Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 63 – Deep Sea Sorrow



“Uhk!” Shirogane coughed boiling blood, electric sparks jumped once in a while from the blood puddle. Her body runes automatically aided healing of her internal organs due to the backlash from the killer move but the wounds put a smile on her lips.

“After 42 times failing… we’ve successfully activated our modified killer move...” Sumire sat down, there were heavy bags under her eyes. She has yet to sleep after she got confirmation regarding the new killer move.

“I’d have to say, this is truly powerful. The modification brought our trump card into a new height.” Sakuya commented. She, too, was tired beyond her limits.  

At this moment, liquid metal started to melt from Shirogane’s unusually thick armor. It slowly slithered towards Shion who’s also exhausted. It soon took the form of mature Shion with silver and blue color.

“Your Soul Armament, Kasumi, is truly powerful. I really wanted to have one for myself…” Sumire tried to engage in empty talks with the real Shion, but she was too tired to reply.

All Shion wanted was to lay down and pacify his over-drafted soul. She glanced at the others while sending a message to Kasumi’s metal core which had been inserted into one of her spinal segments. “Take control of Shion. Since there’s nothing else worth noting, I want to sleep.”

< Go. I’ll handle the rest. > Kasumi replied. In that instant, Shion… No, Mordred lost control of Shion’s body as his truesoul finally had a brief respite. He immediately activates a few soul-path methods to accelerate soul pacification before going to sleep within the Soul Phylactery. 

Now that Kasumi has a Dual Core system up and running, she truly becomes an entity with two minds. While her Lightning core is acting like a liquid metal soul armament, the Metal core could take control of Shion’s body without a problem. The ‘cheeky’ personality of Shion was fabricated anyway, so it wasn't difficult for Kasumi to replicate her main soul. 

While exchanging empty talks with Sumire and other present members through Shion’s body, Kasumi reassess the experimental data that she gained. 

When several methods are combined together in hope to produce better effects, it becomes a [Killer Move]. 

For rank 0s whose attainments are ordinary, Killer Move is a distant concept. Just activating one method is already a burden, how can they activate multiple at once? Killer moves are not simply stacking one method after another. Each needs to have a symbiotic relationship so that they could trigger a qualitative change.

Therefore, a killer move is usually a trump card for most rank 0 or rank 1s. Until they possess Grandmaster attainments that produce ‘intuition’ to help them combine their methods, most cultivators could not casually create or activate killer moves on the fly. 

That is why the four of them, well, five if Kasumi is counted, are training for the new version of [Violet Sword Blaze] killer move. It’s not easy to combine a magic spell with other spells from different paths, especially if they are going to be used by a martial artist who has little to no experience in handling magic spells.

Still, the end result was satisfactory. Now, Twin Helix have an edge they need to fight against the Kel-Zulkis head on.



The promised time has arrived. Twin Helix are now approaching the frontline with their preparations. 

Fort Esela is a ruined castle, its walls and castle gate are dysfunctional. If not for the greenskins slaves who are engaging in some level of agriculture and foraging in the area, then the fortress looks abandoned. It’ll only be a matter of time before other races take occupation of the fort.

The Ork Tekboyz’s presence will eventually change Fort Esela in the long term. They are the refiner-caste of the greenskin race, each are evolved to have greater brain volume compared to other greenskins to develop their intelligence and refinement skills. Under its lead, low-tier greenskins will serve as workers, but since the tekboyz is occupied on Kel Zulkis’ magic machinery armor, he cannot work on the fort.

Shion scanned the Heavy Ent Warriors who were trying to break through the greenskin defenders. After taking a rest, Mordred’s pacified truesoul is now back in control of her body but Kasumi’s metal core still lodged within her spinal segment.  

“Her enslavement-path attainment is not low…” She appraised. The battle has been going on for two day. While Twin Helix and Frozen Heart are taking their time, Radiant Desolation and Thousand Flower are grinding down the greenskins numbers.

Sumire nodded, agreeing with her assessment. Being the ace card of the hunters, Twin Helix did not want to engage until the very last moment of the very end. Except for Ayame who is not present in the group due to a special task that was given to her by Shion, everyone has been preparing for this assault.

“If we fell out with Kobayashi Hana… Is there a chance for us to defeat her?” Sumire asked. She did not choose the word ‘kill’ because she considered Hana’s background. If Sumire actually killed her, even Shirogane’s family might not be able to protect her.

