Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 66 – Entering the Inheritance Micro-plane



The USB cable is merely a shortcut to pierce the layers of granite walls. Mordred re-appeared in front of a high-tech blast door. Beyond this door should be the real entrance to the inheritance’s micro-plane. 

The dark mist re-materialized from it’s ethereal state, and then Mordred used it to interact with the console. 

< Password Correct >

< Soul Undulation Matches >

< Access Clearance: 14 Purple Stars >

< Welcome to Warehouse #4125 > 

The metal blast door was designed to block not only against magical and physical attack, but also ethereal entities like ghosts and souls to phase through. Thus, other than opening it through the normal way or completely breaching it, there’s absolutely no way to enter.

After being opened, it reveals a small room with a metallic portal within it, its surface engraved with magic circuits and magical runes. This portal was the true entrance to the Warehouse #4125, or if somehow someone else gains information about this place, it would be identified as Combat Exosuit Minor Inheritance.

There’s a small console similar to the one in the blast door. Mordred once more interacts with it. He wanted to immediately open up a gate to the core area, but ever since Xi Ling went back to the past to deliver a message from his future self, that wish has become unrealistic.

< Unable to enter the Core Area, Anomaly detected. >

Mordred furiously typed at the console, trying to find out what had happened.

< Unable to determine Anomaly. >

“Fuck.” Mordred did not dally. He typed in console codes to open up a gate to the closest location on the Core Area.

< Opening gate #14 >

The metallic portal was obviously a product of advanced technology. The runes on the portal ring shone and undulated space-path energy as a purple gate opened up. The stability of the portal indicates that there’s no critical failure at the power source.

“Gate #14 should be the middle-area. At the very least, I don’t have to deal with those annoying critters.” Mordred entered the gate while bringing the Dark Mist. 

The experience of entering the inheritance micro-plane is obvious for someone like Mordred.

Planes are graded into multiple classification: Micro, Minor, Medium, Large, up to Great Planes. There’s no ‘rank’ distinction like cultivation base, it was merely the size. Micro-planes are usually at the size of a village, or a city, while Great Planes could take up the size of a planet, volume wise.

One obvious thing is that, the lower the classification, the more ‘unstable’ the plane is. This was caused by the thinness and instability of the dimensional laws of space that constructed the plane. That being said, micro-planes are usually extremely unstable that the existence of one rank 1 entity would be the limit because the laws of space couldn’t bear it. 

It was like trying to fit an elephant to a rucksack, impossible. Unless the laws of space of the micro-plane are treated with a special space-path method, putting things far more than what the plane could bear would destabilize it. If it isn’t repaired after a sufficient amount of time, the dimension would implode. 

Unless one is, say, as strong as a rank 4 Paragon specialized in defense, the chance of surviving the said spatial implosion is so low that rounding it up to 0% is not a mathematical error.   

Volume wise, this micro-plane has the size of a city. It is quite large for a rank 1 inheritance and the time flow of the micro-plane is similar to the ‘main’ world. 

When Mordred transferred through gate #14, he could see a dark corridor made of metal. Less than a second later, lights turned on, revealing dust-filled corridors similar to a high-tech factory whose floor, walls and roof are made out of gray-silver stainless steel.

Then, the sound of metal clanking with the stainless steel floor approached Mordred. 

“If my memory does not fail me, these should be the second defensive line of Warehouse #4125… the Exo-Primate Squad!”




“Congratulations on your bloodline awakening, Shirogane!” Shion shook Shirogane’s hand, it was cold and heavy as if Shion’s was holding a lump of metal. Due to the rich concentration of Kubikiri clan’s metal-path bloodline on her person, her bloodline ability was stronger than her siblings to the point of visibly altering her physiology. If seen closely, her skin has a glint of silver on them in some places. 

Shirogane blushed at Shion’s advances, but she knew it was thanks to her that her first bloodline shackle had been unraveled. “T- Thank you.” Right now, she isn't using her telepathic ruthless sword emotion, so she’s easily influenced by her emotion.

Just as she wanted to exchange sweet nothings at Shirogane to advance their relationship, Hana interrupted them, her voce containing impatience. “Now that everyone has gathered, can we stop delaying and start our discussion?” 

“Fine. Let’s go.” Shion urged Twin Helix to behave for this meeting.

Since the assault on Fort Esela had been proceeding smoothly, it was time to share the spoils of war.  

