Soul Merger

Monsterpedia 38 - Mimic



Monster Level - I

Soul Type - Composite

Intelligence - Very Low

Strength - Weak

Magic - High

Rarity - Very Rare(?)

Mimics are a variant of slimes, with slightly more soul energy but condensed around the idea of 'manufactured objects' rather than elemental or natural forces. How this occurs is not fully understood, though mimic like slimes have been created in mage laboratories. Mimics are highly valued for study since they have a large number of qualities that don't match standard monsters. However, they're difficult to find, and even harder to catch.

As their name suggests mimics try to copy other objects. This will range from pretending to be a chest or chair, to pretending to be a coat of paint on the wall. Sometimes mimics will destroy or move the object they're copying, other tines they'll just plop down somewhere in the area. This mimicry is perfect to everything except touch. At least so long as the mimic is the right size to copy the object.

Mimics have almost no aggression instinct, and no one is quite sure why. The only way to get a mimic to attack is to touch one, at which point it lashes out in a rage. The blows of a mimic aren't much stronger than an unarmed human, but they do leak mildly caustic slime, so clean your clothes and weapons after fighting one. Killing a mimic is as hard as killing a slime, and usually requires magic, but a fair amount of physical violence will damage the thing enough to make it completely harmless instead of mostly harmless.

The 'fake chest' is the most popular depiction of a mimic, and it is annoying. But the true danger of mimics is the fact that they can copy important landmarks or waypoints. More adventurers have been killed because a mimic got them lost than because one ambushed them.


Benefits : Disguise slime, Defense slime, Regeneration

Weaknesses : Scopophobia

Given the general interest in mimics, and the possible benefits a merge might have, several mages took the plunge and tried merging with a mimic. The results are very mixed. They end up secreting slime, but unlike generic slime merges they have considerably more control over the properties of that slime. They can make the substance 'no stick,' change the colors, and even harden and soften it at will. This allows them to change colors and body texture like a chameleon or octopus, though they're stuck in human shape. It also helps resist attacks, and induce healing when they are injured.

However mimic merges suffer from moderate scopophobia, or a fear of being seen. Walking around in public becomes 'absolutely harrowing' according to one subject. And actions like public speaking or performing become absolutely impossible. Merges are uncomfortable being directly watched by close friends and family, which can cause serious mental issues all on its own.

The common opinion around getting this merge is 'don't'. However the Tower will happily provide testimonials to the curious. So if you don't trust us, feel free to look up what others have to say.

It's theorized that the reason this merge is so crippling is that the mental merge doesn't override the human need for socialization, because mimics are too weak to give a 'full' merge. However experiments on this have not gone well for anyone. It seems increasing mimic intelligence makes them far more hostile, which leads to either the mimic or mage dying.

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