Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 85 – Expedition



A few days later, on the southern gate of Elestra city. 

The city harbors several high rise buildings, which are Mage Towers who served as formation nodes. Due to their existence, the city is protected by an invisible layer of defense formation. Despite the dense rainwater that passed through the city-wide shield, the water elemental particle saturation level of the city never went past a certain threshold and thus, the event where a Minor Elemental Wave occurs within the city’s premise would never happen.  

A distance away from the 20-meter tall city wall, there was a small shack that provided a shade that protects from the heavy downpour. There, a party of four gathered.

“I heard she’s a red marks triple [Role] holder...” A heavily armored youth spoke. He has a pair of brown eyes and earthy brown hair, having a taller-than-average build (Hartina Kingdom’s standard) of 1.9 meter and a healthy wheat-colored skin tone. From his wide frame and the brownish-copper colored heavy armor on his body, it was already obvious that he should be a [Defender]. To make it even clearer, he has a shield and a warhammer on his back.  

“When things are too good to be true… it usually is. But since Branch Head Sebastian told us personally, I think we should trust him a bit.” It was a handsome youth who replied. He looks like he’s in his early 20s. The most conspicuous feature on his person is not the fact that he wears a black kimono or the loincloth beneath it, but the katana on his waist. 

He has a pair of sharp hawk-like eyes and black short hair. He is, without a doubt, a sword-path cultivator. Most sword-path cultivators in the Hartina Kingdom chose katana or their variants over other types of swords; it was like their national weapon.

“Even so, it’s no good even if she has a triple [Role] but couldn’t make it in time. If she could not perform what was expected of her… then it’s disappointing.” Another man interjected. 

This refined man is donned under a heavily rune-inscribed mage robe. The orange-red robe that he wore has blue mystical lines as details. Even from a glance, it looks extremely expensive. His eyes are unique, it was heterochromia of electric blue and fiery red. His short blazing orange-red hair seemed to have blue static electricity flickered once in a while.

“You’re too anxious. It’s not like she’s late, but we’re too early… Don’t blame her for this.” The armored youth kindly protected the yet-to-arrive personnel. 

“We are elites… We have standards to uphold.” The heterochromia mage reprimanded.

Since the mage decided to be unreasonable, the armored youth couldn’t reply. Well, it’s not like he couldn’t, but he wouldn’t. It’s a waste of breath to debate with the mage. 

As time trickles by and seconds turn into minutes, the downpour is getting more intense. 

At the time where the downpour is intense to the point of mortals wouldn't be able to see 3 meters ahead of them, a figure approaches. 

It was a female who was casually riding on top of a wolf at cruise speed. 

The wolf that she rode is a medium-class beast with shark fin and tail. Compared to most horses, it is larger by a level. Despite its large size however, the wolf has an extremely thin presence. If someone lost sight of it, one could completely forget its existence.

Soon, the woman reaches the group of four.

Unlike most cultivators who tried to use some methods to deflect or block the raindrops, she was embracing the rainwater as it was her element to begin with. Since her clothing is merely a swimsuit draped with a small cape-like veil on her shoulder, the water does not bother her in any way.

She disembarked from her wolf mount, “Lazareva Larissa Agatha, reporting for duty!” She half-bowed respectfully outside of the shade towards the figures within.

“See? I told you. She’s exactly on time!” The armored youth spoke with an I-told-you-so tone at the mage.

“Whatever.” The mage scoffed.

On the other hand, the samurai bowed. “Miss Larissa Agatha, it’s a pleasure to meet you! Have you encountered difficulties on the way?” he politely asked.

“None.” Larissa Agatha replied, fond of the samurai’s politeness. “Sebastian have briefly briefed me regarding our mission, I am assuming you are Kubikiri Shingen?”

Kubikiri Shingen nodded. “Correct. I am not from the main family, so you can treat me like anyone else and call me Shingen…”

Larissa Agatha tilted her head in wonder as she doesn’t understand what he’s talking about, but standing foolishly like an idiot is rude so she nodded in understanding. “Okay, pleased to meet you… Shingen.” She raised her head and looked at the armored-youth. “Then, you must be the well known ‘Gravel Fortress’...”

