Soul of Searing Steel

Chapter 1039 - Oath

Chapter 1039: Oath
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Across the Void of the Multiverse, the endless worlds were glimmering in different radiance sprinkled over the skies just like clusters of stars.

Although the color of a large number of worlds appeared to be the silver hue of Steel Strength from the other side of dimensions, if one would examine it closer, there was a myriad of colors of radiance just above the base hue of silver, which was certainly distinct for each world.

Naturally, it was only the accomplished stargazers who could discern such subtle differences. Generally speaking, for most captains of Void vessels, they simply only needed to observe several special signs to distinguish around 90% of a world’s present situation.

White meant a recent birth: such worlds had just detached from the Vortex of Creation, with neither Flame nor Steel Strength yet to fully convert into the world itself. The interior of such realms would be very dangerous, although there would also be a small chance for extremely precious resources to form within.

Pure silver meant stability, Order and life. The more radiant the pure silver hue was, the greater the number of intelligent life within, and in turn, the stronger the Soul Cycle—in other words, the Steel Python of the world. Worlds of such hue were very rarely encountered, if ever, but basically meant that it was a hospitable world, with a civilization almost certainly existing in there.

On the other hand, black meant a deathly stillness. Life may have once existed in such a world, but all of them were now wiped out for various reasons and the world itself was slowly falling into the Abyss as time passed. There may still be demons or races yet to metamorphize into demons barely surviving in such worlds, but only the rarest of lifeforms would be able to adapt themselves to such deadly environments.

Apart from that, there were also worlds of red, golden, or purple hues, each of them respectively indicating ‘a world with tremendous internal shifts that caused dangers to the surrounding Void’, ‘living worlds without civilizations’, as well as ‘a world with a unique system of Extraordinary power within’. Those were also the more common world radiance in the Multiverse.

There was also an azure radiance that was very rare but certainly existed, with hardly anyone amongst the most accomplished of stargazers able to observe it from all the complex symptoms.

It would usually appear along with the black colored worlds and was virtually undetectable. Such a world would indicate revival and rebirth, that the Flame of the world had yet to burn out, but that the day that it reignited would come…in other words, it was a dead but transformable world, a barren realm where rebirth was possible.

Azure meant that there was still hope that had yet to come to be.

And now, endless azure flames were spreading over the entire galaxy.

“Is that…a revival of Order?!”

“Pure Steel Strength, pure vigor…but how is that possible?”

“Who? Who could be the one spreading those flames? Which world could be so extravagant and so wasteful, whimsically spreading its own lifeforce!?”

In the many dead worlds in the Lost Galaxy, many Steel Python were awakening from their extended slumber, looking around and gaping, stunned and bewildered by the azure flame which enveloped their bodies.

Those were Steel Pythons who had fallen into a long period of dormancy after the last major extinction wrought by the last Evil God invasion. They should have slowly crumbled throughout the ages or simply broken down into Abyssal wills, but now, the azure flame was spreading like a surging torrent, spreading at a speed and density which they could scarcely imagine.

In that split second, dozens of thousand Steel Pythons were roused from their long slumber, but only with a minor few of them actually having intelligence. While merely a few out of those minorities retained normal capacity for thought and logic, those Steel Pythons which still were in their right minds were World Wills that had fallen thousands of years ago in the resistance during the Glorious Era! All of them were very experienced, having witnessed the Final Battle, albeit regrettably defeated before weathering the war until the final victory.

And now, they were all revived, blessed with power from another. Be that as it may, those Steel Pythons were instinctively worried for the person who was granting them those powers, because the pure Steel Strength that had revived them was so precious—it was basically a fundamental power for the consciousness of an entire world. Though they could certainly be revived by indiscriminately spreading such power, reviving failures such as themselves was far from ideal than to have that power harnessed by one in the battle against Evil Gods.

On top of that, their own spirits were still lingering in the terrible battle which had been waged over thousands of years ago. Still, such a state of mind would certainly not be mistaken, since what awaited all of them now was an even more horrific war of finality.

But soon, those Steel Pythons realized that the being which had awakened every dormant Steel Python wanted to accomplish even more.

