Soul Merger

Monsterpedia Supplemental - Unique Monster Types

Monsterpedia Supplemental - Unique Monster Types

There have been many attempts to categorize monsters into groups. From body shape to magical powers, researchers have tried creating sets of monsters for centuries. While there are still several systems fighting to break into the mainstream, there are five categories of monsters all researchers agree upon. General Monsters, Fey, Demons, Dragons, and Angels.

These divides seem to happen not because of any specific external similarities, but because of the nature of monster souls. Most monster souls are composite, meaning they're not well bound to the body and are highly unstable. This is widely believed to be the cause of monster aggression, as their need to 'fix' their malformed soul causes them to lash out. However it seems possible that certain desires or emotions might either fill the needs of a composite soul creature or perhaps even allow a complete soul to manifest. Each of these unique monster types interacts with humanity differently because of those foundational elements.

In addition, with a complete souled monster, the drives that allowed them to form a complete soul are unlikely to fade after death. That means complete souled monsters will return unless their soul is destroyed or merged to a human. Fortunately, it takes some time for the soul to recover from death and find a place to reincarnate. But they still retain their skills and powers from before.

Dragons :

We'll start with the strangest group. Dragons seem to be formed by souls with strong self confidence and self reliance. They are secure in their innate power and status, and they are rewarded with the might of a dragon. This may be why there's no composite soul equivalent of dragons. You're either self confident enough to become one, or you aren't. Failure relegates those souls to the general monster group.

As beings with strong will, they tend towards haughty, greedy, and violent. However most also seem to have a code of conduct. And strangely they're rarely infuriated by defeat at the hands of mortals. The whys of that are still being argued both among humans and, apparently, among dragons.

Our guess is that anyone who's a sore loser doesn't have enough real confidence to be a dragon.

Fey :

Fey are the most common and at the same time the most diverse of the four groups. They seem to be brought about by a harmony with nature. Whether it be fondness for plants, fascination with spring, or just a strong love of a place, fey tend to be far more interested in their surroundings then in humanity. This doesn't make them friendly by any means. Just it's possible to coexist with fey regardless of whether they have complete or composite souls.

Lesser fey are very common, ranging from dryads and flower fairies that exist only tend their gardens, to cait sith and leannán sídhe which love to influence humans. Greater fey have complete souls, and should be treated with caution and respect. Most greater fey consider themselves naturally better than humans, due to their age and connection to the world around them.

When dealing with fey it's important to remember they can be reasoned with, but they do not follow human reasoning. A dryad considers a tree more valuable than the lives of a dozen humans.

Honestly there's so many variants of fey that it's almost a catch all group itself. I suppose it is important to know what monsters won't immediately try to eat your face. But you don't get much info past that. 'Nature' can mean a lot of things.

Demons :

Demons are formed from negative emotions. Hate, obsession, and rage usually, but petty grudges and resentments can form demons as well. A Demon is not forced to hate humanity, but most do for various reasons.

Lesser demons are composite souls created in areas of great trauma, or by a mass of dark desires. The site of a delver killed in a fit of jealousy could form a Dark Stalker, while labyrinths used as dumping sites for bodies can form Flayers or Demonic Lancers. While one might assume these creature's hatred and desire to kill might make them the same as other monsters, demons have greater cunning and spite. Lesser demons will give up a chase they think they might lose, and will draw out an attack to get as much pain and suffering from it as possible. Their goals are usually slaughter, but they're much better at accomplishing those goals.

Greater demons are less universally evil than their counterparts, but far more dangerous. Greater demons are all guided by an obsession. Something they'll do anything to achieve. And "anything" ranges from genocide to politely asking. Greater demons are not innate stronger than humans, but they have unique magic and skills that they've spent ages training. When dealing with one find out what they want and either get out of the way, or kill them quickly.

Are there young and weak Greater Demons out there? Yes, somewhere. Should you assume the one you meet is? Not if you want to live.

Angels :

Lastly come angels. Angels are not the perfect reflection of demons. Instead angels are based around a need to protect something. Whether that be 'all humanity' or 'this sacred relic' an angel is fanatically devoted to defending their charge. They will gladly die for it, or more commonly, kill for it.

There was some confusion when originally naming angels. Greater angels are the ones with composite souls. They were named greater angels because they usually have more power than their complete souled counterparts. Greater angels also have less humanoid forms, ranging from flaming wheels to orbs of eyes and wings. If a Greater Angel decides to protect you or help you they're an ally without peer. If they decide you're a danger to their charge they're a terrifying menace.

Lesser angels meanwhile are much closer to humanity. They usually have one or two types of people they are compelled to protect. But outside of that they're not much stronger than the average person. In addition their complete souls means they're decently easy to talk to and reason with. It's foolish to consider an angel inherently good, but you can general trust them as much as anyone you meet on the street.

The authors strongly feel lesser angels should be allowed freely in society so we can benefit from their knowledge and longevity. However a few incidents in the past with lesser angels trying to 'overthrow tyranny' means that's probably a faint hope.

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