“Please stop, it’s embarrassing to be referred to as that. Just Takehiro will do.” The armored Takehiro pleaded.

Larissa Agatha sympathizes with him. “Then, please call me Larissa Agatha, or Larissa.” She turned her face at the heterochromia mage. “And you should be…”

The mage puffed his chest. There was a tinge of pride on his face.

“Um… Who are you again?” Larissa Agatha asked with the most innocent face that her 21 year old-looking body can produce. 

“Pfft.” Takehiro pursed his lips, holding back a laugh. If someone looked at Shingen, he too, is holding back his laugh, but he was better at using his poker face.

There was a vein bulging on the mage’s face, but his pride wouldn’t allow him to correct Larissa Agatha even though he knew he had been played like a goddamn fiddle. 

At this moment, the last figure who never spoke a thing opened her eyes. She was originally sitting cross legged, but her black robe shrouded her petite body so that her person looked like an inconspicuous black rock. When she stood up, her robe automatically moved to reveal her body as it turned into a black gothic kimono dress. 

The woman, or rather, the girl was merely 1.4 meter tall, she has smooth black hair and deep purple eyes. Her pale white skin highlighted her doll-like face. She wears several rings with black and purple gems on her small underaged-looking fingers.  

“Have the preparations completed?” She asked. For some reason, the tone that she used expressed a great charisma despite her small stature.

With the exception of Larissa Agatha, everyone else suddenly tensed their body and showed a respectful expression. 

“Not yet, captain. Tomoe is still…” Takehiro wanted to explain but during the middle of his words, a figure suddenly appeared next to Larissa Agatha. 

Splash! Her presence is extremely thin, just like the wolf that Larissa Agatha rides on. Nobody can see her approaching, she suddenly made a commotion because of her arrival.

The pale-blue haired newcomer is donned in a maid outfit. She is wearing a gothic maid uniform, decorated with a large amount of frills. From a glance, the design is similar to what the gothic-kimono that the petite girl wore, but it was specifically designed for ease of movement. That being said, it is not only wrapping her body tightly, it also exposes some skin in different areas and the miniskirt is making the maid outfit more erotic than usual.  

Despite being next to Larissa Agatha who’s soaking wet from the rain, her uniform is dry and clean, there’s no dirty spot even if someone used a microscope to inspect it. This was because her person is protected from the rain by a formless forcefield, altering and blocking the trajectory of rain water that fell from the skies.

She kneeled respectfully with her right arm on her modest but bountiful breast, exposing her thigh-high stocking which was connected to a garter belt, “Master, your servant have returned.”

The petite captain smiled. “Excellent.” She glanced at the soaking wet figure next to Tomoe the maid. “Privyet! You are Larissa Agatha of the Seas of Eternal Winters… correct?” She extended her hand. Her person is protected from rainwater, so when she’s at an arm’s reach from Larissa Agatha, her body is still dry. 

Larissa Agatha shook the loli’s hand, “P- Privyet! I wasn’t aware that you’re quite knowledgeable about my culture… It’s been a while since I’m away from my motherland, though.” Inwardly, Larissa Agatha was sweating bullets. She wasn't aware of this world’s culture. Fortunately, she learnt enough from Mordred to barely act on her identity. 

The flat loli smiled, her doll-like face was so cute that it should be a crime. “Understandable. According to my intel, you’ve been in the underground world for a few years.” She glanced at the rest of her team members. “Have all of you introduced yourself to our new addition?”

“Yes… we are in the middle of our introductions.” Shingen answered.

“Ah… Sorry, I was in the middle of deduction.” The loli then put her attention back at Larissa Agatha as she pulled her to the cover of the shade. “You don’t have to be so formal with me. You have no obligations to follow the rigid ethics of our Hartina Kingdom.” She used her empty hand to beckons the maid Tomoe to come with her to the shade.

“Anyway, let me introduce them to you. Kubikiri Shingen is our five red marks [DPS] who’s responsible for short-range damage…”

Shingen bowed at Larissa and the loli. 