An ancient Steel Python poked its head out of its own world. It had been the World Will of a formerly advanced Void civilization that had fallen to the legion of Evil Gods led by the Evil God of Fertility during its invasion. The Steel Python had believed that it would slowly fade and die as the Soul Cycle within its world collapsed, and never thought that it would actually have a chance for revival. Looking around at the Void around itself and finding the one releasing the Flame and spreading wide nets of dazzling azure sparks, it offered its sincere thanks, but also beseeched that he ceased his whimsical acts in saving failures such as themselves, wasting his own precious resources when he could do better by gathering all his power in the resistance against the Evil Gods of the Chaos.

However, what it saw was a sight far exceeding everything that any Steel Python could imagine.

In the millions of worlds spread as far as the eye could see over the Lost Galaxy, black worlds without life were the vast majority—after all, the future of too many worlds in this galaxy had been cut off by the Chaos.

Now, however, the azure fiery radiance danced away and resuscitated one dead Steel Python after another…and did not stop there either.

All of them could see the azure flame darting into a dormant world where no life or civilization had ever come to be, simply wafting alone through the Void like an inconspicuous stone. Even so, when the azure flame had gushed within the world, it did not take long for a newly-born, cloudy-eyed Steel Python, which was simply unaware of what was going on, to be born within the stillness of dormancy.

And then there were dozens, hundreds, thousands, and dozens of thousands—until that same sight came to be in every single world.

As the self-aware Steel Pythons watched while all of the other cultivated Steel Pythons arose from the dead realms, all of them felt an earnest mystery. They had yet to realize what was really happening and were under the impression that some world they were unacquainted with had gone out of luck and did not retain its own intelligence. Soon, however, as the cultivated Steel Pythons deliberately darted away from their own worlds and brought along the power at an entire world’s disposal, following the distant azure flame by instinct, all of them felt a chill to the bone.

Then, when the cultivated Steel Pythons all left their worlds, the outer radiance of those realms also began to fade into what was almost silence, leaving just a little glimmering azure light which maintained a faint chance of revival for them.

Still, it could very well fade anytime as well.

“No, that isn’t right!”

One of the intelligent Steel Pythons shrank into its own world, all of its body scales hence squeezing together and revealing its genuine nervousness. “That is almost the same as using a cheap trick to drain the power we have, along with our world’s!”


“By growing those Steel Pythons and harnessing the scattered energy within a single world into one body, and then claiming the power of such a Steel Python…”

Meanwhile, another Steel Python had managed to analyze even more, but it was being pensive and not as nervous as the other Steel Python. “If the being which had awakened us and grown those newborn Steel Pythons had to sacrifice power rated at ten, the gains from the Steel Python of a small world would at least be over a hundred…and it is certainly needless to speak for the Steel Pythons of larger realms.”

“In addition, even such a theft would be different from an Abyss, and the outcome would be nothing other than those worlds losing all Extraordinary essence and hence reverting to dormancy. And in his defense, he had left the seeds for revival and did not claim everything, only harvesting the fruits while leaving the roots untouched.”

Could it be that another champion is waging war against the Chaos that was without end? So, things have now come to this, that even with what strength remains within corpses of the defeated such as us or the trace amounts of Extraordinary within those dormant worlds are not spared.

To pick up the residual ashes of that which had been burnt…there was no telling whether the source of that power was impressive or miserable.

The Steel Python looked around the Void, and saw thousands of grown Steel Pythons heading for the center of the galaxy within its own sector alone. It looked on, falling into profound thought.

Then, it deliberately left its own world, moving alongside the swarm of cultivated Steel Pythons, which were without self-awareness.

Either way, it had nothing left.

Both its children and its world were already devastated, its heart falling to sheer despondency and staying that way even after it had been roused. It could feel the distant presence of Chaos that lingered afar, and that the being who had granted the Flame upon worlds at least served Order—he was willing to revive the numerous World Wills, and even though it was solely to claim the power they possessed, the Steel Python felt gratitude that the dead and defeated such as themselves were allowed a return to the world.

Even if it was only for the briefest of moments.

That was why it would go forth, to see the reason that moved the hand of that existence of Order to do such a thing…

If they truly served Order and their actions was to repel the infinite Chaos in a single decisive war, then it shall allow them to claim whatever strength was left in its broken body.

