Souls In Teyvat

Ready for departure

I heard absolutely everything, and it was glorious.

The only problem is that people around heard it, but they will forget about it in a week. Humans are stupid after all.

But again, the problem is that people heard it, and a certain youkai with pink hair doesn't find this letter amusing.

"Kenshin, are you aware of the international problems this letter could cause?" Yae sighed tiredly.

"No" I shook my head. "I made sure to say that I wasn't from Mondstadt, also I made sure to insult everyone equally".

"Just.....haaaa" she sighed in exasperation.

"Kenshin, now Liyue's merchants are going to have trouble with the people of Modstadt" gently explained Ganyu. No matter how gentle she looks to be, she is still stupid.

"And is that a problem?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course!. Now the merchants-"

"Exactly. It's their problem, not mine. I only made sure that those merchants don't get their grubby and greasy hands in what is mine" I nodded to myself. That was a plan well executed.

"Kenshin, Mondstadt is not yours to decide what to do with their riches" Yae scolded me with a frown.

"I don't think they care at this point" I pointed out. People in Mondstadt thought that the JRK was exclusively made for them. It was true, but I also got a little bite.

And a little bite of such a huge pie was delicious.

"Kenshin...." Guizhong shook her head in exasperation.

"Still, Barbara is amazing. She was able to make her voice reach even here" I mused. I thought Barbatos had something to do, but why would he? He probably wouldn't bother with something like this.

"And what are the people of Mondstadt going to think about the rest of Teyvat?" asked an apprehensive Ganyu.

Ah, I see, well, unsee now. She had previously witnessed my manipulation skills and feared that the Mondstadtners would confuse my insult with the truth. What a silly thought.

"Do you think those insults were not the truth?" I asked her.

From my knowledge, every single insult was a proven and universally accepted truth.

Especially the Snezhnaya one, those people need a bit of love.


"Ganyu, please stop or you will bite your tongue, and that's blasphemy for a vegan. I want to leave for my house, I miss messing around with the people there. What's done it's done. Those greedy and shameless merchants are sad, and that makes me happy. They won't be able to touch MY territory, and that makes me happy. I'm getting richer by the second, and that makes me happy. And the people of Mondstadt are happy with their pocket money. Everyone that matters in this story is happy" I summarized my current situation.

I didn't mention Jean, who was probably not happy, but if her righteous wrath can't reach me, I don't care.

Ganyu fell silent and nodded, sadly leaving. Looks like the cow woman can't beat me.

"What are you smirking at?" Yae hit me with her hand, making me rub my neck.

"I will tell the Shogun you are beating kids up" I said with a defiant 'look', but quickly corrected myself. "Sorry, I misspoke. She will probably help you beat us powerless children up".

"What kind of monster do you think the Shogun is?" asked an exasperated Yae while rolling her eyes.

"One that watches how her subordinates have been killing each other for centuries" I sincerely answer, making her grimace.

When I'm right I'm right, and when I'm not, I'm joking.

"Anyway, what did you speak of with the Boss and the other guy?" I asked curiously.

"How much of a fool you are" Yae answered curtly.

"That's not new" I pointed.

"That's also true. But Kenshin, what were you thinking when you were writing that book?" she asked worriedly.

"I....wasn't thinking. Albedo helped me a lot, so I wanted to pay him back. He didn't seem to be interested in money, so I tried to give him something only I could give him" I confessed honestly.

Now that I think back on it, I probably wasn't....well, sane.

I lost my sight, got Guizhong's body back, knew a lot of people and lived in a new place, understood that the world was way too big from seeing the Being, met an artificial soul like Albedo...

It's not an excuse, but I feel that all that may have numbed my mind, making me write something that important in a stupid book.

But it should be good, Barbatos took it quickly. Nobody should know about it.

"You gave too much Kenshin. There are a lot of things I don't know, I'm a kid compared to the Archons, but from what the God of Geo showed me, those things are not supposed to be known by anyone in this world Kenshin". I can feel how terrified she is, maybe I shouldn't have talked about the Being. I couldn't sleep for a week after learning what it probably was.

"I know" I know how to admit my errors. Mom told me that if I acted petulantly, she would return all the slaps she received from me when I was a baby.

I probably won't survive that.

"And then what were you thinking when you 'peeked' as you put it?" she asked seriously.

