Soul Merger

Monsterpedia 43 - Abomination



Monster Level - IV

Soul Type - Composite

Intelligence - Insane

Strength - Massive

Magic - None?

Rarity - Created

These horrible creatures have only been created four times according to our records, and fortunately do not seem to appear naturally. However, the writers of this tome feel it is important to catalogue the monster, not just so that people don't make the mistake of recreating it, but so that people know how to defeat it if it does arise naturally.

All recorded abominations have been formed by people trying to 'fix' dead magic zones. These attempts involved pouring large amounts of mana and life energy into the area. It was assumed that this would fix the magic damage and probably create a lot of slimes as a side effect the reality was a lot worse.

Abominations are a massive blob of human and animal bodies , smooshed together in a horrible amalgam. It's many limbs and help it roll in a direction, while it's heads scream and bite at anything nearby. It's said that the humanoid heads were able to speak, though no one could make out anything sensible through the commotion.

While it's easy to damage an abomination, individual wounds don't really stop the creature. You can stab as many eyes hearts and lungs as you can find, but it won't kill the creature as a whole. It will impact the individual arms legs and mouths attacking in the local area, so it's a good tactic to run away. Actually killing the creature involved a large amount of fire applied liberally and constantly.

Attempts were tried with only magical energy and no soul energy. However there were no results until the magic started pulling in souls at which point an abomination formed. Further attempts showed no success and were shut down when soul energy started arriving.


As there's only been four created, no one has had the opportunity to merge with this creature. And given the effort required to kill one, no one really is interested in testing what the merge could be. A few research requests were put in, but even the most generous towers are unwilling to waste money on this kind of experiment. Even if a merge volunteer could be found.

Why would you even want to attach your soul to that?

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