Hence, Steel Python from across worlds gathered into a raging torrent that surged towards the heart of the galaxy, heading towards the Giant God of Steel who had now become the axis of the galaxy.


To accomplish all that, Joshua had already made preparations even before he entered the Vortex of Creation.

In the first place, the warrior did not have much extra intentions. All he wanted to do was to revive worlds and breathe new life into the many still worlds, which was why he had sent Ying and Ling, tailoring armors for them so that they could spread azurites over every corner of the galaxy—that was even before the expedition to the cosmos. Nonetheless, having been entrusted with such an important task, the divine armament siblings had covered even the most remote corners of the Lost Galaxy within a brief twenty years, burying the seeds of hope.

In fact, Joshua himself had done a similar thing when he remained in the Vortex of Creation following the defeat of the Evil God of Death. At the time, he had poured substantial Restoration Beams—which were his own essence—into the reborn Vortex of Creation, allowing the silver metal pillars to flow along the motions of the Vortex and naturally spread out over the entire galaxy. It was the warrior’s preparation against any excessively powerful champion that might appear, and reality eventually proved that such an enemy did exist in the form of a Demi Saint: The Ultimate Sublimator Collective.

Later, when he entered the Vortex of Creation for a second time and unraveled the mystery of the Eternity of Evil God, he repeated the same thing too: the many worlds that the warrior created acted as center points, and along with the use his own power, he placed his mark upon every world born in the Vortex Creation within a certain period of time.

By using those marks, essences, as well as the azurites that the divine armament siblings had spread, Joshua’s azure flame had ignited upon the entire Lost Galaxy.

Standing aloft in the central axis of the galaxy and allowing the worlds to orbit around himself, the four-armed Giant God of Steel looked around at the skies without a word.

He could see that the surging streams of Steel Pythons were arriving like a downpour of raindrops or a hail of snowflakes blowing at his face, pouring onto his body and covering him in a layer armor which was compact and sturdy like no other.

Each Steel Python, which carried almost all Extraordinary powers inside a world, were merely a scale upon the armor—the transition of mass was simply exceedingly complex that there was no time for Joshua to consume all of those worlds with the approaching waves of Evil Gods. It was therefore much better to bless the energy circulations of worlds with self-awareness, allowing those energies to converge upon his body.

“This power…”

The warrior murmured in awe and spread all four of his arms, his body surging with endless twisted halos—those were the formations of the many Steel Pythons connecting and fusing with each other, azure and silver light gathering, floating, and dancing around like fires around the Giant God. Where Joshua’s eyes were, scarlet and blinding divine radiance permeated the Void, causing even the worlds on the other side to tremble.

Hence, a dense, serpentine belt of light began to appear over Joshua’s arm. It wrapped around the warrior’s four arms and shoulders, shifting like a rising corona. Hence, as if the entire galaxy was left in fear of Joshua’s transformation, even the speed of its rotation became quicker. Endless worlds hence began to quake a tinge just because he existed.

“It is done.”

At that very moment, the awakening of innumerable Steel Pythons was akin to having self-awareness born unto the entire galaxy, a galactic class of Steel Python hence being born—and that Steel Python had coiled itself over Joshua’s body, increasing his strength without limit while also acting as his protection.

It was an intricate plundering, a convergence that occured naturally and was no different from having massive clouds of nebulae drawing in other nebulae to eventually form a star. Likewise with the profound assemblage of Steel Strength that assembled all Steel Strength adrift on its own into a greater existence, while that could cause the Flame of the galaxy to darkness, it was always better than allowing it to shine and dazzle before ending up being consumed by the Evil Gods.

A long time thus passed—most Steel Pythons that had been grown were now the armor than shrouded Joshua’s form amidst bright fiery flame. The armor itself was plain and unadorned, with not much excessive decorations save for the densely-arranged scales over it. Runes in the shape of φ hovered above it, with silver and red radiance converging and hovering over its surface like a raging flame and emitting unending sparks.

The sparks danced and illuminated the Void, with every overflowing spark burning with the illusory image of a world, everything inside set ablaze and hence reduced to ashes.

