Soul Venerable (Re-written)

Chapter 44 – Azaria Forest Hunter Base



Nine days later, a group of Brute Lupines and a military jeep entered the periphery of a castle wall-covered rampart not too deep within Azaria forest. Twin Helix reached their destination a few days later than their original schedule thanks to the Minor Elemental Wave and the related beasts that delayed their progress. 

Despite the limited space within Shion’s Mobile Furnace’s dimensional storage, she harvested a large amount of resources from the environment other than dense clay or six-legged crocodile organs. 

The gathered resources are pretty common and could easily be found in the market, their prices are cheap but Shion is an expert at refinement, she could make the best out of the limited herbs or minerals that she gathered 

These free resources are eventually refined into explosive, poison or herbal medicine whose effects are significantly less than what an ‘official’ refiner could produce, but some are kept in high concentration secretly for her hidden cards. After all, there’s no such thing as too much preparation against the greenskins.

Twin Helix members slowly disembarked from their respective mounts as it is required for first-timers who arrive in the castle wall-covered rampart to report.

The guards manning the gate and walls are the regular soldiers of Hartina Kingdom, each giving off the aura of rank 1 cultivators. 

Since rank 0s are considered as ‘apprentices’, then rank 1s are ‘officials’. The resources to groom them are not too costly and if their numbers are healthy, they can serve as regular soldiers strong enough to participate in large scale wars. 

These official soldiers are wearing green camo-pattern beast leather armor with some ceramite plate and thin metallic exoskeleton supporting their movement. Although it is not on the same level of Galatreon’s regular army who are fitted with real exosuits, this watered-down version is already good enough to protect them from harm.   

The arrival of Twin Helix alerted the guards. The captain on duty activated a small headset-monocle artifact on his eyes known as [Beast Detector] which allows him to not only see through most low-level stealth methods, but also helps him analyze foes. The Beast Detector was, of course, an artifact outsourced from Galatreon. Military personnel love these small and helpful artifacts thanks to their excellent investigative functions. 

After a short scan of his Beast Detector, the captain determined that these people are not hostiles. There’s a Hunter’s ID reaction from this group of people, thus he ordered his men to register the new arrival. Only then, they are allowed to explore the rampart without soldiers having to watch over them 24/7.    

After all, this rampart is Hartina Kingdom’s forward base for Azaria forest. It is currently jointly-managed by the Hunter Association, so there’s an office branch in this place. 

The two countries put a high regard in Azaria forest because it’s one of the largest wood-path resource points in the area. 

Unlike Thunderpeak mountain, which is rich in lightning-path and water-path resources, Azaria Forest is rich in wood-path and earth-path resources. The sheer size of the forest allows lifeforms of other paths to thrive in this resource point.

This forest is well known for it’s Emerald Fruit Gem, a rank 2 wood-path material that contains miraculous properties which was used as a supporting material in the refinement of rank 3 body runes or artifacts, thus it’s sometimes referred to as Azaria Emerald Forest.

Since this large resource point took a vast amount of surface area, the Hunter Association decided to erect a rampart as a command hub for their activities. After all, there are all sorts of lifeforms in this forest, and most of them are hostile to intelligent races.

When Twin Helix disembarked from their mounts, they stirred up a lot of attention thanks to Ayame’s military Jeep.

“Keep it for now, we’ll report our arrival to the Association’s office before finding our lodging.” Shion ordered Ayame.

Ayame did what she was told. The car dematerialized into streams of pure information current as she stored it in her [Cloud Storage]. Normally, any rank 0 spatial storage couldn’t store the large car as its capacity is usually too small. However, Galatreon’s information-path methods are far more advanced compared to the storage method of this world. 

The car is a digitized artifact, it has been treated by special information-path methods so that it can be kept in the form of pure data.

Of course, the data of physical objects as big as the car couldn’t be stored within Ayame’s Omni-Gear. At most, that small wrist watch-like computer can only store several Terabytes of data in it’s internal storage. However, Omni-gear’s function can only shine as long as it can connect to the [World Wide Weave], a global information-path network centered around Galatreon.

Thanks to it, Omni-gear can use various information-path services such as [Cloud Storage].

Simply, the data resources are stored in logic pools, crystal processors and data servers somewhere around Galatreon. Due to the fact that nobody can see where it was stored, data was simply thought to be stored in the distant ‘cloud’, thus the name.

