Soul of the Warrior

Chapter 220 - Changing of the Guard

Prince Allik held his head in his hands. The faces of the deceased flashed through his mind over and over, one after another. The faces of the young Conscripts bore more heavily on his mind than those of the professional soldiers, though he felt a pang of sadness for all of them.

We had been too complacent, treating it like a game, almost, he sighed. This was a wake up call.

He sat in the silent darkness of his office for several more minutes, contemplating the events of the morning. He waited until he felt he had finally mastered his emotions before reaching for the communication device.

"What is it?" His older brother answered with a tired expression moments later.

"There was an incident today," Prince Allik said.

"An incident?" Endrew quirked an eyebrow.

"We suffered about 10% fatal casualties in an attack this morning," Allik choked out.

Prince Endrew sat and stared for a moment as he process that information.

"Did they push you out of your city again? Another endless wave of legions but they weren't looking for prisoners this time?"



Prince Allik shook his head.

"We're still in the city. The walls still stand... mostly. We can get that patched up, though I don't really see the point any longer." Allik took a deep breath. "They attacked us with twelve people, and it was only one attack from each of them."

"Twelve people? One attack each?" Endrew paused for a moment as he tried to wrap his head around what his younger brother was telling him. "Did they group up and just concentrate their power on one position? But no, you said 10% casualties..."

"They were spread out," Allik confirmed. "How far out are the elders? Can we get a message to them to hurry up?"

"The elders are still months out. You know they have to cross the wilderness, and getting a message to them in that confusing place isn't exactly easy. Do you think the decisive push will come before they can make it back?"

"Something's coming," Allik said.

"What precipitated them attacking you so ruthlessly? They've never done that before."

"They had scaled back their operations to a crawl after that weird incident where everyone in the Realm was frozen in place by that powerful aura. I wanted to get a read on them, so I just sent a patrol out to scout their lines. They chased the patrols back to the city, what was left of them, and launched the attack immediately after.

"One of my captains speculated that it was a warning that we had to play by their rules, and trying to figure out what they were doing was out of bounds."

"Hmm... I've received reports that the slow down in activity is across the entire line, though not as severe everywhere as you describe. Whatever it is that caused them to change their activities, it has something to do with their goal for invading us, obviously, and they didn't want us interfering with that."

"Isn't their goal subjugation?" Allik queried.

"I don't think so," Endrew shook his head. "I think it's more opportunistic than what they're actually here for. Think about it. If they just wanted to conquer us, why sit in place for months on end? Especially when they have the manpower they do. They have to have fifty times the number of soldiers we do. They could have just marched toward the capital without stopping day one if they wanted to.

"No, their continued aggression happened shortly after the ambient Mana went haywire. They're up to something, and that something is more important than the rest of the war. And if I had to guess further, I would guess that whatever it is is located near your location. The other commanders have continued patrol operations in less dense areas, and there's been no retaliation against them."

"That doesn't help us, though. I don't have anyone who could possibly go against the power they casually revealed today. Sure, the mercenary company was able to kill someone similar to those who unleashed those attacks on us, but from the reports, it took four of them to take down one, and they almost didn't make it. The Vice Captain of the mercenary company is also high Tier 5.

"We're fooling ourselves in thinking we can stop them."

Prince Endrew's mouth screwed up like he wanted to contradict his brother, but he let it go with a sigh.

"You may be right. In that case, our job isn't to preserve the land, anymore. We need to think about our people. I'll issue the orders for evacuating the populace through the teleportation circle. How they go about seeing to it is a problem for our father and his council. In the meantime, gather up the Conscripts and send them back to the capital."

"The Conscripts?" Allik asked.

"Yeah. When we Conscripted the youngsters and sent them to the battlefield, we were still acting like it would be a great opportunity for them. Kill two birds with one stone: bolster our numbers in the face of the invader's numbers and give a little boost to the next generation about to come of age. If we're going to literally get decimated by the enemy, there's no reason to keep them here.

"I'll draft up orders to give them all a new mission. They'll be the ones, with some competent officers and NCO's, to escort the fleeing citizens. We'll send the mercenary companies along with them. The mercenaries can escort the Conscripts to the capital, and the Conscripts can escort the civilians away. There's no reason to hold the mercenaries to fight to the death. I don't even plan on fighting to the death over our land. We just need to get as many people out as possible."

"Alright. That sounds like a plan. I'll go ahead and get them ready for the impending orders."


Reivyn stood on the practice field, sword at the ready. In the heat of the moment, there had been no problems infusing his body with Qi, but he was unable to get into the right head-space to do so ever since. It wasn't the same as Mana or Stamina, and thinking of it as a simple combination of the two was a gross understatement as to its true nature.

It wasn't as simple as two plus two equals four. After much trial and error, and some consultation with Xudrid and Vyria, Reivyn was attempting to get into the mindset of it being two plus two equals hexagon. A hexagon didn't even have four sides!