A seemingly-imaginary crown materialized and hovered over the head of the four-armed Giant God. The crown itself was basically a form of rune and an acknowledgement, pouring energy into worlds by using sources such as souls or even Chaos. In turn, worlds would pour energy into it, in a mutually beneficial relationship known as the Soul Searing, and the greatest individual who held such an authority would be the King of Searing Soul.

And now, Joshua was injecting energy into the entire galaxy, just as the entire galaxy injected its energy into him.

[King of Searing Souls—Galactic Form]

That was power far greater than the previous time when Joshua had combined forms with the Steel Python of Stellaris, with Joshua being even stronger than he was then as the controller. Now, in the split second when the Galactic Form of the King of Searing Soul had come to be, the warrior could feel that almost every world across the galaxy had become a part of himself—virtually every single cultivated Steel Python had all fused within, becoming Joshua’s hands, feet, body, and heart.

He seemed to have become a Steel Python of an entire galaxy, able to feel the Soul Cycles within every world. All of those cycles and circulations had actually converged upon the Vortex of Creation—the origins of the galaxy—and if the galaxy itself had an individual consciousness, it would definitely have been born within, just like how the moment when the Evil God of Death was about to be born had almost turned the entire Vortex of Creation into its personal Darkest Abyss.

Even so, Joshua would not do something like that. All he needed was power, and not to gulp down the entire galaxy.

Moreover, it was not to say that only the Steel Pythons which Joshua had cultivated were coming to him.


In the vast torrent of Steel like no other, there were also World Wills that were going to Joshua on their own will.

Over the long journey, they saw the withering galaxies and the infinite legions of Chaos in the distance, as well as the warrior’s armor, which was composed of the multitude of World Wills, all of which were utilized without any form of waste.

At the same time, the divine being of Steel was staring towards the distance and was about to depart.

Bring us along!

Let us go forward together.

Do not leave me behind!

For the future or for revenge, or simply because they had once been left behind and as such, were reluctant to be left behind for a second time, they willingly joined the ranks of other Steel Pythons. They would accompany the great one who was unrivaled, and hence journey towards the faraway stars for an expedition that was like no other in history.

What was more, there was certainly no lack of beings that Joshua was familiar with in the profound torrent.

The Steel Python Karlis was there, hidden amongst the tides of worlds as if intent on concealing itself. Even so, Joshua had identified it at a single glace, recognizing the familiar presence it had.

“You actually don’t have to come.”

The voice of the Giant God who stood at the center of the galaxy left the Void shaking, having the force to actually move worlds. He stared at the Steel Python, which he placed upon his own palm, and flatly said, “I would not force even Steel Pythons that have personal will, and those that are here have come because of their disappointment or to fight for the sake of revenge. And you, Karlis…my friend, there is still life growing within your body, and you still have a future to speak of.”

“It was with great difficulty that the world of Karlis reignited its flame. You do not have to come, please make haste and return.”


Having been discovered and hence reluctant to hide any further, Karlis answered determinedly and solemnly, its resolve as sturdy as Steel. “I will fight with you.”

“Joshua, do you know that the survivors of Grandia that lived within my body have already founded a new civilization? I feel joy for their development but I am still at a loss, for I am ever aware that they would never be my children regardless. I would love them—and I had tried, but in the end, I must acknowledge that the hate I hold for Evil Gods is greater than any love I feel.

“All of my children have perished, falling to the Evil God. Though I have told you before that hatred, no matter how much it was ingrained to the bone, would merely be insignificant dust and ripples in the Multiverse, that clinging upon it would never really allow us to advance, I have already made my choice—my desire for revenge is my path forward.”

Even as it spoke, the Steel Python lowered its head to level its gaze with the Giant God of Steel. Its eyes were immeasurably determined, and it spoke with great determination, “Joshua, do not hesitate. Allow me to become your power!”

“Whether it is life or death that lies in the future, let us go forward together!”

The Giant God could not refuse, and so breathed a sighed and clenched his fist.

Silver radiance dazzled as the power of Karlis converged upon Joshua. He could sense that the will of Karlis was with him, just like the other intelligent Steel Pythons that had willingly come to him and become his power.