“Daichi Takehiro is our three red marks [Defender], but he also has two red marks in [Support] role!”

Takehiro followed Shingen’s action. 

“Kyojuro Kai is our three red marks [DPS] and [Specialist].” She pointed at the heterochromia mage. The mage raised his chin a bit higher and puffed his chest as if compensating for something. 

“Then, my maid…” She pointed at Tomoe. “She’s our precious helper, a four red marks [Support] and four red marks [Specialist], Yukikaze Tomoe!”

Yukikaze Tomoe bowed respectfully at Larissa Agatha and the loli. 

“Lastly… My name is Tokoyami Katsuki! I am the team’s five red marks [Control Tower]!” The loli introduced herself. 

Larissa Agatha takes a deep look at her. From her soul undulation, she does indeed unleash a unique presence of an enslavement-path expert despite being extremely concealed by an intense dark-path method. Her weak physical ability perhaps contributes to why she chooses to thread the path of enslavement but things must not be that simple.    

‘According to Mordred, there are too many cultivation techniques out there, an alphabetic classification to determine Hunter’s capability is impossible. Using C-class, B-Class, A-class et cetera classifications would not be possible thanks to the various levels of cultivation. And thus, he devised a method to calculate their qualification through the use of color and ‘marks’...

Each ‘mark’ should be equal to three stars of cultivation of the same colors. Which means, 1 red mark is equivalent to the skills of an early-stage, 2 red marks are mid-stage, and 3 red marks are equivalent to late-stage rank 1 Officials. This would mean anyone with 4 red marks should be on the peak-stage and having unique abilities that allowed them to gain special privilege. However, I am only at the early-stage of rank 1 but got 3 red marks in [Vanguard]… which means pure cultivation foundation is not the only metric to calculate one’s role qualifications…’ Larissa Agatha pondered. 

‘As for 5 marks… Mordred said that there’s a strict test to receive this level of qualification, so not everyone can get qualified as a 5-red marks Hunter even if they are on the superlative height of rank 1…’

‘However, everyone present has a low cultivation foundation of 3 red stars (early-stage) at most… Despite this, their qualifications are high… then does that mean these people are super elites? That maid Yukikaze Tomoe in particular, she’s merely at 1 red star but she already has double four red marks qualifications…’

“Why don’t you introduce yourself to them?” Katsuki urged Larissa which broke her train of thoughts.

“Then, I’ll introduce myself once more. Please take care of me, I am Lazareva Larissa Agatha. I bear three red marks of [Vanguard], two red marks of [DPS], and two red marks of [Specialist]!”

Everyone nodded, even the rude Kai appreciated Larissa Agatha’s presence as gaining more marks than one’s pure cultivation base is considered as elite, but gaining an extra role qualification without sacrificing the marks in one’s primary role means an elite amongst elites. 

“Branch Head Sebastian said that the last time your role qualifications have been updated was 4 years ago. Since you’ve gone into the underground world during that time, he is confident that your qualifications should be around 4 marks or higher!” Katsuki elaborated.

“That’s right. Although my cultivation base did not advance, it was because the underground world lacked snow and ice-path resources… well, at least the area that I visited.” Larissa can only agree. There was no arrogance nor fake humility, her identity was prepared by Mordred, after all. He should be aware of things that make the identity believable. “My qualifications have yet to be updated since my early ascension into a rank 1 Official. In any case, together with Lupusrazor, I will try my best!” She introduced her wolf.

“What kind of beast is it? I’ve never seen one even in records…It seems like an exotic beast from the Seas of Eternal Winters…” Katsuki inquired.

Some enslavement-path experts would ask transformation-path experts to experiment on lifeforms in hope to create a more powerful breed of beasts. Sometimes, exotic beasts would be the result of their experiments. 

Larissa Agatha touched her chin, pondering. “It’s not a beast.” She gazed at everyone. “It’s a Soul Armament whose design is inspired by Fenris Wolf Brood.”

“!!!” Everyone was shocked. 

“I’ve heard that Soul Armament is an intelligent artifact that can grow by itself. Does that mean it's not a living creature, but an artifact?” Shingen asked curiously.

