Soul Merger

Monsterpedia 49 - Flesh Golem


Flesh Golem

Monster Level - III-IV

Soul Type - None

Intelligence - Automata

Strength - Massive

Magic - None*

Rarity - Very Rare

Frequently mistaken for undead, flesh golems are creatures constructed from the flesh and sinew of humans and monsters. These gross monsters are, unfortunately, only constrained by the madness of their creators and the materials (corpses) available. There seems to be no limit to what strange forms can be smashed together and animated. Fortunately the further the creature gets from something 'normal' the less effectively it seems to use all its parts.

Flesh golems are not real monsters, containing no soul and can only be created by spellcasters and unique abilities. That means if you run into one you can be certain its master is out there somewhere, probably nearby. And if you leave that creature alive they'll likely rebuild their broken servants.

It's hard to give an exhaustive listing of flesh golem techniques, just because it requires a powerful caster to create one. As such they tend to be customized to a high degree. The one universal truth is they're strong, tough, but can usually be destroyed by most things that destroy meat. Individual flesh golems have been seen to possess caustic blood, swarms of dangerous insects, magical traps, or even smaller flesh golems.

"Why don't mages build flesh golems to handle disgusting tasks?" One because it's very hard, two because it's decently expensive, and three because they smell like rotting meat constantly. You don't want this.


Common Name : None

Golems lack even the soul traces an undead monster possesses. You're more likely to get a merge off a head of lettuce.

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