When she materializes and dematerializes digitized artifacts, it costs some of her personal ‘data quota’ that was allowed by Galatreon but it’s better if she uses them up rather than having the car stolen or damaged. The cost of repairing digitized artifacts is too expensive as it contains information-path profundity, and only Galatreon can handle them.  

After the eye-catching ‘carriage’ disappeared with a flash of prismatic light, the attention Twin Helix took did not decrease.

The guards could keenly sense the new arrivals are not simple. This was because one of them simply does not exist in their senses other than sight. 

To ease the increasing tension, Sumire stepped up as she was familiar with the boring procedure. Soon, they are allowed entry on the rampart without much hassle.

“It’s pretty lively here...” Kenji made a comment as he carried Shion’s coffin-shaped mobile furnace on his back. It was heavy but the dude had to deal with Shion’s ‘bullying’ so he manned up and dealt with it.

Due to the increase in the overall mission reward related to Azaria Forest and greenskin culling in general, there has been an increment of the number of hunters. There are some that exclude the aura of rank 1 officials, but there are more apprentices arriving here.

Most of the young hunters in the rampart are the Hartina Southeast Hunter Academy students, but there are also those who are from other schools, such as the South Hunter Academy or the East Hunter Academy, or even the Hartina Royal Academy. Of course, as a profitable hunting location, there are also some who obviously came from other regions or other countries, but their numbers are so little that they stick out like a sore thumb. . 

In Twin Helix’s side, Arakawa Kenji’s face was famous amongst the academy students, especially among first years of Southeast Hunter Academy because of his domination. That being said, intel has been going around about the formation of Twin Helix. Most people would think that Kenji is the captain of the team because nobody has the power to defeat him in 1 vs 1.

As for the fact that he was defeated by Shion, it was selectively forgotten.

Information warfare is an important ability for hunters. Those that knew kept silent and those who didn't knew were kept in the dark. After all, seeing others kicking an iron plate instead of a wooden board not only serves as a method for weakening others and undermining their methods but also as a good entertainment. 

“We need to report to the Association’s branch office as soon as possible and get our lodging. After we rest and complete the final preparations, we can start hunting for greenskins.” Sumire quickly decided. 

Shion nodded. “Then, we’ll follow your lead.” Other than research, combat or scheming for benefits, she was too lazy in handling these trivial matters. This was her true nature.


“Well this is awkward…” A platinum blonde haired youth scratched his chin, his teammates were behind him waiting for their turn. The Association’s Branch office is jam packed with young hunters, it wasn’t strange to see a familiar face. 

“Li Xiao Bai.” Sumire traced her lips as he muttered the youth’s name, her eyes did not conceal the expression of amusement. The target of her attention was, of course, Shion and Murasaki Ayame. 

It was Shion who ‘persuaded’ Ayame from Li Xiao Bai’s team, Radiant Desolation. This action is frowned upon by the young hunters because not only are members a team’s livelihood, but they also carry certain secrets of their former teammates. 

It’s like why traitors are hated universally. 

However, thinking rationally, it was actually understandable why Ayame would leave Radiant Desolation. The benefits they can offer are less than what Twin Helix could offer. 

For Ayame, resources are not too important because she’s fucking rich. Most of Murasaki clansmen combat methods are through literally burning money. For example, [Supermagnetic Rounds] that she used to kill six-legged crocodiles a while back were worth a few augmented spell catalysts for rank 0 [Fireball]. Needless to say, if she uses [Ultramagnetic Rounds], it would cost a lot more than that.

The inheritance of her ancestor is worth far more than what Li Xiao Bai could offer even if his team gives her all of their earnings for a year. She could report her findings and be rewarded by Galatreon’s upper echelons; they appreciate the Great Archmage Mordred’s inheritances far more than these people who Galatreon natives often revered to as ‘primitives’ or ‘backward savages’. 

“Former-captain Li Xiao Bai, it’s good to see you’re doing well.” Ayame offered a charming smile but did not offer any apologetic words. Their relationships are merely beneficial teammates, she has no further interest in this youth who came from the Qin Empire. Even if she knew he certainly wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with her, she already has so many pursuers already. 

Almost every powerful clan in Morgen World, especially in the Land of Autumn Rain, wanted their future clan leader to have ties with Galatreon for obvious reasons. 

The world’s most advanced refinement-path inheritance of Richtofen.

The Mecha of Murasaki.

The method of grooming the ace elite troops of Galatreon, ‘Space Marine’ of Delcroix.