“I want Kel-Zulkis’ magic machinery armor!” Shion immediately takes dibs before the discussion even begins.

First of all, the most precious spoils of war in Fort Esela should be the blood-path resources groomed by Kel-Zulkis for his spell catalysts. He also collects a lot of precious poison-path resources, but those are worthless for Shion. Thus, she wanted to claim the armor so that she could ‘reverse engineer’ such technological marvel.

Unfortunately, there's someone else who’s been eying it. 

“Objection, I want the magic machinery armor!” Klauss replied. “I’ll use my whole contribution point to get that.”

Shion gazed at him as if seeing a turd. “Are you retarded? I have more contribution points than you, I can economically beat the shit out of you with my hands tied behind my ass.”

Klauss grinded his teeth, but what Shion said is the truth. Being a captain who killed a lot of greenskins and contributed a great amount of battle strength in the overall war, she was the one with the highest contribution points amongst all who present. “I… I want you to step down from contesting the magic machinery armor with these…” he passed a dimensional storage ring, containing a precious material. 

Shion traced the content with her telepathic thought and was surprised “You actually have this rare mineral?” Shion wore the dimensional storage ring as if it was already hers. 

Seeing her gesture, Klauss wanted to cry, but he swallowed the grievance in his heart. At the very least, this was above his bottom line, albeit barely. 

“Don't’ be like that, I’ll pay you with 20% of my contribution point. Deal?” Shion offered.

Of course, Klauss wouldn’t want to let go of the large amount of contribution that fell into his lap. Her 20% is already more than his 250%, allowing him to have more contribution to contest others who have ideas about the magic machinery armor. Rejecting it would be beyond retarded.

Both were happy at the little ransaction, but Shion was more than delighted at her gain. ‘This little turd actually has a chunk of rare rank 1 fire-path material, [Blazing Sun Ruby]!’ 

Blazing Sun Ruby is a mineral usually found on top of a mountain that gets showered by sunlight all year long. Other than in the Land of Sand and Fire where it could be found rather easily, one will have to scour the market to find a few grams of this mineral. The one that Klauss ‘gifted’ to her is almost a dozen kilograms. 

For refinement-path experts like Shion, this could also be used in the process of refinement or various types of consumables, which elevated their worth greater than its original.

Although the dimensional storage ring is rank 0, it is specialized to store fire-path material only, allowing the space to be stable even after a rank 1 material is stuffed within. 

After the small transaction, the discussion continued. The magic machinery is still a precious object that people wanted even after Shion let it go. After all, it is simply like buying a refinement-path inheritance. As long as one could get it and send them back towards their own clan, the refinement-path experts might start reverse engineering the said armor so that their clan could produce more of it. 

Even Sumire is interested in bidding for it, but she let it go after the price climbed up to something that she couldn’t buy. In the end, it was claimed by Klauss with the support of Radiant Desolation’s contribution. No individual can out-pay a team who supported Klauss to the fullest.

That being said, the increased price of the magic machinery armor meant other resources harvested from the battlefield are more affordable. In the end, Kel-Zulkis’ corpse and mana pool was claimed by Thousand Flower, just like the Fultheron corpses. In exchange, Frozen Heart split the stash of blood-path resources that Kel-Zulkis collected with Twin Helix. 

To get Kel-Zulkis’ corpse, Thousand Flower almost completely abstains from the blood-path resources that their members collected. 

The split for the spoils of war was highly civilized as none of the captains in the group are idiots. They prioritize the resources that their team needed the most, especially Radiant Desolation and Thousand Flower. Frozen Heart received a significant amount of blood-path resources that could fetch a nice price in the market, while Twin Helix’s resources are mostly funneled at Sumire’s kobold. 

After all of this is done, they discuss going back to the Azaria Hunter Base, which will happen in a week because the war just exhausted their combat resources, it’ll take time to replenish them.

Of course, for those who have their own agenda, this was a window of opportunity that couldn’t be passed on.



Later that day.

“Have you found the entrance?” Sumire asked Shion while both were patrolling the castle wall. Since both are exposed to the radioactive atmosphere, they both wore gas masks.

“Yes, but as my information suggested, it is blocked by a layer of granite wall. The one that is similar in structure compared to the castle foundation. If we want to get there, I have to make a lot of noise.” Shion replied. “Of course, it wouldn’t be a problem since I have Kasumi, but we need time.”

“How long?”

“It’s around 20 to 30 meter thick, enough to withstand one bombardment from a rank 2 mage, I have no idea how long it’ll take me to drill through it.” Shion admitted honestly.