“Very unlikely.” Shion answered. “She’s holding back her methods too much. Even if she could not kill Kel-Zulkis, he wouldn’t be able to kill her either. Well, she has us to do the heavy work, after all.” She eyed Frozen Heart’s captain, Anastasia Victoria. “I’m more interested in her. According to my observation, her bloodline is special.”

A few dozen meters away, Frozen Heart came late like Twin Helix. Both are the ace cards for killing Kel-Zulkis and occupying Fort Esela, each preparing and accumulating momentum in their own way so that they could quickly handle the troll who wore magic machinery armor. 

Sumire raised an eyebrow at Shion’s claims. “Based on your observation? You sure knew a lot regarding bloodlines.”

Shion shook her head. “My Yukikaze clan is hidden in the permafrost Fuyuhiro Mountain Range, our bloodline is greatly related to a special ice and snow-path lifeform. Though ours came from a species capable of flight, not underwater-type like Anastasia’s.” She paused. “I am one of the few exceptions that did not have the clan’s ‘main’ bloodline, a special branch, so to speak.” She defended herself but did not elaborate further. “That’s why I am curious about hers.”

“Understandable.” Sumire did not engage in further discussion even though she’s curious about Shion’s bloodline.  

The battle between ents and greenskins is increasing in intensity.

Hana’s army is a defensive one. When used for attacking, the tactic she employs is ‘defense is best offense’. Whenever her army advanced, the honey bees enslaved by her flower ent were sent to plant potato seeds which grew into potato mines, entrenching their position. This allows her army to completely isolate the fort, cutting supplies and stopping the greenskins from their agricultural or foraging activity.

Though, someone from Thousand Flower would regularly give the two teams behind information regarding the mine distribution so there wouldn’t be unintentional friendly fire.

Logically speaking, Hana’s ent army shouldn’t be able to encircle the fort that could hold thousands of greenskins. Even if she uses potato mines to deny an area, a raiding party from the greenskins side would be sufficient to kill all of her ents. 

Unfortunately for the greenskins, her team’s healing methods are extremely effective on her ent army. Unless they could kill Hana personally, her ent army could heal endlessly. Keep in mind that hers is a defensive army that has a strong defense and vitality, it isn’t easy to kill them. Also, she could replenish her dead heavy ent warriors with new ents refined from local trees, allowing her to her army in constant critical mass. 

The deadlock slowly grinds down the greenskins number, but Fort Esela won't fall unless Kel-Zulkis is dead.  

At this moment, a youthful ork group that was hidden by the ork tekboyz came out. Each of them are a mix of warrior and gunner, carrying either metal weapons or ork guns. Their guns have a rough craftsmanship. From a glance, it was questionable that it would function as intended, but it worked nonetheless.   

“Those ork guns are fresh…” Shion muttered, her expression darken. 

“Our delay was utilized by the ork tekboyz to the fullest. He’s refining a lot of new, interesting toys.” Sumire analyzed.

When the ork gunners appeared, the tide of battle was immediately reversed. The ents which have transformed into killing machines are dying in droves as explosives are being used unsparingly. The orks are truly a transformation-path race made for war. Their adaptation does not stop on physical level, as long as the tekboyz refine an ork war machine, their learning rate is extremely quick. 

“Should we help?” Alanis asked. As an information-path expert, she’s clearer regarding the tide of war than everyone else. “Their explosive weapons seem to be similar to dwarven made ones.”

Shion mentally sighed. “The gray dwarves, Duergars, also have a hand in his too?” After she mutters what’s on her mind, she rejects the possibility. “No, it should be the Northern Elves' work. Those damn long ears loved to put layers upon layers of contingencies.”  

Alanis and Sumire expressed her agreement, Shion’s deduction was on point but both aren’t aware that the elves are related to the arrangement of the world’s karmic retaliation. Of course, Shion wouldn't bother explaining something way beyond their level. 

“That does not change the overall situation. We're the trump card of this expedition. We’ll see how Radiant Desolation reacts to this.” Shion added.

Just as she finished her words, Radiant Desolation led by Li Xiao Bai entered the battle to support the crumbling frontline. 

His platinum blonde hair is eye-catching, it stands erect and shone in platinum golden light. The crystal spear in his hands shone in bright golden light as it formed a light shield that protected himself. Under the fire of ork gunners, he moved like a phantom, leaping left and right as he approached them. But, he isn’t a god of evasion. Eventually, countless numbers of iron bullets shattered his light shield and turned him into a pincushion. 

