
Chapter 22

*Yoruichi POV*

When we heard that we the shinigami were gonna not only meddle with mortals but even basically go to war with one of their nations to say we were shocked would be an understatement. We never did anything that could make us interact with mortals taking our isolation as a must. Now we are currently preparing to do such a thing and the weirdest part is that it was ordered by the soul queen herself. On the one hand, I am glad that we will be interacting with them, I always thought that this was a wasted opportunity and would make it easier for us to recruit more talents once they arrive here. I mean wouldn't it be easier to find someone talented and fit to the role when you knew them beforehand.

To think that our first interaction with mortal realms is gonna be a war... That certainly is a way to leave an impression.

We entered the dimly lit alleyways of the Slane Theocracy's capital under the cover of night, a moonless sky stretching across the horizon like a sheet of black silk. Even without the luxury of the moon's light, I could see everything clearly, the layout of the streets, the faintest flicker of torches in the distance, and the occasional shadow of a guard patrolling. The city was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle it likely experienced during the day. But, then again, it was the perfect time for Soi-Fon and me to do what we do best, and that is moving silently, unnoticed, gathering the crucial information we needed.

I glanced at Soi-Fon, who was keeping pace beside me, her face set in a determined, serious expression. I could tell her senses were heightened, and her hand rested on the hilt of her zanpakuto Suzumebachi, ready to strike at any moment.

Even now, as the captain of the 2nd Division and head of the Stealth Force, I know Soi-Fon's skills are comparable to my own. Not that I would ever say that out loud.

"Soi-Fon, keep your reiatsu down. We don't know if they have sensors in this city."

I whispered to her and let her know. From what we learned from the spirits of the locals, there are no such things that could do such a thing, but you never know what kind of hidden weapons they own.

She nodded curtly, never taking her eyes off the path ahead of us. We needed speed, stealth, and agility the qualities our squad excelled at. Our black Shihakusho allowed us to blend into the shadows, and with Shunpo along with the nature of our spiritual bodies at our disposal, even the most skilled sentries wouldn't detect us. Not unless we wanted them to.

Our objective was clear: infiltrate the capital, gather intel on these priests, identify their weaknesses, and locate them for a possible strike. We couldn't afford any mistakes.

We reached the edge of a large stone building and paused. I could hear the faint sound of footsteps approaching, likely guards making their rounds. I held up a hand, signalling Soi-Fon to stop. My senses spread out, and I carefully gauged the reiatsu signatures in the area. It was faint, but I could still notice them. These people weren't spiritually aware.

"Three guards."

Soi-Fon gave me a quick nod, and in a single fluid movement, she vanished from my side, the only indication of her movement being the faintest gust of wind. I waited, leaning back against the wall, listening intently for the soft thud of bodies hitting the ground. It didn't take long, five, maybe six seconds before Soi-Fon reappeared while wiping her blade on her sleeve.

"All clear."

As efficient as always.

We flicked her eyes forward toward the central square where we knew the first of our targets, one of the Six High Priests, resided. It was our first destination. The intel we had gathered prior to this mission suggested that the priests rarely left their sanctuaries, staying in temples scattered throughout the city, each temple guarded by zealots and wards.

As we moved, I couldn't help but take in the architecture of the capital city. It was grand, to say the least. Everything seemed tidy and amazing. The Theocracy prided itself on its devotion and purity, but there was a darkness underneath all this magnificence.

We approached the first temple, a towering structure that loomed over the surrounding buildings. The Temple of Aether, they called it, is dedicated to the High Priest of Light. The irony wasn't lost on me. The one leading this so-called 'light' was rumoured to use his followers' life force to enhance his own powers. It would be interesting to see how much truth there was to that.

"Stay close"

I whispered, though I knew Soi-Fon was already within arm's reach.

Together, we slipped inside the temple through one of the side entrances, our forms remaining invisible as we moved silently through the corridors. The interior was as grand as the exterior, with high ceilings, stained glass windows, and statues of angels and divine beings watching us from above. But I wasn't here for this.

"Yoruichi-sama, I sense a strong presence up ahead."

We entered the main chamber of the temple, and there, sitting atop a golden throne was the High Priest of Light. His appearance was... underwhelming. Old, frail-looking, with long white hair and a robe that glittered in the dim light.

He wasn't alone. Several acolytes stood nearby, murmuring incantations. I watched as their reiatsu flickered and changed. The High Priest, however, was different. His energy wasn't his own. It was siphoned. He was using them as batteries.

"How cowardly. I'll take him out right now. It would be easy."

I heard Soi-Fon say next to me.

"Patience. We're here to gather information, not start a fight. Not yet."

Reluctantly, she nodded, though I could tell she wanted nothing more than to end the priest's life right then and there. I couldn't blame her. The very sight of him was infuriating, draining the life force of his followers, hiding behind a mask of holiness. But this mission required a delicate touch.

We moved further into the temple, mapping out the structure and noting key areas. It seemed that the High Priest rarely left this chamber.

After making our observations, we slipped back out into the night, careful to leave no trace of our presence. The city was still silent, still calm, though I could feel the tension building in the air.

"One down, five to go."

We moved through the streets quickly, making our way to the next temple. The longer we spent in this city, the more I could feel the weight of the Theocracy's influence. It wasn't just faith. It was political. Economic. Social. The entire capital seemed to be under the priests' control, and their grasp seemed to be barely holding other countries. If we didn't act carefully, they'd know we were here before we finished gathering the intel we needed.

As we neared the next target, the Temple of Shadows, I felt a strange sense of unease. This priest would be different. This one, according to the reports, wielded the power of darkness, contradicting the whole holy image they have, but what faith does not have contradictions.

"This one's going to be tricky."

"Good. I like tricky."

I smiled back. I knew she did.

And so did I.

I wonder how is Kisuke doing?

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