Soul Merger

Monsterpedia Supplemental - Variant Monsters

Monsterpedia Supplemental - Variant Monsters

Monsters, especially those with elemental or humanoid base forms, can have a massive variety of small, but significant alternate forms. These frequently are called variant or Elite monsters, and while cataloguing all the different variants is impossible, we've included several examples. We've also added the differences in merge abilities. While most of the good ones are well known, it's helpful to have a reference.

Strangely, variants almost never occur for Level V monsters. And level IV monsters with variants are usually just elemental re-flavorings.

Mage Variant

One of the more common and more annoying variants, these creatures have more internal magic and an instinctual knowledge on how to use it. Mage variants only occur in creatures with humanoid intelligence, and usually are smarter then their companions. Though smarter doesn't mean much in certain cases.

Mage variants seem to gravitate towards attack spells. Or perhaps they ignore healing and buffs due to their drive to kill humans. However, the elements they use are chosen mostly at random. A merfolk mage almost certainly won't be throwing around fire, but they're just as likely to hit you with a blast of stone as a wave of ice.

Merge Alterations : If you're lucky enough to get a mage variant as a merge, you'll likely get a increased base magical strength, and possible learn a few simple magical tricks. Don't expect much past throwing simple elemental blasts however, unless you get proper training and a good staff to focus your newfound magic.

It might be worth getting a few spell chips and learning basic magic! Beginner's staves are cheaper than you might think, and having an inexhaustible ranged attack is useful for everyone!

Skilled Variant

This variant is one of the most dangerous, not because of the massive power they hold, but because it's impossible to tell them apart from their fellows. Limited purely to humanoids, Skilled monsters have a variety of techniques they can use. And we do mean variety. A random Minotaur might have a charge skill, but a Skilled Minotaur can have several attack techniques using many different weapons.

And yes, unarmed attacks count. Don't assume the ogre can't punch you to death.

Merge Alterations : It took some time to notice the merge benefits of Skilled creatures, both because the boosts are hard to notice and it's hard to tell if a captured creature is skilled. In general humans who merge with a Skilled Variant find it easier to master techniques the monster knew before. This can be quite helpful, or totally useless depending on the merge.

Sadly it's nearly impossible to know all the techniques a skilled merge might give you. They usually have quite a few, but given the vast array of techniques the chances you grab a monster with all axe skills after training with a greatsword are very high.

Leader Variant

Also known as the Alpha variant, these monsters are easy to identify. They're bigger, stronger, and more intelligent then their peers. They tend mostly to form when a horde is massing. Leaders frequently have abilities similar to a mage or skilled variant as well, if they're of the right creature type. However leaders can appear to any sort of monster.

Leader monsters show some control over their fellows, and can convince monsters to show greater tactical skill then usual. They are still monsters though and once they start fighting, they won't stop.

Merge Alterations : Leader merges tend to be 'more' of the merge. Physical alterations are more pronounced, benefits are increased, and downsides tend to be boosted as well. Fortunately the downsides aren't usually as pronounced as the upsides. Leader merges also seem to generally benefit more from the merge, removing some physical limitations, and boosting health.

Tamers have found a Leader merge does give them slightly more power over affiliated monsters. However, if the difference is enough to matter, you might not be a good trainer.

Elemental Variant

Perhaps the most common alteration and the most impactful. Elemental variants are changes to monsters with a strong elemental bent to better fit local conditions. The most common example is how earth burrowing monsters will change to lava swimming monsters in volcanic labyrinths. Or air based entities will swap to vortexes in the water. However huge changes are still possible, like the infamous magma labyrinth shark.

Fortunately the techniques for defeating these creatures don't usually change much. And since they mimic the attack types of the surrounding labyrinth, you should already be prepared for those elements.

Merge Alterations : As might be expected there's a lot of ways the merge can change. Obviously elemental affinities will shift to match the correct element. But you can get some terrible side alterations as well. For example the magma labyrinth shark likely allows merged people to breath lava instead of water. We can't confirm however since it doesn't offer enough heat resistance to survive being immersed in lava.

Sometimes elemental variants appear in neutrally aligned dungeons. While the typical adventurer adage is 'color coded for your convenience' you can get in a lot of trouble if you mistake fire red for lava dark red. Best to experiment from a distance with a good line of retreat.

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