Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 93 – Phantasmal Brilliance Extreme Spirit



Magus Mind Runes is the cultivation technique that Mordred chooses for his ‘mind’ cultivation: By engraving mind runes in the sea of consciousness, a Magus could increase their spiritual force and advance. 

After becoming an Armored Soul Tribe, his physiology has changed significantly. First of all, his concept of ‘sea of consciousness’ is no longer tied to the brain like most biological organisms. Due to the fact that the Chaldean Soul, the ‘soul’ portion of the Armored Soul Tribe, has the form of pure information current in the material world, naturally his ‘mind’ portion has been altered to match.

‘Pure Information Current’ is just a fancy way of saying electromagnetic current. In a sense, Mordred being an ‘undead machinery’ is because he had successfully transformed the soul into electromagnetic current, having a mechanical body which was treated with soul-path methods so that he can unleash his AT-Field. 

Of course, this would be a gross oversimplification as the details are far more complex than that, but it is sufficient to illustrate his condition.

That being said, the Sea of Consciousness of an Armored Soul Tribe is rather unique in the sense that it is highly tied to the soul. Because Mordred was mainly a soul-path cultivator before arriving in Morgen World, his designs are naturally focused on the soul. Even now, the limitation of an Armored Soul Tribe is clear that its ‘mind’ cannot be stronger than the ‘soul’. 

Simply, his mind cultivation cannot be higher than his soul cultivation. 

But since Mordred’s ‘soul’ is already rank 1 while his ‘mind’ is rank 0, he has room to advance, and he was planning to do so before awakening his own ‘Lightning’.

For a magus, having 56 mind runes engraved within one’s sea of consciousness meant said magus is eligible for advancement to rank 1, but those who did so would be the absolute garbage amongst garbage rank 1’s. A true expert would strive for 99 mind runes, which was the peak of rank 0.

Engraving ‘normal’ mind runes within one’s sea of consciousness requires a nearly-surgically specific understanding of one’s mental state, and there is a sequence which needs to be followed. Otherwise, a magus would have an impaired mind or even become retarded in the process. Thus, it is advised for a neophyte magus to have better understanding about one’s own mind before engraving the mind runes.

Naturally, Mordred has already passed this stage before, so there’s literally nothing for him to worry about. 

And so, he is striving for the ‘superlative height’ of rank 0 which has special requirements.

“The ‘Great Archmage’ has 107 mind runes, an extra 8 mind runes than elite magi, but before I departed for Morgen World, I heard from my big brother that the absolute peak of rank 0 mind runes is 108…”

Unlike the previous stages where 10 mind runes is equivalent to 1 transparent star, each mind rune after the first 99 is equivalent to 1 transparent star. Therefore, Magus Mind Runes only have 9 additional layers of superlative heights.

While sitting cross legged in the dark underground room beneath the lightning lake, Mordred’s lower body became submerged under the lake water which had a high amount of electric current running through it. As an Armored Soul Tribe, pure lightning elemental particles can be used for his mind cultivation, thus it is beyond easy for him to cultivate as long as the environment is correct.

“Now then, my research upon mind runes is significantly deeper than my previous life… Back then, the 8 ‘hidden’ runes consisted of eight Elemental Revelation mind runes, which was my absolute limit. With my own foundation in lightning, I am able to use all nine elemental paths, but now, I have no need for any Elemental Revelation mind runes due to my significantly higher attainments…” Mordred pondered as he stopped engraving mind runes at the 99 mark.

As the name suggests, rather than a direct increase in one’s combat power, Elemental Revelation increases one’s learning speed instead, allowing Mordred to quickly learn eight elemental paths faster than most mages. In addition to his efforts to pillage memories from souls as references, it was why the ‘Great Archmage’ seemed to be able to use any element without restriction.

Why did he only get eight elements instead of nine? Because his lightning-path foundation was already high even before arriving in this world. There was no need to waste a slot on something that he already has.

“Since I don’t need any Elemental Revelation mind runes, then there’s only fewer options. Each ‘slot’ is extremely precious, what should I pick…”

He pondered for a few days until he finally made a decision. The mind rune that he chose is extremely simple.