"I already know what I did wrong Yae. I explained the same thing to Albedo, Guizhong, Xiao, Morax and even repeated it many times in some internal dialogues. I have no intention to 'peek' again" I tiredly said.

"I sincerely hope so" she mirrored my sight. "Are you ready to leave?"

"I don't know. Am I ready to leave?" I asked Guizhong, who had a bitter smile.

"Yes, you are. You already said your goodbyes and messed with everyone you could mess with. Now you sh-"

"There you are!" a short girl with purple hair and cat ears strode towards me with firm steps and a smug smile.

"I shouldn't have asked" said Yae with a resigned look. Woman of little faith, Kenshin does not start the trouble, trouble wants to be around me.

"Do you know how much trouble my family had?!" the purple-haired shouted at me. Maybe I sometimes start the trouble.

"Who are you?" I asked with a smile.

"Uh, uh. I'm not falling for that. Anyway, what's done it's done. You told me to be independent and grow stronger so my ideas would have weight. Look at this!" and she showed me an electro Vision.

"I'm....not sure what that proves" I may be stupid because I'm not understanding it. "Everyone knows that the God of Electro is a bit paranoid and a much psychopath. Getting her present does not seem that impressive to me".

"I-" she fell silent considering that.

"And if you wanted to show me how strong and independent you are, why are you so smug after receiving the 'freebies' of a God? That does not seem to be very independent" I explained to her in simple terms.

"....." she thought for a while before running away with her soul brimming with determination. Maybe to prove me wrong, I don't know.

"That was a bit cruel" muttered Guizhong.

"Again, did I lie?" I asked. "Now Guizhong, as I was asking, can I leave now?" She had been extremely helpful these years, reminding me about things I was forgetting.

"Yes, you are ready to-"

"Kenshin!" I felt the little girl called Hu Tao run to me with an excited expression.

"Ohh, how are you?. Are you happy your grandpa died?" I asked with a gentle smile. Yae did a spite-take hearing me.

"Yes, I am!" and she did another when she heard the little girl's answer. "Look what I have!" and she showed me a Pyro Vision.

"Oooh!. That's amazing! Looks like even the Gods recognize your dedication!" I happily said rubbing her head and making her smile, while Guizhing and Yae looked at me with a bitter smile. Hu Tao was a cute girl while the purple one was annoying, it's obvious I have my favorites.

"Of course!. I will make everyone in Liyue happy that they lost their families!" she happily nodded.

'Please don't' was what Yae's soul was screaming.

"Hu Tao, I need to go, but you can send me letters when you are sad okay?" I told her, making her nod happily again. "Come here" and I beckoned her with my hand.

She curiously approached, I touched her Vision with my hand and flicked her on the forehead with the other hand at the same time.

"If the Vision is your ambition, it should always be safely kept inside you, don't you think?" I whispered to her so Yae and Guizhong couldn't hear me.

Hu Tao looked surprised at her now dim Vision, but then touched her forehead. She probably tried to use her elemental power and finally understood what I had done.

"Thank you" she whispered and hugged me tightly.

She probably doesn't know what it means to have such an important part of your soul stored outside your body and in a piece of metal that could be stolen, but I did.

And taking this shard of soul inside the Vision while inserting it inside her soul again was easy with my new 'sight'.

"No problem. If you come Inazuma we can make people happy together" I said with a happy face. That Kujou bastard will be the first one.

And maybe that mopey kid Kazuha too, he really needs some happiness.

Hu Tao ran back excitedly, her 2 brown twin tails swaying in the winds, and I was left with 2 ancient women looking suspiciously at me.

"I didn't do anything. And now Guizhong, I need you to focus. You are still going in circles... Can I leave yet or do you have something more for me?" I asked tiredly at Guizhong.

"Yes, leave" she succinctly said.

"What a rude woman. To think such a fossil would need some lessons on politeness from a kid" I muttered loud enough for her to hear and jumped onto the boat.


An exasperated Yae 'fished' me out of the sea. I had miscalculated the distance.

"Tehe". Something of Mondstadt will always remain inside me.

"Kenshin, are you okay?. You are being more annoying than usual" commented Yae.

"Just eager to get home. I had a lot of fun, and now I want to start working again. I got a power-up, so maybe that deaf psychopath can listen to me a bit more". At least I hope so.

"Kenshin, be respectful" Yaae scolded me.