Even the Steel Python of Simboa had come to him from the Void Vortex. It appeared to be cowering, seemingly embarrassed when it saw Joshua, even voicing an apology beforehand.

“I understand that I am ill-fitting as a Steel Python.”

It mumbled quietly with a hint of regret at the Giant God, as if also recalling its scarce few memories. “I have disappointed too many lives and hence should atone for it…I know that the power of a world such as myself would not count for much to you, but I too could see the darkness that extends as far as the eye could see. I am aware that you might not if you don’t succeed, Joshua, the entire galaxy and the cosmos would hence come to be destroyed, but I just wish to tell you that if you don’t mind, I could help you—even if it is just for a little.”

“Well, at least you look the part now, Simboa.”

Joshua sighed and tried to dissuade it as well. “The superhumans and the Soul Puppets need your guidance, not to mention that your world has ascended once—there is still plenty in your future, just as I am convinced that you could change yourself to become a competent World Will…you don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I have hesitated too.”

Simboa acknowledged the fact heartily, but its tone still recovered to calmness. “Even so, my children, the Simboans, have been destroyed because of my inaction, whereas the superhumans and the Soul Puppets are developing steadily, no longer requiring the assistance of its Steel Python before long. I do not have to keep leading them at all, and now is the time to make amends for my sins. I had also left the seed for a new Steel Python, and it would grow into the Steel Python belonging to the new Simboans.”

“I shall entrust their own destiny upon their own hands, while I will burn with what life I have left to illuminate a little part of the darkness for the sake of their future.”

Thus, the Steel Python of Simboa became one with Joshua as well.

In a far-flung corner of the Lost Galaxy, a world that appeared to be dead and covered in dust had suddenly opened its outer seal and revealed light.

Father Nature unbounded the seal enclosing the world of Illgner. The old tree looked up upon the infinite Void from within the world, with tears overflowing upon his face.

“I am nothing but a cowardly god.”

Once upon a time, the terrible devastation resulting from his battle against the Evil Gods had turned the Mycroft continent upside down, just as he should have fallen in battle. Even so, whether it had been out of cowardice or out of his desire to protect the elven race, he had chosen flight, bringing along the elves which survived upon the continent away from those fields of war, arriving upon a faraway and remote world, before sealing itself with the intent of escaping the great calamity.

He knew that he was very feeble and irresponsible, even abandoning some of his children to save others…he also knew how great his sins were, but fate left him no chance of fixing things—the Glorious Era had fallen, while some visitors from the Starfall civilization actually helped him repel an invading Evil God.

He did not help in any way to speak of.

To prevent Evil Gods from tracing the portals and hence reaching the home world, he had sealed Illgner in the hopes that the calamity would not extend towards it…but now, as the legion of Evil Gods which could engulf entire galaxies advanced towards them, in the face of the visitors that would devour the entire cosmos without leaving anything behind—what good was running?

“Ah…I finally understand now.”

The massive World Tree slowly uprooted itself, sighing as it dragged along its roots. The endlessly blossoming Father Nature hence began to turn into an obscure stream of light, hence heading off to the Void beyond the world. As every elf in Illgner looked on in astonishment, while the World Will watched indifferently but also breathed a sigh in reflex, the True God gave up on all imagination.

He had ultimately understood a single thing, and one that he should have known several thousands of years ago.

“Against the disaster of darkness and calamity of end that even the infinite stars and cosmos could not stop, against the enemy that is without end…”

Cowards would only ever end up with no place to hide.

Praying and hiding never brought about peace, just as waiting or pretending not to see never solved any problems. Likewise, peace and stability would never come if one would resort to closing their eyes, muffling their ears and saying nothing.

Only the courageous would survive.

To live on steadily or even normally was ever so difficult in the dark Multiverse…that was why courage had to be mustered.

It was time to go!

And so, amidst blinding divine light that turned into a vast surge, the deity went forth, returning to the ranks that he had once deserted. It was not for atonement, since he does not deserve such a thing, but the deity was simply accomplishing the duty he presently held as a divine being.

This time, he would not run away in cowardice.


In the world of Mycroft, a broken realm which had already been emptied and its continents cut out and taken away, with the departure of every god, Legendary champion, and all intelligent beings, along with the detachment of the Infinite Horizon, it was now merely an independent demiplane darting towards the Silent Void.