Reivyn knew that he could do it. He had done it, but it had been instinctual in the heat of a life or death battle. So, he alternated between sparring, weapon forms, and meditation, trying to tip his mindset in the right direction to use the new energy source.

He had just finished a sparring session with his dad, the only one who could keep up with him other than Vyria these days, and was about to begin practicing his forms. He was about to begin his training when he noticed someone with an earnest look on their face approach him with his Divine Sense. He hesitated and turned to face the newcomer.

The man, one of the runners manning the gate to the barracks, strode up to Reivyn and offered a salute. Reivyn returned the salute and indicated for the man to speak.

"Sir, Prince Allik is calling for you," the runner said. "The messenger said it wasn't urgent, but to head to the headquarters building straight away."

"I see, thank you," Reivyn acknowledged. "Dismissed."

The runner offered another salute before facing about and jogging back to the gate. Reivyn looked over where his father was watching some other mercenaries drill. Refix turned to meet his eye. He wasn't so far away that he wouldn't have been able to hear the conversation. They hadn't been whispering, either. Refix simply nodded his head at his son.

Reivyn nodded back and sheathed his sword. He didn't need to grab anything or change, so he simply followed after the runner, albeit at a brisk walk instead of a jog.

Reivyn didn't know what the prince could want. It had only been a day since the devastating attack, but it wasn't time for a full briefing of all the officers. He mentally shrugged and simply made his way through the streets to the government administration building where Prince Allik was holed up.

The guards at the gate simply nodded to Reivyn as he walked into the grounds. Before he made it to the doorway of the building, though, it opened and a stream of officers came walking out with frustrated looks on their faces.


"...not our fault..."

"...have to stay here..."

Reivyn wasn't too interested in what the other had to say, and he let most of it go through one ear and out the other. He did recognize a few of the officers, though, from the neighboring Conscript company. He speculated that all of the officers were those in charge of Conscripts from different outfits.

The guard at the door perked up when he saw Reivyn. Reivyn noticed that the man didn't simply recognize him and give him a friendly face. With his Divine Sense he could tell that the man stood straighter and puffed his chest out. The look in his eyes was almost as if...

Is he seeking approval from me? Reivyn thought.

Reivyn paused his entrance to the building and turned to clap the guard on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"You're doing good work. Keep it up."

"Yes, sir!" The man beamed.

Reivyn shook his head after entering the building. He had been noticing more and more of the soldiers and officers of the other companies paying more attention to him when he was around. This was the first time he had noticed such an earnest look of seeking approval before, though.

The soldiers at the front gates didn't act like that, though they did keep an eye on me as I walked past, Reivyn mused. And there hadn't been any suspicion or anything in their gaze, either. I wonder what's going on?

Reivyn knew where Prince Allik's office was, and seeing that he had been ordered to report to him, he simply walked straight there. He could already perceive the man furiously at work at some documents through his Divine Sense as he walked up the stairs.

The door was open, so Reivyn gave it a simple knock as he entered the office. Prince Allik looked up, and after noticing who it was, gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk.

"Ahh, Captain Reivyn. Have a seat," Prince Allik said. "Just let me finish this up real quick... And done." Prince Allik placed his pen down and gave his full attention to Reivyn. "I'm sure you're wondering what I called you all the way here for."

"Yes, sir," Reivyn nodded. It had been more of a statement than a question, but Reivyn answered anyway.

"Well, I've spoken with Prince Endrew, and he's sent orders for the Conscripts to return to the capital."

"The Conscripts, sir?" Reivyn questioned. He put two and two together quickly and realized why those departing officers had been grumbling so much.

Heh, they don't get to stay with the Conscripts as they leave the front lines, Reivyn mentally chuckled. I bet they got switched out with some of the other officers, and now they'll have to do some actual work.

"Yes, the Conscripts. In light of the recent... revelations... of the enemy's true prowess, it was decided that there was no safe opportunity to be had here for them."

"I can see that," Reivyn said. "I agree. It's one thing to round up a bunch of youths and have them handle a Claim dispute, but it's something entirely different to throw them into a meat grinder."

"Yes, an apt description. Anyway, I called you here because you're going to be escorting them to the capital."

"Me?" Reivyn asked, pointing at himself. "Personally?"

"Yes, you, and your entire company," Prince Allik answered. "I'm not sending you to take charge of them while your men stay here. This is it. The war has been deemed unwinnable, and we're sending the mercenary forces home. We're going to use you until the very end, though, hence the escort mission for the Conscripts."

"I see..." Reivyn let the information wash over him. He looked up at Prince Allik. "In that case, don't do anything stupid after I'm gone. It's been a pleasure to serve under you. You're a competent guy in a tough spot."

"Competent, huh? High praise from you," Prince Allik chuckled. "I hate to see you go, and I wish all of my men were as professional and Skilled a you and yours. But this isn't your fight, and your contract clearly states that if the war is deemed unwinnable, you'll be released from your obligation and allowed to retreat home safely."

"Yeah, my father and brother-in-law really hashed out a good contract for me. I wish I could have done more."