“I'll think of something. In the meantime, did you notice Thousand Flower’s movement is strange, as if they are looking for something.” Sumire paused. “I’m not blaming you, but are you sure the Combat Exosuit Minor Inheritance is a secret?”

“It should be.” Shion was unfazed by Sumire’s accusation. “Is there a chance that they are looking for another inheritance that is somehow placed in this fortress…?” Shion’s eyes turned sharp as she realized something. “Or else…” She pulled Sumire’s hand as she led them into the underground storage room. 

Sumire blushed slightly as her hands felt the warmth of Shion, but she suppressed the desire in her mind rather quickly as this wasn’t the time to savor it. 

On the way, they meet a few Radiant Desolation and Thousand Flower members, but when Shion inspected them with her investigative method, she found out that they were all puppets! “Sumire, did you sense it?” Shion asked.

“We’ve been had. Hana truly has hidden her method pretty well. She has mimic ents hidden all this time!” Sumire was amazed, but they both soon reached their destination. 

The storage room is so dusty that it feels like nobody has entered for a while. There’s absolutely nothing worth noting in this place. “Combat Exosuit Minor Inheritance should be through this room. Since nobody has come here, it means they truly did find another inheritance in this fortress. This is a chance for us to get our inheritance while they are away.” At this moment, Kasumi with her mature form entered the underground storage room. She wordlessly activates information-path spells to conceal the room.

“I will be drilling now, go speak with Anastasia Victoria.” Shion ordered Kasumi to leave immediately. 

Sumire understood why Shion sent Kasumi, it must be because she wants to negotiate about protection from Victoria. “What should I do?” She asked Shion because this is a race against time.

“Prepare for entering the minor inheritance. Since we’ve come not as official inheritors, the defense mechanism would be activated to hinder us from getting the inheritance content. We should be ready to fight.” Shion took out her gunlance and went to work. 

Through her telepathic refinement will, the gunlance slowly got reassembled into the form of a handled piledriver. Through the principle of vibration, the piledriver blade slowly shattered the granite wall that blocked Shion’s way. Weirdly enough, the sound coming out of the piledriver is not loud to the point of unbearable. It was as if it got suppressed. 

“Go, summon the others!” Shion ordered as she focused on drilling.

“You what?” Anastasia raised her eyebrows. It is her first time interacting with someone else's' Soul Armament, it feels like interacting with a real person.

“While my master’s team is fetching a secret inheritance hidden in the depth of Fort Esela, I want you to protect them so that Radiation Desolation and Thousand Flower couldn’ try anything funny.” Kasumi slowly muttered those words out.

“What makes you think that I wouldn’t want to contest and steal whatever inheritance that your team is after.” Anastasia replied brazenly. Her team is actually ready to fight at a moment’s notice. If she gives the order, they will try their best to incapacitate or if possible, wrestle control upon this Soul Armament so that they could gain a precious new asset.  

“Because I can give you one of my master clan’s minor inheritance. Aren’t you interested in the secrets of the Yukikaze clan?” Kasumi muttered as if the room’s temperature, which was slowly approaching zero degrees, wasn’t her problem.

Anastasia unconsciously raised her eyebrows at the unexpected offer. “The Yukikaze clan is rumored to be located in the Fuyuhiro Permafrost Mountain range. It would be impossible without a bloodline from an ice and snow-path lifeform, considering the extreme temperature. Tell me, what kind of inheritance are you willing to hand us?” 

Kasumi smirked. The fish have tasted the bait. As long as she handled it pretty well, Frozen Heart will be Twin Helix’s allies if Radiant Desolation and Thousand Flower suddenly become hostile.

“What kind of inheritance do you desire?” Kasumi offered back. Sometimes, it is harder for one to answer an open-ended question rather than choosing from an array of options. “Of course, I can only share a limited amount, and it’s not like my master has mastered all of them.” 

Victoria pondered briefly. “Is there a body tempering technique that is useful for mages?” 

Considering her powerful bloodline which was perhaps better than Hartina Kingdom’s Nine Master clan, she did not ask for an inheritance or a technique focused on offense or defense. Instead, she went for something that’s far more fundamental than any offense or defense technique. Needless to say, something like a body tempering technique that does not disrupt mages spiritual meditation is hard to come by. That’s why there’s no mass of hybrid cultivators walking around in public. 