However, another Li Xiao Bai appeared next to the dying one as his dying self turned into motes of light. He repeated the same method three, four times until he finally reached the ork gunners. After that, it became an intense melee that allowed the other Radiant Desolation members to appear on the battlefield. 

Something worth noting is that, Radiant Desolation has a variety of cultivators. There’s someone that cultivates sword-path, and there’s also Klauss who’s a techpriest of Machine God Oppenheimer. The team also has few elemental mages but no wisdom-path cultivator because those who cultivate wisdom-path would be ‘sold’ like hotcakes. Li Xiao Bai’s team of ‘rejects’ wouldn’t be able to compete with other teams who can pay more. 

Oh my. Li Xiao Bai also cultivates in… spear-path!’ Shion gasped silently. 

Spear-path is a new, recently developed path by yours truly, Lamost, the 4th Generation Hero.

Mordred’s murderer.

Although Li Xiao Bai’s footwork and spearmanship is literal shit compared to the progenitor of spear-path, Shion could understand its profundity and the form that he wanted to achieve. It might be because he was trying to hide his spear-path attainment, but it would be unfair to compare a mortal with a demigod.

Keep in mind that not everyone who uses a spear is a spear-path cultivator, just like not every sword-wielding man is a sword-path cultivator. Both ‘weapon’ paths have a specialized teaching and doctrine that allows them to produce greater martial might compared to people who use them as a stick. 

Sword-path is a ‘weapon’ path known for its pure offensive capabilities. If one mixes sword-path with ‘elemental’ paths, there’s a chance that their offensive powers are muddled and impure, causing their offensive strength less than a pure sword-path cultivator.

The best example of this was unironically, Kubikiri Shirogane. According to Shion’s understanding of sword-path, Shirogane’s lethality is actually higher than Shion in terms of physical attacks. Unfortunately, her mental state is a hindrance that blocks her progress in gaining sword-path attainment, making her unideal. 

That being the case, spear-path was also the same, the inheritance that Lamost personally compiled followed a certain doctrine and teaching.

‘If he follows Lamost’ style, then he should have an elemental lifeform serving him… After all, spear-path supports hybrid cultivators the most. And it just happened that Li Xiao Bai is a martial and arcane cultivator at the same time…’ Shion squinted her eyes, the high-powered sensors in her lenses which are deactivated to lower redundant information input are now activated to perceive more. After zooming her vision hundreds of times, Shion could see Li Xiao Bai’s action closer. 

Unfortunately, her lenses did not contain any other type of sights other than optical. She did not maintain that state for too long as Li Xiao Bai detected her probe. Li Xiao Bai returned Shion’s glance with his own. Such distraction allowed a bullet to graze his defensive method, but both did not want to prolong their brief conflict.

This little intel was crucial in the grand scheme of things. Shion could prepare countermeasures if Radiant Desolation becomes hostile in the future.   

With Shion retracting her ‘investigative method’, Li Xiao Bai returned his focus onto the battle. After killing all the ork gunners, Radiant Desolation took the role of the vanguard. The support they received from Thousand Flower healers turns them into a killing machine unafraid of death. 

“Shion!” A pleasant voice that brought happiness to those who heard them forced Shion to retract her attention.

“Hmm?” She gazed at the source. It was Anastasia. 

“It’s is time.” Anastasia smiled. For some reason, her smile brought happiness to those who saw them. Due to galvanizing her bloodline ability to the fullest, Anastasia naturally radiates a passive wisdom-path influence towards her surroundings. 

Naturally, Shion is immune to this level of influence. “So you also dabble in prediction...” Shion returned her smile with her own. “Let’s depart.”




Light radiance blinded Kel-Zulkis’ sight. Those annoying humans killed his slaves and annoys him for two day straight. Amongst the greenskins under the Troll Warlord, Kel-Zulkis is not unique. Each troll related by blood to his father pursued strength the most, he isn’t an exception.

However, he still has some responsibility to take care. Kel-Zulkis has to kill these flies, otherwise his father will punish him for negligence of duty. 

“ROOOARRR!!!! KIL ZE HOOMIES!” Kel-Zulkis ordered as he came out from his hole filled with radioactive materials. His left hand held an autocannon while his right carried a metal staff embedded with blood red crystals, a blood-path mage staff. 