There was no telling whether it was deliberate or coincidence, but in the World Inner of Mycroft, a massive seal was slowly unlocking.

In no time at all, the Steel Python of Mycroft—the dark serpent which had been infected with Chaos—appeared upon the world once more.

Chaos infection was defined as the reversed flow of future possibilities. In itself, probabilities eroded by Malevolent Chaos contained inestimable information belonging to parallel worlds and the future, and insanity would be perfectly ordinary, while rationality was the exception after being such by such volumes of data. Apart from the Mastermind, there was basically no existence which could put such erratic masses into use, for any individual will would be consumed by the exceeding probabilities and become a part of the Chaos.

It was only by setting on fire that the futures of Chaos would hence be destroyed, restored as genuine unknowns once more instead of acting as cornerstones manipulated by another. The Sage and Mycroft had once thought about accomplishing that, but the time that they had was simply not enough—the Sage had to hurry along his path to stop the root of calamity, since the fate of a single world was nothing too concerning in comparison to the terrible disaster that threatened the Multiverse.

On the other hand, the Mastermind would have another second to maintain its progress if the Sage was late for a single second, hence accumulating even greater power.

But now, the seal was opened after the azure Flame swept past it. And when it was awakened, the Steel Python could feel that its corrupted state was much lesser than before, and it hence looked around itself in shock to find its broken world, before turning towards the distant Void.

“How early…so, the day has come?”

The Mother of All Things had once been convinced that it would have to wait for a long time until a power that could save it—or indeed a power that destroyed it—would finally reach it, and never would it have imagined that the day would come so quickly…the broken world of Mycroft and its utter emptiness certainly left it puzzled, but it was not too surprised either.

Because it could sense that the profound waves of Chaos had come once again.

“O children of mine…but what did all of you wish for with the release of my seal? That I would run? Or to restore my freedom in my final moments?”

But that is without meaning, children.

All of my friends are already dead, with not much left of my own descendants, the ancient gods all reduced to broken Marks and not a single champion of the past surviving. My best friend has left too, to go for a faraway place in the Multiverse to chase after the light of the Initial Flame…in this lonely Multiverse, what is the meaning to restoring my freedom?

Thus, the Steel Python laughed and sighed, feeling joy as the eras moved on. Though incomplete, the ability to ignite a Flame that could torch the Chaos was certainly not something the Sage could do either—Mycroft therefore sighed over all that, because the Chaos had come, and the apocalypse was nigh.

Hence, flailing its dark tail, the Steel Python freely entered the Void, darting to the center of the Void.

“Do not refuse me, child.”

It streaked past the stars and traversed through the boundless Void, and it could see the familiar silhouette of the titanic God of Steel, who was raising his right hand and igniting a light that shone upon all of the cosmos. The Steel Python then smiled and spoke when it noticed the expression on the Giant God’s face.

“Last time, it was the Sage…now, it is you. This time, descendants whom I am proud of, allow me to fight alongside all of you once again.”

Therefore, whether it had been a sigh or a bleak scream, with a resounding sacred cry which left worlds shaking and the split second that a radiance shone, every power that was in existence was one with Joshua.

“It’s time to go,” he thus said, his voice resounding over worlds. Beside the Giant God, the many champions and civilizations from many worlds hence echoed him, “It’s time to go!”


The Giant God was not alone in keeping the stars together as if acting as the axis. There were also many gods and individuals surrounding him just like comets orbiting stars, stars which rotated around a galaxy. All of them had followed right behind the Giant God to reach this place, and determinedly swore an oath.

The oath to protect the cosmos.

What were they actually going to do? The ordinary people simply did not know—nor did the normal Legendary-tier individuals, for that matter. All of them simply could not clearly see the exceedingly turbid darkness beyond the Void, unsure and unaware of anything, much less the objective of those champions.

Still, the reality was that even the many champions right beside Joshua were not very clear about their very own purpose.

Were they actually heading for the Silent Void to repel every invading Evil God, or were they paving a path so that others could leave, bringing with them the shelters of endless civilizations?

They simply knew nothing, and yet all of them still determinedly prepared to head out, holding the belief that it was a guaranteed death and a heart of sacrifice.