“Soul Enforcer mind runes… They correspond to the strengthening of AT-Field depending on my spiritual force… but it takes all nine slots to achieve 100% synchronization rate… Each slot is extremely precious, they are worth one ‘superlative height’ that cannot be taken back once they are engraved. In comparison, if I choose nine Elemental Revelations of the same element, I can possess a quasi ‘extreme spirit’ of the said element which was something equivalent to an ‘extreme physique’ to body cultivator. I need to make the correct decision…”

Mordred once again entered a period of pondering that took three days. There was a need to optimize and adjust the design due to him being an Armored Soul Tribe.

“From here on out, I’ll be forever an Armored Soul Tribe. There’s nothing more to hesitate, allowing my spiritual force to reinforce my AT-Field will give me a significant boost. In the first place, my ‘mind’ cultivation is extremely lacking compared to Intelligent Metal, Chaos Nemesis, or other magi. It’s best if I’ll just focus on my ‘depth’ instead of ‘breadth’. I am not my big brother, after all.”

“But before that… There's no reason for me not to optimize it. With the amount of souls I have in my Phylactery, I might be able to improve Soul Enforcer mind runes further. Although an ‘extreme spirit’ won’t be achieved with 100% certainty, a ‘mutated spirit’ which was only a grade lower wouldn’t be impossible for me…”

With that in mind, Mordred began cultivating like crazy.

Two weeks later.

Mordred’s body, which seemed like a lifeless doll, unleashed a spiritual radiation that normally applied a spiritual pressure towards every living being in the surrounding area. Naturally, since his underground room is covered by counterintelligence methods, the radiation is contained within, not affecting anything at all.

“Hahaha!” Mordred releases a heartfelt laugh of genuine happiness. “I’ve developed a soul-path extreme spirit!”

Mordred heaved a sigh of relief. He was beyond tired as his soul has been excited to the limit, but the euphoria of success after hundreds of hours of nonstop experimentation is so great that it washed away his mental and soul fatigue, albeit barely.

“What should I name this… hmm… Phantasmal Brilliance Extreme Spirit?” Mordred nodded, having a satisfied smile on his lips. “Big brother always said my naming ability is shit, but it’s not like he’s one to talk anyway.” 

He waved his hand, producing a colorful trail of formless AT-Field. The colors intertwined, it was an ephemeral phenomena like a miniature Aurora Borealis, but the colors are significantly more vibrant and lifelike. There’s almost no difference compared to how he usually activates his AT-Field, but as the one who produces it, Mordred felt the significant changes.

“Every single being with a soul possessed [Absolute Territory Field], the absolute territory in which their light of soul shines. But unless they are soul cultivators, they wouldn’t be able to manifest it like me. In a sense, the reason why intellectual races are resistant to enslavement or hypnotism is because the AT-Field protects their truesoul, thus their ego and memories aren’t easily influenced by the external world…”

“However, with Phantasmal Brilliance Extreme Spirit, my spiritual force can become AT-Field itself. Although the ‘source’ and ‘fuel’ are different, my AT-Field now possessed a base 100% amplification rate. Considering my perfect soul foundation and perfect spiritual foundation, when I activated my AT-Field, it was as if there’s two of me using it in tandem… As long as I maintain an equivalent level of ‘mind’ and ‘soul’ cultivation, my AT-Field would be twice as effective.”

He can’t help but inspect himself with the information-path method, [System Interface]. When he saw the numbers, he smirked. “If I use Lupusrazor to unleash my AT-Field, I might be able to defend against Lord Erebus’ attacks without having to apply emergency repair during combat. Unlike the lizardmen, he should be an elite vampire lord with hundreds of years of experience roaming Morgen World; the two can’t be compared at all, so being able to defend it is a big deal.”

“That being said, being able to defend against his attack doesn’t mean I can assassinate him and usurp his identity. I’ll need to quickly awaken my Lightning and devise a vampire lord-hunting plan.” Mordred gripped his hand and stood up. He then left the cultivation room to sleep before resurfacing to the tribe.

A month later.

While playing with a handheld remote control of a flying bird-shaped drone under the bright sunlight of the Land of Autumn Rain, Mordred glanced at the clear skies. Unlike the scorching hot sun in the Land of Sand and Fire where he was more familiar with, it is pleasant in this land, thus his desire to once in a while bask under the glow of the sun.