The presence of Kel-Zulkis inspires the greenskins around him. The magic machinery armor which covered three fourths of his body could not hide the green glow of his skin. 

His body is… emitting radiation! His mere presence is a saturation attack!

Lesser life forms would die under his radiation, but the greenskins in the Ruined Wood Palace have evolved to endure and thrive under harmful radiation. Through his glow, the goblin, hobgoblin, and lesser orks seem to be injected with chicken blood. Shamans used their methods on the lesser greenskins, further inciting the defenders. 

“ROOOOOOARRR!” A deafening war cry was released by hundreds of greenskins. After two days of being sieged by the ent warriors, their numbers plummeted to dangerous levels. Although there’s less than a hundred ents in total, their tactical maneuver has outbest the greenskin defenders, forcing them to swallow their grudge. Now, it was all unleashed!

At this moment, the ents and the group of humans led by a youth whose head is burning in platinum golden light paved a path for two groups of humans. The first four ‘humans’ are Kenji, Shion, mature Shion (Kasumi) and Anastasia, while the second group is Sumire and the rest. 

“Once again, I cannot promise that my method is 100% effective towards the troll…” Anastasia runs beside Shion who swings her giant axe to open up a path. 

“It’s okay. Cleaning the guards is already a good result. I didn't even expect Hana to reduce the numbers to less than 400.” Shion replied.

“Then…” Anastasia glanced at the man who followed Shion like a shadow. 

“He told me he has a treasure that allows him to resist a rank 1 wisdom-path attack once… He’s a meat tank suitable to draw the Troll’s attention.” Shion replied. “Also, my antimage training allows me to be almost immune to wisdom-path methods. You don’t have to hold back.”

Anastasia nodded and turned silent. She tried not to collide her telepathic thoughts as it could ruin her delayed spell activation sequence. 

With Shion, Kasumi and Kenji opening up the path for her, they soon approached the ruined gate of Fort Esela. Halfway through, Kenji and Kasumi stopped their tracks, but not after Kasumi passed her gunlance to Shion and activated a spell.

“Rank 0 lightning-path magic spell, [Mage Armor: Temporal Superconductivity]!” A blue light is produced by Kasumi towards Shion. In that instant, Shion is protected by a glowing blue force field.

Yes. It was a farce. 

Kasumi’s methods truly rendered Shion’s body under a temporal superconductivity, but even without Kasumi, Shion could achieve the same thing as they literally shared the same attainment levels. Still, the farce is required because the identity of ‘Shion’ could not activate lightning-path magic spells.

The exact moment Shion received the gulance and gained protection by magnetic armor, Kel-Zulkis opened fire at them, not caring about hitting his greenskin slaves. 

Click, click, click! The giant axe on her left hand changed back into a large shield. Kasumi’s spell also rendered the axe, now a shield, under temporal superconductivity. Before the armor-piercing rounds of Kel-Zulkis’ autocannon hit the shield, it was blocked by a strong magnetic field. Of course, the magnetic field could not completely stop the bullets, but it reduces the kinetic energy by up to 50%.  

The plan revolves around Kel-Zulkis firing the autocannon while the team is approaching him. It was all accounted for. 

Ayame’s intel regarding greenskin craftsmanship is true. The bullets used by the autocannon are armor-piercing, but it has inconsistent quality. Sometimes, it has greater power up to twice the expected power, while most of the time, it has less penetration power compared to ones of the average.

However, armor-piercing rounds are still armor-piercing rounds! Shion’s large shield could not hold for long, the magnetic armor has a limited amount of energy as it was merely temporary! Shion used her gunlance which now took the form of Devastator to return fire, but a green force field protected Kel-Zulkis. Her small-caliber rounds are ricocheting. 

“Anastasia!” Shion yelled as the two reached a 30-meter distance from Kel-Zulkis.  

Anastasia closed her eyes with a deep expression. She chanted in magical syllables for a few seconds because it’s almost impossible for anyone in rank 0 to activate a killer move instantly. Her bloodline ability was galvanized to the fullest, her body emitting a bestial presence from the depth of the abyss. 

“Rank 1 wisdom-path killer move…” Anastasia unleashes her bloodline ability to the fullest, this was her most powerful state that she can achieve without permanently sacrificing any of her foundation. “[Deep Sea Sorrow]!”

The chaotic battlefield suddenly turned silent as greenskins fell to the ground en masse. 


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