What she wanted was basically extortion as it’s like asking the True Inheritance of a clan.

However, Kasumi or in this case, Shion who she represented, does not care about all of that shit. As long as Anastasia worked for her, it isn’t impossible to pay them with ‘inheritances’. 

What she wants might be a treasure for other clans, but Mordred has no lack of such treasures! His treasury was Galatreon’s, the Hunter Association’s, treasury. As his split soul, Kasumi could think and act by herself to support him achieve his end goal.

Kasumi scoffed. “Pfft. You want to gain one of the core techniques of the Yukikaze clan? Please pay attention to the worth of your support.”

That’s right, there’s a need to jack up the price. Just because Kasumi has a lot of inheritances that she can give for free, doesn’t mean she has to give them for free. 

Anastasia was sharp enough to understand Kasumi’s words. She did not completely deny her request, but she has to offer more than her service for that. Anastasia and Kasumi exchanged glances as both began to test each other’s bottom line. 

“Three petals of [Darkfrost Crystal Lotus].” Anastasia muttered, which made everyone else on the Frozen Heart team gasp in shock. It seems like it was a precious resource.

Kasumi rummages through her memory regarding that particular material.

‘Rank 1 ice and snow-path material, [Darkfrost Crystal Lotus Petal]. If my memory does not fail me, can it be used to refine ray-type cryo weapons?’ Kasumi does not inherit all of Mordred’s memory because this was an intentional move by Mordred. If Kasumi died or got captured, this contingency will ensure no effect shall befall on Mordred. 

But, this made Kasumi unable to determine the property of the said material. ‘Perhaps, this is a new rank 1 material?’ Kasumi asked herself. Certain materials would go extinct due to being an overused catalyst, while new modern material will emerge or other materials whose properties unknown will become more popular in exchange. This was a common occurrence.  

“Are you trying to make a fool out of me? Please show me your sincerity first before claiming you have those materials.” Kasumi bluffed. Since she won’t be able to understand the material’s property without checking it personally, it would be best if she bluffed her way through. 

“The same thing can be said about you. How can I take them out before seeing the technique that you offered?” Anastasia replied sarcastically.  

“True.” Kasumi used the Omni-gear on her wrist to produce holographic screens. “This is called [Broken Wings Body Tempering Art].”

Anastasia followed by the other Frozen Heart members raised their eyebrows at the name. 

“Yukikaze clan’s bloodline originated from a snow and ice-path capable of flight. Until a hundred years ago, those who cannot fly after reaching rank 1 will be conscripted as battleslaves. This technique was invented so that those with thin bloodlines can achieve flight with the use of artifacts and thus, saving themselves from being conscripted into battleslaves .” Kasumi explained to them patiently.

“Of course, ‘flight’ in the Yukikaze clan’s dictionary is not merely floating. It means having perfect body control while maintaining combat ability at the speed of sound or even supersonic. Can your body handle the pressure of instant 10G acceleration? 15, 25 or 50G?” Kasumi asked continuously. “Despite being protected by force fields, rank 1 mages would have their internal ruptured if you constantly have to accelerate and decelerate rapidly. That’s why this [Broken Wing Body Tempering Art] is perfect for you mages who want to have a strong constitution.”

Anastasia seemed to have understood what Kasumi tried to imply but Anastasia wouldn give up easily. “You’re going to give us the body tempering art that you gave to rejects?”

“This body-tempering art wouldn’t conflict with snow and ice-path Elementalization. In fact, it will be extremely beneficial if you can reach that stage. Isn’t that what you want to achieve later when you reach Legendary?” Kasumi replied back, which made them flushed in excitement.

Elementalization is to infuse the elemental energy into one’s body, turning one into something similar to an elemental lifeform. There’s a lot of checklists for mages to achieve this when they reached rank 3, so they couldn’t take any body tempering technique that they came across. They have to at least take Legendary-grade or Exemplary-grade body tempering techniques which considered the effect of elementalization in the first place.

That being said, [Broken Wing Body Tempering Art] is at least Legendary-grade! 

“Here’s three petals of [Darkfrost Crystal Lotus].” Anastasia instantly produced three large marbles at the size of a fist. Each of these transparent marbles held a pale cyan crystal lotus petal in its core. “We won’t be contesting your inheritance, and you can count on us to protect you from those teams.”

Just like that, Anastasia’s team was bought.




Ayy, it's an unexpected bonus chapter as my Christmas present for you my dearest readers. You know what else is unexpected?


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