“Master Shingen, you’ve already seen Soul Armament before…” Tomoe nudged at Shingen who revealed an embarrassing display unbefitting of his status.    

“Ah… Well, only Legendary refinement-path experts can make them. Seeing a rank 1 Soul Armament is not something that happens every day, you know…” He glanced at Tomoe. 

Typically, only special rank 2 Lords or rank 3 Legendary have them. Even so, they wouldn’t be having something like a mount as a Soul Armament. After all, Soul Armament is extremely rare for their level, it would be better to have an offensive or defensive one to completely elevate their combat power. Still, some clans have been commissioning Legendary-Artificers to refine low-rank Soul Armament for their promising youth. 

An example of this should be Tomoe’s Yukikaze clan.

“Truly curious… How did you find one?” Katsuki inquired as she scrutinized the giant wolf. “Can it understand our words?”

“Yes." Larissa Agatha replied. Not only it can understand human words, it can probably understand all languages in Morgen world. "I got it from a Great Archmage’s Minor Inheritance down below in the underground world.” She added.

In normal situations, exposing one’s source of power or wealth is a dangerous action. It would inevitably incite the greed of others.

However, this is not a normal situation.

Larissa Agatha realized the people that gathered here must have excellent backgrounds. None of these people are idiots since Sebastian has gathered them for a particular mission. Her action of telling them about Lupusrazor being a Soul Armament from the Great Archmage’s Minor Inheritance is an advertisement.

Every well-known character is famous for their personality, and the Great Archmage is not an exception.

Although there’s no clear reports of how many True Inheritances and Minor Inheritances the Great Archmage left behind, these people are, due to their background, aware of the truth. Thus, being able to inherit one of His minor inheritance is an achievement that would increase her worth.

“As expected. No wonder you are endorsed by Branch Head Sebastian…” Katsuki nodded in acknowledgement. “Are you aware why you were chosen, Larissa Agatha?”

“No.” She quickly denied. “That old geezer told me that due to the request of confidentiality by the client, I’ll have to hear the content of the mission directly from you. Though, the contract is quite lucrative.”

“Well, even with the generous rewards, there is a severe lack of willing elites to come with us.” Katsuki nudged at Tomoe.

“Understood.” She bowed, then she started to use information-path methods to conceal the local area methodically.

Larissa Agatha stared at Tomoe blankly. Due to her body being high-spec, she has photographic memory and can never forget. ‘Despite being a lower grade version, her activation sequence and methods are familiar… didn’t Mordred use them in the underground cultivation chamber a few days ago? Perhaps, her clan received one of His inheritances?’ 

Soon, Tomoe was done. “Master Katsuki, it’s done.”1The 'master' in her word is not like the master in master-slave relationship or master-disciple relationship but rather, a master-servant like how Alfred call batman 'Master Wayne'. Basically, she's speaking 'Katsuki-sama' but in Englisch.

Katsuki nodded. “Then, about the content of the mission. My clan received an intel of a hidden micro-plane that one of the 4th Braves left behind before her fall during the 4th Calamity...”

Larissa Agatha raised her eyebrow. “The 4th Calamity has 9 Braves. 2 of them fall during the war, leaving 7. Since it’s among the two that have fallen during the war, is it ‘Violet Lightning’ Murasaki Shizuku, or ‘Celestial Siren’ Yulsaria?”

“Murasaki Shizuku.” Katsuki smiled, “She was one of the two Great Archmage’s official wives… Well, both of them are, but she was originally a Hartina Kingdom's expert...”

“Ah, I see. What can we expect during the mission?” Larissa asked, not expressing too much interest in His wives. Unlike these little children who probably have yet to grow pubic hairs, she is literally older than Mordred, thus not easily impressed.

Seeing the lack of interest, Katsuki increases her assessment of Larissa. Having a strong mentality is a great sign for a team member, after all. “Don’t be hasty. Extraplanar expedition is extremely dangerous, so before anything else, we need to pick up our last member.”

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, we lacked a [Medic]...” Larissa touched her chin. “Who would be qualified enough as our medic?”