“It’s almost time. A storm is approaching.” He stood up from his seat and began landing the flying combat drone, which quickly revealed that it was armed with a heavy-type sniper railgun in its lower parts. He whistled, the high tech weapons and armor, including the landed drone which was placed next to his workstation, were quickly being bussed away by the lizardmen who're responsible for assisting him.

“Send a word to Thazk, tell him it’s time to prepare the materials, he’ll know what I’m talking about.” Mordred ordered the lizardmen servant. After he left, Mordred took out a precious sapphire-like stone with dark hue with the size of an eyeball from one of the pouches on his back waist.

“Who would’ve thought that the tribal inheritance of the Lightning Horn Tribe is the splintered scale of a giant-class lightning-path beast? Well, in the end, it benefited me…” The edges of Mordred’s lips curved upwards. Another species’ highly-revered inheritage is another’s cultivation materials.

It is extremely normal for tribal civilizations to pass down inheritances in any form towards the next. Naturally, due to the lack of writings, inheritances are passed down orally, but there are special circumstances for the ancestrally fortunate. For example, if the inheritance is a tribal weapon or an unknown item, it most likely became passed down. 

The splintered scale of some massive, unknown lightning reptile is exactly that. Using his magic eye which had the power of psychometry, he had dug into the Lightning Horn Tribe’s history. Despite being limited in depth, he had a simple understanding regarding the origin of the lightning horn tribe.

“The Capricious Thunderbird is actually an invasive species. When the bird arrived in Mount Kashada hundreds of years ago, the mountain couldn’t hold two tigers, thus the giant-class beast ancestor of the Lightning Horn Tribe was driven away… or, most probably dead and devoured by the Thunderbird. The lizardmen are merely a slave race of the giant-class lightning reptiles, they lacked the capability to pass down inheritances but at least they have strong bodies, allowing them to weather the storms caused by the death of its ancestral beast...” Mordred found himself lost in thought as he stood up and walked towards a direction in the village.

In this whole month, he was busy refining weapons and armor and directing the lizardmen to improve the living standard of the whole tribe. Of course, it wasn’t because he’s a benevolent saint who wanted to erase misery and pain in the lizardmen’s life. Rather, when the standard of living of lizardmen increases, so does their competence and ability, allowing them to perform better as servants. 

When Mordred walked past the villagers, most of them offered a respectful bow before returning to their daily tasks. Those that do not work outside the village’s periphery are mostly working on the shore to care for some plants, or to man the fish farm.

Mordred’s effort in introducing fish farms, agriculture and myriad other civilization advancement allowed the Lightning Horn Tribe to grow exponentially.

First of all, it changes how the tribe goes from solely relying on hunting to a mix of hunt and farm. The implication of it allowed the tribe to exploit the naturally bountiful resources of the Lightning Lake. Children gain more nutrition and they are able to grow better. Thus, it isn’t an exaggeration if it was said that Mordred has literally advanced the civilization level of the lizardmen tribe as a whole.

Mordred could see some of the wounded lizardmen which was unlucky enough to be Larissa’s plaything before she left (chased away). Those who have surface-level wounds have frightening looks filled with scars, but it was absolutely better compared to those whose body has been mutated or damaged beyond repair. It was so bad that they were given a coup de grâce to ease their suffering.

Wait, isn’t suffering and pain a good source of telepathic resources for Mordred?

Technically, that is correct, but it would be counterproductive in controlling the lizardmen. Since he doesn’t want to spend too much time performing the life-alteration surgery [Mental Commissar] to all the lizardmen like how he did to Thazk, then he’ll have to use other methods. 

Mordred isn’t evil for the sake of evil. What he pursues is cold, calculated, and above all, practical efficiency. If that meant helping others, then so be it.

But even now, there are some voices of dissatisfaction within the Lightning Horn Tribe, but Mordred is an untouchable figure in the tribe, be it literally or figuratively. Thazk is still the most powerful lizardman in the tribe. With his assistance, nobody can do anything towards him. Even if there are some who still persist in obstructing him… well, he can always pick one or two as negative emotions farm in the facility down below the lake’s depth.

Even if Thazk knows he’s been kidnapping some lizardmen, what can he do? The [Mental Commissar] does not alter the subject’s personality, it only changes their core value. Even if Thazk doesn’t like how Mordred did things, who else can refine weapons of high quality that could basically be used for several generations to come? 

At this time, Mordred reached his destination: Thazk’s abode. 