Be that as it may, just as the Giant God arose and was ready to step out, two blinks of light suddenly exuded in the Void.

One was silver, the other golden-black.

Joshua quietly paused at the sight, watching as they approached him and stopped beside his hand.

“Are you two really coming along, Ying, Ling?”

The Giant God asked slowly and seriously. “There is no turning back from this fight, for this is a resistance where death is assured. Have you thought about it, weapons of mine?”

There was no need to answer that question—neither of the divine armament siblings said a thing, and simply presented their presence, both of which were Legendary.

Using that power which they had trained for a long time, they proved their own resolve along with their own intentions.

Would this not do either, Master?

Can’t we follow you forward with how we are now, Master?

Any more words were not needed.

That was why the Giant God shook his head, breathing a sigh and smiling. “If that is so, let’s go together.”

“Fire of Ying, Light of Ling—return to my bones.”

He reached out to hold both blinks of light, with silver sacred light that burned the eye shining within the very next moment, a silver great sword and a black giant axe hence appearing. Tightly gripped in the four-armed Giant God’s hands, their bonds to him were so strong that it was as if they were a part of his body.

That was incorrect, because they were a part of his own body in the first place.

With everything completed and all preparations ready, the Giant God hence moved and departed.

Countless other champions kept up with the footsteps of the Giant God, all of them becoming a majestic surge of radiance as they began their journey. Anyone who could see that sight in the Silent Void would have witnessed the sight of a galaxy’s light fading, with millions of small blinks that were drawing long radiant trails like comets, determinedly heading out to the dark Void and the advancing infinite tentacles of darkness.


Inside the Ether Ring World of the Silent Void.

Zero Three, acting as the core process hub of the Mana Net and central control of the Ether Ring World, gazed upon that same sight.

She could see multitudes of Steel Pythons and champions she was familiar with leaving with that person whom she was so familiar with.

She could see that, just as they had wished for, the divine armament siblings could follow their master into battle.

The Armageddon.

Meanwhile, she was raring to go herself…Zero Three wanted to go forth because she had the power too, a power that was greater than the divine armament siblings’—with the legacy from a god, the power of the Mana Net, and the results of her own hard training, her power would not dull in comparison to any other champion’s.

Even so, a sonorous voice called out from the depths of the AI girl’s spirit.

“Don’t come, Zero Three.”

It was that man’s voice—calm, but cautioning. “The others are allowed to, but not you.”

“Should everything fall to darkness and death, should our last stand fail, should we finally be reduced to dust wafting in the Void…”

“Then you would be my last hope. You will become our last hope.”

That sonorous voice soon faded. But even as Zero Three listened to the voice of her heart and felt the ‘seed’ hidden in the Mana Net Server and the Ether Ring World, she could not help but clench her fist and chew her lip, only to finally relax in dejection.

“You are right…”

The girl muttered in disappointment and frustration. “You have always been right…”

“But didn’t you said that beings of wisdom do not have to keep doing the right thing? I have the right to choose to be a fool too, to make mistakes and act on my whims…”

Nevertheless, that would not do, or at least not now. Zero Three understood that only she should not go, that she had to protect herself and ensure her own safety.

It was clearly nothing too significant, since every single person had their own duty.

Still, for some reason, Zero Three was crying.

“Joshua… Joshua…”

At the core of the Mana Net, the girl who manifested out of data curled into ball, holding her own knees as her wings covered her sides, preventing anyone else from seeing her own tearful face.

“My friend, my hero,” she murmured ever so softly, “don’t leave us, I beg you…I beg you, please come back…”


However, the warrior could not hear that voice.

As the warrior rushed forward to the battlefield in silent resolve, he could no longer hear any voice. The instant when he drew his determined weapons meant that the divide between life and death was drawn.

The flame was ablaze and surging in advance, the ever-present blaze igniting the Void of silence and leaving worlds shuddering in its wake.

The power and hope of worlds had gathered upon him. That is why Joshua van Radcliffe swore that he would never give up or disappoint.

The King of Searing Souls would shoulder everything, save everything, and correct everything.

It was an oath, one that the man had kept and obeyed since ascending as Legend.

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