And of course, the ‘Royal’ authority of Al Arsy over Galatreon’s military… These are only the few out of hundreds of reasons why they wanted to get a piece of Galatreon. 

Great Archmage Mordred was the only rank 6 Sovereign that protect Galatreon. After his death, the Extreme South lost their most powerful core pillar. Even if the Murasaki clan have a great number of rank 5 Epics, it doesn’t make Galatreon impenetrable. 

A dozen of rank 5 Epics couldn’t hold a candle against a single Sovereign, while the Sacred Alliance had a handful of Sovereigns. It was only a matter of time before the Sacred Alliance initiated a war with Galatreon.

If not for the Extreme South being too advantageous in defensive siege, perhaps there would already be a world war.

That being said, all the big clans are secretly trying to get a piece of this cake. The invisible tension between Galatreon and countries in the Land of Autumn Rain has been rising steadily. This was caused by the countries being ‘prudent’. Sooner or later, the Sacred Alliance will consolidate their power and under the lead of Lamost, they will launch an assault on Galatreon. 

This was an open secret shared between the clan leaders who are Paragons or Epics themselves. Before the war happened, they wanted to get a piece of Galatreon first because the Sacred Alliance wouldn’t share their spoils of war to other powers.

Well, nobody wanted to if they got their hands on them. They are just too precious.

Ayame acted belligerent towards the advances of youths with powerful backgrounds because of this very reason. She keeps herself ‘clean’ from having romantic relationships with anyone until accumulate enough power to protect herself and Galatreon. Perhaps, the ‘great war’ will happen in her generation, so she doesn’t want to fuck up her homeland due to stupid reason like being romantically entangled with some fools.  

“You must be Yukikaze Shion...” Li Xiao Bai’s gaze soon reached Shion. There is no malicious intent in his eyes, only pure curiosity. “It’s hard to believe that you managed to defeat Arakawa Kenji…” 

Shion did not answer. She merely shrugged her shoulders in silence.

“I see you are not fond of speech.” Li Xiao Bai quickly understood the atmosphere that Shion gave off. He wasn’t offended in the least because it was common for girls to misunderstand having a conversation as hitting on them. Even so, Li Xiao Bai had a feeling that there’s a reason why Ayame chose Shion over his team. “Well then, please excuse my rude self.” he offered a light bow before leaving.

He wanted to refrain himself from interfering with Twin Helix, Shion quickly understood his motive of wanting to see how things will develop in the future from a distance. “Radiant Desolation’s team captain, Li Xiao Bai... He’s actually a very tactful person?” She asked herself rhetorically.

“He knew this was not his place. Our Hartina Kingdom is not too fond of foreigners, and this feeling is amplified because he’s from our neighbor country, the Qin Empire.” Alanis explained as she heard Shion’s words.

“I see. He’ll be a great man in the future, it’s worth having an amicable relationship with him.” Shion commented.

After the unexpected meeting with Ayame’s former teammates, Twin Helix saw other teams from all over the place. 

This Association’s Branch Office served a large number of hunters and apprentices. Most of the official hunters are served on the 2nd floor, so the first floor is jam packed with apprentices.  

“That one is known as Frozen Heart, a team consisting of 4th year students of Southeast Hunter Academy. They are either water-path and snow and ice-path cultivators. Just as you’d expected, they originated from the Seas of Eternal Winter.” Alanis showcased her worth as an information specialist. She stood behind Shion because she knew Shion would require her specialty.

“Oh, no wonder they are all unnaturally pale as if their skin are transparent. I  got the feeling that they are not from around here.” She commented. 

At the general location where Alanis pointed, there’s a team purely consisting of women whose skin complexion and facial structure does not fit the locals of Hartina Kingdom’s people. These women are relatively taller than the average people of Hartina. Furthermore, each of them have a great pair of assets and curvy waist which excludes a different charm than the local women.    

Their hair is variations of the blue hue, with some having cyan, indigo, or blue-purple color. Their face shape and blue eyes are very distinct compared to the locals.

“The Seas of Eternal Winter… I heard there’s almost no soil there. There’s only ice and water.” Kenji commented. He ogled the assets of some of the Frozen Heart girls. Then, someone who’s a member of their team suddenly pointed towards him. The girls then showered him with a glare of universal disappointment and disgust.