"I'm very respectful of your friend. But that puppet she left in charge is a heartless machine, literally. I don't think something without a heart can govern a nation" after seeing 3 countries I can affirm so. "Wait a minute, in the 2 prosperous nations I have been in, the Archon were not even working. Don't you think the Shogun is making everything worse?"

"Kenshin, shut up" Yae tiredly said, getting onto the boat.

"Fox of little faith, you are afraid of seeing the truth. Come, let me tell you about something you don't want to hear" I smirked and followed her step.

But Guizhong hugged me from behind, not caring about the salty water I got drenched in.

"Kenshin, I will never forget what you have done for me. If you need something, tell me and I will do everything I can to fulfill it" Guizhong said with a teary gaze.

"Kill the puppet, she's a liability".

"Sorry, can't do that" she instantly said.

"Tch, useless goddess" I said before getting onto the boat.

There was no need to say goodbye between us, we had known each other for years now.
I knew what she felt, and she knew what I thought.

So goodbyes were not needed between us.

I lay down in the boat while looking at the sky. Ghizhong's figure was not in the Harbor, but I could see some particles in the floor of the Harbor that housed her soul. She was the Goddess of Dust after all.

"What are your plans now?" asked curiously Yae.

"Work again for the Shogun" I answered simply and honestly.

"I don't think she is going to like it after your previous letter" recognized Yae.

"She won't care, she's a machine after all. As long as you don't cross her red lines, you can probably do whatever you want. Those guys are killing the competitors and they are still in power" I said in a disinterested voice.

"I find truly disheartening how little you think of Inazuma" Yae bitterly said.

"Precisely because I think so little of it I want to change it. I have seen Mondstadt this time, and it was a great city. Their economy was a mess, but even with little money to spend and a lot of problems like alcoholism, people were happy. Well, they had wine, so being happy all the time may not be good, but you get it". Happy Mondstadt was a drunk Modstadt. Barbatos the first one.

"Hmm, it looks like a habit now. I always ask you about how your view changed after your sudden trips to other countries" mused Yae, feeling amused by the situation.

"Well, this time it didn't change that much. But I realized that people can be happy without much money. In Liyue if you don't have money, you will be left behind, and maybe even forced to leave. It's a heartless competition, and I don't want that for Inazuma. I like Mondstadt better, they are overall a sincere and friendly city, happy despite being a bit weird, and people are extremely interesting. And believe me, in a war without Archons we will get destroyed". But then again, Inazuma is like it is because of the presence of an Archon.

"Then what would your ideal country look like?" asked an interested Yae.

"A special one. Inazuma has a lot of things to offer. I like the views the most out of every single country I have visited. We have your publishing house that is famous even in Liyue, the Naganohara's fireworks, a lot of islands we have yet to 'conquer', the Shrine... And yet, what we have but nobody seems to realize it's the people. There are a lot of good people in Inazuma. The Naganohara's wouldn't be the same without Yoimiya. The plains around the city wouldn't be the same without the Arataki Gang. The Kamisato clan is special due to the 3 people keeping it afloat..." I remembered the most important part of Inazuma for me.

"So what would your ideal country look like?" repeated Yae calmly.

"A place where all these people can shine. I want Yoimiya to be able to focus on her fireworks without being scared of catching the attention of the guards, for Itto to be able to play with his friends without feeling rejected, and for Ayato to sleep without worrying about his life... I think the moment everyone in Inazuma is able to live like that, Inazuma would be a very good country" I honestly think so.

"That's a bit unrealistic, isn't it?" asked Yae with a smirk. "You should know how impossible it is to make everyone happy".

"Then it only means that there is still work to be done" I shook my head.

I know there are some assholes like that Kujou bastard who won't be happy unless they are the only ones with power aside from the Shogun, but teaching the kids so they don't end up that way is also a part of being a ruler. And what people nowadays are learning is not that.

"We have arrived" Yae informed me, but she also seemed to be quite pensive.

After rescuing me once again from the sea, she started walking towards the Shrine, making me follow her. If I lose her, I will need to ask for directions, and there are a lot of people here who upon learning that I'm blind will try to do something funny.

"Ah, Yae, I need a favor" I remembered something of extreme importance.

"What is it?" she asked back curiously.

"You see, I am at that age, but as you know, I'm blind, so I have a bit of trouble with the cultural material...".

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