“It’s complicated, so let me ask you first. How’s your self-healing method?” Katsuki inquired.

“I have no problem even if my head got severed… probably?” Larissa answered honestly. 

“...” Everyone was speechless. If she can survive with that wound, wouldn’t that make her a better [Defender] than Takehiro?

“Anyhow, I have no issue even if we got no medic... but I can't replace the function of one since I'm not specialized to heal others.” Larissa added.

“As long as your self-healing methods is good, it's enough, because our [Medic] can’t heal us during combat. That person has a screw loose in her head. She’s a four red marks [Medic] and [Specialist], a Galatreon reject…” Katsuki elaborated as she touched one of the rings on her finger. Dark creatures are emerging from her shadow as they materialize into five large mounts.

These creatures are semi-corporeal dark-path lifeforms, having the form of a medium-class wolf. Though, thanks to the darkness shrouding their body, nobody can make sense of the wolf’s true form.

“Try to keep up with us.” Katsuki mounted one of the wolves as her body became shrouded with the wolf’s method and instantly departed. The rest of the members followed her lead as if they were used to it.

“Master Larissa Agatha, don’t worry, I’ll support you.” Yukikaze Tomoe bowed at Larissa before mounting her own shadowy wolf and departed.

“Hahah. These kids… are underestimating me.” Larissa Agatha muttered in a low voice after all of them disappeared from sight. “Mordred, we’re going to visit one of your wife's properties. Is this your arrangement?” The last part was said through a telepathic link.

“Nope.” Mordred denied immediately. “After the Fall of the Great Archmage, it is projected  that millions upon millions of my minor inheritances in the world would be unearthed by major factions. Although it is officially my late wife’s minor inheritance, that’s just mine being branded otherwise. We are currently at the onset of the ‘gold rush’ of my minor inheritances; it shouldn’t be surprising that we’re ‘lucky’ enough to be invited in an expedition of plundering one.”

“You don’t mind your properties being taken by others, potentially your enemies?” Larissa asked.

“Nope. These wealth… wouldn’t be useful if I kept them all. Past me must be planning to dissolve my karma so that Galatreon’s luck would increase. In any case, aren’t we profiting from my past self’s decision now? We can mingle among those who can inherit them… You can say it was a roundabout way to use my own wealth for accelerating my cultivation speed.” 

“True.” Larissa shrugged her shoulders. She then mounted Lupusrazor’s back before both departed at cruise speed. She has no plan to keep up the speed just yet because even with Katsuki’s maximum speed, all of their soul signatures have been marked. It’ll take weeks for them to completely disappear from Mordred’s radar. “One last thing… Are you sure about leaving our Stalkers behind? They are our biggest assets.”

“What the fuck are you afraid of? You literally have me with you. I also investigated the children's background just now, all of them are elite among elites… Anyhow, they wouldn’t be burdens.  Besides, I need intel regarding the city. The Stalkers are literally devils, if the inquisitors found a trace of their presence, the city would be locked down. Let’s just see how deep they can infiltrate Erebus’ Mage Tower.” 

“Hmm. Alright, I’ll listen to your arrangement.” Larissa muttered as she casually cruised the land on top of Lupusrazor.



Remember a few weeks ago I told you guys about rewriting the first volume? Well... my iq is the average room temperature of Alaska. With my studies and stuffs happening in my life, I don't think my smol brain can achieve that just yet xD. So, that can only be done if I stop writing the newest chapter and channel the time and effort to re-write the first volume because I'm not the type that stock up chapters. 

Why am I telling you this? It's because as I continued writing, my work is having more exposure, allowing more people to read. However, due to the bad first volume, they left after a few chapters (I don't blame them). The first fifteen chapters is like 70 to 80k words, that's the word count of Harry Potter's 1st volume. It would be rude and unfair of me to force my readers to read that amount to reach the point where the story 'get better'. Anyhow, I'm still learning how to walk the path of being Based because my Cringe self is severely affected by people's opinion. To those of you who reached this point and enjoy the story so far, I sincerely thank you for reading my work! I'll try my best to continue writing.

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