After Larissa’s departure, Thazk has modified his home from a torture chamber into a hall of gathering. Within the largest room, there were an innumerable number of wooden cages that held multiple lifeforms. 

Rather, instead of a hall of gathering, Thazk’s abode should be referred to as a prison instead. Since it is above electric lake water, it's not easy to escape from this facility.

The caged lifeforms had different shapes and sizes, but they are mostly intelligent lifeforms or minor races who have intellect and consciousness. The wooden cages seemed like they were incapable of holding down the caged subjects, which was especially true for large humanoids like the unlucky ogre who had a height of almost 4 meters, having earthy brown hide, and bulging muscle. In spite of that, however, there was nothing to worry about.

They are sleeping soundlessly like a preschool full of infants.

“My lord, the preparations are ready.” Thazk appeared, followed with a few number of lizardmen specialists who are tasked to help him. “The drugs you’ve concocted have successfully slowed down what you call ‘metabolism’ while they are dreaming... though I don’t understand the specifics.”

Mordred nodded as it was expected. “Are those the new arrivals?”.

“Correct.” Thazk showed one of the cages. “These groups of people have just arrived this morning, we were lucky to find a group of human cultivators… I believe they are what you revere as ‘Hunters’.”

The wooden cage that he had shown to Mordred contained a group of 6 human, 2 male and 4 female. 

Naturally, they are sleeping like a baby, but there are signs of bruises and burnt flesh on their bodies, evident from the struggle. They were already healed with Mordred’s potions because Thazk knew Mordred would be interested.

“Excellent. I might be able to use one of them as my next identity to re-infiltrate human cities.” Mordred nodded. He then extracted pink clouds of telepathic resources from the sleeping people in the room and stored them within his own crystal processor. “The core material for a Disenchanting Dreamspark has been collected. With this batch, I’ve barely fulfilled the quota.”

That’s right, it wasn’t his first time collecting dreams from the captured prisoners.

“You can kill them and consume the meat as I no longer need them, but don’t waste any resources. Of course, if you kill the humans, I’d probably need to kill 10 times the amount of lizardmen to compensate.” Mordred then led Thazk towards the next room while the lizardmen chieftain nodded in acknowledgement. 

The stench of blood is so strong that most mentally weak mortals would be puking their guts out. This next room is special in a sense that half of the room is occupied by a large cauldron whose lower half of the body is submerged in the lightning lake’s waters. Within the cauldron is a thick, steaming hot blood of lizardmen collected from the tribe.

Having living subjects has their uses too, one of them is the ability to draw all the blood that he needed. Thus, Mordred did so with the lizardmen.

The cauldron is not a mere cast-iron cauldron, it is an artifact designed not for combat but to slow cook the content within. Powered by the electric water of the lightning lake, there was no need for Mordred to supply energy or mana. This was one of the processes of slowly-refining blood of rank 1 lizardmen into a higher quality blood-path resource. The blood within the cauldron has been cooked while periodically added with buckets of blood every few hours, allowing it to be the quality of what it is today. Of course, Mordred has treated the blood first before being added, none of this would be possible otherwise.

“My precious rank 2 blood-path material, lightning-bloodline Lizardmen Blood Pudding…” Mordred dipped his finger in the thick pudding-like steaming hot blood to get a taste. “With the pain and misery that I forcefully took from Larissa, this will be sufficient for Übelblut Devouring Thunder.”

Blood-path resources are easy to procure. With some technique, refining higher-rank resources from lower-rank ones is not a problem. Due to how easy it is to procure cultivation resources and the nature of said path, their combat power is extremely high. Thus, it is why the gods suppressed the development of blood-path along with necro-path. 

“Alright.” Mordred faced Thazk. “The next minor elemental wave is near. I’ll be using it to awaken my Lightning Radix. Have the men prepare themselves, I'll artificially empower the elemental wave for refinement.”

Thazk raised his eyebrows, almost doubting his own ears. ‘What do you mean by artificially empowering elemental waves? Isn’t that like rain and clouds, a natural phenomenon that you can’t control?’ was on his mind, but he quickly nodded. “Understood. We’ll follow your arrangement.” 

Once again, even if he were to be without the invasive surgery performed on him, all the chief understood was that he doesn’t understand anything.1 Thazk be like:


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