"I don't think anybody did as much as you. I hate to think what could have happened if you and your lady hadn't rooted out all of those spies. I know there were still some deep plants, but it could have been much worse if they still had their entire spy network in place."

Prince Allik stood up and walked around the desk. Reivyn stood up and the two shook hands.

"We'll miss you around here. Recently you've been a pillar of support for everyone. Morale is only still as high as it is because of your presence."

"You know, I've noticed something like that recently. Do you know what's going on?" Reivyn asked.

"Wait, you mean you're not doing it? I thought you were using some sort of Skill or something."

"If I am, it's passive," Reivyn shrugged. "I haven't done anything differently recently than I've done the entire time I've been here, except... Hmm, maybe that's it?"

"You've thought of something? I won't pry, but I will say that after noticing your name coming up more and more often among the other officers, I finally just asked them. They said you have this bearing - this... aura - about you that instills confidence in them. When they see you, they feel like things are going to be alright, and many of them have expressed that they want to be like you."

Reivyn's mind flashed to his Skills for a moment.

"I think I know what's going on."

"Alright. Well, the Conscripts have the rest of the day to get all of their affairs and gear in order. You'll be heading out with them first thing in the morning."

"Yes, sir!" Reivyn offered a salute. Upon receiving a return salute, he faced about and strode out of the office. He noticed Prince Allik stare after him with his Divine Sense for a moment before returning to his desk to once again work on the ever-present mountain of paperwork.

My Class must be synergizing with and empowering my Hero Skills, Reivyn realized. They hadn't had too much of an affect on people outside of my own subordinates, before, but now it seems to work on all of my allies, too?

To test his theory, Reivyn kept an eye on the guards at the gate as he approached. They were already standing at attention, but he slightly shifted his bearing to match the Skill as he actively pulsed his Heroic Bearing Skill. His posture and gait seemed to align perfectly with his intentions, and the gate guards visibly stood taller.

That must be it, Reivyn nodded to himself.

The walk back to the barracks was quick and uneventful. He noticed a hustle and bustle among the few Conscript companies he passed by, and he understood that it was them preparing to depart the next day. Reivyn needed to get the orders passed to his own men, though they didn't have a whole lot to pack up. They all had their own storage pouches, even if most of them were the minimum size. They also had their company storage pouches with the designated logistics personnel.

Reivyn strode through the gates and waved one of ther runners over. It was a different man from the one who had given him the orders to go see the prince.

"Round up all the officers and have them meet me in the conference room as soon as possible," Reivyn ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The man saluted and sprinted away to complete his mission.

Reivyn spotted his father still watching over some of the drills, and he indicated the conference room with his eyes as he never stopped moving toward it. Refix waved to some of the NCO's to continue what they were doing as he jogged over to join his son.

"Got news?" He asked.

"We're leaving tomorrow," Reivyn said. "They've finally realized they can't win, and they're sending us with the Conscripts back to the capital."

"They're just going to let us go like that?" Refix asked, surprised. "I would think they would want to keep us to the very last moment, considering."

Reivyn shrugged.

"It's in our contract," he simply said.

"Really, now?" Refix scratched his head. "That's a good contract."

"You didn't read it?" Reivyn asked incredulously.

"Meh, I'm more of an action sort of guy. Your mother usually handles that aspect of things, and this time, I had you. I trusted you not to screw us over."

Reivyn placed the palm of his hand on his face as he sighed.

"You should really familiarize yourself with the next one we sign," Reivyn said. "It might be important. Better yet, I'll just have mom read it to you."

"Now you're thinking with your head," Refix said as he tapped his own forehead.

Reivyn just chuckled as he shook his head.

The two walked into the conference room to find that there was already a couple of the officers waiting for them. Reivyn nodded to them as he strode up to the front of the room while Refix took up position leaning against the wall. They didn't have to wait long for the rest of the leadership to file into the room.

"The Commanding General, Prince Endrew, has deemed the war unwinnable," Reivyn said. There was no surprised gasps or expressions from the officers. They had been expecting it. "I'm sure you all know what that means." The officers all nodded their heads. Reivyn looked over to his father. "I see that you all read the contract."

"Hey, hey, we've already been over this," Refix shook his hand as if to dismiss an annoying fly. "New topic."

"Anyway," Reivyn said, turning his attention back to the other lieutenants. "Prince Allik has given us one final task. We're going to be escorting the Conscripts back to the capital. They're not going to be keeping them out here any longer in light of the enemy's recent actions. They feel the cost doesn't match the benefit for their youth."

"I'm glad to see they have a conscience," Jekle said. The others nodded along with him.

"Me, too. We don't have to concern ourselves with them after we get to the capital. They're going to go do their thing, and we just have to wait for the connection to Wispan to open. Our time here is pretty much done, and the next chapter for our mercenary company will start soon. I'll save all the flowery praise for when we're safely back in Wispan.

"Now, get your NCO's to pass the message along to the rest. Have everyone get a good night's sleep, and we'll be leaving first thing in the morning."

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