

"A brothel?" I asked quizzically.

"! It's a clothing store! Why is that the first thing that comes to your mind!?"

"Hahahaha! Kidding! I'm just messing with you!"

She huffed and puffed, turning red. Does she not know this just made her more fun to mess with?

We entered the shop. The building looked plain, like it was just a box that happened to house people in it, but the merchandise was far more exciting!

From leather armor that looked like a dress, to cute headbands and cosmetics! There were even some extremely gothic designs, like a dress fit for a wild warrior empress, fully made and customized with pitch-black fur and some bones and fangs from monsters as accessories. Despite the wild look, it still managed to have a refined air to it, along with many elegant frills, especially with its skirt. There is a slit on the side so as to allow for ease of movement, in-line unruly impression the dress might first give.

Me want! The deadly sin of greed has awakened!!

But...! Gun...! Sigh...

"You want that, Gun Empress? Or, err, Gothra?"

Oh my, how long have I been staring, transfixed? I almost drooled, oops.

"Yeah... but I'm really trying to save up for that gun. I want to know at least if I'm doing strength or magic, what am I building into. Cosmetics are... I mustn't waste my money here! Ah, no offense! I'll buy some other time of course!"

"Oh no no, I totally understand," the master of the shop laughed with an elegant smile...

Whoa. I must have been really distracted if I did not notice this hottie. He was wearing a slick tuxedo with very long tails, along with white gloves on his hand. He looked like one of those dreamy butler types. Not the old capable ones, but the young and mysterious ones that just has that allure. Oh and he's also really adept at killing. Yes.

Still, I really don't get how his outfit could be possible this early in the game...

The man chuckled at my question before giving an answer, "Sometimes monsters will drop certain kind of gear, which can be used as a base alongside some fabric that can be bought from NPCs. I'm quite confident in my skills, but even I cannot create masterpiece after masterpiece in this small timeframe."

"Oi, did you just call your own works masterpieces? Not that I disagree..." My eyes trailed off to that war gothic dress that caught my eye. But... The gold... SIGH.

"Well..." Valkjure turned to me, then to the butler man that runs the shop, "I'll buy these items please."

The man's username was Kuronomi, someone Valjure knew prior. He packed up her order as I saw the dress I wanted being put into a bag, alongside some other items that I wanted.

But it's fine. I'll just buy them once I have the gold to spend! Or hell, I'll get something custom-made!

"Ummm... y-you'll make them again won't you?" I asked the shop master...

"Ah, don't cry!" Valkjure suddenly panicked, "I was buying them for you!"


"Yes. Here." She gave me one of the bags she was holding.

"W-wait, no! I can't possibly take this!" But my hand is already reaching for it. No, no! Bad Gothra! Have some self-control!

"Oh come on! Don't be a stranger! I just love seeing people happy, s-specially you-- Fun people like you! That's why I'm a streamer, so don't hold back on my account."

"B-but, they're very expensive." Gguuuuhhh...! Get it away from me, stop giving it to me! I'm this close to actually grabbing it!

"Oh don't worry about it. Just between you and me, and my cute little Valkjurlings of course, I can easily earn a lot because the Valkjurlings can actually donate in-game gold to me directly."

"Eh, really?"

Souls Unlimited Online has no monetization method at all, players cannot use real-life money to buy their way into success. This has become a common model for games these days, as no one really needs the money anyway. I'm the weirdo building a whole ass tower for uhhh... why, again?

Ah, money used to be a matter of life and death. I've heard crazy and terrifying stories about how bad things were before The System. Saw videos on it even...

Those 'loot boxes' were fucking evil. And The System purged it so easily... One of its greatest and most important feats.

I mean there were also the nukes, and the poverty, and peace, and all that. But compared to the despair I've seen on those players' faces... man. It was total and utter evil that even this curious chaotic little butterfly would dare not touch. A flame too hot.

"Yeah, really. I have the money so don't feel bad about it. I'm far more loaded than other players! Ah, I don't mean that as a brag of course! But it's the least I can do. You even let me drag you around for my stream and all."

"Well, I guess..." I thought about it. Accepting it is like... it still feels kinda wrong. But on the other hand, she is the one offering, and I really want it so... "OKAY!"

I snatched. the bag like a starved predator, immediately rummaging through its contents!

"If you're that happy about it, then I'm glad as well."

"Yeah! Thanks Mommy!"

Valkjure suddenly froze and turned slightly pinkish.


"Yeah, cos you're like... buying me stuff!"


"I wanna give you a hug!" I just blurted that out of impulse! Kyaaa! What am I saying!?

"EH!? A... A hug!? Ummm we just met..."

"Oh, right. Sorry. I just got very excited. The dress aside, which is actually a great piece of armor, you also got me these really cute things... Just when I've already resigned myself to completely putting off cosmetics for the early game..."

"Ah, w-well..." Valkjure's eyes darted around, "Alright... but it's embarrassing, so... please be gentle!"

That last line... it's just a hug Valkjure! Though I wouldn't mind... but this is a hug, okay!?

I went forward and embraced her in my arms. I was taller than her, and her smaller stature really worked for me petting her head.

Ah... so cute. But, don't think stupid thoughts me! Valkjure had to make it weird! Aaaahhhhhh!!!!! Why???? I meant it to be wholesome too!

"Hahahaha! What a humorous bunch!" The shopkeeper, Kuronomi, laughed at our little exchange.

"Oh, sorry sorry," I let Valkjure go and waved it off, "it was just a spur of the moment thing. That's how much I admire the work you've done here. And getting it for myself... I was just so happy!"

"Well, well. You sure know how to choose your words. Do come by again sometime. Whether your 'Mommy' pays for it, or you do, I don't mind."

"Ahahahaha! I'll try to pay for it next time. I just need my gun made first, saving up for that."

Afterward, we spent just a bit more time at the shop as the owner offered to make custom equipment for me once I've got the leeway in cash. Once I'm no longer a poor goth, boohoo.

Ring, ring!

Ah, and finally that Fira has logged in. I bet he'll be surprised, hehe.

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