“Wow, the gaze of universal disappointment. I’ve never seen anyone do that better than when my mother looked at me… Well, I guess you learn something everyday...” Kenji said in a self-loathing tone.

“Big oof.” Sakuya muttered with a low voice.

“Hahah, you asked for it.” Shion audibly expressed her chuckle while the others were clearly holding back theirs. “How does it feel when a group of beauties sees you as if you’re a walking trash, Kenji?”

“Stop teasing me, boss.” Kenji stopped ogling at the girls. “It was a mistake on my part, I won’t do it again.”

“Pfft. What a pussy. I have some experience interacting with people from the Seas of Eternal Winter. They have an extraordinarily strong sense of unity with their own people. I heard that if you manage to get on their good looks, you’ll be accepted by their community. Anyway, don’t get too aggressive if you want to hit on those girls. I heard that despite their cold exterior, they are actually very passionate and open about that kind of thing…” Shion whispered at Kenji while making a vulgar gesture with her hands.

“Hmmph.” Kenji scoffed at his captain’s provocation. “I won’t fall for your tricks again, boss.”

“Whatever you say.” Shion shrugged while clearly holding back his chuckle. Mockery was visible from her eyes. 

They continued waiting for their turn but a few moments later, Shion nudged Alanis as she pointed towards a group with her eyes.

“I… don’t know them…” Alanis answered blankly.

“Kobayashi Hana… She’s the granddaughter of the current Kobayashi clan’s clan leader, one of the Nine Master Clans of Hartina Kingdom...”  The one who answered was, surprisingly, Shirogane who often kept things to herself. 

The woman identified as Kobayashi Hana had a head covered with soft green shoulder-length hair, coupled with clear emerald green colored eyes and a charming face that excluded the aura of a doting mother. On the lower left side of her pink luscious lips, there’s a beauty mark that amplifies her motherly aura. 

Of course, her ‘motherly’ aura means her figure is like that of a ripe woman ready for breeding. Despite being covered by a white-and-green mage robe, her youthful body has a slim waist and an enormous ‘motherly’ asset on her chest couldn’t be hidden. In fact, her assets were highlighted in a somewhat sacred, yet devilish way at the same time due to her robe’s unique design of revealing a minimum amount of skin in very provocative spots.

Even if she just stands still like a statue, her motherly figure naturally attracts attention.

“Isn’t she supposed to be enrolled in the Hartina Royal Academy? If she’s here to take missions in this backward location... This is… getting a little bit interesting.” Sumire whispered to herself in a low voice, enough to be heard by Twin Helix members.

“Oh? We have a chance to compete with students of the Royal Academy...” Kenji made a comment. His eyes practically glowed in excitement.

“Rather than competing, I want to see the method of the Kobayashi clan…” Shion touched her chin in interest. “As far as I know, their wood-path methods are one of the best in the Land of Autumn Rain.”

“I second that.” Sumire agreed with Shion. “I want to see the variation of the wood-path killer move, [Treant Enlightenment] which is said to contain the profundity of wisdom-path and enslavement-path at the same time.”

“Could it be that she wanted to get those Ancient Dawn Ents in the Azaria Forest? Is she dumb? Those intelligent trees aren't beasts, they should be considered as intellectual creatures.” Shion couldn’t help but speculate.

“Perhaps.” Sumire shrugged. Although enslavement-path methods are ineffective against intelligent races, it’s not like nobody has tried to find ways to break this limitation. “Anyway, it’s our turn now.” 

As Twin Helix talked amongst themselves, their turn eventually came. 

“I’m here to report our arrival. We are team Twin Helix, first year students of Hartina Southeast Hunter Academy…” Sumire narrated their identity.

The receptionist was experienced with these trivial matters. She took Sumire’s ID and inputted their data towards the computer on the desk.

“Twin Helix’s arrival has been confirmed. Your team is now given free lodging in the Blooming Leaf inn, a business partner of our Hunter Association in this base. Also, there seems to be a package waiting for Miss Violet Sumire of Twin Helix: 459 living kobolds. They have been waiting for you for three days. Is this correct?”

“Ah, yes!” Sumire confirmed with delight. “I’m glad they arrived safely.” 

After completing the procedure, Twin Helix are free to head towards their lodging.  

“I want to check the market for some explosive materials.” Shion told Sumire.

“Sure, go ahead. I also wanted to check on my kobolds. We can gather later in the inn.” Sumire answered.

Then, Twin Helix split up, led by their faction leaders to explore the rampart..


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